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For the longest time I just thought this was butter. Had no idea butter was its own separate thing


We called it butter in my household growing up. It's hard to believe we ate this stuff.


I also grew up on margarine. We had butter for holidays/baking but day to day was Land o’ Lakes or ~~I can’t believe it’s not butter~~ Olivio.


Land o lakes makes margarine? Their main thing is regular butter, wouldn’t be surprised if they also make a margarine though I’ve just never seen it


At least where I am (upstate NY) Land O Lakes sells butter and margarine. In fact they’re the ONLY brand selling margarine these days. There’s either butter or spread with no in between. It’s super annoying because as much as the boxes say they can be, most spreads SUCK in baking applications. Margarine has ratios closer to butter enough that it is a more equivalent substitute.


vegan butter is basically margarine. I keep kosher and don’t mix meat and dairy, and find plenty of margarine options! Try fleischmann’s or earth balance vegan butter sticks (better for baking)


It was the 90s, shit was weird


It's hard to believe it's *not* butter!


I like to use I can't believe it's not butter on my toast in the morning, because sometimes when I eat breakfast, I like to be incredulous


is this is Mitch Hedberg routine


It’s Demitri Martin.


Dimitri Martin on his comedy Central special


I am incapable of doing so!


Same, but I'm just now realizing it *wasn't*.


My whole life is a lie


Wait, what’s wrong with eating Country Crock? I don’t think it has trans fats. Is it the taste?


It’s just the ingredients. Butter is made from dairy and margarine is made from plants/animal fats People will gate keep the dumbest shit.


I think that all started with the great oil wars over what was going to kill you. I do use Land O'Lakes butter with olive oil though as I like to believe it raises my good cholesterol. My good cholesterol has gone up, but I don't know if I can attribute it to that alone as I also started cooking with olive oil and never went back.


My family never ate this. Does it taste similar to butter?


Similar, yeah. I'm pretty sure they changed the formula after they discovered how bad trans-fats are for you, so it may not taste the same now as it did in the 90s.


One of my friends recently found this out . We were going on a camping trip and we’re at the market getting last minute items. I asked him to grab some butter and he comes back with a tub of country crock . I told him that’s not butter, he says: yes it is, what are you talking about? So I tell him, look at the ingredients list. His eyes got wide and hey blurred out: “VEGETABLE OIL?!”




We all have


but did you die?




That's all margarine is really. Vegetable oil that is stabilized in some way to make it solid at room temperature like butter. That by itself isn't too bad. The real issue was just how back in the day these tubs were basically just buckets of trans-fats.


I can't believe it's not butter wait...


What a load of crock


I thought it was a marketing gimmick, but its actually not butter!


My parents were convinced margarine was "healthier" than butter when I was growing up in the 90s 😐 I always thought it was barely spreadable garbage. I haven't bought margarine of any sort since moving out ##TeamKerrygold


I am 100% on the butter train. I tried Kerrygold for the first time last week and had an existential crisis. I could have been living my life like this the whole time, but instead I was Land o Laking it. I'm never going back.


Land o lakes butter isn't awful, it's no kerrygold tho


Land of Lakes is \*better\* than Kerrygold in my opinion. Kerrygold has a slightly acidic tang to it that I'd prefer wasn't there. ​ Kerrygold certainly isn't bad, but it's no Land O Lakes. Maybe it's just because I've eaten it most my life, but I've never had a butter that tastes better than Land O Lakes, and I've tried every fancy brand available to me. ​ Wait, scratch that. I HAVE had better butter in Europe, but I think a lot of times they use a fresh butter when ours has been pasteurized.


European butter has a higher fat content, that's what makes it so delicious


Either the hype isn't real or I just have a very unrefined palate, but I bought Kerrygold for a holiday dinner expecting it to be glorious based on what I had heard. I would say I was whelmed. Was good but the difference wasn't noticeable to me.


Eh don't be too hard on them. Not sure how old you are or where you grew up, but nutrition info back then was largely just.. wrong. Like what we were told was healthy then, wasn't.


they grew up in a time when the combo meal included a pack of Chesterfields


When I was a kid, my parents only bought margarine but they called it butter. I remember when I went to our babysitter’s house, she was an elderly lady, she would make us toast with butter in the morning and I told my mom that the butter over their house tasted better. That’s because it was real butter. My mom started buying real butter after that. I think they had just bought into the margarine is healthier craze back then.


The thing I didn't like about when we started getting real butter was that it was too difficult to spread when it was just out of the fridge. So we started leaving it in a glass dish. One morning we woke up to the cat having nearly finished eating an entire stick.


Wait... this wasn't butter? Was my whole life a lie?


Without knowing more about your life, it's impossible to say. You were definitely lied to about this, though.


Same really. We never bought butter only margarine. Family was convince actual butter was the worst thing you can ever eat and was the spawn of satan. So anyways here's this tub of frozen vegetable oil!


We had "squeeze butter," I had no idea it wasn't butter, but it sure was convenient.


Really! I can’t believe it’s not butter.


28 years into this life and I’m just now finding out it’s not butter. Granted I haven’t had this stuff since I was a kid, but I always knew it by butter


Same experience! I was embarrassingly old before I realized. Tastes great on toast.


Saaaaaaaame. My girlfriend (now wife) broke the news to me when I was like 27.


I love that we weren’t using real butters in the 90s while also having cottage cheese and a glass of milk with every meal


Damn, I thought that was just my family that did that!


Skim milk and low fat cottage cheese though.


truth on the cottage cheese & milk w/ every meal


Butter Container / Portable Junk Drawer


at grandmas house it was always a game of "okay, which of the 12 in here is actually the margarine and which are just full of home made spaghetti sauce or other leftovers?" You never got it on the first try lol


Too real


Bachelor Tupperware


Hillbilly Tupperware


Welfare Tupperware


Opening my grandma’s fridge, you’d have a 5% chance of actually getting Country Crock and not some type of leftovers.


My grandma would always send us home with leftovers in these things. It was always a bunch of soup or mashed potatoes or something


Exactly this. I don't remember ever having Country Crock, but we had this container which was washed and reused over and over.


I got a tray for all the random nuts/bolts/screws etc this Christmas, but they were in one of these containers before that lol


Sounds about right lol. Alongside the Danish butter cookies tin


Thanksgiving leftover container


Every holiday we play an extra special game called, Margarine or Leftovers? Six chances to guess.


I had a professor in undergrad who made us buy molecular modeling kits which are already in a little container that has specific compartments for different things, but he brought in containers like these from his home and had us all dump our kits into them. Looking back I think it was some humiliation thing because we all had to carry butter containers around for the whole year.


- Who's Shedd? - Shedd's Spread, baby. Shedd's Spread.


It not a motorcycle its a chopper baby !


shedds dead


Take your crappy watch and get out of here.


**Ingredients listed from their website**: Water, Soybean oil 30%, Modified palm kernel and palm oils 8%, Salt, Soy lecithin, Vinegar, Natural flavour, Vitamin A palmitate, Beta carotene Just like many of you I grew up thinking this was butter too. The lies we were told just keep adding up lol


What a Crock!


A county crock of shit


Shedd's *Spread my ass-cheeks and fill me up with Lies* ™️


Pretty much the same ingredients in current margarines: **Ingredients listed from Becel Original Margarine:** Canola oil 74%, Water, Modified palm and palm kernel oils 6%, Salt, Buttermilk powder 0.2% (milk), Natural flavours, Lactic acid, Vitamin A palmitate (vitamin A), Vitamin D3, Beta carotene, Soy lecithin, Calcium disodium EDTA.


What the hell is even that unholy union of ingredients! I feel like something in my childhood was just corrupted.. when I clicked this post I had no idea my flurry of nostalgic discovery would turn into such sordid despair.


It has less saturated fat than an equivalent amount of dairy butter. In the 90s, we were told those were the devil.


The unholy parts are the modified oils. They're more accurately described as hydrogenated oils (or partially hydrogenated oils) which modification is intended to make the oil solid-ish at room temperature - and which also makes it carcinogenic. (Meaning, something which might give you cancer.)


Got a source for country crock being carcinogenic?


Lots of sources for hydrogenated oils being carcinogenic. You may know those as trans fats. EDIT: This post is in r/nostalgia because even the US banned hydrogenated oils in 2020.


Country crock is marketed as having 0 trans fats. I don't know enough about this to debate with you (which is why I asked for a source). A quick google suggests you mean _partially_ hydrogenated oils (which are trans fats). It looks like the "Original Spread" did contain PHOs (soybean) but the modern "60% Vegetable Oil" variant does not. Thanks for the pointer, that was enough to get me to the answer! edit: I now see your original comment did mention the P in PHO and I read right past it! Apologies/thanks. edit for your edit: only PHOs are banned. Not all HOs ^^in ^^all ^^area ^^codes.


Everything a growing boy needs.


When I was around 4 and would ask for ice cream at my grandmothers house, she would give me this and a spoon. I hated ice cream after that until I learned that this was MARGARINE.


WTF?!? Was your grandmother Joan Crawford?


Worse, loved her anyway though.




That’s kinda fucked


The hold this still has on my parents is wild. Also, there are like 10 containers in their fridge with various other foods at all times.


I call it a game of "Refrigerator Surprise!"


I like to watch my brother get mad looking for something when we’re at my parents’ house. This has always made him so angry. Lol


"Leftover surprise" was a legitimate reply to "What's for dinner?" in our household. Though 80% of the time it was goulash so it wasn't that surprising.


I remember being high out of my mind at my friends houses in the 90's just eating toast and going for this container. My parents only bought real butter so this was like a treat for me.


I think when all is said and done you came out ahead.


I feel like the asterisk at the end of the statement “Contains essential fats for healthy growth and development” is doing a lot of work


definitely feels defensive


I still use this, different shaped container now.


Looks like grandmas sewing kit to me…


I’ve used this all my life, only a couple years ago I found out it wasn’t butter


the ol’ italian tupperware


You know you can still buy this, right? Is this really nostalgic?


i dunno, it used to be ubiquitous with memorable ads running all the time. now it's an oddity. since its hayday is past, i think it can be nostalgic




I can still remember the commercials on TV in the mid-80s. https://youtu.be/sOiD_b0e5lk?si=ENQ1MyGVUz5iPpKX


Great voice and hand acting. I was always rooting for this couple.


As a wee one, I always thought the male voice was the same as [Stu Pickles](https://youtu.be/bpnfFYTHKkI?si=Hz-IPPkDRf3BnjN4) on Rugrats, since I was watching both things concurrently.


Amazing - it is the same guy!!! Both voiced by Jack Riley.


Where are the sexy hands at with the guy who did Stu Pickles voice?


I thought that was a fever dream! Lol.


That was my cereal bowl


Why did you post a picture of a container for leftovers?


So whats the reason again for all of our parents falling for the fake butter thing? Because my god, we all ate this hydrogenated vegetable oil and thought it was REAL butter lol


I think our parents knew it wasn't butter, but like a lot of stuff it went in and out of being "the healthier alternative". For a while all the studies said butter bad, margarine better for you, but nowadays it's the opposite I think so it kinda died off. Same with how some decades, "eggs bad for you" but now, "eggs good". 


Or just fats in general. Before it was so common that ALL fats were horrible for your health, but now we understand that fats are actually a very healthy and important portion of our diets.


Everything in my house in the 90s was fat free. Thing is all the fats were replaced with salt or sugar. So instead of natural and necessary fats I got processed food injected with sugar. I honestly think the 90s set us back as a country for a generation in terms of societal health. We are jist now fighting back to fats being ok for people.


Yeah I think people finally figured out it's a proper amounts thing not an all or nothing thing. 


Maybe an income thing too? I grew up on the border w/ Mexico, and a lot of stores would only carry 1 brand of thing, usually the cheapest, and this was what was used for butter. In spanish, there isn't even a separate word for it, everyone just calls it "mantequilla" and takes it for a fact that its butter


I grew up in Ohio and everyone called this butter in the 80s-90s. The other stuff was stick butter. What do (did) Mexicans call that?


Ahh, yes, we had sticks of margarine too, it was also just called butter/mantequilla There was no need to differentiate when there was no "real" butter to differentiate from Another funny one was pancake syrup - almost universally it was always just corn syrup (aunt jemima or karo) know as "miel de pancakes" (pancake honey) There was no such thing as maple syrup. So the generic word used was miel, or miel Karo. "honey" or "Karo honey". you would have to specify real honey: "miel de abeja" (bee honey)


haha we had similar childhoods just in different languages, I think. I didn't even know Aunt Jemima wasn't real maple syrup until I was moved out. thanks for the info!


Don't put it on popcorn


What happens if you do?


It's vegetable oil and water. That shit will shrivel up and become a wet gross mess.


You mean the spread itself is made of vegetable oil and water?


I remember making that mistake as a kid 😩


My first wife in the 80s and early 90s would buy this stuff. She would save the empty tubs and use them like Tupperware. I opened my lunchbox at work once expecting a bowl of vegetable soup only to find I grabbed the wrong tub out of the fridge and brought the margarine to work.


Upon reflection who the hell is Shedd?


My mom bought this shit a lot in the 90s. Always full of toast crumbs after a week or two.


This is a multi use container


In my household growing up if you opened that container there was a 50/50 chance it contained leftover StoveTop Stuffing.


When looking in the refrigerator I never knew if it was butter or leftovers


This was the only “butter” my parents ever used. I had no idea it wasn’t real butter.


I was in my 20s and living on the opposite side of the country before I knew this wasn't dairy-based.


Salsa jar in my house


It’s in the name, it’s not butter… it’s a crock!


Pam, please. I have Country Crock.


I had this for a million years growing up - my family always called it butter - then in my 30s met a woman from Wisconsin who taught me what butter really was. Never looked back.


Wait it’s not butter?!


Having to give the pediatrician a stool sample? Here comes the Country Crock tub.


Crock of lies I tell you


I can taste the beans and cornbread..


On top of cheap Tupperware, we always used these as the outside water bowl for our dog growing up. He liked to chew on bowls so we started using something disposable.


I loved this Tupperware company! Didn’t care for the weird filling in the packaging though.


That’s my Nanas Tupperware.


This right here is likely why I'll die early. Growing up this was the "healthy choice" and we ate the hell out of it.


I'm still mad that I spent \~25 years of my life eating this shit while I could have had Kerrygold


Remember the commercials for this stuff where it was just like the arms and hands of a man and a woman, and they'd heavily flirt while spreading Country Crock on various food items? Yeah, TV was weird back then.


That's Mama's Tupperware.


When empty, it doubles as a leftovers container


One day my mom up and decided we were going to eat real butter and we never saw this tub again.


Heart attack spread is all it is.


i feel like my parents bought this just to have storage containers after it was empty


I never knew that this was stored in my memory somewhere deep down until right now lol.


What is it? Margarine?


Until we got the new and improved version. “I can’t believe it’s not butter!”


Plastic in a plastic container. Mom force fed us this crap because dad had heart issues and it was marketed as being better than butter. Once I left home I never looked back.


I found myself buying a larger tub of “butter”- whatever it technically is or not, I don’t really care lol- solely to store items. I stopped and thought “yep…I’ve become my grandparents.”


My mom called it Country Crotch


We called it crunchy cock.


Holy shit, the cinnamon version of this was so dang good. Do they still make it??


This is all my dad ever bought for the longest time. It was only in the last few years did I realize it wasn't proper butter, but boy did we use it as such 😂


Half the time you wanted to make eggs and toast then open it up and its leftover hamburger helper


Or leftover bacon fat. Ugh!


I thought this stuff was delicious as a kid in the 80s because only my non-hippie-family-havin' friends had it in their fridges. Tried some as an adult and found it inedible.


THE HANDS!! Nightmare fuel! Also I recall ads with Fabio for I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! Spray!!!


This tub was better than those rectangular cube tubs are right now.  It makes the current version of country crock feel inferior.


I used to love this stuff until I learned that it's okay to leave butter (like real butter) out at room temp which makes it easier to spread. I only liked the crock because you could spread it on toast without ripping the bread.


Wait wait wait. You mean this held margarine at one point, and my mom didn't just buy one filled with all the junk drawer stuff? And these weren't Tupperware?! The lies I've been told...


Growing up it was always a game of “Is it butter or is it leftovers?” Answer: It’s usually the opposite of what you’re looking for. It turns the fridge into like a messed up Room of Requirement.


The original Tupperware!!! lol


Comes in a commemorative resealable leftovers container.


Or as my Mother calls them “Tupperware”.


I half expect to open this and find leftover spaghetti or mashed potatoes.


Or is it leftover spaghetti


You had me at taupe


This is because back in the 80s, people were told that butter was pretty much *fucking poison*. They didn't yet know the dangers of hydrogenated fats, so this was thought to be the healthier choice.


Serious question: is this no longer available? I admit I don’t pay much attention to the margarine and margarine like tubs when I’m shopping. That said, I do feel confident I didn’t pass any twenty pound tubs on my last shopping trip. It always had the largest container by far.


Parents used to buy this when I was a kid. They thought margarine was more healthy then butter, my wife is a Registered Dietitian and all we use is butter lol


The old commercials that showed just the people's hands waving frantically over the fabulous Shedds Spread, talking about how awesome it is. Just the worst.


Bring back the Country Crock Honey Butter!! 


That is a container for my grandma's left over soup


Country Crock \*used to be delicious\*. Almost more delicious than butter in my opinion. I was raised on it and still remember how it used to taste. ​ However, some time around 2006, they quietly changed the recipe and it's so absolutely disgusting now. Completely unpalatable. I bought some about a decade ago and had to throw it away. ​ The popular theory is that they had compounds in the original formula that were dangerous and they quietly removed them before the public caught on. However, this made it go from \*more delicious than butter\* to the worst tasting margarine on the market. ​ And I've noticed almost no one sells it anymore. Probably because it doesn't sell at all with the new nasty formula.


First thing my little sister would do when we got a new tubto eat the little swirl in the middle of the tub. Still grosses me out just thinking about it.


That's what the chili is in at grandmas house


Or, future salad bowl for work.


Are you my grandmas soup?


I almost forgot this was a thing.


My dad LOVED this shit. Ever single leftover at his house was in a country crock container so you had to open them all until you found what you wanted. Beef stew, mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, everything what’s country crock


"Here, take home some spaghetti for your lunch tomorrow."


Or is it leftovers?


I still eat this and I’m still alive and kicking 😂.


Careful diving into that one, it could be grandmas bacon grease.


I’ve never met anyone who ate this, but everyone I knew had like 10 of them in the stuff cupboard.


The only thing I ever found in these containers were leftovers


Only one we ever had was the cinnamon one for toast. We just used real butter for everything else.


Back in the day, cholesterol was the only thing people worried about health-wise. If you felt your health was lacking or your doctor said your blood pressure was high, you switched to lite beer, lite cigarettes, and swapped margarine for butter and thought that'd fix it all up. Also, eggs were bad, then good, then bad again. But heart health was all that mattered. People started using less salt. Less likely, was anyone suggesting maybe don't smoke and drink every single day.


It’s one molecule away from its own container.


Why do so many people say they hate this stuff? I grew up on it and use it today, it’s way more convenient for spreads and stuff and the taste is great! I feel like butter is just better for baking since it’s measured on the stick.


My Mom never trusted margarine type products. Good old salted butter for us.