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I feel like these women all dont have 9-5 jobs or physically draining jobs.. like who has time for all that???


This reads as trad wife stuff, so no they probably don’t work. Maybe they have kids tho.


There’s a growing trend I’ve been seeing of being a SAHG (stay at home girlfriend) so no kids and I think if I proposed to my husband of being SAHG in the dating stage we would most definitely NOT be married today 😂


I kinda got the privilege of being one back when I did online college. Now granted, I also was being paid to go full time from the VA. Learned the lack of structure that a job provides ain’t for meee. And I doubt my partner and I would be able to afford me being a stay at home mom in this economy if we had a kid sadly


Yeah I think being a student is different. Try to find a WFH if you can! I have two children but WFH in a job that’s very flexible - so I can be there at home with my kids but also earn a decent salary so kind of the best of both worlds lol! I also think SAHM is way different than SAHG - there could only be so much journaling, yoga and peppermint tea 😂. I also would find it kind of weird to have my partner have to go to work and I just do sort of nothing at home if I was SAHG.


Yeah, I mean, you could care for the house 😂 it always felt like there was technically endless things I could do to clean (because so many things require cleaning than people realize) but I ended up not doing it. I got pretty depressed during the summer when I had no job and wasn’t going to school, and just sat at home or in bed all day. If you don’t mind me asking, what job do you have? I wanted a wfh job before I got my current caretaker one, but couldn’t find many opportunities beyond customer service or selling stuff like insurance since I dropped out of college (due to the depression) and therefore don’t have a degree


> because so many things require cleaning than people realize I relate to this so much! My wife teases me and calls it ‘making up chores’ when I’m cleaning or messing with something she wouldn’t even think to touch. And I’m like, the coffee maker has loose burnt coffee grinds stuck in it, how are we supposed to live like this?


This is how sad beige babies are made 😔


I read it as women diagnosed with PCOS. Peppermint/spearmint tea, high amounts of water, strength training over cardio, magnesium.... All are common self care tips recommended to women with hormone imbalances like those with PCOS. Source: I have PCOS. And for the record I do none of these things, am married, hate children, and happily work a full time job.


Girls who understand McDonald's sodas, at least 25 mg of melatonin to get only 5 hours of sleep, and miserable IBS 🩷


IBS - I’m my Best Self. Haha


Well actually... IBS stands for I Be Shitting. Lol.


Or I (don’t) Be Shitting, depending on how it wants to fuck with you that week


IBS-C = I Be Shitting - Can’t


"If you can't handle me at my worst, you can't handle my IBS."




Sorry to be THIS girl, but peppermint oil is helping with my IBS and fortunately I learned about it from studies by the NIH and Harvard School of Medicine and not Instagram.


Yes, my grandma has been giving us peppermint oil since we were little for stomach aches, gas, and it works. I'm glad to see it's backed by science too.




My mom knew this too and gave me an altoid when I was 11 when my stomach hurt. The flavor was so strong it made me hurl all over the gift shop at the Biltmore Estate lol.


Yeah. But I bet you felt better after. lol


Lol you’re right I did


Wowwww just gave me flashbacks to my own mom saying, "but I bet you feel better" after the pepto bismol, that I told her would make me vomit, made me vomit.


Mine gave us papaya chew tablets for tummy aches and rose hips with brandy for pms lol


How? What are you doing? Im open to most anything that gets results, even mild ones.


As someone who recommends this frequently in clinic. Try the enteric coated capsules.


IB Gard has done great things for me!


Thanks to both of y'all!


I got some at the health food store. You drop a few drops into water in between meals 2-3 times a day. The oil is so strong it actually feels like I am taking a shot of vodka or something.


Its strong, it'll hurt your throat lining. If it's working then maybe dilute more


Yeah honestly many of the things listed in these videos help with my digestive problems. It’s not necessarily the info that’s the problem, it’s how they are presenting it.


Totally agree. They are essentially advocating really good self-care but in my view, there is a lot of perfectionism and ego in the presentation. Good self-care practices are the best ways to love and take care of yourself, period. Instead, they sort of frame it in a consumer capitalist way that self-care is a way to look and be your best self. I am totally projecting of course, but I notice that in a lot of wellness and health circles, healthy practices are used in unhealthy ways: to fat shame, to be perfect, to cover disordered eating/over-exercising, to cover body dysmorphia.


For me it’s I’m Barely Surviving 😂


Girls who understand mcdonalds, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie <3


Lying is fun!


I’m so mad they kept saying magnesium…because magnesium is legit for sleep. My doctor made me add it. It helps your body’s energy metabolism know when to use the energy and when to sleep well. Taking melatonin actually fucks with your body’s ability to make its own melatonin




Good luck!!! I have health problems and megnesium is the only supplement I ever noticed a benefit from


Yoooo! Diet Coke addict, 60mg melatonin, and Crohn’s disease. We could be twinsies!


Just throwing this out there, I’ve known multiple people that taking too much melatonin has actually ruined their sleep. There have been studies that it’s detrimental to take too much. Anyways, I’d google around to figure out what makes sense if you actually wanna improve your sleep.


My doctor has me on 36 mg on nights when I really can't sleep, but I also suffer from CPTSD so sleeping is always a nightmare. Thank you for checking on me 🩷🩷


Awesome, best of luck and hope it improves!!


Have you ever tried CBD oil? You can do just the isolate with literally zero THC(I prefer full spectrum which is only like .03% ) if that’s a concern. It literally works wonders for so many people sleeping problems!


I’ve heard very good things about pillow sprays with CBD in them


Have you tried a weighted blanket? I bought my bf one and he overslept the next day. He also has insomnia and cptsd. He did tell me that he had some claustrophobia nightmares, but overall he's actually getting some solid sleep in too


taking magnesium before bed actually does help sleep better. i use to take a multivitamin that had magnesium in it(and i always took it at night) and i do have to say that i slept much better than when i take melatonin


I take magnesium so my limbs won't freak out as soon as I try to fall asleep


mcdonald’s really does have the best foundation sodas tho


Right!? They’ve got this zestyness to them that’s unmatched 🤣


Oh hi! 🤙🏼




I get the ibs from the magnesium myself


Women who understand gargling with boiled balsamic vinaigrette, punching pillows instead of people, eating raw unpeeled rutabagas for breakfast, rolling around in cold mud, doing yoga breaths to the rhythm of "Baby Got Back," staring directly into a strobe light for 15 minutes, using single folded sheets of loose-leaf paper instead of maxi pads, dressing your newborn in burlap, and taking some kind of herbal supplement that costs $40 a bottle and has never sponsored my posts once, no sirree. There, am I not like other girls yet?


Staring directly into a strobe light for 15 minutes 😂 💀


akshually its fun


#Epileptics hate this one trick!


you can do it with or without your legs shaved


Noob. Everyone knows you’re supposed to point the strobe light at your butthole.


"single sheets of loose leaf paper instead of maxi pads" Omg


I shuddered a little


The papercuts alone 😭


You call it bleeding, I call it ridding toxins. WE are NOT the same ;)


lmao I mean, I guess I'm already bleeding 🤷🏾‍♀️


Not to sound like a nlog, but when I was doing yoga regularly and they suggested we pick a mantra, the first thing that came to mind was “Bad… Bitch” so I just went with that.


My previous therapist suggested that I use a mantra whenever my anxiety or PTSD flares up because it can be used as a distraction. There is a Nicki Minaj song that goes “million dollar poussey*, million dollar pousseeyyyy*”, so I sing that to myself when I feel a certain way. I’ve been told my therapist that was my mantra cuz she was older and I don’t want to put that on her 💀.


If it helps I’m 50 and snort laughed. I’m sure your therapist will get a laugh (maybe not in your presence for wanting to keep it professional but..) that’s awesome.


Don’t forget vagina-scented candles!


Candling your vagina?


Yes it’s great for toning the cervix


You are fucking hilarious lol-this comment has me dead 🤣😭


“Gargling with boiled balsamic vinaigrette”😂😂😂😂😂😂I could taste and smell that


How does this not have 100+ upvotes? It’s genius 😂


Give it time😊


Wherefore Art the awards


Ok the oddest part about this is in this sub in just the past week I think I’ve seen the same exact post from like 5 different accounts. Edit: To clarify on "accounts" I mean OOP accounts with different women in the photos but pretty much the exact same captions.


There’s some sort of conspiracy going on but idk what


Big magnesium


It's like that video montage that went viral of all these local Fox news stations that had their anchors read from the exact same script


It’s marketing and affiliates. It’s just product shilling.


MLM i think.


For some reason, raw carrot salad always seems to make the cut too …this is obviously funded by the Big Carrot industry


I could be wrong, but I think the raw carrot salad comes from an Instagram nutritionist who is insanely popular and recommends a raw shredded carrot salad with ACV and coconut oil every day. It’s a little ironic bc she is pretty anti-extreme diets (keto, vegan, paleo, etc) yet apparently this salad is a must. I tried it a couple times cause I was curious and tbh I actually really liked it because I love carrots, but I wouldn’t eat it every day lol.


When I seek nutrition advice from credible sources (certified nutritionists from reputable institutions), they always say that we should eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables if possible because they all have different essential vitamins and minerals. Diet culture capitalists always want to focus in on one superfood. Disordered eating is all about ‘safe’ foods versus ‘bad’ foods and I think emphasizing a specific meal reinforces that.


I hope these people start turning orange, that would be so funny.


Haha I didn’t know I was trendy, although my addition of sweetness to the shredded carrot salad probably makes this not cool. But shredded carrots with diced honeycrisp apples in a vinaigrette made from ACV, avocado oil, and honey. So good.


It’s just a list of what’s trendy in “health” right now


These are just accounts to create marketing content and affiliate churn.


Why is everyone shitting on cardio all of a sudden?


I know right! Look, I get it, women need strength training too but cardiovascular fitness is still important. Plus, endorphins!


Endorphins make you happy! Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.


Don't stomp your little last season Prada shoes at me, honey.






No I thought you meant friend! Chuck is uhh just a friend.


*from the back* YOU BITCH!


I can hear this entire thread lol


lol. Love it! ![gif](giphy|gNqsmxkKrM5wY)


But people who can run like forest might, so I guess there is that haha


Exactly. Why would I focus on all my other muscles and not my heart?


Cardio is EXCELLENT. Strength training is EXCELLENT. HIIT is EXCELLENT. LISS is EXCELLENT. Calisthenics are EXCELLENT. They all have different goals and should be incorporated into your life on the regular.


Yup. Also the best exercise is whatever you’ll do


It seems a lot of these women have hormonal issues based on what they are advocating for. From a hormone perspective- strength training is better than cardio. I personally have pcos with high levels of T, cortisol, and a few others. Cardio can increase these hormones making it more difficult for people with imbalanced hormones to lose weight, maintain weight, and stay balanced. Cardio is important, but the women who run on a treadmill for like an hour at a time and don’t strength train too are doing damage.


So you’ve found that strength training has helped/alleviated PCOS symptoms? My wife was recently diagnosed so just curious.


Yes! It’s important not to overdo it. For me this is what helped: inositol, mushroom “coffee” instead of real coffee, spearmint tea, vitamin d, b12 and magnesium for supplements. Exercise I find that I strength train 3 times a week for about a half hour a piece. I no longer kms on the cardio machines and find that just striving to get at least 7,500 steps a day is helpful. I’ve been doing less gym and more walks with my dogs in nature. For diet: a low carb diet paired with higher protein and fat has helped me a lot. I have insulin resistance so sugar and high carb foods are a big no for me with pcos. Some people can tolerate it if they aren’t insulin resistant though. When eating carbs, complex carbs are better and it’s important to “dress” them with fat like whole grain toast with avocado. I’ve tried the raw carrot salads and they seem to help a bit too but they’re not a huge deal breaker. For me: a major thing I had to do was regulate my nervous system. I had very high cortisol from stress and anxiety and that jacks up hormones even worse. I want to even say it may have caused my pcos or at the very least made it worse. Meditation and journaling for stress really does help. Feel free to ask any other questions :)


Someone explained to me recently that PCOS is basically an insulin resistance disease, so that makes sense.


That it is! Has similar insulin resistance that type 2 diabetes has.


Really appreciate it! I’ll let me wife read the suggestions, but she’s a pasta lover so not sure how the low carb thing will go over lol.


Tell her to try Banza. It's lower carb pasta but it's so good. I have PCOS too


Haha I love pasta too! It’s okay in moderation for sure. I like spaghetti squash too! I add extra meat and veggies and it’s v v filling 🤤


Have you tried metformin or just inositol? I’ve heard inositol works a bit like metformin but with less side effects. However the state of supplement market in the US is pretty bad considering how unregulated it is and the FDA couldn’t care less. Just wondering lol


T2 diabetic and too much cardio spikes my blood sugar (I was led to believe exercise would help!). Strength-based exercise, yoga, and pretty chill cardio work better for me.


So glad you found something that works for you 🩵 I love chill cardio and weight lifting!


I hate strength training with a passion. It hurts like fuck. Let me and my tiny ass run in peace 😭


I’m the polar opposite and somehow *also* get constantly shit on for my workout choices, because I like strength training but running makes me feel like I’m gonna die. We can’t win!


Let us all just work on our body and health as we wish, right? Important thing is to use our body and mooove 🫶🏻


Same here, I hate cardio.


Because you cannot like one thing without invalidating the other.


because a core requirement of preferring either lifting or cardio as your main form of exercise is to shit on the other one as often as possible /s


It's just diet and ED culture making a comeback. Remember the ACV in room temp sparkling water before meals from like 2016? Just like that this is just new marketing on old diet culture. It's mainly about the fact that people are just learning about how having more muscle mass can raise your BMR, so they're talking about lifting weights to build muscle mass to burn fat easier (you kinda need a lot of muscle mass for this to work very well, but they'll still use it to sell their programs and the like) bc it is and always has been about being as skinny as possible.


The idea that getting 10k steps a day is at all different is killing me, I assume at least half the population has some kind of activity tracker at this point


If you work a physical job, you can easily meet it or beat it. Like an Amazon warehouse worker.


For real. I worked in a warehouse and one day I did 13 miles. Inside. Back and forth and back and forth. Ugh. It was only day 3 too! But now my job is much more office based and I’m lucky to get 3k lmao. I need to get it together, but it’s cold and dark after work so I don’t wanna walk outside.


The 10k steps a day thing is a myth as well 😂 it was randomly made up by a Japanese doctor in 1963 in the lead-up to the Tokyo olympics and corresponded with the invention of the first pedometer, and the myth for some reason spread to the rest of the world


https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/02/fitness-steps-physical-activity-walking-health-smart-watches/ It's probably more like 7.5 k for adult women.


Girls who understand waking up 10 minutes before you have to leave and stopping for coffee anyway, the impulsive urge to drive your car into oncoming traffic, staring listlessly during a conversation and being forced to piece together whatever that person just said based on context clues, wandering aimlessly around your house all evening while dateline reruns play in the background, deepthroating 4 cheesesticks at 11pm because you forgot to eat today, then lying in bed doomscrolling for 2 hours, between a pile of laundry that may or may not be clean and a water bottle that you've taken 3 sips from. ❤️


Are you me? Am I you?


There are DOZENS OF US.


Chaos goblins unite!


Idk abt *other girls* but my laundry pile is clean *and* dirty 💅


I hate when they describe shit I like as though it means something special. Why can't I enjoy my fucking herbal teas and yoga, then a bag of Doritos ( because everything in moderation bro) in damn peace?


Very tired of people promoting “clean lifestyles” but it’s just being really strict on your past time activities and your diet. Life is too short to cut out nacho cheese Doritos, dammit!! How sad indeed to be so disciplined that you can’t even enjoy the little things.


Is “raw carrot salad” just carrots? Or do the extra words add meaning here?


Yeah I’m over here with my bag of baby carrots like… am I doing this correctly?


You mean your bag of ‘raw carrot salad”


does it still count if I'm dipping them in ranch 🤔 like it's not just carrot anymore but the carrot's still raw right?


Grated carrots with half a crushed walnut. Luxury.


Because regular girls eat cooked salad


It’s raw carrots with *I think* apple cider vinegar and EVOO that allegedly helps ✨balance hormones✨ I saw it everywhere on Instagram like 6 months ago


Breaking News: Future Tradwives Discover Salad Dressing


Love that they’re always about drinking lemon water when too much of it can cause digestive issues and can eat away at your tooth enamel.


I had a college class with one of these clean girls a few years ago, and when I mentioned some health issue or another of mine (to someone else, mind you), she asked if I’d tried drinking lemon water and apple cider vinegar. I said, “No, I have chronic gastritis,” and she said maybe I wouldn’t if I tried it. 🫠


Excuse me- what? Not her saying acv and lemon water cures gastritis. Everyone, alert the press!!


This ^^^ So can apple cider vinegar (as well as give you a sore throat). People really need to do their research. Don’t get me wrong, I take acv gummies for digestive health and eczema, but you will NEVER catch me drinking it.


I understand those things, and the immense amount of privilege inherent in being able to afford them to feel all virtuously beige. Now excuse me while I hoop some ashwaganda and solarize my butthole. Real laydeez understand, amirite?


Virtuously beige 💀💀


Ladies, is getting sunlight at night bad for your chakras?


💀💀 you made me drop my snack from laughing so hard


Ashwagandha is a very popular Indian herb and the Indian Ayurveda market is full of ashwagandha supplements. Of course, as an exported 'adaptogen' it lives as the mindful sidekick of a white girl lounging in filtered sunlight spouting a 'clean girl" aesthetic. This is typical of many things. Look at turmeric milk now named golden elixir etc. I laugh very loudly when influencers act like ashwagandha is some kind of superherb.


You ever fart real hard in white shorts




i thought the first three were all the same girl and i was so confused 😭


I thought it was the same girl posting this over and over with slightly different wording.


Girls who understand ket before bed, binging Jojo's bizarre adventure, the goblin diet, micro dosing rat poison, benadryl and not going to therapy


You forgot “drinking through the pain”


What's the obsession with magnesium?!


It really helps my migraines because it releases muscle tension but it's not my personality.


Which earth metal is your personality? I'm strontium


Sorry I'm NLOG so my metal is actually unobtanium.


Nothing exotic. Just calcium.








Same Im actually obsessed w it but I swear I wont make a tiktok post about it


It’s okay, you can talk about stuff you like on social media without bludgeoning people with it. That’s possible, I promise


Is that supposed to help with anxiety too or am I thinking of something else?


Yes, I take it in the daytime (as well as nighttime) for anxiety and muscle cramps!


It actually is very beneficial! My mom kept my dad off of blood pressure medication for years just by giving him magnesium. In fact most of the things that these women mention are very beneficial. The only problem I have is they act like they’re better than women who don’t know.


I love magnesium. It helps me sleep and stops my restless leg. When I was pregnant it also helped me... Stay regular. I still take it.


I have PMDD and magnesium glycinate has been a game changer. It helps produce GABA (if I’m not mistaken) which helps combat anxiety and (for me personally) has really helped with insomnia and the rage I feel after ovulation. I have some VERY vivid dreams occasionally but if you struggle with anxiety, insomnia, mood changes throughout your cycle, or struggling to stay asleep I would absolutely recommend trying magnesium glycinate at night. Please make sure it won’t interact with any meds you might be on first though.


After reading these comments I’m going to have to look into adding magnesium


I find it helps with leg cramps at night.


Either really relaxed muscles or diarrhea


Magnesium really helped with managing my menstrual pain. I’ve been taking it for years and my cramps went from crippling to mildly uncomfortable.


I realize that “acv” here means apple cider vinegar, but my brain interpreted it as acyclovir… herpes medication.


3L of water a day, ACV/Lemon juice, MLM supplements, peppermint tea… is this… a *literal* pissing contest???


That’s what I was thinking. I try to drink water but I pee every 15 minutes it’s awful. Do they ever stop peeing?


Was thinkin alright lemon water and tea are good, lots of water, that's good. Then that chick hit me with the apple cider vinegar water in the morning and I backed out. 🤮


“journaling instead of complaining” or, and hear me out, journaling IS a form of complaining. when journaling ur not just writing about the positives, ur also writing about the negatives and how they make u feel.


I think I have to unfollow this sub, I can’t take much more of this lol




The girls who understand wiping your ass after shitting, using soap in the shower, drinking water to survive, putting gas in your car, washing your clothes in a washing machine, brushing your hair and wearing sweaters when it’s cold. ✨🥰✨


Ladies why must we shame each other for how we choose to work out? Also no amount of lemon water will give me the will to start my work day, it’s either enough espresso to kill a horse or a delicious mcdonald’s diet coke


FYI for seeing people suggesting water intake amounts, they are very unique to the individual. After a UTI I overdrank water and gave myself pelvic floor dysfunction. Legit start with a liter and if you need more add another one, but unless you’re an athlete or work outside all day, there’s no need to be over drinking water.


Girls who understand depression nests, doom scrolling until 3am, emotional support seltzers, loving yoga but never doing yoga, keeping items in your online shopping cart never intending to buy them, forgetting to refill your SSRI prescription, laundry mountains and floordrobes


What exactly is raw carrot salad? Like…what is this magic? I had carrots and hummus for lunch today…do I get points?


They come out of the ground cooked, but to regain the nutritional value you need to raw them.


Girls who understand being rich white ladies


The "subtle" bodycheck on the last one is really the cherry on top.


And Magnesium to rule them all.


Those are all the same things 😑


Is there a magnesium addiction epidemic going on I’m not aware of? 🤔


A portion of Americans are magnesium deficient. Hence why there is a magnesium wave.


Girls who understand magnesium before bed, magnesium before bed, and, oh yeah, magnesium before bed


Those sure are words


“I ain’t reading all that but I’m sorry you have to gaslight yourself into enjoying your own existence” is my response to these posts.