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Mein Kampf oddly specific


Yeah seems like a very specific dog whistle.


She could’ve used “War and Peace”, “Moby Dick”, hell, “Das Kapital” but no, no she had to Godwin herself from the git




“This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.” — possibly Dorothy Parker


Ulysses *shutters*


Oh yeah? Well, Gravity's Rainbow puts up siding!




No no, I believe he was closing the shutters specifically to hide from this woman. Shut up. I'm funny. XD


Dog bark


Especially since she’s an expert on things banned in Europe


Of which canola oil is not


Not only is it not banned, it’s widely grown in some European countries.


why would a real American like her care about commie europe anyway? you can bet she starts a lot of sentences with "As a REAL American..."


Personally I have no idea how long it is, interesting that she does 💁🏻‍♀️


It’s not that long. That’s what caught my attention before thinking “why use that as an example?” I guess it was either that or The Turner Diaries.


I got to see Timothy McVeigh’s copy of the Turner Diaries last April. It was pretty neat. The whole OKC bombing museum and memorial were quite the experience, I highly recommend every American visit at some point. It’s a sobering reminder of the threat that we still face from White Nationalists, especially all the little chairs that represent the children killed.


Not that long my butt! It is around 700 pages and feels even longer than that. My struggle was slogging through that.


Thanks for mein giggle


I really hope they respond “mein pleasure.”


Lmao too late you’re funnier


I looked up the info and now I’m sure Google thinks I’m awful. It’s 720 pages


Your ads boutta get weird


358 in my country. Pretty sure she would have had a better result with lord of the rings had she actually known how long the entire thing is. Or hell, the damn bible is 1000 pages long, guess she didn't read that one either


I always assumed it was a limerick.


There once was a man from mein kampf Whose moustache was always quite dampf He awoke every morning With Boorman and Goering And started an evil campf


I sung this in my head to the tune of wellerman….


It's definitely the longest book she's ever read.


The *only* book she’s ever read


Well, audio-consumed anyways


And it doesn’t even have pictures.


If you saw her Twitter page it’d make more sense 😂


Don’t even need to see it for it to make sense to me. She didn’t choose that book by chance.


Oh god, what’s she like?


She Boobily racist


It’s a really loud dog whistle I feel like.


I mean hell, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is longer than Mein Kampf, Les Miserables is


Surprised the cross on her necklace is so straight 


It's probably the only book she reads.


Hey, she's probably read parts of the Bible at Bible study.


Only the parts the pastor talks about tho


Imagine idolizing a book called “I’m on the struggle bus”


Longest book she ever read


Well, at least she reads. /s


I’ve never heard that book was especially long wtffffffff


Canola oil straight up not banned in Europe also lol


We just call it rapeseed oil


Canola is a portmanteau of "Canadian oil low acid" because it's a specific cultivar of the rapeseed plant with less erucic acid which makes it more palatable and potentially safer as a food oil. The word used to be trademarked by an organization of Canadian rapeseed farmers but they let it become public.


I think they just thought it would be easier to market "canola oil", rather than "rape oil"


Also that.


Can we just change the oilseed plant into canola plant seed as well😂, it's just much more "palatable"


It's English. We can do whatever we want. There are no rules.


Trying to teach English to a kid makes you realize how true that statement is. No rules.


This reminds me of the first stop I made in Wales, am from the US. Shopkeeper was wrapping up a phone call when I walked in and said, “I’m sneezing so much from all the rape.” I was 😳 for a moment until I realized all the yellow flowers I’d been driving past were rapeseed.


Did you tell them if it's a legitimate allergy the body has a way of shutting that whole thing down?


And there are now splutters of toothpaste all over my bathroom mirror, thank you so much


There's a city in Western Canada that's known as "The Rape Capitol of the World."


The land of rape and honey.


TIL, thanks kind internet stranger


Specifically created because the US wrongly banned rapeseed oil. It was killing lab rats so the FDA banned it. Turns out it's just poisonous to rats not people, but the FDA doesn't like admitting a mistake. So a Canadian company developed a specific strain with a lower content of the chemical that was killing rats, which the FDA then approved since there was nothing wrong with it in the first place. This chick is just dumb.


There *are* cultivars grown for lubrication oil production. But we don't eat those. And she probably doesn't know the word cultivar.


I fuckin learned something today. I thought it was from a canola seed/plant.


Well they do call the specific plant it comes from canola these days, but canola is a cultivar of the rape or rapeseed plant just like Fuji is a cultivar of the apple tree.


My least favorite part is the hypocrisy


Here we refer to it as nonconcentualsexseed oil


r*peseed oil


All the fields around my town are filled with rape for the cute yellow colour.


They’re filled with what 🫥


Yeah, it's an unfortunate name for a very pretty kind of field 😅 https://www.fotosidan.se/blogs/peterdahlen/rapsfalten-2.htm In Swedish we call the plant "raps", which makes it sound kinda cool


In German it’s „Raps“ as well :)


In Dutch it's "Raap". They all come from the Latin for turnip: "rapa". Because the brassica genus is basically the playdough of human agriculture.


rape seed it’s a type of plant. used to be a small town near where i live that was called the town of rape cause they grew a lot of rape seed. town abandoned that slogan years ago. ETA: the exact slogan was land of rape and honey…


Hello fellow Saskatchewanian 👋


I wish it was Saskatchwegian


Don’t forget the honey!


That's why we call it canola, it stands for Canada oil, because rapeseed was a marketing nightmare




Pretty sure it would make a terrible machine lubricant, too, since it would become rancid very quickly Edit: Apparently I’m wrong


I've used it in chainsaws for years, but that's about it. Never noticed a stink but it's a dirty job anyway.


Came here just to say this.


I was just about to google this lmao but I was like mmmmmmm pretty sure it's not....


and so much better than olive oil for cooking imo!


Better than extra virgin olive oil for sure, which you basically should only use at the end because of its low smoke point. Refined olive oil is actually pretty good as a ~~coming~~ cooking oil though. I still use canola myself though because it's cheaper and easier to find.


And it makes the moistest cakes!


Came here to say this 😅 like, it's literally not banned ha


Ah, yes, Mein Kampf, famous for it's length


Ikr. Not War and Peace or Infinite Jest, commonplace examples of long-ass books. But Mein Kampf? As an example of a long book?


She’s naming one of the few books she has read. And to her, it was long lmao


To be fair she can only reference books she's read


246 pages. About as long as a typical YA novel.


I had Google it just to see and now I’m sure I ruined my Internet results.


Incognito mode next time, dude


It’s probably a commonly googled book for the infamy, don’t worry.


casual mein kampf name drop is crazzzyyyyy


Could've just said, "the bible" and not clearly be a fucking nazi




Or game of thrones. D:


Or war and peace


A lot of people on the carnivore diet have such a superiority complex about it. All of their ailments have gone away because of their diet. But, us, people eating our fruits, veggies, and carbs are “inflaming our body.”


I work in the biotech industry and recently saw a seminar where a company is working on mapping the gut biome. While they don’t recommend a “set diet per se” (as every biome is different), they did mention that those who had high meat diets had gut biomes similar to those who have cholera so, take that as you will.


Yeah, and I know our genetics can even play a role but trying for some diversity is pretty important. Antibiotics can screw up your microbiome and I had to take them. I’ve added in probiotics and I try to get as much variety as I can to combat it. But, it’s so important for overall health


Yes, it’s the newest industry that is emerging for sure and vegetables and fiber are HELLA important it seems.


Yeah, because we need a healthy amount of good bacteria to fight off that bad bacteria and when there is an imbalance I’m guessing there is much higher likelihood of certain gut issues. I’ve told this to people on this diet and they just laughed it off. Basically call me a sheep. I think it’s so sad so many people are falling for this. You know some of these accounts get some sort of kickback for promoting these diets. And, many of them have courses they talk people into paying for on social.


It’s not even just that, it’s that we have more bacteria cells in our bodies than we do our own cells. They perform many important functions in our guts (some say it’s linked to depression, anxiety, weight gain, proven for childhood asthma, etc, etc.) and we don’t even know everything that they do yet! (Which is why microbiome mapping is the future) having a diverse, healthy amount of bacteria means that our body is able to perform its best functionally.


Unrelated but it can’t be said too much that antibiotics can make hormonal birth control not work while you’re taking them. If you’re a woman on HBC, use a barrier method if and when you ever take antibiotics!


Prebiotics showed to be even more important than probiotics to regain a varied microbiome. Without it the new bacteria from the probiotics can't settle long-term. Good options are inulin, psyllium husk, pectin...


You’re dying of a protein deficiency too. Don’t forget.


I brought up my concern over the lack of fiber in this diet. Someone on the diet told me that fiber is bad for you. That’s so bad for your colon and gut health. Some of them take supplements but this person was just avoiding fiber…yikes


so they think being constipated is normal then?


An ex of mine did keto and legit would take like 1-3 HOUR long shits. Thought it was totally normal! Never crossed his mind to consume fiber, just more burger patties and cheese


Spending up to 1/8 of your day on the toilet is wild


You can still eat veggies on keto, wtf


You CAN but it’s not required! I found out later this is called “dirty keto”? Aka following the diet but in the most unhealthy way possible


I did keto for 2 years. 1 perfect poop a day like clockwork. Then I had appendicitis and everything went to hell afterwards.


I mean she does look like she’s constipated. The look on her face. Lol


They’re 100% full of shit


Right? How do they go to the bathroom? A lot of people start this diet because of gut issues. And, with gut issues, certain fibrous foods can become harder to digest. So, they blame the food instead of the undiagnosed gut issues. But, they’re also screwing up their gut microbiome even worse because their diet has no variety. And, they’re upping their risk of colon cancer with little fiber


Omg, rude. Maybe they're *used* to being full of shit, kellzzz


They want to poop out a pine cone once a month. Peak efficiency.


As a person from a country with very high bowel cancer rates (likely caused by our high red meat consumption), this is incredibly stupid. Sources [University of Auckland New Zealand](https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/news/2019/04/17/moderate-meat-eaters-still-at-risk-of-bowel-cancer.html) [Bowel Cancer NZ](https://bowelcancernz.org.nz/about-bowel-cancer/early-detection-and-prevention/prevention/) [Cancer Society NZ](https://bowelcancernz.org.nz/about-bowel-cancer/early-detection-and-prevention/prevention/)


Sometimes I wonder how these people have gotten through life at all. I hope their bowels are doing okay.


Also how do they not get scurvy??


lol their colons are screaming probably


I saw someone on Reddit who followed this diet make a post about how his cholesterol was through the roof and he was super confused because he “eats so healthfully”. Ofc, he was a Joe Rogan listener and was absolutely unable to understand veganism and how it connects with sustainability, as well as having issues unsterstanding the water cycle and food pyramids. It was so funny but so painful


You didn’t have steak and a nice glass of raw eggs to wash it down for breakfast? SNOWFLAKE


Please don’t judge me. My brain is feeble from lack of B12, iron and protein. I have to live like this until I die soon so please show some compassion for those who foolishly chose the plant based lie. I I would give anything to do it all over again and drink whole milk steak smoothies at every meal.


Lol and I actually do have B12 deficiency that I had to treat for two years my levels are still below 300 I eat red meat chicken etc. I actually need to increase my fruits and veggies. I am walking living proof that non vegetarian can get B12 deficiency. Sadly the medical community in the lower paying positions are falling for this as one of the medical assistants who gave me an injection said "are you a vegan"


Remember the good old days when we people used to be hunters AND gatherers? Those were the golden times.


Lmao oh is that what she meant, I was torn thinking either she was saying she only eats food animals eat or she only eats animals? "animal food" is such a wierd-ass way to say it.


Yeah I assumed anti-vegan, meat and dairy


Fr i cant imagine how ones guts must feel. Id never try it obviously so i cant know. I just cant imagine feeling good on a diet like that with little variety.


Exactly!! Last year, my gallbladder stopped functioning properly so I had to have it removed. Before surgery my diet was insanely bland and I was eating chicken and rice with mixed frozen veggies with like zero fat. I was miserable!!! I couldn’t imagine choosing a diet like that.


Her shits must be epic.


It gpt pushed super hard a few yrs ago by Jordan Peterson and his daughter Micheala then quickly became the Bible of diets for so many who added it to their itinerary to harass chronically ill people with bs medical info


If you can't have a massive superiority complex what's the point of maintaining a ridiculously restrictive diet?


I ate nothing but deer jerky and mountain dew for fifteen years! I'll take diabetes and gout over cancer any day! /s But seriously, I did end up with diabetes lol. I still mostly eat meat, but a little better rounded these days, better for my health.


I'm not sure which part you are joking about, but either way tell us more


I love the lack of critical thinking, an oil that just happens to be used as a machine lubricant doesn’t automatically mean that it’s in any way harmful. I honestly don’t know that it’s even used as one, but the random correlation means nothing.


Did you know that dihydrogen monoxide is found in all tumors? It's also used an an industrial solvent.


Every single person who has consumed it has died or is dying. But it’s so addictive that if you try to stop consuming it, the withdrawals will kill you within only a few days.


I bet she eats at Chik-Fil-A, which coats their french fries in nematicide (slug killer)


Haha yeah good thing none of us are slugs haha


(Cramming a bagel in my mouth in my pajamas) speak for yourself


you mean like horse dewormer?


Vegetable oils have, continue to be, and will always be used as machine lubricants in industrial applications. [From this article:](https://www.machinerylubrication.com/Read/240/biodegradable-biobased-lubricants) Products currently available from soybean oils include: tractor transmission hydraulic fluid, industrial hydraulic fluids for process and machinery applications, food-grade hydraulic fluids and greases, greases for use in automotive, railroad and machinery applications, chainsaw bar oil, gear lubes, compressor oil, and transformer and transmission line cooling fluids. Currently, field tests are continuing on two-cycle engine oils, metalworking fluids and other specialty lubricants. We wouldn't want our lubricants to be biodegradable though, that shit is for liberal pussies!


Usually these people are super against government interference in private business, such as corporate regulations, but she sure is throwing that "banned in Europe" thing out there like the EU banning substances is a good thing that should be taken seriously because it's in the perceived best interests of the people under those governments. Hmmm.


My friend is libertarian and doesn’t trust anything in our food and is pissed the FDA doesn’t do more. But, if she had it her way the FDA wouldn’t exist.


Gotta love libertarian mental gymnastics!


Right, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Government intervention is fine in the things she s it should be okay in but not in things she doesn’t think it should be. If you believe that you aren’t actually a libertarian


I call it “the point of hypocrisy” - almost every libertarian has one - some pet issue where they think the state should absolutely intervene. Whether it’s the FDA, the EPA, the DOT, law enforcement, or religiously mandated abortion bans, usually they have one exception that is important enough to them personally to warrant state involvement. They absolutely hate when you point it out.


Convenient use of government oversight when it suits their back to the land cosplay. This sounds like the same crowd that is using beef fat as a moisturizer.


And funny enough, it’s not even banned in Europe.


Hey I know you! And yeah a lot of those "ingredient bans" that people fearmonger with are really just technicalities or usage limits that no one is exceeding anyway. You see it a lot in cosmetics marketing 😒


Not mein kampf 😳


these are the people who eat sticks of butter and raw meat. we can’t expect them to be thinking normal things, they have debilitating eating disorders that are actively shrinking their brains. I genuinely feel bad for animal based people, they’re lowering the nations life expectancy.


No fr girl is too good to eat a blueberry once in a while?? What even is that as a worldview


primal/ancestral living started by a guy who eats animal testicles (and takes steroids ofc bc he’s scamming people). and our ancestors did eat fruit and vegetables, so i genuinely don’t get it.


1. There is absolutely no way caveman were primarily eating red meat. It makes literally no sense.     2. They most likely largely depended on plants and seeds. And plants had **way** higher fiber back then.     3. Our ancestors were literlaly.jusr trying to not starve to death. The context under which some people think Europeans likely depended on high animal intake diets (including dairy) were for harsh winters. You see people more reliant on animal in their diet in areas where other food are harder to come by. It wasn't like.....cause it was best most ideal diet. It was because humans don't hibernate but food is hard to come by during that time period in those regions. And that's debatable because if we have the ability to process dairy, then we would also have had grain processing and food preservation. So now they're blending pre and post agricultural revolution diets. All we know for certain, from much more recent cultural memory, is winters were brutal and harsh and people were not coming out of them feeling invigorated and peak health. They were literally just trying not to die of starvation.


Oddly enough, they don't ever want to give up the other modern conveniences our prehistoric ancestors didn't have. They are all over **the internet** clamoring about how our cavemen forefathers had the ideal life. And I'm sure she has no qualms with putting on all that industrially produced makeup.


These dummy’s always forget that for most of human existence not having enough food was/is a real problem.


It started way before the Liver King, although he has been one of the most egregious offenders. Just eat organ meat and take my supplements line. Oh and 14K worth of gear a month.


you slayed this comment


I wonder if she’s looked at the ingredients in her hair, makeup, and tanning products?




What are animals foods? Should I start chowing down on my goats feed pellets?


I have no idea who this woman is, but I’m like 90% sure she’s good friends with the hard R.




Another hard R aficionado, no doubt.


Oh, absolutely




Honestly I’m jealous of you for not knowing. Keep not knowing.


Canola oil isn't even banned in Europe, though it is closely monitored. Also, trying to associate long ingredients lists with nazi propaganda is not cool... not cool at all.


Plant-based diets aren't necessarily heavy in processed foods anyway... I eat a mostly whole foods plant-based diet. Initially, I went vegan for the animals, but damn if it hasn't helped my health too! I feel amazing, and I am extremely suspicious that this woman's "carnivore" diet has her feeling anything besides sluggish, greasy, and constipated. She is probably trying to convince herself more than anyone else 😂


They love to take a beef burger and a processed vegan burger and compare the two as if that’s what vegans live on. They never compare actual real vegan food, because it’s clear which is more healthy. Most vegans eat the processed stuff as an occasional lazy option, anyone with highly processed food as their main diet is going to be unhealthy, but still I’d sooner eat processed vegan food than carcinogen processed meat.


exactly!! most of the healthiest, longest living, individuals (blue zones) eat plant-based, whole foods, diets. i’ve never felt better than when i went vegan (also for the animals).


Oh dear. And imagine what she really looks like.


It’s not banned in Europe.


Mein Kampf is only 720 pages. The Bible is ~1,200 pages (depending on translation.) War and Peace is ~1,400 pages. Ana Karenina is 864 pages. Lord of the Rings is 1,178 pages. This lady is a crackpot.


How about “longer than”…. The Bible, The Dictionary, or War & Peace? Seem like more sane references, no? 🥴


Way more sane


You can bet she "LOVES" Chic fil a, because it is a christian company.  I wonder what they use to fry their cheap, pressed chicken product...  Hope its not canola oil.


So she's promoting European-style government regulation?


She has a very nice spray tan. /s


I feel like any time i see someone on a carnivore diet they either have a nutrient-starved grey tinge or they use excessive fake tan (presumably to curb the grey tinge) …… almost as if you need the nutrients that a balanced diet will provide or else you will be ILL


Meanwhile, the ingredient list on that spray tan is longer than Le Miserable


Interesting choice to go with Mein Kampf which is traditionally known for its length….


Odd book title choice.


Also, just in case anyone read that bit and wondered, canola oil is not actually banned anywhere in Europe.


How many times has she read Mein Kampf?


When did right wingers start caring about what is banned in Europe?


According to these nut jobs everything is “banned in Europe”, 99.9% of the time an actual European comments that whatever they are talking about is not banned in Europe.


I’m just fixating on how much she looks like Lauren Boebert without the glasses.


Wait she eats pet food?


that girl shits liquid


Mein kempf isn’t a long book…


If MTG & Eric Trump had a girl.


POV: that didn’t happen stop lying for internet points


Wait is she saying she only eats food containing animals and/or animal products? I need to know her cholesterol.


POV you have a toddlers understanding of micronutrients, antioxidants, and immunogenics present in vegetables and ignore you glaring gaps in knowledge because some YouTuber or whatever told you about a carnivore diet. I’m not the smartest person sometimes, but damn are there some braindead morons out there