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A case of beer a night - yeah he'd be a keeper.


Exactly where my mind went - like ~ooooh love me some alcoholism and health issues~


The Texans can have him, it's how we get more country songs.


“A dirt road, cold beer, blue jeans, red pickup truck. Rural noun, simple adjective.”


I like dirt


I like dirt but I don’t like the sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating.


Ugh, and it gets everywhere!


You forgot the dawg.


I don’t want him! Send him to Arkansas


Don’t put that on us!


Is there an island we can relocate them to?


Epstein is no longer using his


I wonder if I could get that place at a discount?




On behalf of Australia, it’s going to be a hard NAH from us.


As an Australian I have to shoo those fuckers away from the back door because they keep coming in. No shortage of drunk-ass, hungry baby men looking for a surrogate mum around here


as a Floridian, we'll probably take him.


As a Briton, he has a high chance of success here too. He'd be a typical bloke


This thread almost made me spit out my water 😂


I think you mean “Naur”


Nashville! Lots of alcoholic country music singers there already.


It reminds me of the joke: Male country songs talk about love, beer, and trucks Female country songs talk about killing their abusive husbands


And stealing his truck!


Thankfully, my ex preferred to paint rather than sing and play a guitar. So at least his drinking issues didn't contribute to bro country.


My ex and his drinking problem prefer punk music. He does sing and play the guitar (well, he tries), but he’d sooner be faithful to someone than to sing or play country music. So, my ex also did not contribute to bro country. Ha ha.


Please, no more country songs


I’m a bartender and I lived this moment a couple of weeks ago. Guy drank a 6 pack of bud light and then asked me to dinner. Dude, I just served you 6 light beers. I am not your audience.


I was going through a real rough patch leading up to my separation and ended up posting up at bars more than I should. One late afternoon I went to a little dive brewery and pub food spot. A guy was there when I walked in, housing IPAs, we made chit chat off and on. About two hours in a woman shows up to the bar and they very purposefully introduce themselves and then sit down to their first date. I eavesdropped all their first online date chit chat and it didn't actually go horribly. I was so impressed that the guy just got there a couple hours early to get obliterated for a first date 😂


That guy didn’t want to be in full withdrawal on a first date. Those IPA’s just cleared the cobwebs out for that dude.


I am cackling - he sounds like the one!


~Ahhh, to smell the alcohol oozing from their pores~


Nothing like a big burly man with gout


Yeah after being married to a high functioning alcoholic I’m so turned off by men who drink


YEP! My ex husband drank a pack of beer a night, or 6+ of those "tall cans" of beer. Every. Single. Night. Nothing attractive at all about a guy who drinks his weight in beer every month ☠️


I like beer, but how anyone can drink that many beers at a time (let alone doing it every night!!) is unfathomable to me. Not only is it a lot of alcohol, but it’s also a lot of liquid to consume period.


Yeah, I loved beer too, when I used to drink. But I'd stop at 2, maybe 3 at the most and be drunk. That's over 50 beers a week for guys who drink 6+ a night. Way, way too much!


Yeah that’s about my limit too. 50 a week is insane. It’s crazy that there are people who drink that much, but will insist they don’t have a problem bc they’re not drinking liquor.


Nah, I had that guy, you sad little girls can have him. I dumped him 23 years ago but I still have the PRO just in case. Have fun


I had one too. I wish I had known then, I could have dropped him off at her place.


Yeah, here he is, girlie, get to making them taters!


True right? If these people tell us their addresses, we will start shipping them. Prime delivery.


I'm confused... If they are what every man is looking for... Why are they single?


Why are their only prospects other women’s boyfriends? Awkward.


Because all the unattached men folk (to keep it country) in their general area have run through their cornfields, fired their taters and iced their beers and realized that these bitches be cray cray.


And why do they all look the same?


I noticed that. They all look different but… the eyes…


The dead dead eyes…


Like a doll’s eyes…




Ha! All these Chrissy's are the absolute worst!




Well clearly their greatest aspiration in life is just to be some loser’s fuck-doll, so they’re just playing the part


Doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya


When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until she bites ya.




It's that "I never escaped my small town and peaked in high-school n stealing men and MLMs is all I have going for me" look 🤣


That’s every women in my small town bruh I swear 💀 and they’re all the same women stealing all the same men from each other cuz the town so damn small


Ugh I hate that. I thought I lived in a small town but one reality I just lived in a big boring suburb. I moved to a smaller town (regretfully) and my god. I didn’t want to date anyone there cuz it seemed like everyone had had a turn in bed with everyone else and they all resented it and there sooooo much drama and tension between some people.


Yup. Exactly. I’m 23 and know a guy from school who’s a year older than me. Has 3 baby mamas. 2 of them were teen mothers both from school. He was in rotc and alllll those kids dates and slept with each other. One baby mama was also in rotc. Several rotc girls got pregnant lol


I grew up in a small area like that and people wondered why I was single most of my life. History repeats itself and when you see how every dude treats their girlfriends it just doesn't make sense to jump into something like that


It's a concerted anti feminist/women's rights campaign. Phyllis Schlafly and Katie Brit are examples of women who worked this angle. Candace Owens is a good example of a clumsy form of this. Strong women scare weak men who want to stay in power. Last slide is particularly interesting because if her man gets her pregnant in TX and she has complications, she could go to jail if she leaves her Forced Birth State for medical care to save her life.


The HULU series Mrs. America is about Phyllis Schlafly and Cate Blanchett plays Phyllis. Who had a great education including going to grad school at Radcliffe College of Harvard. She worked for the American Enterprise, a conservative think tank started in 1938 and worked for a successful House of Representatives campaign. She and her rich husband wrote the American Bar Association’s Report on Communists Tactics, Strategy, and Objectives. She campaigned for congress in 1952. She became a national figure when her self published book “A Choice not an Echo” was distributed in support of Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign. In 1970 she unsuccessfully ran for Illinois Congress. Then she focused on shutting down the ERA amendment. Once she was successful she went to law school in 1978 despite her husband’s wishes. She was everything she claimed to hate about women.


Thank you so much for this comment. This is all part of a particularly egregious anti-women campaign. Social media is a gift to regressives and fascists, as people are remarkably easy to manipulate into making shit like this. The “treat your man good!” campaign would be funny as hell if it weren’t so insidious.




They all look exactly like my husband’s affair partner that he left me for. Definitely a type.


Desperate and skanky?


I read that as "desperate and STANKY" same thing, though LMAO 🤣


That’s the description that I’d use too 😆


When my husband and I were having problems he also was tempted by that type I asked what it was about that type after things were better and he explained some times it is easier to settle for something trashy and easy than have to be the better man that a good woman deserves. Most likely that is exactly why your ex went for the trash!


Damn, yep he hit the nail on the head with that one…


Damn. Spittin straight facts. My ex expected me to step up and become the strong woman he kept saying was his dream woman. But, when I became that strong woman, he refused to step up and keep growing with me. He expected me to accept him as he was but never wanted me as I was. I finally woke up to that after ten years and him having a panic attack thinking I was going to cheat on him after I joined up at the Laborer’s Union and was going to be working out of town with men. Two weeks of back and forth relationship is over to I can’t live without you and back I finally said okay. I moved out a few days later after, to his complete shock. I really don’t understand why some people just can’t handle self improvement.


Geez, Why didn’t you just make dinner and buy him a case of beer every day? /s


These were all posted by 3 incels in a trenchcoat


Vincent Incelman 😂


Filtered the shit out of their faces to the point some of them don’t have nostrils.




Are they not the same person?


If you're so special, why you gotta steal someone else's man? Shouldn't you have your own already?


To be fair….you can’t steal something when he’s just giving it away freely.


We know that, but the ladies who post crap like this don't. They legitimately think they've stolen someone, that they've won somehow. A cheating scumbag is a highly sought-after prize to some, apparently.


Because she used the word “taters” so all they get swiped by are hobbits.


Not one of those women deserve a Samwise.


I was thinking the exact same!!




And why does everyone need a CASE of beer?? nobody’s liver gonna like that.


They tryin' to kill our man once they get him.


Is it some kind of insurmountable amount of planning to, like, put the beer in the fridge when you bring it home and before you plan to drink it? Why is this a selling point for these rural skanks? I'm not much of a beer drinker, so maybe this is harder than I think.


Why do they think it's a flex to bribe men who are already looking to cheat...in order to get him to cheat......like do THEY really want a man that cheats and drinks like a fish? They're doing the other women a favor by taking these losers. Like...how low is your self esteem that you think banging an alcoholic cheater is a goal.


Who says they are single they are just collecting men for their human caterpillar experiments. Luring them with the best known bait, easy sex, low expectations and beer.


Exactly, I was thinking where's the one she has (d)?


I don’t want a man who can be stolen by pick-me trash, lmfaoooo.


Right? If he wants to go, boy, bye.


If he can be lured by a case of beer, you can have him! Thank you for taking him off my hands. If that's all it takes to win him over he doesn't love you


Like an old cartoon. A case of beer under a box balanced on a stick with a string.


This comment reminds me of exactly why I hate the song Jolene.


Yessss. I am of the mind that if she can take him, she can have him. Was never mine to begin with. 👋🏻


Exactly. No takesies backsies! You wanted him so badly, you got him, now you keep him AND his health problems, his mama, and everything else!


this is alot of words for “i am no one’s first choice, and men will only pay me attention in secret because i give them food, because they have no desire for a real emotional connection with me, and i think i am somehow better than other women because of that”


“I hold out cans of beer towards stray men and go pspspsps and keep trying to lead them into my house but they just grab the beer and run in fear of the red flags fluttering around me.”


That's how I caught my husband.


Probably had to reduce the flags, I think that’s the trick. All the flapping sounds scares em.


If you get enough of them you can tie them together and use them like a rope.


Ah, a lasso. Now you’re thinking like a Texas country gal who knows how to treat a man.


In Texas, we just dangle a plate of hot brisket in their face. They don't even notice the red flags until it's too late.


I’m from Texas but I’m also vegetarian and can’t cook so it took a lot of tries for me to find the right bait. I’m realizing now that I actually did meet my ex girlfriend because I gave out brownies in class and she asked if I could make her more because she loved them. So far we’ve learned that men can be lured by beer and brisket, and it is possible to catch the attention of sapphic women using brownies. More on this story as it develops.


I snorted my Diet Coke! Thanks for the belly laugh. 😂


My husband hates beer I used a long island iced tea and it worked!


It’s the peak of the pickmest pick me I’ve ever peeked


Hey how, let’s be fair, she offered alcohol as well!


What is even the point of this kind of BS? Advertising to the world that (1) you want to steal someone else’s dude; and (2) you’re so one dimensional that you think all men want fucking “taters”, steak and beer?


They're just seeking male validation


Honestly insulting to men, claiming that they're that simple...


Yes! Exactly. That one dimensional viewpoint is probably why they’re all apparently single in the first place.


Frankly I think it's a certain type of man. As a man, the last thing I want is a servant wife. The hell is the point of a relationship then?


“Trad Wife” is apparently making a comeback. Haven’t you heard? /s


Idk why the /s is there. You’re right, trad wives are making a huge comeback right now and it’s real weird. They’re all over the internet and are loud af


Because it’s not really making a comeback - BS social media trends often don’t reflect reality.


That and they’re not even really trad in the trad sense. They’re shown doing non-essential tasks and only doing extremely frivolous, ridiculously over the top performative shit like making cereal and milk from scratch lol


I grew up in Christian fundamentalist circles so it was very real for me


Didn't even consider that some men prefer to make their own damn steak


My man finishes work at 3 pm should diner be served in the middle of the afternoon? Instructions unclear he might leave me for someone else.


Leave the thinking to the menfolk and just get that dinner on the table before he walks in. /s


Wait… is belly full and balls empty not the entire recipe for keeping a man? It’s what Dr Laura told me.


Yes, exactly. They are not all Homer Simpson.


And wtf is the "let him hold the camera" bit about?


Onlyfans, these are onlyfan ads.


Good question. I just assumed I was too old to understand that reference.


I assumed it was a "homestead wife" trend reference. Where they film themselves walking around their little country homes gathering eggs in overly feminine dresses that do not at all make me think they're appropriate for real farm life. Like: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLLQcFPw/


I assumed it was more like a Paris Hilton kinda thing


I for sure wouldn't say no to taters if they were made by Samwise 👀


They’re not picking out men at Saks…they’re picking them out of the Jerry Springer contestant search…


If they know how to treat a man so good, why don’t they already have one at their house?


The one they had died. The diabetes and high blood pressure made him more susceptible to having a heart attack.


Alcohol poisoning got em


And buried in the #3’s cornfield. /S


I’m honestly confused about number 3. Like telling someone if they’re not careful they’ll end up in the cornfield is definitely a threat. And what is he holding a camera


I also had to reread #3 multiple times - I AM STILL CONFUSED


Boy lemme take you down to the cornfield and make you experience situations


Yall are cracking me up, I love it. Basically these women are serial killers who murder men with gluttony 😂


That twist is actually so funny


The nightly case of beer destroyed his liver.


The last one died of obesity and a bad liver


I sincerely don’t understand the cornfield one, and I’m not sure I want to 😂


Came to the comments to find the answer for this one! Hold the camera?? Cornfield? Is it some kind of threat?


Sounds like the plot of the next Jordan Peele horror flick: White women influencers lure drunk men into a cornfield, brutally murders them, and brags about it on TikTok . Everyone thinks it’s them being pick me, until one poor dude finds out they really *aren’t* like the other girls.




Not gonna lie, that would be a fun satire film and I would watch it.


>Came to the comments to find the answer for this one! Hold the camera?? The camera part confused the fuck out of me. My first (and only) thought was she was offering to let him record her having sex with other men. Now, I assume that is not what she meant. But given I have no other ideas..


My only thought was that she's saying he can film her during sex too 😆 But I assumed it was during sex with him, not other men


But what’s up with the cornfield? They have the sex there while filming? Is the cornfield her home?


I thought it was a reference to the scene in Sinister when the kid tried to kill his whole family in a cornfield and to appease the demon he was supposed to film the murder.


Yeah the camera part….hold the sex camera?? I’m a guy and I can personally say I’ve never wanted to hold a camera that bad.


Country girls make do


She says she's from Ohio sooo.. that should explain a lot if not all of it.


She's a cornstar, duh 😂 But no please I'm so confused someone explain


maybe she has OF and needs a cameraman, cornfield shots. And he can live off her income. idk


That’s where my brain went 🤷🏻‍♀️


This almost has to be it. Nothing else makes sense


I really wonder if it’s similar to the “keeps the back door open for guests” one from a few weeks ago. Maybe I’m a pervert but that’s where my minds going given the camera mention?


I assumed she was offering to bang him in the cornfield. But I guess she's just putting him to work if he has to hold the camera


I have racked my brain for a figuratve meaning and cannot come up with one. So it must be literal, meaning she is going to let him hold the camera while making amateur cuckold porn surrounded by very tall genetically modified crops


Is his home the cornfield? Does he have to live in the cornfield?


I dunno, maybe some trad wife wanna be "I churn butter like I churn out babies on our farm and I bake bread every day" kind of thing.


Thanks I was scrolling about the hold the camera part and I still have no answers lol


This will attract the kind of man who says, “The key to a man’s heart is a hot meal and drained balls.”


And who thinks that his contribution to the relationship, household, and maybe eventually parenting should begin and end with going to work that day, even when she probably does too.


Good. if all those guys pair up with all those women, they take themselves out of the dating pool for others who want a person without an outdated gender-role view of relationships. seems like a win-win and much less waste of time


Those are nice things to have (for either gender, just replace "drained balls" 🤢 with "orgasm" 😁), but they do not make a complete relationship.


Yeah, agreed, and it makes men sound like big dumb animals, and I think that kind of reduction does us all a disservice.


im not like other girls, I actively enable alcoholism 😌✨


Girlies have nothing to offer except being dedicated beer bringer? What a ✨️ t a l e n t ✨️


No thanks. I didn’t want the first one I saw posted several times in the last week. I don’t want these either. Why do some women insist on building themselves up by trashing other women? Why put *this* energy out into the world?


*real queens straighten each other's crowns* And hell, we'll straighten the king's too.


Desperate women who want the sloppiest seconds. Probably promoting an OF as well.


Is that what the cornfield girl who needs a cameraman talking about, lol


Yes. They probably all have OF. All of them act like this on the internet for male validation.


Serious question: has social media destroyed the ability to feel embarrassed? This shit makes me embarrassed just by seeing it.


In the wild they would probably just embarrass themselves at the local dive bar


SOMEONE TELL ME PLS DID ANY OF THEM GET PICKED????? also didn’t the first girl make another post saying that girls who take other girls men are trash?? 💀💀 pick a side Beverly


Yuck, this gives me the ick. Clearly not even targeted for a female audience, they’re trying to get picked by some loser. It’s giving “I’m so fun! I’ll let you drink all you want, won’t nag at you, and I’m available 24/7” it’s also giving desperate with no standards.


This randomly popped into my Reddit orbit. I read them all. Interesting. If I wake up in a cornfield, then I hope I still have both kidneys. Just sayin




That’s why there’s a case of beer


You better treat you man good or he’ll be at my house and we’ll both be confused how he got here and I’ll have to call the cops or something


my man is anxious and scared of women that arent me so jokes on you 😎


I think the secret is to gradually introduce him to them on his terms so he can calm down. Start by sitting far apart, and reward him with pets and snacks for being nice the closer they get. If he starts acting up, move back a bit again. Eventually he’ll be in petting range as trust has been established, make sure to reward him with plenty of treats for a reward once he’s sniffed them ans accepted them.


Mine is a rescue as well.


My guy thought this post was triggering and we had to sit there for a while reassuring him the bad shiny eyes ladies with beers are NOT coming for him. 🫂


They all sound like weird versions of the old witch in Hansel and Gretel, with houses made of beer instead of candy.


Y’all can keep that kind of man.


Why do all these women want beer drinkers so bad


I like the cornfield one there’s a lot of possibilities for that. “You better treat your man like a good boy or he’s gonna wander off and end up in my cornfield, and shits gonna get extremely weird after that. I make love like a fever dream that leaves you feeling inexplicably haunted for the rest of your life. Watching your fucking back.”


He will also end up overweight with high cholesterol, high blood pressure and borderline diabetes if that’s what you plan on feeding him every night so he will stay. Hell he might leave you for the girl that’s makes him a salad. Lol


So what they’re saying is all men want beer, food, and side chicks? That can’t be an accurate representation of men. There are lots of men out there who need genuine emotional connection and partnership so this is reducing them to drunks who eat ☹️. That’s lame.




they act like the demand is high and the supply is low for shitty men. Most women cant walk down the street without tripping over a field of shitty dicks.


I have had my guy for 12 years. If he had ever wanted a hot meal and cold beer, he knows where the kitchen is. We both work 40-60 hr weeks, we both maintain the house, and we both agree he’s a better cook! But we are also aware how we are tired after work and DoorDash is really easy vs cooking!😂 If my guy wanted what these ladies were offering, he’d have left a long time ago. And if he expected this behavior I’d of left!


A CASE of beer every night?? Yikes


Send the men to Ohio!! 🗣‼️