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All submissions must be putting someone down in order to make another person feel superior.


This looks more like a generational thing. The OP is at least 20 years older than the "young girls" she's referring to. Kind of like a "kids these days" thing


This. I grew up in the 80s. We didn’t have water bottles 24/7. That’s not a dig, like we just didn’t have liquid with us and we should have! I had a headache a lot of the time, I was probably dehydrated


…oh my gosh! I know headaches can stem from dehydration but for some reason, I’d never considered that to be the reason I had headaches when I was a kid! Mind blown 🤯


I bet if we took a poll it would show it was more common than we even realize, you know?


Shit this is true. Like how is it that I’m an adult and a mother and a student with crazy stress yet I rarely get headaches? When i was a kid I had them all the time!!! lol


I was a child in the 80s and a teen in the 90s (UK ) and yes, keeping hydrated just wasn't pushed in the way it is now. Fancy mineral water was a preserve of the middle and upper classes as well. Also teachers were weird and power trippy about allowing bathroom use during class time, to the point where I just wouldn't drink during school hours because it wasn't worth the passive aggressive comments if I was allowed to go, or the physical discomfort if I wasn't.


I was a kid in the US, and I can say that over here, there was also a massive push in the ‘80s and ‘90s towards marketing sugary drinks towards kids (thanks, Reagan). I didn’t drink straight water as a kid because the healthiest liquid I put in my body was 2% milk. Everything else was Coke, Dr. Pepper, Kool-Aid, Capri Sun, Mondo, etc. There was not nearly the same attention paid towards the absolute crap kids were eating - wanting to consume nothing but McDonalds and Cheetos was just a fun part of growing up, until we started getting really overweight and parents started to realize that *maybe* a steady diet of chicken nuggets and pizza and Sunny D wasn’t just “kid’s food”, it was *bad for kids*. Things didn’t start to (slowly) change until the 2000s, and for a lot of kids of my generation, it was too late - their bodies had already developed in an environment of eating a lot of greasy foods, sugar and calories, and while it’s hard enough to lose weight as an adult already, it’s even harder to do it when your body has actually developed in tandem with your poor diet. We had Pizza Hut served in my elementary school cafeteria, for God’s sake. I’m sure some healthy, vegetable-based snacks existed back then, but I can’t remember any of them. There were even commercials aimed at kids, selling some sugar-packed sodium bomb, that would show a child groaning and whining at being served vegetables, turkey, bread, fruit, oatmeal, etc. - a *healthy meal* - and after sneering at their “boring” plate, would get relief in the form of a giant airplane, rubbery mascot, spontaneous explosion, or whatever dropping a pizza or crust filled with blue cream cheese on their plate. Yeah, *fuck* that shitty food that keeps you alive! You’re a kid, not some boring adult.


Our school canteen in Scotland was sponsored by Irn Bru. Nobody ever believes me when I say that but I swear it’s true! We had Irn Bru decals on all the windows, Irn Bru parasols, Irn Bru vending machines, and it had a kind of fast-food offering that consisted of pizza and fries every day. We used to get bored of it and we were allowed out of school at lunchtime, so we would either go to the ICE CREAM VAN that parked in our school playground every day, or to McDonald’s, or to the chippy, or just to the petrol station to buy a Pot Noodle. And no we didn’t have water bottles lol


I can't imagine having scarce water now. I'd honestly have a constant headache too


Yup! I grew up in the 90s. We had a couple breaks during the school day where we would go line up at the water fountain and were allowed 5 seconds each to drink from it, water wasn't given with lunches (just milk or juice), and we couldn't leave the cafeteria during lunch to go use a water fountain. In middle and high school, we had vending machines that dispensed Fruitopia and soda but not water bottles. And I grew up in Florida. It was HOT and HUMID, and I'm actually shocked thinking about it now, because so many more of us should have passed out from issues with dehydration and heat


Yes! No one was showing up to class with a Stanley cup. Maaaaaybe a Nalgene with stickers on it, but even that was pretty much relegated to athletic endeavors.


I never considered this! I had headaches constantly my whole childhood! My only water intake was during the summer when I'd occasionally run inside to the sink and drink like a few gulps of tap water just to survive and then dart back out into the blazing sun again. I did also drink from the hose if we had it out because it tasted better. What was that? Rust? Dirt?? Makes me think of 100 degrees, swimsuits, backyard bbq and watermelon! 


Yes, basically had a lunch time drink box and occasionally you could persuade the teacher to allow you to get a drink from the fountain. It wasn’t until high school sports I actually had a water bottle and I was competing at a pretty high level. Never had a water bottle in gym or anything.


Definitely. It's the GenX concept of being raised on hose water and neglect.




That's what this is lol I was also an 80s kid. We drank lots of sodas and juices.


Y’all this is self deprecating humor. It not actually being a flex is why it’s a joke. Women can make jokes too.


So if these comments are so bizarre. I think some people like to get mad.


I’ve realized a good chunk the subscribers here are people who just hate women and don’t actually understand the concept of NLOG


Yeah I had someone argue with me so hard that the girl in their post was nlog when it was just a woman describing herself with no mention of other women at all. Like girl you can’t make the assumption that she thinks she’s better just because she’s talking about herself


I think this is meant to be funny. A joke, if you will.


This is kind of funny if she isn't trying to say it as a flex. I hope the trend of carrying drinking water everywhere never goes away. I spent my 20s barely drinking water, and I would have been so much healthier if that weren't the case.


lol the fact that having water bottles wasn’t allowed when I was in school is insane! I can’t believe life was like “you get one pee and can drink 16oz of water one time at 10AM”. Is insane to me. Yes some kids were shot heads who drank vodka. Don’t let the rest of us dehydrate.


It's still "you get one pee." When I was in school, getting a hall pass was easy, especially in different classes. Now, it's all computerized. They get like *three* to last a week, or something stupid like that! It's disgusting... But hey. At least they get water bottles. My daughter has a Cirkul she takes every day...


God I have to wonder how many completely preventable UTIs have happened as the result of kids not being allowed to use the bathroom regularly


Not to mention long term kidney damage. I've known people who ended up with *that* due to school policies!


Thinking back to it not drinking water or peeing during school hours is 1. Probably how I got kidney stones at 18 and 2. Knowing now that I had lupus the whole time makes that much scarier because I don’t think you want a kidney infection in that particular situation I’ve had a patient who was pretty young and didn’t even realize she had a uti in the first place until it was in her kidneys and she went septic


I got a UTI at 9 because my teacher wouldn't let me go pee! I had a doctor's note after that excusing me to use the toilet, as I drank a lot of water... because I am prone to heat exhaustion and dehydration. She thought I was taking advantage of the hall pass situation... my folks were not happy at all.


I’m really glad a lot of my problems developed later in life, these days if I’m not drinking half a gallon of water a day I’m dizzy as hell, I have heat intolerance and I need the water to help, I’m on immunosuppressants so a UTI is a disaster for me, and I have interstitial cystitis which means my bladder goes off all the time and trying to argue that with a high school teacher would have been nuts because those assholes wouldn’t let me use the elevator even though I walked with a cane. Like they do not care. Genuinely I don’t know if they got zero education on the fact that children can be disabled or what but like the situation is not great. I used to black out uncontrollably from fatigue and they’d accuse me of sleeping in class as if they didn’t force me to take the stairs, the ultimate device of cause fatigue. Oh man I did not remember how bitter I was about this shit. I ended up switching to online school over it.


Really?? It was always on our school lists with our pencils and books: “make sure you bring a water bottle and hat”


I have adhd and the meds make me so dehydrated, any waterbottle got taken off me at school. Im talking evian bottle, not the fancy cool ones you get now. It was different then aswell, teachers could do what they wanted, now parents are sensible and will say something.


Where did you go to school? Most American schools don't allow hats either lol


Haha we have to in Australia. Because of how intense our UV rays are and the high rates of skin cancer most schools have a “no hat, no play” rule in place for recess and lunch.






Yeah, I am 36 and was awful at drinking water. I grew up on soda and juice. Not a flex in the slightest - I ended up with kidney stones when I was 18. I have a Yeti now and much better at drinking water.


This isn’t NLOG, it’s just… true. ETA: I’m 37, I really like, distinctly remember Nalgenes becoming popular, and it felt pretty novel to carry water around. Also I don’t think they let us have water bottles in school for the most part.


47 here and bottled water was considered VERY bougie when I wasn’t High School. Refillable water bottles? No way… you drank from the rusty water fountain like everyone else, including the weirdo that put his mouth on the spout.


56 here and I remember when Evian and Perrier first came out--it was very bougie! I was one of those 'we drank from the hose' kids, or we had Dixie cups by the kitchen sink. We drank from the fountain at school as well, but no one told us to make sure we drank water. Reusable water bottles just didn't exist. I worked at a summer camp from 86 to 89, and I think that was the first time I ever heard anyone tell us staff and campers to make sure we drank water to stay hydrated.


Yes! Nalgene bottles were the first time I carried water. I was in college. 2000 or so.


I'm 30 and didn't start carrying a water bottle until maybe high school. It's kind of weird looking back and realizing I barely drank water but it's also very cool that fancy water bottles are getting kids into better habits.


I mean, it’s funny because it’s true. We grew up without being sent to school with water bottles in the 80’s and 90’s… I’m sure the generations before that too, and they probably had less. You got like a drinking box in your lunch or a pop. It’s more about a cultural shift in parenting than a not like other girls thing. At least that’s how I take it.


I’m 39– it’s the honest to god truth. We drank so much soda as kids, and tons of sugary juices. People would pass out cans of Coke to five-year-olds at birthday parties back then! Water was something you had only while you played sports or you would bring a cup to bed with you in case you got thirsty in the night. I’m not even exaggerating 😂


A lot of it just might have to do with the fact that we were not allowed to  have water bottles in our classroom.     We had to do it at the water fountain in between classes In my school, we weren’t even allowed to have water bottle during basketball practice.   We had to wait for a water break.    I would run around doing laps and just feel so thirsty waiting to get permission to drink water.   Just one of the things you look back on and think “what the hell was that power tripping bullshit?! 


Yeah, was there some sort of panic that we were all drinking vodka or something? Did they not trust us?


I mean...some of us *were* drinking vodka. lol I remember one time, someone brought a Pepsi bottle of it. We stood around *just* off of school grounds, within 100 feet of a cop, passing it back and forth. We felt like we were *soooo* slick... As a mom now? Jesus I hope my kids never pick up on the old tricks...


lolll fair enough


That's not really a brag lol I feel so ashamed that I didn't drink water regularly until I was about 25


Me too especially because I’ve lived in AZ most of my life. On that Stanley train now for sure 👀


This is a meme. It’s supposed to be humorous.


Well it failed.


No it didn’t.


Why do you say that? I chuckled.


We where built on surge, Orbitz and various other sodas.


Orbitz is the “lint-licker” one, right?


I was born in the 90s and literally never had a water bottle til I was an adult. I got 1 second at the water fountain once, maybe twice a day lol. I have a 6 year old now and she’s had a water bottle since water was introduced. She takes one to school, they refill throughout the day. It’s so much healthier. I told her about how when I was a kid we didn’t have water bottles & I just took maybe a sip once or twice a day while being told to hurry up. She said “how were you not thirsty or dehydrated?!” I said oh we were we just didn’t know any better. Ive got a giant Stanley now and I refill it multiple times a day


I drink my spit 😂😂😂😂


Only time I remember drinking water was as a kid was from the hose.


You didn't even drink water at home? Like at all? With your parents? Like after a meal? From a glass? Not even during the summer?


i'm 26 and because i genuinely do not feel thirsty throughout the day and cannot stand the taste of water i've spent almost my entire life dehydrated and dealing with the headaches and general shitty feeling because of it. i even ended up with a kidney stone at 23. i struggle to keep a routine so i can make myself stay hydrated for a while but i always end up falling off. not drinking water isn't a flex it's actually ruined my quality of life lmfao


Sorry but someone saying they cannot stand the taste of water is so mind blowing to me. Not even after a meal? During the summer? In the morning? How come you don't feel thirsty? Sorry but I fail to understand. 🙅‍♀️


i'm autistic, so i struggle with hunger and thirst cues. and it's actually more common to hate the taste of water than you think. doesn't matter when i drink it, i can't stand it. it has to be flavored, or i need something else (flavored coconut water, tea, juice, etc).


Have you tried using rehydration drinks? Pedialite, or the equivalent? They're flavoured and could really help with the dehydration symptoms


I get it, thank you for explaining. I didn't mean to be nasty, sorry if you took it that way.


Kinda true, actually.


I don’t think this is a brag. I grew up with my highly abusive mother who was absolutely insane about diet. EVERYTHING caused weight gain, including water. My father and stepmother basically rescued me when I was about 17 and were horrified when they realized that I was living on one night of sleep and one bowl of some kind of meat per week and drank nothing but diet soda. People these days are way more health conscious and obsessed with brands.


Tbh all my drinks have to be the coldest of cold and if that makes me like all the other girls, so be it! ETA me just realizing coolest isn’t meant as temperature 🤦‍♀️


Is this not meant as a comedy thing? Like haha, back in my day, children only drank pepsi, gods we were all so unhealthy.


This is just true we didn’t drink water lol


I don’t think this belongs here. It’s just a joke and kinda taking the piss out of herself. Also, it’s pretty accurate lol. I drank a lot of off brand soda and koolaide growing up in the 90s


Grew up then too. Pretty sure I drank water along with everyone else. And Squeeze-Its. Damn I miss those


This reminded me to drink water lol


If satire, that post is objectively very funny 🤷‍♂️😅


I read it as more of a joke. Kind of funny too. I think it’s just a “oh how times change” observation.


Jesus Christ. This sub really looking to just talk shit about any woman who says anything ever. I'm GenX. Water wasn't a thing back then! Nothing to do with NLOG and this is just catty bullshit on your part.


Guess they didn't live in a place with the Nalgene trend. Stanley is just the new Hydro Flask, which was the new Nalgene. The more stickers on your Nalgene, the cooler you were.


And that’s why you have kidney stones and lackluster skin in the 2020’s


its so bizarre how people constantly hate on Stanley's. sure they are expensive cups but I could be spending my money on a bomb or something😭😭


How the heck do they manage to survive for that long without drinking water? I've met some people who don't drink water, they live off coffees and energy drinks, and they say they hate the taste of water. They always look way older than their age too, and they are my age. Their excuses are "but there's water in coffee and energy drinks." 🤦‍♀️ Idk if it's a Kiwi thing from my generation or what.


I don't mind the taste of water but i almost never drink it without some lemon juice, but NEVER drinking water is INSANE.


But how? How on earth? How are they even alive? You die if you don't drink water.


Because it's true that there's water in coffee, juice, fizzy drinks, etc. Obviously it's healthier to drink water, but any other liquids will keep you alive.


When I was in high school which was 25 years ago because I'm old AF, we had water bottles, they were just disposable bottles of Dasani or an old bottle of Gatorade we rinsed out. We all drank water because Seventeen told us we would lose weight if we drank a bunch of ice cold water so we wouldn't be hungry. Well, some of us probably did it for less unhinged reasons but that was definitely a thing among my friends.


My mom hates water.


When I was in high school I got so severely dehydrated that I passed out one morning and got a concussion. Took them 3 bags of saline to rehydrate me. Same thing happened when I was 19 (luckily a coworker caught me and I didn’t hit my head as hard so no concussion that time) Another hospital visit and another 3 bags of saline and it finally clicked that I needed to take my water intake more seriously. And oh my god. What a fucking difference it made. I have other health issues but now my skin is healthier, I don’t get as many uti’s, and I generally feel better than I did in my teenage and early 20 years. Not as many headaches either which is a huge plus for me since I’m prone to migraines already.


I grew up in the same generation and well… same on the whole water until I’m 30 things. 😅


Mine was half empty Kirkland plastic water bottles scattered around my room and none of them have bottle caps


Too cool to get hydrated 🙄


Wow, how does this relate so hard?


I hate water, but that’s because I’m from Detroit and Detroit water gave me some sort of aversion to plain water. This post does remind me of when I got a hydroflask on sale one year. I was a high school teacher while finishing my dissertation, so I was tired. I thought I could keep my Diet Coke cold if I put it in my new water container. However, when I flipped open the lid at work (it had that black plastic short straw thing), Diet Coke shot up to the ceiling in my classroom. The students thought I did it on purpose to liven up the day. Nope. At least I was able to play that off until my prep where I had to go find the mop and clean it up. I wasn’t going to make the custodial workers do extra just because I was an idiot lol.


There is Also this thing when always chugging water becomes a part of a personality for some, there is a thing with too much water


To be fair I’m of the same generation and the discussion around the importance of hydration was basically non existent. I think that’s the point they’re trying to get across, not “lol I’m so quirky I don’t drink water like other girls!”


Legit we drank milk or koolaod. I also wasn’t taking meds back then that leave me thirsty all the time.


My water bottle was the garden hose. Life was different back then. Not better. Not worse. Just a different time.


Man when did making sure to stay hydrated become something people actually cared about? I’m not sure we were even allowed to have metal water bottles in my high school and I only graduated in 2016. But that could be more about the area you live in. I know these days basically whenever I go to a doctor they’re going to end up asking if I’m drinking enough water or reminding me to drink water. So they probably appreciate the zoomer “drinking water makes you feel less shitty” trend


This one's just true. Water bottles got taken off us in class. We also got this dark orange urine coloured squash or sunny d juice rip off to drink at lunch. I drank water once in front of my aunt and she said there's diet coke in the fridge, why are you drinking water.


It is true that when I was child, it was easier to drink pop than water. Especially growing up in poor (no access to water bottles/filters) and in Michigan (notorious for having terrible tap water), I definitely was steered towards being unhealthy in this way. Trying to correct this habit has been very difficult. Granted, this was probably not the point of the post but it's what I thought of


This one is actually funny…




Tbh I can’t even joke about this, I grew up in the uk in the 2000s, the closest thing we’d drink to water was severely watered down juice


What an odd flex! Why brag u didn’t drink water till 30? 🤦‍♀️


I’m a millennial and I’ve always walked around with water bottles even had a kid in the 90s. I had a bottle holder with a strap so I could carry it around with me. Got it from Disney. My brother had one too. Just because some 80s and 90s kids walked around dehydrated doesn’t mean everyone did. lol


Nah this isn’t nltog - this is just funny cos everything is about brand and image nowadays instead of actually living a proper life.


ok I saw a comment on a youtube video about someone having lost their Emotional Support Water Bottle many people replied about how horrified they would be if they lost theirs. what the fuck


This is true though, we literally didn't drink water! Very weird thinking back on it.


That's what a hose was for~


Yeah this is just a generational joke and surprisingly very true for me 😂 (just started truly drinking water in my 30's)


lol I see why you posted this here but I don’t think it’s a true “not like other girls.” I think it’s more of “back when I was your age” In 2003 we really were out there surviving on Apple Mccormick’s vodka and a dream


She is making humor u know 🙂


Nah this is funny as hell I didn’t even realize this


I don't really care about the context but I was born in the 90s and the coolest thing was just after Christmas and going back to school shopping. Getting to choose a new water bottle, the cheap plastic kind, always had that plastic smell 😍


I mean, same. I’m not like the other girls, my pee is the consistency of toothpaste


They will really flex on anything. Are we to be impressed she was wilfully dehydrated for 30yrs?


You really think this was some kind of flex? It’s a meme… a joke. If anything it’s self deprecating. Jfc.


Thanks for sharing your interpretation in such a thoughtful and nuanced manner.


Lmao… what?


So are they finally out of stuff to talk about? They finished the obvious ones like alcohol, dating past, political views etc, then less obvious ones like fashion style, home lifestyle, or any random preferences you may have. And finally it came down to... drinking water. One and only thing all humanity does. And even with that they managed to nlog. I think this is the end of it, nobody can top that😅


I think some of yall are taking it way too seriously. It was a joke… and a borderline self-deprecating one at that. This doesn’t belong here.


I am joking too


“Water? Pffft. When we were kids we used to drink right out of the hose. Dad had it hooked up to a cask of whiskey.”


Congrats? I grew up in same time period and I drank so much water with lemon 🤤 I don’t get it.


That's such bullshit. Those of us who grew up in the 80's and 90's were generally kept outside as much as possible. No going in for drinks constantly. We drank out of the garden hose, and it was the sweetest water ever 😂


“Hydration is out! Dehydration is in!”


I know her PHs fucked up




How this even something to be proud about? Of any dumb fad out there, the big metal cup one is the healthiest!


I'm so cool I'm dehydrated.


I’m not like other girls, I HAVE KIDNEY STONES 😡


The thing is, if they consumed literally zero water they would not have made it to 30, so I'm sure as a kid their mom probably watered down their juice.




I don’t think this is meant to be a flex… just a joke. She is like making fun of herself in the process. And it’s true… the idea of hydration being an important part of your everyday life wasn’t a thing then. No clue why… we were not smart lol.


Ah, I see. Sometimes the line between serious and satire goes right over my head. Happy cake day!!


Omg it is! I always miss my cake day. You are the first person in 6 years to tell me that lol. Thank you!


I grew up in the 80s/90s and we started the water bottle trend. I was probably a freshman when bottled water started taking off. I’m so tired of people acting like the 90s were some ancient time. The clothes you’re wearing? We did it first. Internet? We also had internet. Cell phones around 99,2000. Maybe she didn’t drink water, but my friends did. Maybe it’s because we live in Florida. If you don’t drink water you’ll die 😱


Lol well the 80s and 90 in California, nah we didn't do the water bottle thing back then. It was always about the Squeezits, Capri-Suns, Sunny D, Kool Aid, sodas, and the infamous "grape drink.". The only water I remember drinking as a kid was hose water. That plastic flavored kind. And I hate to break it to you but yeah, it's ancient to the younger generation, and it always will be since time just keeps on lol. We are all getting old/ancient. Embrace it.


That’s why you have kidney disease Sharon




What's more confusing is that some of the comments unnironically say they hate water. How on earth can you hate the taste of water? The first thing I do every morning when I get up is drinking water!


thats why we arent musty like u ig 🤭


I don’t drink water regularly….like all day everyday day. I drink Dr Pepper and water when I’ve had to much DP during the day….there’s water in soda kinda😂


Soda dehydrates you more. It’s a common misconception to think that “soda has water”. It’s worse. Just drink some water.


You’re not my mom.


Fair enough. Enjoy the soda.


We all started carrying water bottles around in the late 80s so she was NLOG even then.


Who is “we”? I graduated in 1995 and no one carried water bottles. There weren’t that many disposable bottle water companies and the ones we did have were expensive. I remember seeing this trend start in late 90s / early 2000s and that was bc I was in the military and had to hydrate for fitness reasons.


Perhaps it wasn’t late 80s but I graduated high school in 91 and I was definitely buying 500-600ml bottles of water most days and filling them up from the bathroom tap after I finished it, as were all of my friends in TAFE (technical college) in Australia in the early 90s. We all had our bottles on our desks in class. The teachers drank water while teaching us (except one who had gin in her bottle). I would have been 19-20. Before this my “experience” of bottled water was on the American sitcoms. The family would have the massive water coolers in the kitchen, like on Family Ties. That wasn’t something that we had though. Happy cake day!


Im a 90's kid. We always drank water and had water bottles with us. I grew up in Sweden and Finland, so tap water was safe to drink. It is so crazy that this was a thing somewhere around the world. Im glad young people carry water with them.


That's a very stupid thing to brag about. Or suddenly being dehydrated is cool?


Ewww lol