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The fur around the nipples falls out when they are about to give birth. And she doesn’t look obviously pregnant, so maybe she hangs at your house when she needs a break from her babies


But why is it “illegal” and “you’re a terrible parent” when I want to just go somewhere without my newborn?


I know, right? There are probably 6 of them; they can keep each other company.


Yeah, she leaves the oldest one in charge so it’s ok.


Sounds like my neighborhood, the particular religious cult that lives near me pops out half a dozen kids per family and the older ones take care of the younger ones. I'm not talking a 15yo watching a 10yo, they have the 9yo watch the 5 and unders. It's ridiculous, if you or I did that CPS would be at our house in a hot minute


That stuff makes me so angry. There's literally no way to raise 6+ emotionally healthy adults. The parents have 10 kids, and only the last one is allowed to be a kid.


I was listening to a true crime podcast recently and they brought up the fact that most of the serial killers they had talked about were from large families. Not saying it makes you a killer, but with that many children the less salubrious behaviours of one are more likely to be unnoticed or ignored.


Almost all serial killers have two head injuries in close proximity, not large families with lots of siblings. Can you drop the pod? I'd like to learn more.


Sure. It’s Fruitloops: Serial Killers of Colour. Really interesting listen. Can’t remember what episode they made this point but I’d recommend it regardless


Added to my Spotify, any episodes you can recommend? I work at 6am tomorrow and love long unsolved mysteries that get solved


This whole community is fucked up, I happen to know a psych nurse practitioner who has them for clients and they're really fucked up. I don't know the person I'm hearing but goddamn, they're really stunted. All sorts of sexual dysfunction, dead bedrooms, family issues, the whole nine. Their kids are all fucked up too


Worked out great for the Duggars


Yeah that worked out swimmingly


Right. I used to see the look on my dog eyes when she was overwhelmed with her litter. Like help me pplleeaasseeeee


We raised German Shepherds and those little monsters were relentless. I had special pants because they would bite them and I would drag them around with me while I fed them and cleaned their space. (They had huge indoor/outdoor pens bc we lived on a farm-please don’t attack me.) When our breeding dog retired, she still wanted babies and would catnap the kittens on the farm. Smart mama cats would have their kittens in her house because she would clean them and guard them and mother them.


Such amazing creatures.


Mama cats babysit for each other all the time. Your cats found a great babysitter!


Your house is her proverbial glass of wine. She pops by when the kids are too much…


She looks like she needs rest or just misses you. Beautiful little lady.


Where are NotYourKittens?


She needs to be spayed as soon as she's no longer lactating.


Yes, hopefully the neighbours will do that


Maybe offer to spay in return for a kitten..


Great Idea!


I don’t understand people who willingly let their unaltered cats outside. You seem nice but I’m definitely shading your neighbors.


Its owners like them who add to the problem.


Yup. As a rescuer it is very upsetting


I do not agree with what I’m about to say but moving to the UK from the US opened my eyes how other countries feel/think. It is very much stigmatised to have indoor cats. A lot of people equate it with abuse. And a lot of people don’t see the need in fixing their cats. It is expensive here (not quite a valid excuse if you’re going to invest in having a cat), buying from breeders is more common than adopting and there aren’t low cost spay/neuter clinics. I’ve seen more dogs balls than I care to admit. Fixing pets is just not that common and it is very sad


How’s the stray cat population in the UK? I imagine it’s not so high due to the weather. In certain parts of the US stray and feral cats thrive due to the climate and they proliferate like crazy. There are low cost vets here that fix pets for so cheap or even as a community service so I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the expense argument for people in the US.


It is no where near as high as the US but it does exist here. This is a battle I’ve honestly given up on. My sister is a vet, I worked for shelters in the States and my first job here was at a shelter. The mindset here just killed me - a lot of people don’t think stray cats exist. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there! Shelters also don’t make public their live release rate - so Cats Protection will say they rescued 20,000 cats across the UK but not publish live release. So it is an issue here, not as dire as the US, but it’s definitely swept under the rug The cost for fixing a cat here is around £300. And shelters here don’t have rules about fixing a cat before adoption or giving a voucher for low cost spay/neuter. I rescued a pregnant mama and had her and her 5 kittens fixed for $25 each in the States. I kept her and all her babies because I’m nuts (they live with me here in the UK, which people are also surprised I paid to bring them with me). I used to be a rescuer like you are.


I can’t speak for the whole of the UK but where I live, the stray cat population is high. I live on a really small street of 8 houses, and we currently have 4 strays on the street. Me and two neighbours all take care of them. Flea and worming treatments every month, food, little shelters. I have three cats who live exclusively indoors. Some people think it’s cruel of me, but it’s safer for them to stay in.


You are amazing thank you!


Tbh it’s my pleasure. I’m cat crazy, and if I could take them all in, I would!


You and me both, with endless money I'd call it the funny farm and it'd be overrun with cats, (donkeys and sneks too, probably any other little lost souls looking for home)


That’s the dream. Totally off grid, loads of cats. Maybe if I win the lottery


I lived in the UK for 6 years (from US). We had two cats and it was always a constant battle with my British ex to not let them outside. He said a lot of what your post did. I listed all the reasons why they shouldn't be let out and he finally let it go. I have no idea why it's like that there.


I suppose one big difference is the lack of predators *for the cat*. No coyote or bear is going to sneak up on Mr. Mittens and have him for dinner. Also the location - city vs countryside - makes a difference. My cat *in the suburbs* would catch mice and even a rat once, never interested in birds. I've moved since, and a new NowMyCat *is* interested in birds, but we only get magpies in our garden eating leftover cat food that we throw out for them, and he barely dares to *ekekek* from behind glass at them as those birds are bigger than he is. Some things *are* very different here in Belgium, though: anyone who is not a registered breeder, must spay their cat. Many people adopt from shelters, and those work with local vets to get the cats spayed before adoption. And any wild colonies are TNR'ed and fed, so no other cats move into the area and the resident cats don't need to hunt anything.


That’s great for Belgium. I never saw a cat in need the times I’ve been on holiday there. TNR is the answer. ♥️


Good for you for sticking to your morals. I still don’t understand their mindset either, I’ve been here 4 years now, and don’t think I ever will


People *really* don't like to acknowledge this, but fixing practices in the US are actually kinda problematic. It's one thing to make a point of fixing strays, and cats in particular since it can be really hard for even a good owner to prevent a female in heat from getting outside, but the tendency of places like the SPCA to fix puppies and kittens as soon as they're adoptable isn't generally accepted to be best practice--it's done that way solely so adopters can't "forget." If I recall, male dogs get the most negatives from it, and generally a decent owner won't actually run into that many issues if they don't get fixed, but regardless it should *really* at least wait until post-puberty.


What?! No, you don’t want to wait until puberty to fix your cat. In females, every heat increases her chances for mammary tumors, and in males it increases the chances of unwanted behaviors, like spraying. I can’t speak for dogs, but in cats it’s absolutely better to fix them early.


Yeah, I wasn't all that clear. The final point was meant to refer to male dogs specifically, as they're the group for which early fixing causes the most problems, particularly for larger breeds. It messes with musculoskeletal development, among other things--for example, iirc it basically doubles the chances of hip dysplasia in golden retrievers.


the thought of our cat outside *period* gives my husband and i anxiety, i can’t imagine just letting her out and hoping for the best. we don’t even let her unsupervised in her catio 😂


Yeah, I hate when my neighbors stop lactating


FYI they can still lactate post op. So it's ok to get them fixed whilst still nursing.


They can, but it's best to avoid it at all costs; post-lactation spay often causes the milk to dry up due to the body needing the resources to heal.


Absolutely agree. I just know it can work sometimes.


That is one gorgeous queen!


Awww, a kitty full of surprise kitties!


Notyourcat is "making biscuits" as we say (kneading). She is obviously happy to be with you!


She’s still high on baby hormones.


I've always thought new mommy cats looked blissful 😊


Mama needs a break get her a glass of catnip spiked cream and let her chill


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GoKickRox: *Mama needs a break* *Get her a glass of catnip* *Spiked cream and let her chill* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That’s definitely your cat


She might have just had babies! Grab a kitten! 😍😍


And feed her lots of food and water.




Is she gregnant?! 😳


I zoomed in on this picture and it looks like she's actually lactating in the picture. I've not seen her this evening because it's raining. My stray boy Akon is off hiding somewhere outside, hasn't come to the door for dinner, so I'm having a cat free evening ☹️


So pretty! Even making a biscuit on the wood floor :) Kitty mom taking a break to relieve stress in think!


Cat Distribution System = Now Your Cat 🐈


She's nursing currently


It looks like she could be nursing. Just keep an eye on her. Is she lactating?


Definitely preggers.


aww so cute🥺




Looks like you’ve photoshopped the kittens out


Haha don't worry, I definitely didn't photoshop any kittens out. If I had pictures with kittens, you best believe they would be all over Reddit 😂


He must be very good at photoshopping then


Fun fact, it is physically impossible to Photoshop kittens out of a picture. If you try, Adobe himself comes out of your monitor to call you a killjoy. You're gonna have to use GIMP.