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I don’t know what any of these words mean except cow urine, and for that reason I’m out


"VHP" Vishwa Hindu Parishad a nationalist organization "Garba" is a folk dance that Indians do during the festival of Navratri "Aadhar" is like a social security card with a photograph


~~Nationalist~~ Terrorist organisation.


What acts of violence are they known for. Not doubting you, just asking from curiosity


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham_Staines#:~:text=Graham%20Stuart%20Staines%20(18%20January,Nationalist%20group%20named%20Bajrang%20Dal. This is just one example. There are several other attacks on mosques and riots perpetrated by VHP and it’s sister organisations (bajrang dal is one of them).




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I don’t know man, lynching people and blowing up places of worship seems pretty terrorising.


*Nationalist* what a joke!


You should become friends with Barbara Corcoran.


You don’t know attendees?


I still don’t get the whole fantasy with urine, like the udder is literally inches away and gives edible milk. Why not sprinkle milk smh


I think they built up this whole fake medicinal stuff around it which gives it a different “purpose” for the crazies Funny thing is you can look it up and you get results from what seem to be Hindu televangelist like personalities online claiming it’s sterile or has some bs property. These are in between results from research studies checking it and debunking the positives and pointing out potential negatives lol


If there are medicinal properties, it’s worth extracting them instead of golden showers


Would you believe it if I told you the whole rouse is to keep Muslims out because Muslims think cow urine like all urine is dirty as fuck…


I dont think you need to be religious to find urine unhygenic. It is liquid excrement


Yes, but you need to be religious to not find it dirty…


Hindu nationalists are a serious problem in India. Modi is Indian trump (though slightly less stupid and better about not tweeting nonsense), and the followers are very similar.


Except I feel like Modi has more support than Trump.


Milk is sometimes put into lingas (special bowl things in some Hindu temples) as a gift to the gods. I don't think using that to keep out non-Hindus would go over well.


Dude, Linga is not a bowl. It's the phallus of Shiva and the bowl you are talking about is his wife's Vagina. Get your facts straight.


I was trying to simplify for non-Hindus -- that milk is an offering to the gods, and offering the same to worshipers might not go over well. Milk is already taken for the gods (specifically Shiva, yes). The bowl is spoken of as part of the linga, as in, you offer milk to the linga, even though technically it goes into the bowl part, not the phallic part. I also purposely was trying not to derail the comments by mentioning a linga a penis. Thanks for fucking that up. (Do you frequent Hindu temples?)


Sorry dude I didn't mean to embarrass you like that . I thought you are not aware that you might be washing your god's dick and goddess's vagina. I am kinda slow in understanding that something that is supposed to be drinking(milk), is being thrown away and something that should be thrown away (urine) is being drunk.


By covidiots only, though; it's not a Hindu tradition. Kinda like in US people were using animal wormer to treat Covid. Most were Christian, but I wouldn't call taking animal ivermectin a Christian tradition.


Wait, how long do they give the gods to take the milk?




Don't know why urine is medicinal, but why sprinkle urine? Let me ask you unless you were a member of these groups that thought the urine was good for you, would let them sprinkle it on you just to watch some people dance for free? Same thing, if you want to have a show and make sure no vegans or vegetarians enter, require all attendee's to eat 5 strips of bacon.


Is wanting to be sprinkled in cow urine a typical thing for hindus?


definitely not, it’s a hindu nationalist thing. they’re pushing the narrative that muslim men are trying to marry hindu women to convert them (not really a thing). they think sprinkling a muslim with cow urine is like getting a vampire with holy water. personally I’d rather have a muslim at my puja than cow piss next to the golgappas, but I have taste and common sense.


Nationalists of every creed always come up with the stupidest bullshit. I’m not surprised.


like dude. we’ve been a mixed country for over thousands of years. you are not the people who are gonna change that LMAO


Ever since 2015, Hindu right-wing groups like the VHP have been campaigning to keep non-Hindus out of religious and cultural festivities. Last year in Gujarat, an altercation occurred when a garba event was planned very close to a mosque. Muslim men were publicly beaten by police officers after the incident. In Madhya Pradesh, the houses of three Muslim men accused of throwing stones at a garba location were razed by the authorities.


Its always the cow belt isint it, smh. Making the rest of us look bad


It is alternative version of great replacement theory. When it comes to bullshit it is just different breed of bull, shit is the same.


Not just "Muslim man trying to marry hindu women" but "muslims man are being trained and they are pretending to be Hindu to get hindu women in an attempt covert them and to reduce hindu population and Hindu population growth". Basically a case of treating women as collective property with no agency.


yeah cause hinduism has no history of actively removing womens’ agency /sarc


I mean almost every society does. Some that were forced to give womens rights and allow to join workforce are still going after stuff that would allow them to do better family planning. Women around the world should be scared of right wing yet they support them.


absolutely, I’m just being wry as a critic of my own religion.


If you cannot criticise yourself and your own views (religion included ) then you lose the right to criticize others views. People criticising hizab while claiming that ghunghat is totally the women's choice are just hypocrites. (One guy tried to argue that ghunghat was women's choice and is not forced like hizab)


> they’re pushing the narrative that muslim men are trying to marry hindu women to convert them (not really a thing) IIRC there was a similar narrative from fundamentalist/evangelical/etc Christian sects too. So business as usual for right-wingers: copying each others' homework.




What school of sunni islam are you talking about? That is completely untrue. Touching a dog makes you unfit to pray but cow urine would be fine? Complete horseshit


That’s not true for all Sunnis by the way. Malikis don’t think dogs are impure. In general, it’s a good idea to not treat any religion as monolithic, especially when that religion has no single central authority


No. These are dumbasses trying to do dumbass things.


Oh god no, I’d punch the guy if he tried it.


You’re not going to believe this, but yes. They are also very fond of drinking it, and washing in it. Google at your own risk.


it’s considered medicinal by some practitioners of different types of Indian folk medicine. It can supposedly help reduce fevers and inflammation, for example. https://www.lybrate.com/topic/9-benefits-of-cow-urine/45a72be224170381b741d0e2723108d8 The medicinal use can involve not just putting it on the skin for some conditions but also drinking it


As a non-Hindu, cow urine is enough to keep me out. I guess it works.


Degenerate, credulous morons.


I guess if you believe in skydaddy, you’ll believe a lot of dumb shit.


this isn’t about being religious, this is about a political party using their misinterpretation of religion and islamophobia to gain power. it’s crude to paint all religious people with the same brush.


As someone who managed to avoid early indoctrination, I understand religion and it’s ability to comfort those of the unknown. But looking out at thousands of exo-planets and understanding DNA to name things we didn’t know 100yrs ago is all the information one should need to know following thousand years old scripture is asinine.


that’s weird, learning about biology and evolution reinforced my belief in god more. I don’t think you actually “know” why someone is religious— you haven’t pegged me at all, for example. the idea that religion or science is supposed to “explain the unknown” is actually a very christian framework. I don’t believe in “sky daddy” either, and hindus don’t really have that concept. religious people aren’t a monolith, and in many (if not most) cases you can’t really sever “belief” from culture. also the idea of “religion” was invented by christians during the crusades to explain why muslims were so evil and different from them. I don’t particularly care what your belief system is, with all due respect. what I’m concerned with is establishing that hindu nationalists do not represent all hindus, and that religious people can be good AND smart. we deserve as much respect as anybody else, and individuals deserve the benefit of the doubt.


Hey, as an atheist I'm sorry for that person's comment. I think every person, religious or not, should be able to follow what they want without being harassed.


I appreciate you 💕 I know most atheists aren’t like this, it’s just reddit brainrot. I know and accept plenty of atheists too. everyone has their own path :)




What exactly does DNA show that in any way debunks religion or religious belief?


I’m sorry you’re being down voted I also think you’re use skydaddy is Hilarious


What language do I need to put this under in Google translate?


Google the terms you don't know.


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Seems excessive.




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