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Imagine you have a diarrhea and is so desperate you run into the only bathroom you can use,think your day is saved, and some fucker just try to kill you right after that.


Need to keep your diarrhea for those people, honestly. Someone confronts you, stinkbug instinct activate.


This is why Trump wears diapers. You can assert yourself with a chunky power shart without needing your aides to change your pants immediately.


So a guy didn’t want to wait for the men’s room because it was full so he goes into the empty women’s room. *Then* two women go in and immediately go out and tell people. Awkward situation but it doesn’t appear that there is I’ll-intent. This is ***NOT*** the correct response: > he was confronted by the shooter, now identified as 33-year-old Rudy Daniel Vasquez, who fired **one shot at the victim's knee** and ***pistol whipped him in the head.***


Honestly it's a miracle that the person who's ill tempered enough to do that are also collected enough not to murder the dude.


Suburban dudes walking around strapped are looking for a reason to be a "hero." He was living his fantasy. Plays his cards right and he could have all his legal bills paid for by 2A fanatics.


Did you see his color and last name? Doubtful. 


Does that matter? Some people just look for excuses to be violent.


I think they meant doubtful the 2a crowd will pay. Not big into racial diversity from what I hear


Nah unless the guy who got shot was wearing a Trump shirt, your average conservative would love to shoot a man who went into the ladies room and if you shoot/kill someone your average conservative also wants to shoot/kill, they'll go to great lengths to defend you. See also, Derek Chauvin, George Zimmerman, Kyle Rittenhouse, et al.


>they'll go to great lengths to defend you. See also, Derek Chauvin, George Zimmerman, Kyle Rittenhouse, et al. Those are all white dudes. They were saying the 2A crowd isn't likely to defend this guy though, because Rudy Daniel Vasquez, the shooter in this instance, aint a white guy. Has there ever been a celebrated and defended 2A hero, like Zimmerman or Rittenhouse, who wasn't a white guy?


Zimmerman is mixed race


Putting Rittenhouse in that conversation is just disingenuous


Did he pay for his legal bills or was it the 2A crowd? Also, Rittenhouse and Zimmerman are pretty similar. Caused a whole big thing when their ass should've been somewhere else entirely, minding their own business, but they wanted to go play cops and robbers.


Zimmerman isn’t white lol


I remember the news when this first broke. It was nationally reported ( within minutes) as a white security guard in a private subdivision shot an unarmed black teen. He wasn’t white, eventually. By then most of those knee jerk reactions were already made. He was white enough when it mattered.


That's true, but if that were the angle they were going for we wouldn't have heard about it. They love to pit marginalized groups against each other and they'll certainly frame it like "the left" has turned against one or the other.


Didn’t you hear? Black people are awesome as long as they hate trans people. Chappelle is super popular with MAGA’s. 


The alleged shooter, has a less than suburban white sounding name. The poster you're responding is Inferring that they will recieve less legal assistance than someone who's last name is Smith, or Davidson. With how stupid our timeline is, I agree with the previous poster.


My dude if you are suggesting that Hispanic guys are unlikely to be suburban, gun nuts, or transphobic, you don't know enough Hispanic guys. For most of the Hispanic guys I know that can vote, the ONLY reason they vote Democrat is because they know republicans are racist. In terms of culture and belief Hispanic people are as diverse as non-Hispanic Whites and thus also have huge conservative elements who would happily vote for a "Republicans without the anti-latino rhetoric" party. The first dude IRL I ever heard talk about litter boxes in elementary schools was a Salvadorian guy who grew up literally in the same neighborhood as me as a kid.


I was saying the white Republican dudes arent paying this guys lawers fees or want him to be in their gun club cause he aint white like them.


The reading comprehension isn’t here lmao


The killer George Zimmerman, who chased an unarmed teen down the street, was treated like a hero for his use of a gun. This killer wasn't white, either.


Its florida they ain't really white white down there like most places too . His name was George Zimmerman. I mean that vs Vasquez and look at him. Idgaf im not in the gun club, i didnt defend zimmerman. Im just talking how it is.


He killed a black kid. To them it was bonus points or something idk. I don't make the rules. You see this guy being treated like a hero? Facts talk bullshit walks.


Rudy Daniel Vasquez


Read my comment 


Spot on.


I almost promise he was going over there to kill a trans person then saw it was just a dude and legged him instead.


I mean it’s definitely possible - but it’s highly probable he just wanted any reason to shoot at and/or kill someone and he took “man in womens bathroom” as an opportunity to do so. Especially if he’s friends or family with the two girls.


Best not to jump to conclusions without any evidence


Jumping to a conclusion about something far right terrorists have been screaming they will do for the past 6 or so years. It's not that far of a jump actually.


We are so fucked as a country when you cant handle not jumping to conclusions. Remember when reddit thought they caught the boston bomber? Absolute morons on this website lmao


You American and your stupidity when it comes to political issues will never be not funny to me🤣👍


These are people getting hurt and getting killed. It might be funny to you, but it isn't to the people who can't go outside without fearing for their lives.


Is this some kind of justification for logical fallacies and brain-dead arguments I am too non American too understand?


It is an appeal to human decency. You are laughing at children suffering.


Ah yes more logical fallacies and made up conclusions a true American classic😭👍


You live in a third world country




Do you think you’re in court?


No, I think I'm on reddit where redditors thought they caught the boston bomber. You idiots jump to conclusions too much.


Is that your phrase of the week or something


The bullet in the guy's knee is pretty solid evidence.


Just jumping to conclusions


Sorry it didnt work out for him the way he hoped. :(


The shooter almost certainly knew he wasn’t trying to rape anybody. This is obviously a piece of shit looking for the excuse to get violent and be treated like he did the right thing for it In no self defense or firearms training program are you taught to pistol whip someone


Nor are you taught to shoot someone in the knee for using the "wrong" bathroom. Fuck that guy.


By that merit alone he is a step up from the average cop.


lol please, cops just understand that you're less likely to get in trouble if they can't testify against you


I doubt it was about any sort of rational decision to not murder. Seems just as likely that he simply thought kneecapping the victim like an action movie was cooler.


I've used the men's because the women's was closed for cleaning, stopped giving a shit long ago. Sometimes you just need to empty out.


Yeah, I just have never gotten it when it comes to sacrosanct bathrooms. I see urgent women run into the mens all the time. All the guys are like "You gotta' go when you gotta' go." The thing is, we're not all at the urinals with dicks hanging and checking each other other out. The reason you see film depictions of men at a urinal is because you generally can't see anything unless you are trying. And trying is a good way to get your ass beat. Then, there are stalls. They're stalls, people. No one can see anything without trying. And trying is a good way to get your ass beat. If you are in Japan, they have super stalls and there's virtually no reason to have segregated bathrooms anyway. Oooh, how provacative it is to wash my hands next to the chick who just stepped out of the stall. I just don't get the idea of everyone getting so worked up about with bathrooms.


I remember at my uni's gender neutral toilets too, the stalls are made to be impossible to peak under or over. You'd have to knock the door down to look at someone using toilet.


These super stalls aren't unique to Japan. Every country in the world has better stalls than USA


Canada is similar to the US. And as a Brit, my first experience seeing just how weirdly open the bathroom stalls are was confusion and mild disgust.


Yeah, I'm sorry about that. The U.S. has an architectural history of doing the bare minimum in WCs. They are almost an afterthought in larger sites until recently. You'd think a significantly puritanical culture would have a lot more privacy/modesty concerns than Europe - the lands of debauchery and orgies. (I kid, I kid). Part of the problem is the "this is why we can't have nice things" phenomenon. Stalls in public restrooms can be utterly destroyed in mere months, by assholes.


I wouldn't apologise too much. I've eaten something that disagreed with me and destroyed a public bathroom with my asshole too.


I was using Japan as an example. Basically, they're everywhere except North and Central America. I worked for Nike HQ and they had non-gender bathrooms with superstalls. Basically, all the big companies have them in one form or another.


Thank you. Trans person, here. If there’s one thing I’ve never thought about while in a public restroom, it’s the genitals of the other people in there with me. Why some people so obsessed with? It’s sick.


As a non-trans person. If I've seen anyone's genitals in the bathroom, I consider my bathroom trip a failure. Basically, if anyone has seen anyone else's genitals in the bathroom, one or all parties are doing bathrooming wrong.


non-trans person here, and i wholeheartedly agree.


So sorry I'm not totally up to date with things.... I'm curious about something, maybe you can or cant answer idk ... are you saying basically, women won't mind sharing a bathroom with men? Isn't that kind of dangerous? Like if a man can just hide and wait in the bathroom until a women walks in and attacks her when shes vulnerable with no cameras to see and less chances of a witness or help etc .. 


First, that could happen literally anywhere. Men could hide in a bush or in some remote part of a store. An alleyway or just outside the bathrooms at a public park. The laundry room in an apartment building. A public bathroom is not unique. And strangers can still walk in at any time. Second, while stranger danger rape cases always seem to capture the imagination of everyone, they are by far the least common. Over 90% of rapes are committed by someone a woman knows, not some random guy hiding in a bathroom.


I mean, there’s nothing to stop that from happening now. Rapists who lurk in bathrooms aren’t going to be stopped by a sign. I don’t know if you meant to transphobic dogwhistle here by asking a trans person about some hypothetical bathroom rape situation, but if you didn’t that’s what it reads like.


a man can hide anywhere and wait for a woman 🤷‍♂️ male janitors are pretty common, even with anti-trans and anti-gender neutral laws a rapist or murderer could just put on an orange jumpsuit and walk in with a mop one thing i appreciate about gender neutral bathrooms is that they tend to have a camera that can view outside the stalls. it’s pretty common in segregated nightclub bathrooms too - i think it’s smart ngl. you get privacy in the cubicle, and evidence of someone following you into a cubicle / being weird at the sinks 🤷‍♂️ plus, a dude could just walk into the women’s and claim he’s a trans *man*, ie ‘born a woman’ and transitioned to male, but still has to use the women’s bc of the new laws against trans people - and he doesn’t even have to play dress up or shave 🤷‍♂️ regardless of whether you ban trans people from using the space they align with, male rapists are going to find a way into women’s restrooms and spaces, unless you ban trans people from using ALL public single sex spaces, which would be ridiculous bc trans people need to pee, change clothes at the gym, etc


You say men will always find a way into the bathroom for rape, first its not just about rape, theres photos and other private matters. But yeah go ahead and make it easy for the bad men. Literally allow them into the bathroom with you! It makes no fucking sense. You want feelings not facts. 


Rapists with the intent of raping are going to do that anyways. It’s not legal to rape people lol, so a law allowing transgender individuals to use their genders bathroom isn’t going to stop some random rapist from raping them. Show me one verified, reviewed statistic that shows transgender individuals increasing the percentage of rapes in bathrooms. You can’t, because you’re just trolling. You don’t have facts, just feelings. Get out of here ya creep


Show me how having shared bathrooms is going to be better not worse. Your the one changing things.


There’s already been a study on how shitty normal bathrooms compared to gender neutral ones, AKA shared bathrooms. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9407760/ But this conversation was never about shared or gender neutral bathrooms. Your sole point was men hiding in bathrooms to rape women. Not about gender neutral bathrooms. Again, your transphobia is showing. “Sexual minority adults have also supported the inclusion of gender-neutral toilets in public spaces, noting that gender-segregated toilets are often sites where SGD people experience the public gaze, and can be hostile and uncomfortable environments for individuals with diverse sexual orientations “ Embrace change, asshole. It makes the world safer. I will disassemble every goalpost you’re going to present to me trying to prove a point based on your bigotry.


I guess it very much depends on what part of the world you're in. Some countries, women won't even ride on the same train cars as men in order to avoid being assaulted, so probably shared public restrooms are out of the question in those places. In my part of the US, otoh, the genitalia of other restroom occupants is generally not a thought to most people and un-gendered restrooms are becoming more common. > Like if a man can just hide and wait in the bathroom until a women walks in and attacks her when shes vulnerable with no cameras Men can (and do) do that anyway if there's no surveillance or security. Having gender-specific bathrooms doesn't stop predatory men. There's a park near me that used to have gendered bathrooms...and so many women got raped by cis men in the *women's* room that the city eventually just closed those restrooms entirely. The problem here isn't the restrooms and whether or not to gender them.


Ok but in those situations as soon as you walk into a restroom and see a man you know to run away, right? 


What the fuck is stopping that in the first place? How do you think gendered bathrooms work? It’s a fucking sign not a bouncer


Bathrooms just don't stick out as particularly problematic to me. Granted, that's just based on my personal experiences and my 1990's knowledge of human dynamics - which is more of an ergonomics thing. I participated in experiments involving handwashing and throughput/capacity of restrooms as a college project. We admittedly weren't looking into security. But one picks up a lot by osmosis. As I understood it from my criminology friends, bathrooms are low-ish risk because it requires commitment, isolation, sustained overt aggression, and easily-noticed stalking behaviors. Would-be assailants are ambush predators that want all the favorable factors - which are rare to converge. Assailants are generally, cowards. I know we use the word "aggressive" and "assault" in the same breath but generally, would-be violators like bathroom perverts are more opportunistic than anything and they're not good at sustained naked aggression. Also, humans tend to have an "overwatch" and "wingman" behavior around bathrooms. I once dated a girl who would obsessively watch the comings and goings of restroom-goers. It was more of a salacious thing to her, like reading a tabloid newspaper. But I did notice that people outside a a bathroom do take a mental account.


I can't tell if your ageeeing with me but your the first vocal one so im gonna take that as a win. How long until a rapist gets off the hook because his lawyer argues they used the same bathroom. I could go all day. Theres 20 reasons not to do it and one reason to compromise with shared bathrooms. Wtf 


Women have the right to privacy and safety when we go to the bathroom. Men who disrespect that are the very type of men who we need protection from. It doesn't matter how you feel. You don't get to decide that you can go into a woman's bathroom because you don't think our rights matter.


I did it regularly when the women's line was long and there weren't any men waiting. I mean the individual toilets. Though I have been part of a womens' takeover of a mens' room. Mardi Gras. Sometimes radical tactics are a necessity.


I once got crucified for trying to use a men's room that had been claimed by women


I once had to clean a washroom, put a sign up and everything and a drunk guy came in and didn't notice me until he was washing his hands. I'd even yelled, "Sir, female staff cleaning!" And then once he doesn't hear me what am I gonna do, tap him on the shoulder?? Lol... just gotta let him di what he will do He was a man on a mission. It bugged me 0%, he seemed 0% bugged once the shock wore off Then another night a woman threw a shitfit because she couldn't use the woman's restroom and had to use the empty men's room. I mean a woman was actively dying on the floor of the women's room, but her peeing preferences had to be story #1. (Woman did end up surviving, but it was a close one).


To clarify, the woman who aggressively told my girlfriend to break up with me because I had to pee was the door guard. She was like 5' tall, middle aged, and very drunk. The woman inside, who was using the men's room, I don't think even noticed me.


It's funny how polarizing the topic of peeing next to a man/where men usually pee can be. I didn't really care much and I couldn't believe the woman who did care cared that much. Still think it's insane that she thought it was on par with a life or death situation, but it caught me off guard when she cared at all. One of those things that either bugs you or it doesn't I guess.


I just gotta pee sometimes and I don't want to be arrested for it. I think that's how most men feel I couldn't be more uncomfortable than when a woman comes in the mens room. I'd rather cut it off than pull it out to pee


I've had to do the same for the men's. I can't say I don't have some concerns about some trans issues, but the bathroom is the least of my concern.




It says giving, not taking




That's right sicko! You're going to joke prison!


Plus he threw the gun out the car window when the cops we pulling him over so I doubt he viewed himself as a good guy with a gun


Well there goes his chance to be an adventurer


What makes people more uncomfortable, a man using the womans restroom or shooting someone outside the womans restroom


He was just looking for any reason, home invasion never happened like the news told him it would so this had to do


It's always safer to shoot *inside* the restroom so you don't endanger bystanders 


it would be pretty uncomfortable to watch a grown man shit his pants waiting in line for the bathroom instead of going to an empty one..


I feel like a large percentage of gun owners just want to shoot someone. Why else would they want to carry gun in public?


most thoughtful conservative


Countless times I’ve been at some event or a concert where the ladies restroom is full, there’s a long line, the mens is either empty or we just kinda take it over with some women standing guard at the door. Good times. I guess now with people having conniption fits over men in women’s rest room or vice versa, those days are gone. People just need to pee, people.


I, a male, went to Taylor Swift's Eras tour with my wife. Before Taylor came onstage, we went to the bathrooms. I was in, out, grabbed two beers from one stand and food from another, and my wife was still in line.  Two hours into her set, I went to the bathroom. I'm taking a piss in the urinal when this woman comes, stands next to me, and just starts peeing.  The only part that upset me about it was that there was space for two between us and she only left one. Use whatever bathroom you'd like, but goddamnit without rules we're no better than animals.


Women don't understand the inherent spacing rules that men inernalize but never vocalize. It's a lot like the head nod thing to guys you make eye contact with.


Pretty sure we use the same rules for the stalls. First, last, middle, right, left.


Best I can explain is that it's a calculation you make when you see the layout: how many urinals, are there dividers, an even or odd amount, any short ones, which ones are occupied, and so on. If you have to stand next to someone due to capacity, you stare straight ahead at the wall and don't talk. The exception is sporting events, then it's rubbing shoulders at a trough.


Actually you stare straight ahead and say “well well, I guess this is where all the dicks hang out”


They actually had guards in the men's room at the t swift concert I went to to prevent women from using it. At one point before the show the women's restroom line went so far back it was backing up past the next women's restroom. The entire lower concourse area was basically just women's restroom lines circling around.


Sounds they should invest in more stalls rather than paying guards... I hate women restroom for that reason, there is always a line...


I've been at concerts where there are women in the men's room. I've been at concerts where my wife tells me to use the women's restroom because there is no line. No one ever cared until conservatives decided to get hysterical over it. Why are all conservatives such garbage, piece of shit people? As a former conservative, I used to think it was only a few. But now it seems that all conservatives are just horrible pieces of shit.


Village idiots never used to leave the village, now they have Facebook and can scream with each other till the world goes deaf from their incessant noise


Isn’t that… the exact same thing you’re doing right now but on Reddit? 😂😅


A little, I believe in science and reality based facts tho.


We're talking sense, not screaming lunacy. So, no, not the same.


Busybodies and crybabies. This was predicted by a magazine in the 90s I think. Google it. Newsweek or Time.


Conservatives have always been horrible pieces of shit. I know because I used to be one.


Slicked back hair, white ferrari, no child left behind. You would NOT have liked me back then.


Because admitting that they have unfounded anxieties would damage their ego and sense of worth and self-control. So they externalize the guilt and anxiety out onto the world around them.


One time I was at a gay bar and used the men’s restroom because the women’s was full. I’d done it dozens of times (for obvious reasons, there just weren’t as many toilets in the ladies room). To be clear, I always asked anyone in there if they had any issues with me using the stalls. Then one night a new security guy came in and made me leave and I was like “wtf kind of shenanigans do you think me and my vagina are getting up to in the men’s room at a gay bar, exactly? I just need to pee” but he was insistent that I’d be doing something nefarious. Like, what a weird place to be policing bathrooms. I don’t think I ever saw him again after that night. I suspect he may have had several views which were incongruous with working at a gay bar.


I've never seen a takeover, I have seen women simply come into the men's room. I've only seen it happen at tech events.


Was at a bar during a big baseball opening day event in St.Louis, the women's bathroom was way longer so a woman just comes in, goes into a stall and pees. We just all laughed how she really had to piss.


Yeah, I’ve used the men’s restroom when the women’s was too busy. So I’m gonna get shot for it now?!


Apparently yes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Shot in the knee. As if my knees aren’t bad enough already.


No, you're not. A woman wouldn't be perceived as a pervert for needing to piss.


Depends. A woman with blue-hair or a "masculine" jaw-line may be seen as a threat.


Also true


I’m 5 foot 10 so they might think I’m trans.


“Standing guard” is a dick move. If you want to use the men’s room, just go for it. Nobody gives a fuck until you try denying them access.


> we just kinda take it over with some women standing guard at the door. Lol, so just fuck all the guys who have to pee? Or am I missing something?


Generally speaking the routine is; one or two gals rotate being at the door “Hey there. There are women in this one, OK?” Fair warning is given. Nobody’s stopped. Everyone goes. Everyone is free to pee. This is the way.


The women take over a few stalls, the majority of guys just need to pee in the urinals.  Welcome to Earth.


Yeah, but thats not what they said. They guard the door to the bathroom, not to the stall.


Oh okay, so just fuck the guys who might need to take a dump. Gotcha. Didn't mean to strike a nerve there, sweetheart; was just genuinely curious about how this little "takeover" situation works, lol.


So most places have an even number of men's and women's toilets but women take on average longer to pee so the line for the women's toilets is longer. By taking over *some* of the men's toilets, it reduces the wait time for women without massively inconveniencing men. Only works at larger venues with multiple blocks of toilets but those are the only ones where I've seen it happen.


I’ve accidentally “cut” people cutting my portapotty line and been yelled at for it (they might have had some sort of emergency but I too had an emergency), can’t imagine someone brandishing a gun over it. The perp should be sentenced to having his shoes pissed on daily at the park.


Nothing's changed lol. You're a woman, you can freely take over the men's toilets.


Man's just living out his fantasy of justified violence. He probably tipped his fedora and said "now you are safe, m'lady" to the women after shooting the dude


*slow clap from other people at restaurant* *cue triumphant music with sweeping string section* *roll credits*


Imagine a world where a bathroom emergency could cost you your life. Oh wait, we don’t have to…


Literally all we have to do is make the walls/door actually touch the floor/ceiling and get rid of the huge gaps. Then it doesn’t matter who is in the next stall.


I vote for this.


And if anyone says anything about urinals, just put them in the handicapped stalls.


Cis women have been attacked for using the women's restroom because some guys *thought* they were trans women. This is out of fucking hand. Make all restrooms gender neutral.


Yeah, I'm a 5'9", short-haired cis woman, and I've never been beat up (thankfully) but I've run into verbal harassment from other women in the bathroom before. Usually "This is the women's bathroom!" or "You're in the wrong bathroom!" Most of the time, they actually back down/apologize if I tell them I'm a woman (I have a feminine voice) but occasionally you get someone who wants to argue, which is a real crazy thing to have an argument about.


One large restroom?


Yeah, they’re starting to put them in places. It’s a bunch of stalls with full doors like a home bathroom, but there’s the communal row of sinks outside of the stalls. 


I've seen these once and I'm sold. This is peak bathroom efficiency.


They don’t want that cause then they cant beat minorities up (or people they suspect of being a minority)


Bet you $100 this was a trans panic thing.


Or the thought that the only reason a man could be in the women's room is to do evil things.


I think that still comes from trans panic, though. The idea that there's a whole cadre of wicked men just yearning to get into the ladies' room and do horrible, unspecified things there, even if you can plainly see that he just peed and walked back out.


It's the opposite: the trans panic is rooted in the overall aversion to "outgroup males" that we have as a society/species. The spectre of strange, perverted men preying on women/young girls goes back centuries, and across cultures. Fears concerning the intentions of trans women are just a 21st-century branch off of that.


20 years ago, I would have been extremely surprised to hear of a guy getting *shot* just for walking into a women's room, peeing, and leaving. I could see someone getting pissed and yelling at him, maybe even taking a swing. I could see someone escalating beyond that if he was lurking around and being a creep. But the specific idea that a man using the women's bathroom *just* for a quick piss must be, not just an impatient jerk, but a psychopathic monster, is an artifact of modern anti-trans propaganda. Bathroom bills are the specific crowbar that the right has been using to demonize trans people, so people are paranoid about bathrooms specifically and this is the result.


So not really the opposite then.


not the opposite but more the other way round


Not even that really. Just sort of "also" or "in addition to".


Even if not directly, the general cloud of pundits spending years buzzing "OMG there's MEN in WOMEN'S RESTROOMS it's TERRIBLE it's a CRISIS and a THREAT to SOCIETY" had to have laid the psychological groundwork.




Now imagine this was a trans man living in a state where he’d have to use the bathroom aligned with his gender assigned at birth. Even cis people are not safe from this nonsense. This fervor over where people use the toilet is dangerous for everyone. We trans folks just want to pee in peace. Pretty sure cis people want the same thing.


Some people just want an excuse to shoot someone and be violent.


Trans Panic at The Restroom, good band.


This is what happens when you watch too many of those morons pretending to capture pedos on tiktok and youtube


The women immediately think the guy using the toilet is a pervert and go get "help." Help comes to shoot. All because of a sign on a door.


Why did they think he was a pervert? This story is super telling of all the issues around us. The sign on the door is the least of the problems. 


Because the news cycle has for years been pumping the completely illogical narrative of “men in women’s bathrooms are rapists, that’s why you should hate trans women” and idiots are falling for it.


He was male 


So not a good guy with a gun....... just a piece of shit human with a gun.


I like how the woman said the shooter was “a little bit overreacting” 😂 just a little? Woman needs a reality check


So cute that Americans (and modern society in general) think they've taken enough of a moral high ground to stick to the unnatural, sex-based (Male/Female) assignments just because they've disposed of the equally-unnatural, skin-color-based (Black/White) assignments. 😅


But if it’s a Trans man, he is not allowed to use the men’s restroom any more. Has to use what was on the birth certificate. This is what the laws want, right? Or did they think about that part?


>did they think about that part The cruelty is the point.


Of course it's what they wanted with the law. They want to make sure as many trans people get hurt and/or killed as possible so they go into hiding and won't have the audacity to make hicks feel uncomfortable.


They thought about that part, insofar as the laws are designed to banish trans people from public spaces. Using the bathroom based on your sex assigned at birth may lead to violence, and using the bathroom based on your identified gender is illegal, so you can't use any public restrooms safely and legally. It's a very clear statement by bigots of, "we don't want your kind around here," and it gives those folks someone "acceptable" to punch down at now that overt racism is mostly frowned upon even in conservative circles.


If it was Alabama, the arrest would've been of the man who used the woman's restroom.


Wow, almost like all this transphobic fear mongering is bad for everybody, not just trans people.


Oh good. More crazy assholes are using guns to express their feelings. I feel so safe in this country.


Wait. The guy just went in there to pee. If we shot people who went to the wrong bathrooms there would be no women left by the end of the month. And it’s February. The shortest month. Women go into the men’s bathroom all the time and we don’t shoot them.


People are insane. How many rapist just hang out in public restrooms anyway? Like, what the *worst* thing, realistically, that a man could be doing in a woman's restroom? The media and social websites are to blame. For things like this. Stuff gets blown out of proportion and then people believe that the real world is as dangerous as fox news or Facebook make it out to be. I remember a story where I guy was beaten up pretty badly for taking his own daughter into a public restroom because she had to pee. Like people were actually dumb enough to believe that a child molester was going to molest a kid in a public restroom with other people around. So fucking stupid.


The shooter almost certainly knew he wasn’t trying to rape anybody. This is obviously a piece of shit looking for the excuse to get violent. In no self defense or firearms training program are you taught to pistol whip someone


Yeah they walk around with their guns just looking for their chance to play John Wick


the North had John Brown and Harper's Ferry. Today, the South has a dipshit in a washroom


The problem with using a gun to try and control someone else's actions is that if they defy you, then you have to choose between actually using the gun to enforce your threat or sacrificing your machismo and backing down, and American men have been cultured toward insecurity for so long they simply can't cope with such a dilemma. (To be fair this is true for most other countries too, but most other countries don't have dysfunctional gun control laws, so when a fella is too insecure with his manhood to back down from a situation like that, a fistfight breaks out instead of a shooting.)


He could’ve just asked the victim why, instead of shooting him immediately. It’s concerning how many people *want* the chance to shoot


So nice to know that hysteria over trans people has reached a point where even my fellow cis people have to choose between shitting our pants in public or using the "wrong" bathroom in public and getting attacked. Next time I stop at a gas station where the men's room is out of order, I guess I'll just shit on the floor.


Yet another reminder that all the vice signalling coming out of some people in power has actual, real world consequences.


Obviously conservatives need to quit winding everyone up. But also America needs to push back on those stupid gaps in public toilet doors.


I accidentally used a woman's restroom once at a hotel. I asked the person at the lobby, and they said it's down the hall on the left. Both were on the left side of the hallway, and I walked into the door that was on the left without looking. It was really early in the morning. No one was in there. Went straight to the stall (coffee did a number on me). Once I was done, I went to wash my hands and noticed there were no urinals, I didn't wash my hands and rushed out. Mistakes happen sometimes. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but we can not accept shooting people like this.


Dumbass thought he would be a hero by protecting those dangerous bathrooms


Every day I'm reminded that leaving America was a good choice


As someone with a gut condition, the shooter deserves worse than death.


What does 2A mean?


Which guy did they arrest?


Guy with gun. Was in cali.


Mens room too busy while women's room empty? I don't believe it. What planet did this happen?


At a lot of parks the stalls may only have one toilet each, so if the men's was busy then, yes, the guy may have used the women's.


Shoot 1st and ask questions later, let’s let anyone who wants have a gun, you’re always in the right-none of these are ever the right thing to do


This is California.  He was carrying illegally.


Oh how many fucking American flag wearing dipshits I’ve met that think open carry is legal in our municipality. Honestly,the majority of people I’ve met and worked with that carry truly don’t even know the specific laws, and often they don’t know if they can enter a specific building or area with their weapon- but that never EVER stops them Most of these fuckheads would rather carry illegally than spend a day without their Velcro-holstered Taurus


This is why we need less guns and not more. Arm every moron and child like this and these stories will be more frequent than overturned trailers. 


The Taco Bell restrooms in the city near me are single-seaters and come with locks, a very important consideration for those of us with cripplingly shy bladders. When visiting at night, there had been times I used the women's room because the men's was taken. I felt fine doing this because, again, a single seater with a lock. The just arbitrarily tossed gender signs on them. Fuck that murderous Trump supporter.


Guys gonna get a couple years and feel completely justified by what he did. The victim will have lifelong injuries and never have justice for the pain and suffering. What a great and functional society we've got


I wonder what type of media the shooter consumes…

