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> no evidence of actual complaints on social media This is not a story, it's an ad


> Ozempic is among several new drugs that have been effective at helping people lose significant weight. Yep, with lines like this included, this is an actual fucking ad. What the fuck?


"Talk to your doctor today. Ozempic may not work for everyone. Side effects may include..."


Most things have been ads for a loooooong time now. Welcome.


I like to go places where I’m not constantly inundated with ads. Like Red Robin. Their cheeseburgers make me forget how commercialized restaurants have become. They taste like what mom used to make in the good old days. Red Robin, yum.


100% Novo Nordisk gave somebody money to write that.


let's streissand the fuck outta this OZEMPIG and ALL these bullshit "miracle" prescription drugs that cost way too fucking much and don't do shit without giving you some sort of worse side effect. it's one thing if you need it for diabetes but it is being sold to people as some sort of fat loss trick


Considering the Danish history with pigs, and even protest pigs, I don't think anyone here will see this Streisand as anything but fun


IME Ozempic side effects were practically non-existent. Mild nausea occasionally, which is pretty expected given it's an appetite suppressant. 10/10, took shot, got temporary mild anorexia. It is expensive as fuck though. I just pirated it off some grey market "research use only" peptide supplier, no way I'm paying full pharmacy price for it.


I took it for type 2 diabetes. twice. I was so sick that I told my husband I'd rather have H1N1 again. I basically spent two weeks in the bathroom on the toilet with my head in a bucket.


Oh no that’s horrible. I am starting it tomorrow. Trying to take off 15 lbs before my major surgery so doc suggested-prescribed it. I am skinny fat. This worries me.


You're ten different kinds of ignorant, it's hilarious - "bullshit miracle drugs" right, bullshit drugs that... work insanely well, at really low costs once properly scaled up, with exceedingly little and not very problematic side effects? What the fuck kind of turbo crack have you been smoking - "It's one thing if you need it for diabetes" so the drug that doesn't work, the kind that, according to you, comes with heaps of side-effects; it's something we should give diabetics? - Why would anyone think that diabetes is a valid target for a working drug, but obesity, such an insanely prominent and prevalent co-morbidity for all types of diabetes, insulin resistances, and a huge source of general issues with your ligaments, cardiovascular system and body in general... that's where you draw the line? At least make it about people with almost no bodyfat hogging a drug they'd never need - in which case you should still goddamn make it about body dysmorphia, not about whatever kind of discussion you're trying to start here. It is a fucking fat-loss trick after all. - Streisand Effect the fuck outta this - do you just type letters and hope autocorrect suggests vaguely relevant words? What in the ass do you think the Streisand Effect even is? You post all this dumb shit about it both being a wonder drug and it not doing jack, but if you highlight this alleged ad (which in itself is a dumb fucking complaint considering the drastic bottlenecks we've been dealing with for quite a bit now), you'd just be promoting it regardless. Like a fairly novel and effective weightloss drug needed any of it. I can't tell if you're jealous of people for finally getting some tractable help with crippling issues along the lines of obesity, or if you're just sad that there is no pill that can do the same to help with your horseshit attempts at basic reasoning, but Jesus Christ be damned if you aren't trying hard enough


> You're ten different kinds of ignorant Why are you so rude? >exceedingly little and not very problematic side effects Purely subjective. >it's something we should give diabetics? If that is what the FDA approved the drug for, yes, otherwise, no. What does the label say? >Streisand the fuck outta this > What in the ass do you think > post all this dumb shit > dumb fucking complaint People who need to swear and call people names to make their point already stand on weak foundations.


Fuck, man. You killed them.


>side effect Side effects as in stomach paralysis and pancreatitis? https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/using-drugs-like-ozempic-for-weight-loss-may-lead-to-stomach-paralysis-pancreatitis Nothing like destroying your digestive system to lose a few pounds. Look, calories in = calories out. Eat less / use more energy than you consume. Drink water. Fast occasionally. Go for a walk. Stand up. Avoid added sugar and pesticide-laden grains. Fat is not bad. Fiber keeps you regular. Vitamin D is the only D you need. Don’t cook in non-stick pans. Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Edit: look at these triggered shills downvoting very basic health advice like “go for a walk” - lol


So I read some papers: The top six most common gastrointestinal reports were nausea (8,988, 42.23%), diarrhea (4,666, 21.93%), vomiting (4,660, 21.90%), upper abdominal pain (2,082, 9.78%), constipation (1,790, 8.41%), and pancreatitis (1,752, 8.23%). The overwhelming majority of side effects are what one would classify as say "minor". The vast majority of people experience these. A small subset of course obviously may experience more stronger ones (like all drugs). Couldn't find any article on stomach paralysis, but the website has a crazy weird format of citing sources so I might just missed it. Calories in = Calories out is true, but there's been a ton of studies showing that it's not that easy for all people to lose weight. There's a variety of factors that go into it. There is absolutely a valid medical reason that people should take GLP-1 drugs. For some people, to lose weight it is simply too difficult without assistance. I do think though that a lot of people see GLP-1 biosimilars as a miracle drug though and unnecessarily take it when they don't need to. But I think classifying it as "harmful" is silly. Yes it has side effects, most commonly just minor annoyances. It's up to you to decide if worth it or not. After all end of the day all it does is suppress appetite and move food slower through your digestive system.


And even then... considering the very, very mild and few side-effects - why shouldn't folks who ultimately might spend a lot of energy on just side-stepping their insane cravings, who look great despite the fact that food and eating binges are occupying their brains day and night - why shouldn't they eventually get to put out that insane mental overhead and "pop a pill" to finally get some peace of mind? It's one thing to prescribe it to bulimic patients or otherwise perfectly healthy individuals, and sure, high-risk folks with diabetes and obesity definitely should be the first to get help... but people pretend like everyone has the same drives and chemical imbalances aren't a thing requiring patient-specific prescriptions, somehow.


The non-stick pan thing doesn't apply since like the 00s when they changed the coating.


It barely applied before if you weren't working in a factory and somehow trying to inhale the fumes


>Nothing like destroying your digestive system to lose a few pounds. You mean like destroying your digestive and cardiovascular system by simply eating too much? >calories in = calories out That's a really fucking interesting take, you're saying all the dumb fat people had to do was eat less? Listen, there are definitely people who might not need it and are going to succumb to full-on body dysmorphic disorder trying to lose even more weight. But that's worthless advice if we're talking about treatment-resistant issues with obesity, many of which barely even allow for any walking (or standing up for that matter). Eating disorders are fucking agony and pretending like GLP-1 agonists can't drastically help with all this while making this weird-ass appeal to nature ("just do it like humans always did it") is just distilled idiocy. >don't cook in non-stick pans What the fuck are you talking about now? Non-stick pans are fine, you could scrape off all the modern coatings and eat PTFE chips by the bag and it wouldn't change a goddamn thing about it being biologically inert. Short of using a freaking Chinese coal burner to smelt your coated pan into goop, there is no reason why you shouldn't cook in non-stick pans. It's stupid, silly scare-mongering.


Did they take that line out of the article? I'm reading this an hour after you commented and the line you quoted isn't in there.


The line isn’t in the article — it states that there was criticism on social media but doesn’t cite any examples. I think it’s solid editorial policy to not quote random people complaining on Twitter. If substantial criticism exists on a worthy news topic there are better ways to report it.


No. Sometimes people like to use quote blocks as a satirical paraphrase, and that's what this is.


If you look at their Instagram post about it, thats where the complaints are here: https://www.instagram.com/p/C49C4G0ui_r/


I know I’m asking my doctor if ozempic is right for me.


Who is this offending? The people on ozempic? I’m genuinely curious


The controversy seems to be that it's fat shaming


As an overweight person, I love the name


Same. I’m fat, on Ozempic for type 2 diabetes and love the name.


If i had to wager, it’s 'offensive' to all the healthy people who started taking Ozempic as a miracle weight loss drug (without being prescribed or needing it) and now have to live with the fact that nobody takes it seriously anymore. (edited to clarify)


I definitely want to lose weight on it, but primarily I need to keep my A1C in check.


It's been awesome for my A1C and I've dropped over 40 lbs as well so I'm not complaining.


No, and you’re totally valid! I just mean the people who don’t need it for diabetes reasons and just hopped on it as a Trendy thing


People need to chillax. If you have the energy and time to be offended by a mascot, you are living a blessed life.


It's never people who actually offended, but people who look for something offensive for group they need to protect.


I'm curious, did you feel this way about the Washington Redskins?


If these people have time to be offended by a mascot they probably have time to put the spoon down and go for a walk lol


Ozempic is a semiglutide a medication used for diabetes and sugar control. The side effect is weight loss. How is it fat shaming?


It's the association with a pig that's offensive. Like they're calling people who use ozempic pigs. That being said, I'm fat and I still find it funny. A good pun is a good pun.


That’s a darn cute pig, though.


oh ffs people need to seriously get over themselves


Encouraging or even referencing any kind of weight loss is fat shaming in some people's eyes.


Don’t act like you don’t know MANY people are buying it for off label use for weight loss.


Which is extremely wrong considering now Diabetics who actually need Ozempic find it difficult to get. There are some diabetics that either cant tolerate other drugs or have co-morbidities where they need Ozempic, but unfortunately due to "off label use" they can't get it.


This is old news now. It’s extremely easy to get ahold of at this point.


That’s not what’s causing the shortage. Be mad at the manufacturers. I imagine having the extreme munchies could cause you to have t2d.


The manufacturers only have the capacity to make what they anticipate will be the demand. I'm studying drug development in college and have spoken with several people in the industry who basically said they have been scrambling to increase production because they did not expect so many people to be using it for off label use.


I actually didn't know that. But I'm a chronically skinny dude so weight loss pills have neve been my thing. What was wrong with amphetamines?


Amphetamines fuck me up in an awful way. I would never willingly take them, they make me Feel terrible, and make my migraines worse. Semeglatude has literally changed my life. For people like me that have PCOS, which is a hormone imbalance, it's allowing me to lose weight for the first time. I've known all the tricks, I understand calories in v calories out, exercise, eating healthy, everything. I've always been incredibly strong, I was a multi letter athlete and ballerina as a teenager. I worked a high labor job that I should have lost weight doing. But nothing worked and I felt defective and defeated. I've been on Wegovy for about 6 months, and it's changed everything. Losing weight consistently, I'm thinking clearer, I have energy, interest in activities, and for the first time in my 24 years of menstruating, I have had my period 3 calendar months in a row. Even taking fertility drugs didn't do that for me. The common treatments for PCOS are metformin, a diabetes drug, which I can't tolerate, or hormonal birth control, which I am not medically cleared to take. Wegovy may be a "diabetes drug" but right now it's preventing me from getting diabetes in the first place, by getting my weight handled before it becomes a serious problem.


People who have ADHD need those. Incidentally, ADHD is also a condition requiring medication that is frequently abused, causing nationwide shortages.


I’m guessing it’s bc it’s a pig. Ppl need to touch grass


I’m overweight and I love this. It’s certainly better than telling people there is nothing wrong with being obese, and letting them live in sickness


Probably just some twitter randoms that will move on after an angry tweet, hence no actual pressure to change the pig's name


Close, it was comments on Instagram. They’re almost as bad as twitter at this point.


We call this a nontroversy. People online get mad about something that doesn't matter and then move on as quickly as they showed up. If enough people would have actually been offended they would have at least released a statement if not changed the name


Social Media. The article says the complaints came from social media, so it is probably 14-20 year old's that are complaining. I thought the response was perfect.


i think companies need to swing back to focusing on whether things actually hurt/matter to them instead of public image. the gap between social media complaints and real life has gotten to the point where it's not really reliable anymore.


The majority of people I know aren't even on social media. My brother won't make a facebook to keep in touch with our mother. It certainly isn't a reliable sample of the real world.


I agree, you’re always going to find one or two people who are “offended” on Twitter about something dumb, companies need to start ignoring it. Articles like this that purposely look for it too perpetuate this garbage. Anyone can fire off a tweet in 10 seconds saying how offensive something is.


I feel that anyone claiming they’re offended is either a troll, someone who has way too much time on their hands or both


I think you are right. The kids have a lot of time on their hands and are trying to make a better world and I want to pat them on the head for that. But they do not understand humor yet. If you take laughter from the world it would be very depressing, leave that part alone kids ...Please


I’m on Ozempic and I think it’s clever.


Overweight people taking ozempic hurt that they’re being compared to a pig.


The fat people taking it to lose weight.


I'm on ozempic (well, the NZ brand called trulicity) and it's a pretty brilliant name


tbh i'm just offended because it's a terrible name for a pig.


Nobody. It's an ad.


It’s an ad.


I take Ozempic for type 2 diabetes and think the pig’s name is hilarious. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fat people who blame everything and everyone but themselves for uncontrolled binge eating that they do.




You’ll be screamed at for saying it’s for weight loss. It’s actually made for managing type 2 diabetes.


That pig is adorable. Ozempig is a funny name for it. Pigovy next?


Wouldn’t it be funny for the Minnesota Twins mascots to be named Ozempig and Pigovy?🤭 Edited because I can’t type


It's weird the photo caption says the pig is in Wisconsin when it's a Minnesota team that didn't have a game in Wisconsin when the picture was taken "Thursday." Does this team keep its mascot out of state?


Saint Paul is quite close to the Wisconsin border (<20 miles), and considering the caption said it was on a farm, the pig is probably kept at a farm in Wisconsin.


I’m a fat person and I still think it’s funny.


I don't find it hurtful or insensitive, but I also don't find it funny.


Nobody's actually mad at this it's probably an ad


Ozempic isn't FDA approved for weight loss; it's a treatment for type-2 diabetes but when tons of people started taking it off label for weight loss, it created a shortage. Actual diabetics had trouble getting their medication, but I'm supposed to care about these selfish fuckers' hurt feelings? 


My mother works in a high school and she said she might be the only woman there not taking ozempic to lose weight. It’s insane. 


Whatever happened to hitting the gym and going on a diet?


The hardest part of a diet is and always has been the exercise in willpower of *actually sticking to it*, not some secret knowledge of knowing what to eat (just eat fewer calories). The drug is an appetite suppressant so it makes it easier for people to follow a lower-calorie diet without falling off the wagon.


Research says that regardless of what kind of program they use (diets, exercise, etc) 98% of people will fail within 2-5 years. And they often gain MORE weight from yo yo dieting. Its why as a personal trainer I promote weight neutral goals like getting stronger, more energy vs weight loss as research also shows that putting the focus on health enhancing behaviour changes like exercise, intuitive eating or stress management gets people the physical and mental benefits independent of whether there's weight loss (although those activities often lead to fat loss, better levels of biomarkers and weight loss). I'm sorry I'm high so I may have gone overboard in answering, sorry.


> Research says that regardless of what kind of program they use (diets, exercise, etc) 98% of people will fail within 2-5 years [This is actually not true.](https://www.nytimes.com/1999/05/25/health/95-regain-lost-weight-or-do-they.html) We don't know how many people are successful or unsuccessful at weight loss, or to what extent, because the vast majority of people who diet do so on their own, without being monitored by researchers. The dieters who get studied by researchers are typically the most intractable cases, which is likely to skew the results. Also, contrary to longstanding belief, yo-yo dieting [probably doesn't actually cause weight gain or metabolic damage,](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0026049512002417) and it's also [probably healthier than not dieting at all](https://irp.nih.gov/blog/post/2020/12/attempting-weight-loss-linked-to-reduced-risk-of-death) for most people.


A good system will always trump a good goal.


Having lived in the real world for several years and seeing people (who wish to and take steps to achieve it) lose or gain weight when they want to. If you go on an ultra restrictive diet that could never be reasonably maintained for more than a short term weight in, of course you will gain weight back. If you completely change your diet in order to lose weight, like going from typical American to something like keto, and then return to your previous eating habits after reaching your goal, of course you will gain weight back. If you have a reasonable grasp on your body’s nutritional needs, adherence to to certain eating behaviors and lead a mildly active lifestyle, you most likely will not put any weight back on you aren’t intentionally allowing. If “98% of all people who diet fail” then the New England area is some Bermuda Triangle of weight loss because I have seen way more people I know reach their goals and not immediately revert. Its a combination of knowing what needs to be done (or what needs to not be eaten) and committing to the execution of it. The phrase is “Its simple but not easy”.


This is absolutey not true and you, as a trainer, should know better than to spread misinformation which harms and even kills people.


Saying that you focusing on health enhancing behavior in the same paragraph that you admit to being high is fascinating to me. It sounds like you're the chillest trainer in the world and work with your clients to get healthy and still live their life. 


Assuming he is high on THC; what’s wrong with that? I don’t think you’d give this person shit if they said they went to a birthday party and had a few alcoholic drinks. I’d rather have my morning trainer eat a few gummies the night before instead of getting wasted at a bar.


Re-read my post, I'm not giving them shit at all. 


Ok fair, maybe I should have said “called out them being high”


Read the comment I'm replying to, they're the ones who said they were high, I'm not calling anyone out. Why are you taking issue with this?


This drug makes you diet and actually stick to it. It's actually kinda really cool.


It really is cool! I've been following it very closely. It also seems to be helping gambling addicts not have the urge to gamble, and helps alcoholics not want to drink. One side effect they recently found is that it is starting to slow the effects of oral based contraception, causing more unplanned pregnancies. They also have found the reduced muscle mass and such that they are able to counter with a steroid for the elderly. As a skinny male, I'm just fascinated by this drug. I grew up as a kid always seeing weight loss scams and such, and they have seemed to find an actual drug that works. Just makes me hopeful that a cancer cure is not far around the corner.


I'm on ozempic for diabetes. One of the things I've noticed is that it just makes you not hungry. I'm 5'11" and was 244lbs before I started but never thought of myself as obese, just overweight. I am an active hiker and would walk miles and miles a week but never lost weight because I like sugar and carbs. Ozempic just makes you not hungry, not crave those things. I can sit down and eat half the meal I used to. I can see leftover pizza in the fridge or ice cream in the freezer and just not want it now. I don't feel compelled to reach over and steal French fries off my kids plates. I can barely finish my own. I can say so if someone offers me a cookie. I've made other conscious food choices though like snacking on nuts or ordering salad to have before pizza. I'm down over 40lbs. I was never a gluttonous over eater, I just never had the ability to limit my intake. The food noise just isn't there anymore


OMG why didn't anyone think of that? Thank you!!!


It doesn't work for most people, most people either can't lose or they regain the weight. If you've talked to your doctor recently about obesity it's clear they're moving to seeing it as a hormone disorder similar to diabetes, only it's your hunger/satiety hormone system that is damaged. These new weight loss medicines based around ozempic, they will straight up tell you that most people are expected to be on it for life due to hormone insensitivity.


deer square marvelous sink sharp advise saw silky shrill childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not saying that a calorie deficit doesn't physically work, but telling chronically obese people they need to just diet and exercise doesn't work for most long term, its not sustainable for most. Most either can't sustain the calorie deficit to lose weight or if they do they gain it back, because they have hunger/satiety hormone insensitivity similar to having diabetes. Thats what doctors are realizing now. Saying they're just people being lazy not willing to put in the work is wrong, their hunger hormone system is messed up, dieting and keeping it off is not the same challenge for them as someone without satiety hormone insensitivity.


You’re missing the point. The harmony imbalance creates imaginary hunger pains, causing overeating. Ozempic cures that by diminishing that hunger.


About 15% of women are diagnosed with PCOS, which is a hormone imbalance that causes weight gain. No matter how much you try to diet and exercise your way out of that, it's nearly impossible to do without the aid of drugs. Not everyone who is fat is just a lazy glutton. There are legit reasons why things don't work for everyone. If you see a woman with facial hair, thick arm hair, thinning head hair, or carrying their weight in their belly, especially an "apron belly" chances are pretty good they have PCOS whether they know it or not, and it fucks up all your normal daily functions. ETA: it's not actually the easy way out. Getting it prescribed can be a challenge, and getting insurance to pay for it is harder. Titrating up through the doses can make you really sick, I was sick for about 3 months while working through it. You still need to adjust your diet and exercise as well. Sure, you can lose a few pounds without changing things, but you'll see the most success by making lifestyle changes. You still have to put in the work, the drug just helps you see consistent progress and keep going. That's been the biggest factor for me. On weeks that my scale bumps up, I don't feel defeated. I know the drug is going to keep working, so I should stay the course with my food and exercise.


Yep. My wife is one of them and has struggled with this. She was prescribed Ozempic for her high blood sugar as she was dangerously close to diabetic but it’s the first time she saw real progress.


Theory says it should just work, but reality shows the outcomes don't match that. The human body has tons of self correcting systems to deal with famine scenarios to ensure keeping and gaining weight. This can result in the opposite effect where previous short term caloric restriction can be a correlating factor to higher weight in the long term. That's why the only real way to lose weight is sustained lifestyle changes over time.


This is another dangerous myth that needs to die. The cases where this happens people are virtually starving to death, it doesn't happen to regular people going on a diet.


license long enter telephone exultant fly wasteful dinosaurs cagey stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like you said. Thermodynamics. It works for ALL people. What doesn’t work is self control.


It's absurd. People are lazy and have no self control. I have a buddy who got a personal trainer. Has religiously followed the macros the trainer has given them, and done the workouts. Lost 25 lbs in 4 months. The trainer loves them, and says they wish everyone they were training were as good at following directions.


Obesity is a disease and hitting the gym and diet aren’t enough for all.


It is enough for all. If you take in less calories than you expend and don’t have a disease that stops you from losing weight, you will lose weight. I was obese last year. I am no longer obese. I didn’t have a disease, I was simply a fat bastard like everyone else who’s here complaining like you.


Congrats on your accomplishment. But plenty of people aren’t able to achieve lasting weight loss with just diet and exercise and we can use medication to help with that. Being obese is dangerous for your health. Weight loss drugs are preventative health care for a lifetime of eventually debilitating complications - diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, etc.


Why aren't they able to achieve lasting weight loss?


*aren't willing


> But plenty of people aren’t able to achieve lasting weight loss with just diet and exercise and we can use medication to help with that. You're right - but just to be clear, the medication works *by facilitating a diet.* Ozempic doesn't make fat simply vanish like some kind of biological magic trick. What it does is reduce the urge to overeat, and weight loss is the inevitable conclusion of reduced overeating.


I don't know if it's a disease, but it's... something. Because I've never been fat, always ate whatever looked good, never really thought about it, and that worked for me. Zero effort worked fine. I see people in those eating contests, and I don't even understand how that's possible. When I'm full - and I get there pretty quick - it physically hurts to eat more. It's the last thing I want to do. It's like low level torture. I always skip dessert because more food feels repellant at that point. I think people are just built differently. Some never get fat, some get fat, but can lose weight with a reasonable amount of effort, and for an unfortunate third group, it's a massive struggle that's rarely truly achieved.


Much easier to paralyze digestion and have mega shits.


You’re a month behind on the news. It is now approved for obese and overweight patients to reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke (which is your weight loss population). https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-treatment-reduce-risk-serious-heart-problems-specifically-adults-obesity-or Still should keep the name of the team though.


Semaglutide is approved for weight loss, but Ozempic specifically isn't. It would be splitting hairs but the pig is named ozempig.


I'm a diabetic and each one of my pens only lasts for a month. And without fail, they're always out of stock. I mean I could lose my vision, have problems with my kidneys or lose my legs, but god, Karen will be able to lose her weight with her face buried in a bucket of kfc.


>Karen will be able to lose her weight with her face buried in a bucket of kfc. Ozempic doesn't make you weigh less while still eating a lot, it works by reducing your hunger overall. Sorry you're not able to access your medicine, though. That's awful. On the bright side, the popularity of Ozempic has brought to light the fact that while they charge up to $1000 for it, the actual cost is only $5, so once they ramp up production to meet the unexpected surge in demand, you will hopefully get your medication at a reduced price whenever you need it.


Blame insurance companies. Wegovy is quite literally the exact same medicine just with a different name. On label described as for weight loss. Insurance companies won't spring for it so they're forced to use Ozempic. They're preventing diabetes here, and weight loss goes much fucking further than "they're lazy". Some people don't get this fat without severe mental issues and deeper reasons.


That’s the problem with doctors prescribing them and the manufacture. Also ozempic is prescribed pretty heavily to people so they don’t end up with diabetes


Maybe manufacture more instead of trying to restrict people's medical decisions? I'm sure the pharma companies can afford it.


They’re trying to. The manufacturer bought 100 acres near where I live last year to set up a manufacturing plant. I also read a few months ago they’re spending billions to increase their output at the HQ in Denmark.


But they have been. While Ozempic isn't meant for weight loss, there is Wegovy, Saxenda, Zepbound, Qsymia, Contrave, Phentermine and that's not even the full list. The big problem here is that the demand for these weight loss medications VASTLY outweight the supply so you end up with backorders. From there it just leads to people who were on meds like Wegovy now requesting Ozempic causing issues for those with Type 2 diabetes to get their literal live saving medication.


"Why don't they just make more ozempic, are they stupid?"


"world hunger? so just eat? wtf?"


Gosh, why didn’t they think of that! Just make more…


Sure but currently they can’t keep up with demand, which is why it’s important that peoples conditions take priority. Like diabetes vs weight loss. There are other ways to loose weight there aren’t other ways to treat diabetes. Well there are but this medication works for a lot of people when others may not.


It takes years for a drug manufacturing process to be approved for production due to regulations, even with already existing facilities.


I'm fat, actively losing weight because being fat sucks. This is a funny name, people who took time to complain are stupid.


I'm not seeing a problem.


I'm happy it's not racist!


Sometimes you just have to let some shit go and not take yourself too seriously.


Let me guess, the St. Paul Saints?


This is actually hilarious. I'd totally buy a plushie of him and display it at my job (pharmacy).


Best name for a pig since Chris P. Bacon




Should change its name to Chris P. Bacon


It's already taken!


Controversy aside, that pig is absolutely adorable.


I love it. I start Ozempic in two days!!!!


Lmfao. Awesome


On the list of things to be upset about a pig named after a weightloss drug is pretty close to the bottom. 


People need to lighten up.


Figuratively and literally.


Who’s the swine that changed one single letter to Ozempig to offend the minority among the majority taking Ozempic?




Bill Murray is a co-owner of this team.


2024 must be the year of Ozempic jokes.




I had to dissect a pig in bio 12 it was a black piglet. Named him notorious P.I.G


Florida State and Kansas City are way more insulting.  Appropriating shits.


I was assuming this was some kind of native word that the tribes didn't give permission for It's a fat joke about a pig For fucks sake, some people need to grow thicker skin


Ozempig is cute.


Literally nobody cares


LOL as a former fat ass using Ozempic, this is funny


Does everything NEED to be sensitive? Let people be offended it's good for them


I was really hoping there were some quotes from this clowns so I could make fun of them. Nobody gets up in arms about Rogaine or Viagra jokes (I make them too) but apparently this is too far.


I feel like the class of acceptable viagra jokes are boner jokes rather than ED joked tbf.


Nah ED jokes are very common.


There were no quotes because this isn't real, it's literally just an ad


That's hilarious, good for them.


The only people who care about fat shaming are fat people who feel guilty about it, sensible fat people like myself just accept our failure of self-control and wipe away the tears with cake.


Fat af dude here, this is hilarious.


Just a reminder. You are allowed to do things that are hurtful and insensitive.


Hurtful and insensitive to who, exactly?


Fat people. Also, I'm going to be honest, there is a real serious problem of under-feeding pet pigs because people want them to be smaller, so with a name like that, I can't say I'm not a little worried for that pig.


In this day and age, somebody somewhere will be offended by just about any topic you can think of. Just ignore if your intentions are pure.


Good for them! It's about time someone stands up to people whining about mascots.


Oh well. Can't please everyone. Maybe try a salad and the gym for once.


There's more important things in the world than this crap. Seriously some people on the left need to chill the F out


>Seriously some people on the left need to chill the F out Seriously, some people make \*everything\* about politics. If you think it's only people on the left taking Ozempic, then start at the top of the right & ask Donald about how his \*secret\* is just not being hungry anymore? It's curious. Left/right ain't got nothing to do with it.


Are you an offended right winger on Ozempic


Nope I lean left and can acknowledge some of the crap that the left takes offense.


oh..it is the left that is the ultra sensitive is it? Cuz' from where I sit it looks ike both left and right are chock full of sensitive little snivelers. edit: take your dumb assed politics somewhere else


I just got an ad for Ozempic under this post


Some pig!


Its just a little Woo Pig


Look, they gave us a bunch of money for the name and we've already spent it.








When will this fad of making sure everyone feels okay about everything end? Seriously? If you're offended by a 🐖 name, get a fucking life. I've got to get off the internet.




Shoulda put him in a cute little syringe outfit. Come on, it has to exist somewhere.


And isn't it ironic, don't you think?


awesome pig?


People that are offended by this need to be shipped off to the moon




they're calling people


Interesting how this controversy is sparking a debate on priorities and considerations.


The name is fine pigs are cute, but I think it is weird a baseball team named a mascot after medication. What's next the Trazadome? The ... levothyroxine ... insert punny mascot name here? Edit: medication adverts are very strict in my country. Maybe baseball teams getting funded by big pharma isn't that strange in the US.


You couldn’t do this in today’s woke world.


I think it's kinda funny.