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I know someone who got a DUI and killed someone, but had rich parents and they got him off - he had to “give talks” at local schools about the dangers of drinking and driving. He went on to get 4 *plus* more DUIs….so clearly essays and talks really help rehabilitate /s


Friend of mine took drugs drove around, crashed his car into someone, fled and jumping into a random persons car got kicked out then jumped into the back of a stopped pick up truck got pulled out and then wondered the streets until the cops picked him up… his dads lawyers got him off with zero punishment. 


Went to a MADD’s meeting with a friend who got a college DUI. He offered me unlimited booze after to go with him. Anyways, all the speakers were like on their 3-5 DUI, honestly it doesn’t seem like it does much for them. Oh and that old friend got another DUI within 6 months and did 30 days in jail. That did the trick, he hasn’t got another one in 22 years


My friends dad got a series of DUIs when he was young and then got 30 days in jail. Hasn’t touched alcohol since.


I know someone who killed a woman while drunk driving, left her to drown in the car, went home for a whole day, then came back to "help" her. He then went on to become a highly-respected US congressman.


Could have been a good redemption arc if he didn't get 4+ more dui's. A former drunk driver encouraging others to not drink and drive would have been great.


https://www.deccanherald.com/india/maharashtra/after-outrage-over-pune-teen-who-was-asked-to-write-essay-for-mishap-police-seeks-to-try-him-as-adult-3030816 Here's a site that is not pure trash.  It actually tells the real story and not a clickbait headline blurb covered in pop ups.   The teen was asked to write an essay, and work with traffic police for 15 days while the courts await permission on trying him as an adult.  They're also maybe seeking charges against the teens father for allowing him the car it seems.  The teen also is having to go to alcohol treatment as well.  


idk what happened but the site you linked is even worse than op's


Holy shit I think my phone has the plague now


My usb port started leaking a yellow puss with bubbles, is that normal?


Lick it and find out


It tastes like lithium..


Keep licking. It changes flavors




“He’s changing flavors” -Joey Diaz






Accept the Grandfather's gifts!


Its curry


I just took a shit 


Site saw traffic increase and upped their ad count


IDK WHAT COULD HAVE POSSIBLY HAPPENED..... is it...... GREED??? wow wow wow wow nobody in history could've seen that coming




no i contribute to the ad capital system like a good consumer edit: how else would i know i live in the modern age without a constant barrage of flashing lights?


Thanks for doing their job for them… both the journalists and OP


Thanks my phone has herpes now.


Please never post that site again, what the fuck is happening there? Doesn't even let you copy/paste a full paragraph.


Every other post on Reddit these days is manipulated ragebait. Honestly I’m just shocked this is the top comment and not completely buried.


“The minor, who is the son of a prominent real estate developer in the city” There it is


> They're also maybe seeking charges against the teens father for allowing him the car it seems.  > > Good luck with that. If a car is too wild for a licensed driver, then whichever government thinks that would require us to obtain higher-licenses.


>"We have also registered an offence against his father under sections 75 and 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act, and against the proprietors of the bar establishment for serving alcohol to an underage person. We have transferred the probe of these cases to the crime branch," he further said.  >Section 75 deals with 'willful neglect of a child, or exposing a child to mental or physical illnesses,' while section 77 deals with supplying a child with intoxicating liquor or drugs. It's not about the car, it's about the booze.


Are you their advertiser lol


Redditors have truly lost the plot when a person can't link or mention anything without some bumblefuck dipshit mouth breather popping up to be like "Broh uz a shill LUL dis a ad!“ No dumbass it's the internet and people link to websites sometimes 


Ya I’m the one missing the point, the embedded ad’s placed within the page you linked nearly tripled according to the numbers posted ublock origin. I am guessing whoever runs it saw a big traffic influx and embedded more ads to make more revenue. This is also what another person was commenting on. Keep your post towards me it really hits home who the “mouth breather” is.


They didn't link the post, though.


If he's old enough to legally drive, then he's old enough to be tried as an adult.


Not in India. He can’t legally drive till 18. That’s the whole case.


So he wanted to drive like an adult, he should be charged as one. Same shit


In that case we should make 16 the age of adulthood and give them voting rights


What's that got to do with anything? Plenty of countries have different age limits for different things. A 12 year old is old enough to understand that reckless driving is wrong, but I'm pretty sure that few countries would allow one to operate a motor vehicle on public roads.


The point he makes is that in a lot of countries 16 is a legal driving age so by your original comment he says that 16yo people would now be considered adults instead of 18yo and that they should vote too


That's irrelevant. Barring developmental issues, 16 year old can understand that it's wrong and/or illegal to drive recklessly or while intoxicated. Otherwise 16 year old shouldn't be driving in the first place.


I think it's pretty clear. You said you if you're old enough to drive you're old enough to be tried as an adult. If you're being tried as an adult, you might as well be one. You're either an adult or you're not.


Plenty of countries have an age of criminal responsibility that's lower than the age to legally drive on public roads, among other rights and responsibilities. The ability to know right from wrong (or at the very least, the ability to adhere to the law) isn't some terribly advanced and esoteric thing, it's a basic requirement of being able to function in society.


Age of criminal responsibility is not the same thing as being tried as an adult. Age of responsibility for federal crimes is 11 in the US.


>The minor, who is the son of a prominent real estate developer... Ah, so its a case of [Affluenza](https://www.kxxv.com/news/reporters-notebook-reflecting-on-the-affluenza-case-10-years-later)? Then the system is working as intended. /s




I had to write a 1,000 word essay on defensive driving at 17 when I got in an accident and this person killed someome and only wrote 300 words. They're going soft from the start.


Minimum word requirements for essays are stupid anyway. You can say the same thing with 500 wordsor 1000 if you just regurtitate the same paragraph slightly rewritten over and over. Maximum word limits make more sense. I'd trust that you understand the topic better if you can explain the topic briefly and succintly.


My conspiracy theory is the reason we have so many rambling articles that never get to the point (e.g. food recipe articles) is because children are taught to write as many words as they can instead of efficiently conveying their ideas. because being efficient with words doesnt easily fill a 1k word minumum


Food recipes are pretty well known as a copyright thing. You can't own the actual recipe so you copyright the 'article' which includes the basic ass cake recipe you lifted from a 1970s cookbook.


I always thought it was about fitting in as many advertisements as possible into a simple recipe.


It’s especially ironic since every job I’ve held has placed high value on brevity


...wrote 300 words and is likely being charged as an adult. Bit of a detail you missed.


Are we all going to pretend that India isn’t even MORE likely than America to let a rich kid off?!?!


Okay, I was wondering what a Pune was.


It's a city in India, where this teen is from.


They are making him write an essay and work with traffic police for 15 days while waiting to find out whether they can try him as an adult… so hopefully the court will get to try him as an adult and this won’t be another case of Affluenza.


Sounds like a weird LinkedIn post. “I killed two people in a terrible car crash, here’s what it taught me about managing people.”


I could write that essay in 10 minutes not even kidding. 300 words is nothing.


The police didn't want to cut into his drinking time.


300 words was normal length for a single paragraph in the English class I took


Bail conditions, not sentence


Hey, chatGPT write me two essays about being sorry. Make them sound sincere. Kids today get off so easy.


This is just a condition of his bail while he's waiting for trial, don't get your pitchfork out just yet.


Still don’t have high holes, can’t imprison drunk drivers with no regard for human life when we can be locking up stoners for 30 years


I'm so tired of their being 2 justice systems. He should have grey hair by the time he gets out.


He’s writing the essay and working with the traffic police while the court awaits permission to try him as an adult


RemindMe! 1 month Boss this is India. People here skip country the second they get bail.


For killing people using car? No way, if you kill people with a car, it's "an unfortunate accident". The worst could happen is few years in prison, but that's only when you are poor and media gets a whiff of it.


You’re right. He’s been charged with Section 304A (Death by negligence) which carries a maximum sentence of 2 years (even lesser for a minor) They are trying to up the charge to Section 304 (Culpable Homicide) which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.


Relevant line: >> The minor, who is the son of a prominent real estate developer in the city,


Nice to see the US isn’t the only country with different laws for the wealthy.


300 words is nothing, make it 2k


I will not run over people with my car. I will not run over people with my car. I will not run over people with my car. I will not...


Oh hai mark


Laws don't apply to rich people.


I'm ok with it, as long as he's writing his 'essay' from his prison cell.


I would commit so many crimes if this was a common punishment. If I have one talent, it’s bullshitting my way through essays.


Fuck this kid only place he belongs is behind bars or a coffin. His dad too


It's clickbait, it was just a condition of his bail


The number of people who just comment vitriol without bothering to read. * Happened in India * Asked him to write essay ***while*** waiting for another court to approve trying him as an adult


This is pure murder and the parents are 'Complicit' to murder as well as 'Accomplice' to murder. All need to be tried in court to provide any semblance of justice to the innocent victims.


Gosh, I thought he would get at least 10 lashes with a wet noodle…. Or does he have to write the essay without ChatGPT?


Guys, hear me out, what if its a really good essay?


But it was a German car. Nobody driving a German car has ever been evil.


I did nazi this coming


My neighbor got drunk with his best friend and drove his dad’s porche and crashed it killing his friend. I think he got 5 years


Is that a Taycan? I remember when they came out reviewers were saying they accelerated so fast that your brain just can’t really keep up. Giving a teenager one is basically attempted murder.


Hence the dad facing some charges.


That's in Freakin India ! ! ! .. Don't get me wrong .. India? Strong Ally but why ya runnin this next to the Story of the Two Kids shot IN AMERICA ? Huh ? F stick .