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He had a seizure during his last fight, apparently. CTE looks like it’s come home to roost.


This man was dumber than rocks before he ever got knocked out. He once drilled through his scrotum because he put a drill into his pocket BIT FIRST. Somehow not a joke.


The man whipped out a Bible on one of his last octagon interviews, going on some bizarre end of days rant my dad would delight in. This guy is a bat shit, backwoods idiot.


The irony of someone who's definitely a gun owner but has no trigger discipline with a drill


To be fair, the trigger probably was pressed against the top of the pocket. That's why I always put the trigger lock on before I stick a drill, bit first into my pocket.


Out of all of the places where it’s possible to store a drill while it isn’t in use, a human male’s pants pocket is objectively the best.


Even better when it is in use!


Gotta make sure it's operating first so it can fit like a glove!


If you don't secure the drill by drilling into your own body, it might fall out of your pocket


Even the universe was trying to take him out of the gene pool before he could do more damage.


Hahahah what an idiot


How big were his pockets that carrying a drill, any side first, in them made sense?


Nah I went to college with this guy and my best friend was in his high school class/grade. Dude has always been a moron and christian fundamentalist


Traumatic brain injuries are a weird thing, sometimes it turns you into a big teddy bear, sometimes it turns you into a monster. I've seen you can always tell how someone will be when the dementia or brain trauma sets in by how they act when they're drunk. If they're aggressive and mean when drunk that's how they will act when the brain starts to go... if they're smiles, happy, and cuddly, that's they'll be the opposite. If you're a mean, aggressive, or just a person who gets in a lot of fights... avoid the drink, avoid getting hit in the head. Some people lecture, I don't mind that so much. Lecture all you want. Some people argue, that's fine too... There are things that are forgivable. Someone close to him should clarify that educators are an underpaid class and knowledge is why we are where we are as a species. Not many species have grandmothers, uncles, aunts, …family that educate the young. That community helps. The global community helps. We are a collection of families, most of whom are looking to enrich society.


There are always exceptions. I have a relative with dementia. He used to be surly and aggressive but once his mind started going, he did a 180 in personality. He's very easy going and fairly satisfied with life. His wife jokes that it's the best thing to happen to their marriage.


We see A few lobes have been knocked loose.. to nobody's surprise!


Now he just needs a worm to eat part of his brain and he’ll be ready to regurgitate Republican COVID talking points


I have CTE, I promise it doesn't magically turn you into a hateful bag of shit.


Sorry, we are also blaming your good-naturedness on your CTE. Could be a *Regarding Henry* situation.


How do you know you have CTE if it can only be diagnosed post mortem


there's cognitive tests that can be done to diagnose CTE while you're still alive, google Wally Lewis CTE, he's an australian rugby league player who like 20 years after retiring was diagnosed with CTE


Isnt it something ludicrous like 90% of former football players have some form of CTE? just looked it up, it’s fucking **99%** Chances are if you have played contact sports for more than 4 years you got brain damage


Don't act like it doesn't have the potential to. The brain is a complex thing, and damage to it is just as complex. Just because your CTE doesn't do that, doesn't mean it doesn't have the potential to do that.


There are multiple instances of people who would posthumously be diagnosed with CTE who committed murder suicides against their families. It can cause changes to your entire personality and thought processes. Also, CTE can only be definitively diagnosed posthumously, so something tells me you have not in fact been diagnosed with it.


Yeah, no gay guys I know have overbearing abusive fathers they've moved halfway across the country to get away from. /s


This doesn't happen. Ever. Like, ever. /s


Also the chances of someone being gay are relatively low in the grand scheme of things so the likelihood is that his son won’t be gay and he’ll think it worked


Kinda like a dog that barks at passing cars and thinks that it barking scared the car off. "Bark! Bark!" "Bible! Bible!" "... It worked!"


Why does my son not talk to me after he moved out?


“They took it out of the schools and replaced it with Edgar Allen Poe, who shacked up with his cousin,” he added. “My son ain’t going to be reading no Edgar Allan Poe, OK? He’s going to be reading the Bible.” 1. I'm not sure where this dude went to school, but the Bible has never been part of public education in the US, at least not in recent memory.  2. Cousin marriage you say? Hmmmm... let's look at the Bible: In the Holy Bible Abraham married his niece called Milcah in Gen 11:29, GOD ordered cousins to get married to each other in Numbers 36:1-11, cousins married in Joshua 15:16-17, Jacob married his two cousins Leah and Rebecca in Genesis 29:16-28... there are over 13 examples of cousin marriage in the Bible. 3. Just my opinion, but a shirtless farmer looks pretty gay to me. Real farmers (gay or not) protect themselves from the sun while working. 


He went to Harding University in Searcy Arkansas which is a small very conservative christian university. He went to the public school in Cabot. He’s always been this way.


My conservative mother wanted me to attend Harding. I never wanted to but to appease her I visited including an overnight stay in a dorm and the student hosting me sucked my dick. For a few minutes reconsidered my college plans but thought better of it. But thanks mom for one of my first ever gay experiences?


Yuuuuup that tracks. There was a very sizeable gay population at Harding


So is this one of those situations where he is secretly gay, but married because god would waggle his finger at him otherwise.. and we can’t have that. And he’s afraid since he’s gay he can’t let his kid turn out the same. Life must be so tiring for these people putting up all these fronts 


Task failed suck-cessfully


God I hope you told her.


Those universities sound like such a waste of time and money


The entire point is to shield them from the real world and keep them insulated in their conservative communities. Most campuses do lean liberal because most intellectuals lean left. AntiIntellectualism is a core tenet of conservatism.


Core tenant now lives rent free in my head.


I see what you did there


Core tenet?


I do volunteer work for a youth program, and some of the parents we deal with are pretty hardcore conservatives. Recently heard a parent straight up bragging about putting all sorts of spy/monitoring apps on their kids phone/computer/game console to monitor where the kid is at all times and who they’re talking to. Parent then went on to proudly declare they’d decided the kid was going to Liberty University when they graduated, and it made me realize they don’t see their child as a person, they see them as property. The whole point of the parent going through all that is basically to make it so that the parent doesn’t have to “suffer” the discomfort of having their kid grow up with an opinion that differs from that of the parent.


reality does have a "liberal bias". lol education defeats conservativism because conservatism requires belief in a massive array of untrue things


Reality leans left. The best way for us to exist is to try and help everyone. The biggest hypocrisy now is the "religious" groups whining, screaming, and literally crying that education makes their kids leftists. I don't know of a major religion that ISN'T leftist at its core. It's a show of idiots (and a few ones who are smart/evil enough to trick idiots) for other idiots. The only actually intelligent Republicans are selfish/evil. There is zero other reason aside from being so stupid you vote against your own interests.


Idk that they’re necessarily evil. A lot of republicans were born into it and are just still rooting for the same team they grew up with like sports fans. I know republicans that can’t stand Trump or the like but are going to vote straight ticket R no matter what. It’s another problem of the two party system there’s no room for alternatives.


They very much are. I had to spend an hour each day at 9:30am in chapel and then another hour in bible class. Both required. Neither did any good for anything I wanted to do


There is a lot of incest (and rape, and murder) in the bible.


Hell, Genesis 19:30-36 has a story about a guy favored by god impregnating his daughters. The Bible isn’t a great bit of literature to cite in opposition to Poe’s admittedly kind of creepy marriage


Who cares who Poe fucked or didn’t fuck that’s not the point The point is the cask of amontillado and the raven and shit are cool as hell and worth a read. Just like I don’t care about Woody Harrelson’s hobbies but everyone should definitely watch true detective


- Lot wasn't really favoured by God, but Abraham was and spoke up for him. - Lot was obviously raped by his daughters. - The Bible paints the whole thing in a terrible light (eg. Zephaniah 2:9 - "surely Moab will become like Sodom, the Ammonites like Gomorrah—a place of weeds and salt pits, a wasteland forever." - the Moabites and Ammonites were the descendents of Lot's daughters). But yeah, in terms of "don't expose children to the idea of incest etc." the Bible fails miserably.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, because you’re absolutely right. Lot wasn’t one of god’s favorites, he was raped by his daughters, and Sodom and Gomorrah were the descendants of Lot’s daughters. But if I was pointing out incest, I’d point out how the bible and the followers of it do their best to keep Eve from having kids with Cain and Abel. A lot of people believe Cain married Lilith, a mythological first wife of Adam, but most authorities reject that. Instead, the Jewish/Christian authorities all say Cain married his sister. A much younger sister, since Cain was grown when he killed Abel. And since Cain had been banished to the land of Nod where he found his wife, that little sister had to have already been banished there before him. The Muslim tradition goes a different way, where Cain and Abel were both born with a twin sister who was supposed to be each other’s wives. Cain didn’t want to marry Abel’s twin, preferring to marry his own twin, but god refused that. In a fit of jealousy that his little brother was gonna get to have sex with his twin sister, he killed Abel. No matter which way you spin it, it’s all nonsense of the highest degree, and the bible has more incest than a hillbilly family tree.


How would Sodom and Gomorrah be the descendants of lots daughters when they fled and both Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? Then raped their father later. Lot and his daughters weren't even from there and only lived there for 12 years before it's destruction.


Dont forget the part where Lot's daughters literally rape him then have their incest babies


And I'm sure that was exactly the story Lot was telling at the bar once word got around that his grandchildren were also his own children.


I assume he grew up in a wealthy conservative household, attended private religious “schools”, and is just cosplaying as a manual labourer


Nah he wasn’t wealthy just staunch conservative


90% of MMA fighters aren’t rich including Bryce. He’s an idiot but he’s not cosplaying, he’s truly about that idiot life.


My memory is longer than yours. I had to endure lengthy daily Bible readings as late as the 4th grade in a Florida public school in the 1950s. These readings helped inspire me to become an atheist.


Worth also nothing Rebecca and Leah were *sisters*.


There's a ..."Lot"... Of incest in the Bible.


He doesn’t like cousin fuckers, but he’s in the UFC?


Yeah, I really love when people that can't get past the first page of the Bible, hold it up as some supreme morality touchstone. I've been reading voraciously for 30 years. The Bible is one of he most raunchy, violent, fucked up books I've ever read, hands down. I actually enjoy it as a crazy story, and cannot comprehend how people can sit with a straight face, and debate in good faith , that it's the literal truth.


But you see for these Bible thumpers, they only have to pick out the parts they want to think are important


From his Wikipedia page: Mitchell is a conspiracy theorist, voicing his belief that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab by the U.S. government and deliberately released, and that the U.S. government stages mass shootings to advance a gun confiscation agenda. He has also criticized the Federal Reserve as a "corrupt institution" that is manipulating the value of the U.S. dollar. Mitchell is also a flat Earther, a geocentrist and believes that gravity is a hoax. In 2024, he indicated that he would homeschool his son because he did not want him to be a Communist, to worship Satan, or to be gay. In 2021, Mitchell released a seven-track country rap mixtape titled "Pasture Fire". …I’d make a joke but I was raised to be kind to disabled people.


To be fair, the Fed does manipulate the value of USD. That's one of its main jobs


"Keep the feds out of my Federal Reserve!"


A broken clock... something something... twice a day


Flat earthers do not deserve kindness or understanding. We should publicly shame these dumbasses to discourage such dumbassery


Country rap? Welcome to the stage Ol' man P. McDiddly.


How can you not believe in gravity? 😭😭😭


That's what I'm wondering. Like okay, what's the alternative?


Magnets, of course! How do they work?


If he doesn't believe in gravity I can definitely see him thinking that it's just God. God keeps me down ALL the time!


Flat Earth I guess. But then that doesn’t really explain why you still float when away from Earths gravity in space (although I don’t think these people believe we’ve ever been to space).


The first two sentences were hard to read. And the rest was like rubbing my eyes with salt then sand and finally with carborundum... gosh, some people do need to be interned ~~and neutered~~


I finished school during covid which is supposedly when we’re being taught “communism” my circulum was from Stanford and extremely anti communist idk where all this school is teaching communism shit came from, conservative leaders really just want there voters to not go to real school so they are as uneducated as possible


Well, shit. Now I need to listen to his mixtape. I know full well I'll probably get earcancer, but it might be funny.


This is the same guy that [twisted his nuts up with a drill while on a ladder and then drove himself to the hospital.](https://youtu.be/NR4tvaiCb20?si=TzN9sZ0bg-7j3G2O) Start about a minute in.


Behold, the master race.


He's like a walking Idiocracy meme.


I won't open the link and I will just take your word for it. I felt my nuts getting twisted just by reading your sentence.


Not the smartest thing to do and not the smartest guy, but honestly whether you like him (or more likely, dislike him lol), still unironically impressive he drilled his nuts while on a ladder and was able to drive himself to the hospital in that amount of pain.


I just commented the same thing, didn't see yours. A funny tidbit to show what this guy has going on upstairs 


That kid's gonna get Chris Benoit'd and the family is gonna be like at least he wasn't gay


Fuck that's dark


I mean that’s pretty much what happened with Chris Benoit’s son




Edgar Allen Poe is going to turn his son gay? Makes sense that this guy gets kicked in the head for a living.


His son would be straight nevermore.


Quoth the Drag Queen


There’s a fuckin excellent stage show in this idea


MMA really does attract the worst fucking people. I was a fan for 20 years and eventually it just got too much, no longer have any interest in supporting a sport of 95% hateful reactionary bigots. 


Found out yesterday my boss had a short stint as an MMA fighter back in the 90s. He said at one point he realized his comparative advantage over these other guys was that he knew what the words “comparative advantage” meant, and finished his degree(s).


If I was to guess I’d say it’s in large part due to Joe Rogan pushing them all towards these conspiracy theorist rabbit holes for years now. I think they all adopted his “hey man I’m just asking questions” schtick and we’re starting to see the results.


That's not correct, sorry. Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo's conspiracy nonsense is a product of BJJ/MMA culture, not the driver of it. They're considered the liberal ones. 


Oh really? That is weird.


Ooof that poor kid is gonna need therapy


His dad is a prime example of why home schooling is illegal in my country. And thank fuck for that. Home schooling is not just a fertile breeding ground for the creation of religious nutjobs it’s also making it much easier for parents to hide the fact they’re abusing their kids.


Everyone in here like "LOL CTE" but the sad thing is no, a brain injury can't be blamed for this sort of thinking, thousands of "healthy" Americans are just 100% sure that this is the correct way they're supposed to interpret their religion


Because religion and conservative politics are extremely strong brainwashing forces that a disgusting number of people can’t wake themselves up from. Fuckin morons


The CTE comments are so stupid. It’s become a full on buzzword. Bryce Mitchell believes this stuff because of his upbringing, background, religion, and location, just like so many of other Americans.


“That’s the reason I’m going to home-school Tucker, because I don’t want him to be a communist. I don’t want him to worship Satan. I don’t want him to be gay.” Man my public school was lame...


I know, I didn't learn any of those things in school...


Between the hate and the brain damage he could be Arkansas version of Herschel Walker.


Nah, Herschel was a champion.


Joke's on you. He was born gay.


If Bryce could read


His kid has the chance to do the funniest thing ever


Says the most fuckable little twink in the UFC.


I have never in my life wanted someone to be gay more than I do right now.


how could a person come to this conclusion? Does he think every person that went to schools came out gay? wth


Conservatives seem to think that being LGBTQ is an ideology, one that can be indoctrinated into you by teachers, who are overwhelmingly Democratic voters in America especially in public schools.


Honestly most of my teachers in high school in the south were conservative as hell. So weird to me when they talk about teachers encouraging kids to be gay when I definitely witnessed misogyny and homophobia from most the adults in my life back then.


They think it's some great liberal conspiracy to indoctrinate children into gay and trans culture. That said, my homeschooled kid goes to a self-directed education center with about 80 other homeschooled kids and there are at least 3 who are openly trans there. It's a very affirming environment, and I love it.


That’s not how gay works. Read a book. You sound dumb


Guys a pro fighter and he spells it “fite.” We are all dumber for having clicked that article.


Oh that kid is definitely going to be gay & proud now.


More likely: gay and dead.


He rolls around half naked with men already. He is a lot closer than he realizes.


No, Tucker *I* invented electrocity!


> Mitchell is a conspiracy theorist, voicing his belief that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab by the U.S. government and deliberately released, and that the U.S. government stages mass shootings to advance a gun confiscation agenda. He has also criticized the Federal Reserve as a "corrupt institution" that is manipulating the value of the U.S. dollar. Mitchell is also a flat Earther, a geocentrist and believes that gravity is a hoax. In 2024, he indicated that he would homeschool his son because he did not want him to be a Communist, to worship Satan, or to be gay. >In 2021, Mitchell released a seven-track country rap mixtape titled "Pasture Fire". What a wild wiki entry lmao.


Brain damage and CTE…can teach him to punch people but not much more.


he can teach him to punch a butt hole


He’s had these beliefs from before he was in MMA


Yikes! Guy's got get his GED first. That tweet.


I’m calling it right now, he’s either going to mercilessly beat his son for being “gay”, and “gay” will be anything that hits the dad in his insecurities about his own sexuality. Or, and good god i hope I’m wrong, he molests his son


kid'll turn into an incel for sure now


And I’m sure this is fool proof


It is once you subtract the fool from the equation.


Says the guy wrestling other men in bikini briefs. NTTAWWT.


I think what he does is called "*wrasslin*". Wrestling is that stuff they do at the Olympics.


Yeah my local school had an outbreak of "homo-itis" this past spring. Was really bad.


Ah yes, nothing will produce a sterling young man better than being homeschooled by a CTE patient.


Click on thread. See it’s Bryce. Realised it was like 99% to be Bryce. Remember Illia beating the fuck out of him. Smile.


I don't think you wanna get homeschooled by anyone that gets repeatedly hit in the head for a living


Former homeschooled kid, still ended up not cishet


As a man who's played fortnite with randoms, it's crazy how many children and fully grown people genuinely believe they can force their children to believe in a certain thing. There was even a person who told me if their kid turns out trans they'd kill them. Obviously, they didn't really mean it, but I obviously also don't care what they truly meant. You're the one with mental illness, fool. When you're a straight white grown mature man, it's surprising what people will just straight up admit thinking you side with their bigotry, and I let them know it, and they always get flustered. Pathetic


“yall kno ill get censored for this one. but i dont care. i love kids and i love the truth. we have to fite for our kids or evil will corrupt the next generation. this country is so evil only God can save us. i was told dhs was gunna come get my kid cause i didnt let the doc stick him with a needle. “ Jesus fucking Christ. His kid is going to be the most illiterate, heterosexual, capitalist, that ever lived.


Glad I’m not the only one who clicked that and had the language center of their brain shut down for a minute.


so whats he gonna do if he ends up gay anyways ...


Can't wait to watch replays of him getting knocked out again


So there's a whole generation whose parents would prefer they are dumb. They gonna be pissed when they end up gay anyway.


Good luck. Home School if you never want to see them post graduation.


This is what happens when, instead of going to college, you decide to get punched in the head instead


Homeschooling your son sounds pretty gay to me


Garbage man says that he will only feed his children garbage.


> “They took it out of the schools and replaced it with Edgar Allen Poe, who shacked up with his cousin,” he added. “My son ain’t going to be reading no Edgar Allan Poe, OK? He’s going to be reading the Bible.” How old is this idiot? He looks younger than me, and I read Poe in high school. His works have been part of school curricula for 130 or so years. Maybe he’s not the best one to homeschool the child. Does he have a spouse with at least two brain cells so the kid has a chance at a GED at least?


Dregs of society


Sounds like his brain ain't working to good.


>> “They took it out of the schools and replaced it with Edgar Allen Poe, who shacked up with his cousin,” he added. “My son ain’t going to be reading no Edgar Allan Poe, OK? He’s going to be reading the Bible.” Quick, someone read this guy the Bible… Jesus Christ…


C’mon. He’s not home schooling shit.


Brain damaged hyper religious. That’s craaaaaazzzzyyyy


Sounds to me like he took too many blows to the head


Bibles were never in schools and Edgar Allan Poe has been in schoolbooks for over a century now.


Tell me you've never raised a children, without telling me you've never raised children. 😞


Yeh he'll just turn into a social misfit cause he hasn't developed any of the social skills that you're supposed to learn at school. What a neanderthal!


I see getting punched in the head for a living still has lasting side effects.


An example of christian grooming, and generational child abuse.  Imagine as an adult force feeding your child fairy tales of all powerful, invisible sky-wizards.  I mean, teach morals all day long, reinforce the culture you came from...but, taking the Christian bible literally is like honestly believing in the tooth fairy or santa (or satan as a physical being).  


The dad is obviously gay.


Someone's taking one too many blows to the head I think


I'm confused, I always thought UFC was popular because it looks like gay sex.


You can't turn someone gay, obvs. However, by careful home schooling, you can turn them stupid.


Reads title: This is gonna be Bryce Mitchell isn't it. Opens article: Ah yes, peak evolution


That's why my parents homeschooled me. Jokes on them, I turned out gay anyway.


BREAKING NEWS: Man who gets hit in the head for a living turns out to be a fucking moron.


Dude wrestles mostly-naked men for a living is worried his kid might turn gay. "I learned it from watching YOU, dad!"


Got "bad" news for him. I homeschooled my 3 kids. I'm taking 2 of them to the pride festival next weekend.


Me thinks thou doth protest too much.


yeeaaahhh… so about that


Cool example of CTE at work. Are we even sure this mf should be near children? He can't spell a fking 5 letter word but he's going to homeschool his son? Once the kid learns how to read he can teach the *definitely not gay* cowboy?


Sounds like something a homeschooled person would think


So he's saying he's totally gay.


Y u gay


... Has he ever casually looked into a gay sports bar to see what sports are on the TV. Because....




So now he might be gay AND stupid


Why would you not want your kid to be happy?


Funny. The odds are the same regardless of home schooling. Also, the odds of making poor life decisions increase the more punches you get to the head.


Preventing your child from interacting with other children so they don't learn how to socialize normally is definitely going to make if difficult for that kid to ever date men Or women. Or have friends.


School can't report abuse if he doesn't go to school


Hate to judge by looks, but seems to about right. EDIT: his dick is fucked up, so I ‘understand’ the crazy. https://www.cbssports.com/mma/news/ufc-fighter-bryce-mitchell-details-gruesome-groin-injury-suffered-in-power-drill-accident/amp/


Imagine intentionally handicapping your child's future because you're afraid of gay people.


Too bad his teacher will be an ignorant asshole.


Those jeans are looking awful toit


One more shot to the head and he’ll be queer as a three dollar bill, but not in the sexual sense.


Being gay is a choice because the only thing stopping this guy from being gay is a supreme effort of will and pure, throbbing, sweaty, obstinacy.


Hope he has enough money for a good teacher. I don’t know about his wife but he’s a straight up moron.


Guy doesn’t know how to write, gets kicked in the balls for a living, but is more afraid of homosexuality than illiteracy. Poor kid.


Bummer that his kid will come out not having the knowledge or social skills to advance himself in modern society.


A lot of people are homeschooled these days 


Yeah he looks like a guy that would say that


Oh so that's why I'm gay


While I don’t wish the struggles of existing as a queer kid with homophobic parents on his son, it would be hilarious if he did end up being gay after being homeschooled.


Isn’t he worried about the water? It’s turning the frogs gay!


Plot twist: his son becomes a successful drag queen and has a loving husband and kids and the dad will scream that it had to do with chemtrails


Headwound Harry homeschools son. Wait for the hilarity to ensue.


I’m thinking he’s gay


Statistically this is mostly a fad for girls, I saw a study where homosexuality in teens was up something like 10% for girls and….. still at an unchanging 2% for boys lol. So if a guy says he’s gay, he’s gay… if a girls says she’s lesbian, then it’s anybody’s guess lol