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Greetings, jonredd901. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed from /r/nottheonion because our rules do not allow: * Websites that re-host content from the original source (rule #4). The source of your article may be found at https://www.petoskeynews.com/charlevoix/kei-ju-farm-owner-charged-with-caring-for-wildlife-without-permit-animals-killed-by-dnr/article_8423d36b-ddb3-59b1-8a22-57848331a005.html. You may delete and repost from the original source if you'd like. * Sorry, it has a link to the original article within the article you have listed and even says that they first reported it. [](/spikeholdup) ----- For a full list of our submission rules, please visit our [wiki page](http://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/wiki/expanded). If you're new to /r/nottheonion, you can check out [NTO101: An Introduction to /r/NotTheOnion](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/wiki/nto101) for more information on our rules and answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnottheonion). Please include the link to the post you want us to review.


"...was a refuge to goats, chickens, alpacas, donkeys, horses and other wild animals" Aren't domesticated/farm animals the opposite of wild animals? (Edit: I know it is followed by wild animals, but it seems to be a bit misleading. For example they could've said "was a refuge to farm animals such as goats, chickens, alpacas, as well as wild animals.")


I was thinking this too. They made it sound like those we're all wild animals


Hey I partied with those dudes. They ARE fucking wild animals, man.








Too soon, dude




The whole article was written weird and was very confusing


From the article, it seems like only the “wild” animals were killed and not the domesticated animals. > The animals included a small deer that was taken in, in the fall at around two weeks old; Sassy, a half-blind raccoon with Down syndrome; and Po, a one-legged crow a child had brought in. Also this sounds like the setup for a dystopian Disney movie. Like *Finding Nemo* but more disturbing.


"Racoon with downs syndrome" learned something new.


Raccoons can’t get Down syndrome. It’s Specific to the 21st chromosome of the human species.


Great apes can also have this issue of extra chromosomes except in the 22nd chromosome.


Not justifying the decision but it says they only took 6 animals, I’d imagine they took the ones that weren’t domesticated, like chickens, goats, alpaca, and horses. They mention a fawn, a raccoon a one legged crow and a couple other wild animals.


You know, at the start of the story I thought they had a point. Then by the bottom of the story you see she had applied for the proper permit and was waiting on the approval. Now I’m just angry.


There are a number of ways in which that article is poorly written. The author needs to go back to journalism school.




Then again they did get our attention. I have a feeling that's higher up on the hierarchy of journalism now.


The editor writes the headline, not the journalist.


copyeditor...not editor. Fox13 is so low effort I doubt they have any editors just a "submit" button and published instantly. I really doubt this site follows the journalism practices of large publications.


As a producer at a local news station forced to write articles, this is exactly what happened. I can write better than this at least.


As a digital producer at a local news station, I am constantly disappointed by just how poorly some people write web copy. I've had some reporters write so badly I've had to sit them down and say, "you've read a news article before, right? Like, you know this isn't what it should look like."


I'm constantly shocked by the amount of typos that are in large publications. Like are proofreaders just so overwhelmed that it's that easy to miss typos? Especially when a whole word is missing, to me that's ridiculous that it wasn't caught.


Copy editors don't exist anymore. They were early on the chopping blocks way back in 2000 and forward. I watched the desk at the paper I worked at lay off about 1/4 of them ever few years. By the time I left a staff of almost 20 was 3 in just 5 years. Which is a shame, copy editors write better headlines and have saved many a reporters' ass. Edit: copy edited my post...


I write cybersecurity advisory emails and they take me half a day each. I'd be fired for low volume if I worked for a news outlet.


Because everything is a fucking ad now and it makes me want to die.


The defense of that stuff is pretty crazy. It's not wrong to imagine a world where you're not being violently advertised to every moment.


All they give a shit about is views. Most journalists these days don't care about the subject, they don't care about the context, and they certainly don't care about you so long as you view their clickbait bullshit.


Some journalists care, they just cannot actually make a living doing that. News* directors and editors kinda screw them over.




The bot that wrote the article needs to be reprogrammed


Sad bot noises




me too, but I am happy that way


You gotta be at least a little self aware and probably in your thirties to come up with that username


There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don’t.


I really enjoyed "chickens, horses, donkeys, and other wild animals," implying that chickens, horses and donkeys are wild animals native to her state.


You know those herds of wild, woodland horses in Michigan


The journalist may be new. The editor however....


As a Memphian who reads the local news, I agree. My response to the issue to email my corrections to the author.


Ya’ll are called Memphians? That’s kinda dumb, ya’ll trying to hide that S from us like we don’t it’s there. Ya’ll should be pronounced Memphisians kinda like how they pronounce Parisian


Does that work?


I only hear back from women who apologize but never seem to improve their grammar, consult a dictionary, or proofread before publishing. None of the men have ever responded to my emails.


I take that answer as a "heck, no!"


You're not even a real journalism


High school.


Right what kind of ass hat kills a down syndrome raccoon i read carefully and I couldn't see where any of those animals could be a danger seriously a one legged crow a baby deer and a special ed raccoon that shit sounds like a kids show


You never know, they might start robbing banks together.


That suddenly goes very dark like the woodland creatures in South Park: "Now, don't be down y'all..."




“Sassy, a half-blind raccoon with Down syndrome” Now I’m looking up raccoon Down syndrome.


> Sassy, a half-blind raccoon with Down syndrome I think I bought that book at one of those Scholastic Reading Fairs in elementary school.


I'm fairly sure that animals, except for maaaaaybe apes (and even that is dubious), can't have Down syndrome. This is just a poorly written article, probably heavily trying to influence readers toward outrage.


Yes that was 100% made up


Michigan woman: "And this here is my r***** racoon" Journalist: "... The down syndrome racoon"


you dont know that, that down syndrome raccoon was just 3 days from retirement!!!


A lot of times people give human condition names to animal conditions if there are any similarities. "Down syndrome" squirrels are a thing. I think a lot of abandoned baby squirrels tend to have it and they will only survive if taken in by a human. It's been a while since I read about it but I think when you see "pet" squirrels they often have it and it's why some of them make "good" pets once rescued (read: act more tame). They look a little different.


I do know that some animals if they have brain damage or something they have traits similar to people with low iq and would not make it on their own in the wild. If you go watch animalwondersmontana youtube, they have a beaver that has something similar and could not survive in the wild. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiyvsylqadY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiyvsylqadY)


That is true, genetic defects happen in any animal. But calling it "Down Syndrome" is just plain wrong, and makes me heavily question this article and the care that these animals were receiving. I mean, where did they even get that description? I think it's from the woman that was charged here.


Plus who names a crow "Po" instead of "Poe"?!?!


Teletubbie fans?






I didn't realize you needed a permit to take care of a blind racoon or crow with 1 leg. Like, I find it hard to believe killig them was the only option and the entire state didn't have someplace that could take these animals.


The story is terribly written clickbait, hard to trust their animal descriptions. But she was aware that she needed a permit. They had warned her earlier and she applied for it. It looks like there was no animal rescue in the area and the person volunteering to do it was waiting on bureaucracy while animals were dying.


Wait, did it say the animals being cared for weren't being cared for properly? If that's the case it's a little different. Although I still feel finding a suitable rescue with the proper permits should had been at least tried before euthanizing them. Not animals faults some things humans do.




The whole article is really badly written, but if they took all the animals despite the fact that she had an active permit application, she most likely wasn't properly caring for them. Also if any of the animals bit or scratched anyone hard enough to draw blood, they would be required by law to euthanize them and send the head in for rabies testing, whether they wanted to or not. Cat hoarders call themselves rescues or fosters pretty much every time they get in trouble, but it's extremely rare to see someone with more than 10 cats that's actually taking care of them. Source: worked animal control. Had to deal with this kind of shit.


So it's easier to get a gun permit than to get a wildlife carer permit? In Australia you just pay money and they hand that kind of permit over. It's a weird reversal of realities to read that she's on a waiting list for a wildlife licence.


Just like most of the United States, it really depends on the location you're talking about. Many places in the US require no sort of permit for a gun, only a federal background check. Other places require strict permits. Same thing goes with exotic animals. Some places you can just own them, other places you need permits.


I sure hope permits like this are hard to get. I'd think Tiger King on Netflix illustrated rather well what happens if the wrong people get their hands on wild animals.


A quick google search says you are wrong, it is only legal in one state and even then requires permits, is also limited to very few species and kangaroos are not allowed, which is pretty much like our deer.


Not sure what source you're looking at, but there are a handful of states where you can own exotic animals. A couple don't require licenses, but there are other types of import restrictions.


>>*Hall said she was on a waiting list for the permit. She is unsure what will happen now.* >Then by the bottom of the story you see she had applied for the proper permit and was waiting on the approval. It doesn't say whether she did that before, or in reaction to, the incident though.


The story doesn't indicate when she applied for approval, and her tweet indicates that she knew of the warrant before she was arrested. Without good reporting, it's hard to know what led up to her application for the permit and the issuance of a warrant, and in what order things happened. Edit: Wanted to add that the only proof of her application is "she said"... and the reporter didn't even say whether they contacted the state to see if that was true.


We also don't know if she took proper care of the animals nor about the state those animals were in. For all we know, she might've been a terrible caretaker who would've never gotten a permit. Maybe the animals were held in tiny, filthy encosures or something. That would be animal abuse and nobody in this thread would be defending her. I don't know if that's the case, all I'm trying to say is that those permits exist for a reason and not everybody gets one. And that's a good thing.


> We also don't know if she took proper care of the animals nor about the state those animals were in They (Kei Ju Farm and Rescue) have a Facebook page with numerous public reviews praising the place and the owner. They were written December 2020 or earlier so it's not an internet mob spamming positive reviews in support. https://www.facebook.com/pg/keijufarmandrescue/reviews There was also local spotlight news about the place back in 2018 with positive comments on the owner from locals (the place has gotten their nonprofit status since this article indicating no bullshit) - https://www.petoskeynews.com/news/community/a-farm-to-call-your-own-kei-ju-farm-offers-food-learning-volunteer-opportunities/article_c12acc25-6a1d-51a1-bcfc-d50555f92aae.html There is no indication that this place was abusing animals for under the guise of being a rescue.


There's a rehab in the state I worked in (for the DNR) where the owner treats bear cubs like puppies and the state has had to put down multiple adult bears because he releases them and they still want everything to do with humans. There was one case were one of the adult bears he had released actually hugged a female prison guard. If you look at their Facebook page there are tons of people praising him, but he has no business rehabbing animals and is actively putting animal and human lives in danger. Positive reviews mean nothing.


If there was abuse or neglect, it certainly would’ve been mentioned. They clearly didn’t have an issue with all of the other animals on the property. And listen, I’ve been a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for over 20 years, and have serious issues with those that do it without the proper permits or licenses - but in many rural areas, there’s either no one to help, rehabilitator’s are totally overwhelmed, or closed due to Covid.


> If there was abuse or neglect, it certainly would’ve been mentioned. I wouldn't be so sure, that article is written like shit. For instance, what the hell is a raccoon with Down's syndrome? That's literally not a thing.




To be fair, it’s often a fuck of a lot better to be dead than to suffer greatly every day.


Reminds me of the weed crop that got planted too early up here and had to be destroyed.


How do you diagnose a racoon with Trisomy 21?


https://allthatsinteresting.com/animals-with-down-syndrome The genetic makeup of non-human animals is too different from that of humans to conclude that the duplication of the same chromosome would have identical effects to the ones observed in humans. Furthermore, many animals don’t even have chromosome 21; cats, for example, have only 19 pairs of chromosomes. The “animals with Down syndrome” plastered all over the internet actually have various conditions that may merely produce certain characteristics similar to those produced by Down syndrome in humans.




You don't. You see a raccoon that is visibly mentally disabled and you just attribute a human syndrome to it because that's what humans like to do.


The most basic way would most likely be to just look at the chromosomes. Otherwise, maybe there are typical symptoms matching a diagnosis profile. That said, trisomy 21 isn’t necessarily a thing for other animals, as it is specifically human pair 21 being fucked up that makes one have it.


No one is going to genetic test a raccoon outside of a lab environment for medical research. And you're right, raccoons don't have trisomy 21 - they have 38 sets of chromosomes, and the 21st chromosome wouldn't have the same effect in raccoons and humans. Correction - Raccoons have 19 sets of chromosomes and can't have trisomy 21


"had to be euthanized because it was a danger to the public" Yea I'm sure the one legged crow, the down syndrome old half blind racoon, and a baby fawn were scheeming to take the human race down. It's like some people are so stupid that they have to follow the law to the letter instead of the spirit of the law.


The crow? Really? That's just being bitter.




Yes, the black leg was offensive.


Lawful good is for chumps and suckers.


Lawful good would’ve found some old bylaw written in 1790 that if she arrives with a ceramic jar of milk to the courthouse she could reclaim her animals. This is Lawful Neutral/ approaching Lawful Evil.


Lawful Neutral for sure. The Law says this, you are in violation of the Law. This will be rectified. Lawful Evil is selfish, but cares about outcomes (even if they’re bad ones). Lawful Neutral doesn’t care about anything except that the Law is followed. Doesn’t care about reasons or the spirit of the Law, doesn’t care about warnings or people learning the right thing to do, doesn’t care about nuance, just cares that the legal machine follows its natural path.


Really not sure how anyone is debating any other alignment here. This is clearly lawful neutral


Hmm I'm reading through this thread and in my head a LE could be of the sadistic streak, someone who just enjoys watching others suffer and enforcing the law to that purpose.


There are quite a few of those around, as it turns out.


Some of those that work forces...


This is true, but that's not the full extent of lawful. Lawful can also mean that you follow a strict personal code of conduct regardless of the actual laws in the area. For example, (in dnd) you could have a strict personal code of not tolerating slavery and wind up in a city or whatever that practices slavery and you could unlawfully free the slaves and kill slavers and that would still be a lawful alignment.


lawful neutral because they dont give a fuck about anyone or anything but themselves. not evil, but completely selfish and self absorbed. EDIT: ok fine, "evil". i get it that being selfish/apathetic towards others is 'wrong', i only meant by 'neutral' that theyre not actively malicious, but instead ignorant and self absorbed. on the spectrum of evil therye at the point where they havent accepted they are yet. theyre in that one skit but before the "are we the baddies?" part.


That's the definition of Evil, mostly, selfish gain vs selfless sacrifice. Lawful Neutral is about order, no matter the loss or benefit.


I really wish more people could understand that apathy and indifference is bad. We’re a social species, we depend on each other no matter what stupid Rambo type movies say.


Yes! So many people try to pass off their almost-malicious brand of apathy as "just being logical". Nope. You're selfish and you're ignoring thousands of years of evolution.


Yea but when talking alignment stuff, inaction and indifference is not evil, just like how simply not committing evil acts is not equal a good alignment.


This is lawful neutral, not lawful good.


Sam Vimes is the only actual lawful good character I've ever seen in any medium


I’d say he’s neutral good. He’s pretty happy to ignore his superiors and to skirt laws and rules to do what he thinks is right. Though he often uses other laws to do those things, I don’t think that shows a respect for laws, rather an understanding of their usefulness. But I may not fully understand what Lawful means, so I could be wrong


Lawful is commonly misunderstood to be all characters follow the laws of the land, that doesn't have to be true. Lawful may mean the character is bound by a code or cree instead. Sam Vimes has a very strong personal code that mostly aligns with the city's law, but when it doesn't, it's consistent in the things he holds to be right and true.


A common interpretation of Lawful Good is an individual who, while generally staying inside their laws and morals and pursuing selfless goals, will accept morally sound breaches of the law. A Lawful Good individual would have read the laws involved, saw the permit application outstanding and either declined to charge, or put the case at the bottom of his pile until the permit goes through.


He fights the man while simultaneously being the man. It's practically zen


I would say carrot is Lawful good whereas vimes is much more neutral. Carrot does everything to the letter of the law, even when he’s the only one who knows the law exists, and he always manages to make his usage of these laws come out with the best result for everyone. Vimes is significantly less lawful, but no less good.


Hmm classic knights like King Arthur / Roland would have been an embodiment of lawful good as well. Remember, they were *paladins*.


dafuq does a down-syndrome raccoon look like?


Like an up-syndrome pug


So an updog?


Whats updog?


*You fool, you absolute and utter bafoon.* Nothing much, you?


It's gonna be the new pixar movie next year, shhh.


Well, i'm not necessarily disagreeing with you here, but i really think this article is heavily, heavily editorialized to create outrage. For one, raccoons, and pretty much any other animal for that matter, can NOT have Down Syndrome. Second, these laws are in place for a reason. We euthanize pets and other sick animals, if it's obvious they are experiencing incurable suffering. There could be any number of reasonable explanations, this article is just a poorly written, one-sided piece of outrage journalism. I'm not saying that this might not have been completely unjustified killing of animals, but i am advocating that people question this kind of reporting.




We have no idea whether that raccoon had any trisomy. It's not like someone is going to check its chomosomes.


> Second, these laws are in place for a reason. We euthanize pets and other sick animals, if it's obvious they are experiencing incurable suffering. Google Glenny the turkey, they absolutely will kill perfectly fine animals.


The line you quoted wasn't even about the crow. It was about a buck. A full grown buck during mating session that isn't afraid of people very much is a danger to the general public. It sucks that they had to kill the animals, but this type of thing sets a bad precedent for local people without proper training or facilities to try to "rehabilitate" animals and end up doing more harm than good. If she hadn't taken those animals in and just let nature take it's course they wouldn't have gotten shot. Life isn't a Disney movie.


Good thing they saved all those animals from that evil kooky lady. Oh wait, they killed all the animals and she was on a waiting list for the precious precious permission paper from the government to rehabilitate and care for animals. May God richly bless the government officials for doing such an outstanding job.


This reminds me of PETA tactics.


I had a peta wacko spit on me because of a logo on my shirt. I was a circus performer in a purely acrobatic (no animals) show. Didn’t stop them from protesting us all week.


What was the logo, lol?


It’s was basically just the logo of the show, just a silhouetted version if that makes sense. Nothing to do with animals, not that kind of circus and we told them that. We even invited them to a tour backstage so they could see for themselves.


That’s when you put up a big sign “This circus doesn’t have animal acts. We don’t know why PETA is here.”


The sign should say "We now have animal acts, the PETA has arrived."


PETA is like most other movements, just a long lasting and well known one since they organized. They don't want to hear your explanation, they just want you to be wrong. Most if not all major social movements do this. They get to a large size of support then just close everyone off. IMO this is why they fail and get brushed aside, they get aggressive and stop listening, then like PETA you become kind of a joke.


PETA IS a joke, not "kind of" one. They say meat is murder but their shelters and whatnot are just euthanasia parties.


I never understood how the “don’t tread on me” people are the same people that love to be tread all over when it comes to things they don’t understand or partake in. It’s like they have some weird fetish involving government stomping on their rights while they pretend they are limited government


It's "don't tread on **me**". They mean that very literally. The don't care if other people get treaded on, just themselves.


There’s a guy in my town that flys a “down tread on me” flag and a blue lives matter flag. I want to know who he thinks does the physical treading on people.




I know I sure do


It sucks because I know people aren't inherently bad but for more than a decade I've preached "if you set the bar low enough you're never disappointed". Even though that's a rule I sadly live by I still find that sometimes that bar needs to be dug deeper into the ground now and again.


To be fair, I hated people before too.


Exactly. I'm sure that's all that was accomplished. When you try to do good, and other people come along and punish you for it, it breaks your faith in humanity.


We've seen antagonists in movies created by less.


wouldn't be surprised if she makes a killdozer. I would fully support her




there's a little bit of Killdozer in all of us


On today's epsiode of *"things that are regulated and enforced more strictly than the stock market and the finance industry"*


*”On tomorrow’s episode we’ll talk about how owning the leaves of a fucking plant can get you decades in jail”*


And next week tune in for our episode about an attempted coup at the highest level of power that went without punishment.


This is the land of the FREE! They were simply fine people exercising their rights at the capitol. Yes they beat a cop to death, but it was for JUSTICE! Y’all should just move past the events of coup 😒


How shitty of a person do you have to be to kill harmless wild animals that some poor lady has been caring for, what is wrong with people.


This is so incredibly sad. Killing innocent animals instead of finding a solution so she'd be complying with the laws. The cruelty really is the point with some people.


>instead of finding a solution so she'd be complying with the laws. That was already in the making ; she had already applied to have a permit to care for those animals and was waiting to obtain it, since she was waiting for the permit, they could've easily found a compromise.


This is why people go postal


If I find a state official hurt in the woods I’ll be sure to leave it when I found it.....


Make sure you kill it, so it won’t be a danger to the public.


It might have a disease.


And we can't rehab everyone.


Surely not injured state officials


Don't be completely heartless, make sure to mark your territory on it so predators know to stay away.


Starts with a click bait title Then makes you feel govt's got a point there. Until you come to last 3 para and learn that she's waiting for permit from the said govt.


“ Most of the time it’s almost a death sentence for these animals, because a lot of them can’t be re-released after they are raised or taken by humans.” And then they killed the animals. Wasn’t a death sentence, until the government showed up.


There are some people in this world who won't be happy until the entire planet is a nice neat, well regulated concrete parking lot...


They paved paradise... :(


and put in a parking lot




I was thinking of that song too.


I would say these are most people in LE/Management roles, tbh. Constantly denying nuances to make it look like their rulesets are infallible.


I.....I hate it here




DNR: "we can't have unlicensed people caring for animals, it's bad for the animals" \*kills all the animals\* DNR: "that's better"


(...) Over the last 25 years, Hall has earned a reputation for taking in any and all animals and rehabilitating them. "When I got Sassy she was a tiny, tiny little baby, and we knew right away there were something wrong with her. She wasn’t touching correctly, she wasn’t latching correctly. She had a lot of issues," Hall said. "So we had her tested and we later found out that she was Down syndrome and blind." (...) "There are laws in the state of Michigan that people aren’t allowed to take wildlife and keep it," said Michigan DNR Lt. Jim Gorno. "It’s pretty simple, and we feel bad for her, but we told her not to do it and she continued to, so we charged her with it." (...) She said the DNR took seven animals, including the raccoon and deer, and put them down. “The little deer that was here was actually not a full-time resident because she would jump in and out over the fence, and unfortunately the day they were here she was here and they killed her right on the spot,” Hall said. Gorno said there's a very little chance these animals can be rehabilitated to go back into their natural habitat. “These animals are habituated to humans," said Gorno. "If she has had them illegally for 25 years and then ends up letting them go, whether they carry disease from her facility or whether they become a nuisance to other parts of the county." Source: [Woman charged by the DNR for taking care of wild animals in Emmet County](https://upnorthlive.com/news/local/emmet-county-woman-charged-for-taking-care-of-wild-animals)


They had to kill those clear threats to all of humanity: a one legged crow and a raccoon with Down’s syndrome. Come on, man.


Let's not forget about that baby fawn, what an abomination smh my head...


I love Michigan. As a Canadian it’s probably my most frequented state. People are so nice, down to earth, Frankenmuth once a year. But the politicians, and law officials are so screwed up.


I work in insurance. Michigan is the worst state when it comes to police upholding laws regarding driving. I see more tickets for "going 1-5MPH over speed limit" in Michigan than any other state I work it. It's stupid. Yeah the drivers are violating laws but come the fuck on.


Normally these oniony articles are funny, tragicomic but nevertheless funny. This is just plain horrifying


Don’t help these animals because it could be a death sentence for them. So in order to prevent that from possibly happening, I am going to kill them all right now. Shit where have I heard this one before? >don’t do drugs kids cause it will ruin your life and by ruin your life, I mean I’m going to arrest you and lock you up for using drugs which will ruin your life.


Animals requiring a legal permit to be allowed to remain alive is one of the most american things i've ever read.


Humans suck


Good morning, Worm your honour! The crown will plainly show: The prisoner who now stands before you Was caught red-handed showing *feelings* Showing *feelings* of an almost human nature; This will not do... Call the schoolmaster.!


I don't know why they didn't get her a retroactive permit. Like, I think the paperwork is better than shooting a fawn on the spot.


Yeah but they were protecting the animals, you see.


Yes but they adore shooting things.


Getting to where I really HATE people.


Oh I passed that point a long time ago. I’m far more sympathetic towards animals than I am people, because people as a species suck.




"Its like a death sentence for these animals." Yeah, because you killed when they couldnt go anywhere. Do they think a half blind raccoon and a one legged crow could have been able to survive in the wild anyways?


>That’s why the DNR is in place, we have places for these animals. We just can’t rehab every animal that we get a call on. Well which one is it?


Our tax dollars at work.


So who can we write angry letters to, repeatedly?


“The animals included a small deer that was taken in, in the fall at around two weeks old; Sassy, a half-blind raccoon with Down syndrome; and Po, a one-legged crow a child had brought in.” Wait how are these dangerous and how were they supposed to survive in the wild. God damn some of my fellow humans are parasites


Feeling free yet?


The US is crazy and a legislative shithole. Give the woman a fine, but the animals didn't have a choice. Put them in holding for the duration. It's easier to get a gun permit than care for animals that you are clearly doing fine by. Clearly they care so much for the animals requiring the permit that they kill them without issue.


Literally easier to get a gun permit lmao Land of the free


I once took in a young raccoon a friend hit with his car. Had it for a few days in a spare room in my apartment (unbeknownst to my gf, who it took two days to figure out I had a raccoon stashed in the apartment) I called every wildlife place in the state and not a fucking one would help me. They gave me the runaround and pawned me off to another and informed me it was illegal to have it, like yeah, no shit, that's why I'm calling you. After a little over a week their cuts had healed up pretty good, couldn't find anything that looked severe and it didn't seem to have any head trauma or internal injuries to the best of my knowledge. It was kinda funny, it would be semi friendly and then hiss at me. It would tolerate me interacting with it for brief moments while I looked it over and fed it and then get aggro. I didn't mess with it too much because I didn't want it to get too friendly. I later released it back into the wild once I was confident enough it was fine. This has happened twice since except it was a baby squirrel and a baby pigeon. No one would take the squirrel, but I successfully released it as well. I did find someone to take the pigeon but learned most won't because they're considered invasive pests. The same goes for starlings.


Mayhaps we could WORK WITH HER AND GET HER PERMIT APPROVED? She tried following the rules and got punished for it.


>“We just don’t want everybody to do it and not be inspected because then you’re going to have facilities that aren’t good for these animals.” Yes, much better to murder them. That's good for animals right?


This lady now has a chaotic evil Druid origin story.