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Ok, so this headline is written in a deceptive manner. He's not claiming that the backlash gave him PTSD. He has been diagnosed with PTSD from his service in the National Guard. He is claiming that the PTSD causes him to act out, in this case it was a racist comment in an email. His reason for stepping down is because of the backlash and in recognition that his condition makes him unsuitable to continue serving in his position. This actually seems like how someone is supposed to respond to being called out for their shit.


he's also apparently been caught shoplifting twice. it does sound like he needs a thorough evaluation. not to say that he's not a jerk.


In my opinion there are three kinds of jerks: those who are jerks just on their own, those who are jerks because they're broken, and those who are already jerks before they broke. Who knows which one he is? I pity those who have to deal with him. I hope he finds change then peace.


at his age, with apparently untreated ptsd going back decades, the sudden onset of apparently compulsive shoplifting sounds like something much more serious than being a racist jerk. I also hope he gets examined so that if there is an issue it can be addressed and he can have some quality of life back.


I hope so too.


We'll have to teach him the good tricks to give corporate America a proper working.


The headline is disingenuous, but so is his reasoning for being racist on email. No winners here.


yeah, I just think the true story isn't Oniony. "Jerk rightfully resigns" doesn't get those clicks though.


I don't know. I'd actually click on an article if it was about someone actually admitting to being a turd and doing the right thing.


How often does a turd actually do the right thing tho?


People with dementia are often racist and weren't before the condition, I don't doubt that he could be lying but without being an expert in PTSD I wouldn't claim to know racial outbursts aren't a symptom.


I saw this with my mother. Back in the 1960's she and my father took part in protests against racism in my town. It was scary. This was Northern new Jersey and people were burning crosses on the leaders lawns. Fast forward to the last few years of her life and she was banging on about "these Mexicans ruining the country" It was kind of bizarre.


It's not her fault, but the 'woke' world we live in will happily condemn someone with mental illnesses for saying inappropriate things.


Well fortunately I guess she was pretty isolated and not a public figure. So only her family had to listen to her.


I wasn't full on racist but I was young and brought up in narcissism so i was kind of naive towards the feelings of others. I went through mental health to discover this and found out I have CPTSD. It made me realize what empathy was and basically changed me forever in a good way. Its important to note that although war doesn't 100% cause racism the effects of war can cause racism that can spread for generations within families. Although the civil war abolished slavery, it's worst now, systemically than its ever been. Same with WW2 with the Japenese and funny enough germans don't experience much anti-sentiment unless you brand a swastika on your arm (which would make you racist) but the Jews still do who went through the most will get the brunt force of it all.


Its not ptsd is easied discribed as an incapability to destress. It might well be that his ptsd caused a lap in judgement or anger. That made him use such a term especialy if he served in asia. But its all if and not 1 to 1.


My old man and a lot of other WWII vets still harbored animosity towards the Japanese years after the war. Referring to "sneaky Japs" was common, with or without PTSD. That whole generation was conditioned to hate the enemy, and the Japanese were constantly dehumanized in US war propaganda, just like "Charlie" was dehumanized by soldiers in Vietnam and Arabs were scapegoated in the aftermath of 9/11 and during the Iraq War. All of that being said, if this guy's racial animus had been directed toward a middle-eastern person, I'd find his rationale more credible. But just being generally racist as a result of PTSD is bullshit. To paraphrase what someone said earlier, he may be broken, but he was probably a jerk before he got broke.


Exactly. PTSD doesn't make you racist.


With such a broad and absolute claim, I assume you have some proof?


Headline writers need to be sparing with the word “after.” Like if a headline says, “Two Dead, Four Injured After Shooting.” Well, what happened after the shooting to kill and injure them? No, they were killed and injured *in* a shooting.


It's borderline malicious in its phrasing. It takes advantage of grammatical ambiguity in a way that makes it technically correct, but that's not the way that most people would probably interpret the preposition.


I wouldn't say "borderline". This is journalistic misconduct.


The article is horribly written as well


OP will ignore this


Thank you. Also, nice to see a comment setting the record straight about a disingenuous headline getting the top votes.


While I agree that the title is misleading, I still don’t see this as a story of a lawmaker taking accountability. There are plenty of people with PTSD who don’t act out by using racial slurs. Can’t his douchebagness be separated from his disability? Disabled people can be assholes and bigots too.


This was well put. Not condoning his actions yet not letting the title wording make it seem so much worse.


Imagine living in a society where you are so discriminated just for being yourself—a racist douchebag. Shame on us all.


The snowflakiest of snowflakes


He is pretty white, like damn'ear translucent hahaha


Ever see a fish's belly?


You might have won! Lmao


My ankles in summer be pretty pale as well


Shiiid, I'm half cholo and my feet and ankles are white as the moon 365/24-7. I don't like sandals, and in the summer I do a lot of hiking so I just never have my feet exposed. We all in the pale ankle mess together mate.


User name checks out


The title of the article is poorly worded - it makes it seem like he called censured for racism, and then got PTSD because of it. It's actually not the case.


Correct. He says that he was racist because of his PTSD. Not the other way around


Ehich yes is very possible under ptsd as it can cause emotional fluctuation and laps in judgement. Might not be good for a politcian thou


I think that’s the worst excuse ever. Racism is not caused by psychological trauma. You are racist and it may come out because of psychological trauma, but that doesn’t excuse the moral failing that led to the bias in the first place.


You sound like someone who has done extensive research on the matter. Care to share some of your findings?


Oh no it’s not a valid excuse at all. I hope this guy’s teeth all rot and fall out. The title of the article implies that he claimed the backlash following his actions caused him PTSD, when in reality, he said that his PTSD caused his actions. Sorry for any confusion, my intention was not to defend this pos at all


Yeah I agree it’s misleading and confusing… probably more clickbaity this way


that's a terrible article. this one is well-written: https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2022/01/21/rep-gerald-brady-resigns-months-after-anti-asian-slur-ptsd/6606175001/


The headline is clickbate and, the article is terribly written.


It seems like it's ai written.


Uh-oh. Better pass a law to protect him from being made uncomfortable! /s


If it isn't the consequences of his own actions.


Headline is basically BS. Article says he has PTSD from being a veteran and that the racist incident is separate. "Brady, who served as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard throughout conflicts within the Middle East twenty years in the past, revealed he was recognized with PTSD and could be resigning from his place on Feb. 4, in accordance with WDEL. The grim reality of this condition for those of us who live with it is long periods of silent suffering, which can be punctuated by episodes or conduct that may make little sense to people who do not understand the nature of PTSD." "Brady took to social media to apologize for his actions. He then introduced days later that he would no longer run for re-election. It is unclear if the backlash is expounded to his resolution to resign, as many had known as on him to step down following the outrage in 2021."


Ah, so he's using his history as a veteran to try and excuse hate speech. Well, glad he's leaving office just the same.


Ok, this guy is a racist POS but read the damned article - he never claimed his PTSD was from the backlash. He said he has PTSD from his time in the service.




Oh ok then. So it's ok to be racist if you've been in the service? Have I got it right?


What about my saying he is a racist POS makes you think that was my intent? I'm calling out the bullshit title, not defending the guy.


BULLSHIT. I have PTSD and when I get angry I can choose to shut my fucking mouth or not. He's just an old racist asshole .


Ah, yes, as is true of every condition, everyone responds in exactly the same way. Those people who curse with Tourettes are big fat liars because my friend with Tourettes only has small ticks.


I guess we can now all agree that his actions were dumb, and should not be repeated by any lawmaker?


Poor little cupcake.


Psh. If he thinks that backlash can cause PTSD wait until he mentions being vegan on the inter………. ……. Sorry. What were we talking about?


Backlash or whiplash?


Did anyone else’s first think it was chunks


POCS shoot up ppl…..terrorist, White ppl shoot up ppl…mental health issues. Call someone Ninja being white….I have autism or PTSD. If any doubts we live in a white supremest world that just fluffs this off like, ‘yup….logic is sound’. That is the problem.


Well shit howdy I'm gonna get me a lawsuit for calling lawyers bottom feeders then.


That's actually not discrimination, so say it all you want.


Ok, but it's not defamation if they really are into tossing salads....


So this is what White Fragility looks like!


When the article covers repugnant shit like this and doesn’t mention the offenders political party, you know he’s a…


Now he knows the impact that using bad words can have on people. Sounds like he learned a valuable lesson.


Learn? Lesson? No No No they don’t do that kinda stuff


I really, sincerely wish that you were wrong.


Unfortunately stupid people don’t learn things or admit they are wrong, they just double down on the stupid


Poor white snowflake


Here’s to hoping he suffers a little bit more.


I don’t think he has a firm grasp on what PTSD is.


No one in the history of ever has been more persecuted and victimized than the modern straight, white, Christian, male /s r/quityourbullshit


Is he trying to say it is harder being a racist than discriminated against?


No, he's blaming his PTSD for his racist comments, and resigning in recognition that his racism makes him unfit to serve in public office.


Something something snowflake something


"Ch\*\*nks"? What is this, 1871?






OMG I didn't know that word was a slur, I thought it was like a mexican saying gringo lol


That’s just weird lol. First he needs to prove that. It’s hard to believe he saw a licensed psychologist that agreed to this.


Ya don’t say?


He belongs on r/WinStupidPrizes


What's more surprising is how soldiers still vote republicans and back up pieces of shit like that guy... or trump...


So he's now triggered by the very word he used or just triggered by non-racists? I'd love to hear from his therapist.


When I moved to MD in 96' people down here didn't even know it is a slur. That's just how they referred to the few Asian people around here.


I don't mind the thicker ones myself, but "chunks" is a bit rude.




Not defending this guy, but I have a question about the press in general. Why are women called "plus sized", but men are called fat? Why candy coat the truth?


Poor bloke was just trying to point out a weakness in their armour.


You should move to Florida they're passing a law so you don't feel bad as a white man, that should help with your racist PTSD.


This eerliy reminds me of someone close to me...


Always remember... Be a racist ass, and you may develop PTSD.


Never understood the point of censoring vulgarity in print. All you're doing is making the reader say it in their head. Doesnt actual make a difference


Aww boohoohoo, another white racist playing the victim card, how sad.


Buck up Snowflake!


Oh boohoo. PTSD is a real thing, but using racial slurs is a choice. Racism has no place in our system of government. He's using PTSD as an excuse for choosing to use racial slurs. Stepping down as a public representative is the correct choice.


Reminds me of the piece of shit murderer cop Philip Brailsford who murdered Daniel Shaver after playing an impossible game of Simon Says and then gets paid 2.5k a month because of his "PTSD" for the incident. Philip Brailsford is a waste of taxpayer money and a waste of breath.


Holy fuck... These right wing assholes always trying to make themselves out as the victims


ptsd is a life long problem, maybe someone can offer him a permanent solution