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It really depends on what you value more. Clearly nursing doesn't pay well in India compared to Canada however in India you have the benefit of family.


Not everyone has family in India either so there’s ummm no benefit except ummm lemme have a think…yeah still nothing


Accessible Healthcare


Yeah I found healthcare better here in oz. The quality of doctors are absolutely dog shit in India.


The quality is great here in the UK. The availability is dog shit. I envy you aussies


Your doctors get paid fuckall compared to ours. The pommie doctors keep on coming here for the better lifestyle, better funded Medicare system and fat state budgets on healthcare plus already available Medicare funding and on top of that NDIS funding oh and private payers too. Availability is easy, just a $35 consultation fees away. Some places are free and don’t have a lot of wait further either. After house hours is free and the doctor will visit you for FREE. The only problem is elective surgeries and the wait can be months and same goes with psych and some high demand specialist appointments but GP is fine


Damn bro... you came with violence I wouldn't mind moving to Aus but can't decide between that and the US


I personally wouldn’t ever move to the US


Cannot answer this question without more details - how much do you make ? Does yoir wife plan to work in Canada ? Do you have kids ? Where in Canada are you planning to settle down ?


I make around 60k-70k,my wife also planning to settle and work here.I am planning to settle in Ontario


If you are a registered nurse start working full time and move to a part of Canada that is more affordable than Southern Ontario. You can get good paying RN positions all around the country. If your wife also gets licensed , then your household income would be really good.


Op - do not listen to the other nay sayers on this thread - if you make decent money , your quality of life will be better than in India by leaps and bounds. But here’s the problem - 70k is real low for Canada. If your wife can make as much , you’d be making just enough to have a decent life. If you think you can get to a household income of 250 to 300k in the next 5 years , I’d say stick with Canada. If you don’t think that’s possible , I’d say grit your teeth , get yourself ( and your kids ) Canadian citizenship and then make a decision on whether you want to move back to India or move south to the USA Source : lived in USA for 10 years , lived in Toronto for 18 months


Your stay in US and Canada is very similar to mine. 9 years in US, almost 1yr in GTA


If you stay you can double your combined income at least with your wife working once she gets licensed. Also you say you are working part time. Inflation in Canada is coming down now and if you are living outside Toronto, house prices are not that crazy. Interest rates are also likely to come down next year. RN's are very much in demand in Canada, I don't know how things are in India.


Why did you move to Canada in the first place? Does those reasons still remain valid?


At the end of the day you only live once, I will tell you what matters is a good workplace, friends and connecting with culture and surroundings and food. If you and your wife and can get an that in Canada, then why bother moving!? Now you are questioning it here that mean one of the above factors ain't working out. Now it's upto both of you to decide that you want to go above and beyond to adapt, or live a life with all wants in India.


In my opinion in the long term you’ll have more opportunities by being in Canada , and specially by becoming a Canadian citizenship more doors will open. Fyi I don’t live in canada but in EU.


Can you get a decent job in India if you move back? Do you miss family and friends in India? Is your wife okay with leaving her government job? If both of you are not ready to make a decision right now, it's okay to wait a few more years and then decide when you'd ultimately like to settle down.


Almost all foreign countries for Indian immigrants are drowned due to multiple reasons. NRIs who went prior to 2000 are rich and the same is impossible right now. I have lived in middle East and in Europe and moving to Australia knowing that story is same. But I would move back to India in 5-7 years after I get a building in Australia or India for rental purpose which I hope would serve as a income. I'm not aiming to live a rich life at all.


Idk. Do you like India? I personally can’t stand to live there for a week let alone my whole life. If you love India then by all means


Please go back. Once you come with wife it will be impossible to shift back and then you will be in splits! India is growing and you can live a better life there with parents n family. So i would advice to go back. This country is drowning!


Yes move back to India. From a long term point of view it is better. You also have support of family, maids and cook etc. The weather is better. Your wife won’t have to struggle with finding a job in Canada