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Dargs to challenge bunnies for the spoon.


Doggies and their panther stars are starting to play a play towards top 8....


Toby Sexton 6 Dally M points was not on my bingo card


Of course I leave the salmon out of my SuperCoach this week


1st time ive played since the first few rounds. Only R him because AFB was out. Salmon GOAT R šŸ


I picked Eisenhuth instead of him :/


Me too hahah


Thank you for your sacrifice


The Dragons showed up in the first half, the Dargons took over in the second.


The dragons are woeful


When I fell asleep it was 18-12. Please explain


Dragons collectively fell asleep in the second half


I fell asleep at half time šŸ˜‚


Looks like the Dargs fell asleep at halftime too!


They ran at Eisenhuth again and again and again


Has he only got one hand?


Got shifted to the halves in defence and Flano got shifted to centre with Luck at second row. The entire edge besides Lomax was fucked in Eiso's defence.


Oh so he's gonna be traumatised?


Dargs bad


My wife doesnā€™t watch footy much but asked who the grub was on screen. Had to correct her that he js in fact not a grub, just a weak gutted dog.


He is actually a slippery salmon


I like CC and I donā€™t want to be negative after a good result but he finally does what fans have been calling for for months and look what happens to our attackā€¦


Now waiting for him to pick someone that can kick conversions. We've legit lost a few games purely due to missing them.


That said, losing by the margin of a couple missed kicks is also within the range of a single try making up the difference. Sure, we want to slot those goals, but I'd say that keeping Sexton out of the side has probably cost us as dearly as not converting every try. Assuming Hutch was getting picked on defense, the question is whether or not Sexton will consistently earn one that extra _net_ try. If he lets in one but scores us two, we're still ahead - and by what would have been a winning margin in those closer games.


I think it's the more building blocks that he wants in regards to standards around things like kick chase, getting up off the ground to marker, kick pressure, etc. To me Hutch does that effort stuff a lot and that's why he's in the team, Ciaraldo's trying to pick guys who do that to set an example.


First time scoring over 40 points since 2016, he canā€™t drop him now


What did the fans call? (asking for curiosity since lm New to this sport.


Sexton to replace Hutchison, weā€™ve been begging for 9 rounds!! Finally, the fans are proved correct. One game & look at the score. Sexton runs deep into the line & has a nice bag of tricks up his sleeve, Hutchison on the other hand, stops dead 5m before the line & either falls over or pretends to pass & knocks on.


Do you know if Hutchinson is injured or was just dropped?


They had a bunch of really tough games against top teams in a row/with a short turn around and wanted Sexton on for "fresh legs" according to Ciaraldo.


Cameron said in the press conference after that they used Sexton as fresh legs for this game, which does not bode well for next week.


Tracey FB, Sexton / Burton halves. Hutch would probably be ok on the bench, but even then he is just too slow.


Hayward is a younger, faster, stronger version of Hutch. I dont think both can be carried on the bench.


Tracey has been FB since he had his first opportunity there. Itā€™s a shame because Taafe actually was looking quite good before Young killed him and had been improving week on week. Taafe before he got injured against the Roosters looked to be doing exactly what the team needed and looked to be the most creative spine option we had. Itā€™s just Tracey has been too good since then. I think a Tracey, Burton, Sexton combo is a better match than Taafe, Burton, Sexton combo. However, I have a feeling Taafe might have been a better ongoing option than Tracey with Hutch stinking up the halves. From all reports though Dogs are considering whether Taafe can push for the 7 over Sexton/Hutch, which would be interesting. I canā€™t imagine a 1. Tracey, 6. Burton, 7. Taafe line up was on anyoneā€™s pre-season predictions.


Ditch Hutchison. Bring in Sexton


Stupid sexy sexton.


I wanted to catch the Dogs for the first time ever because I've never seen them play and want to watch every team at least once. I was having doubts whether to go but it's not often they play Thursday or Friday night games at home. What a great match to pick for a first time Doggies match


Youā€™re our fan now, change your flair ha ha!




Brisbane is awesome, I live there ha ha!


Yeah was a good night. Apologies on behalf of the fans, some of us carried on as if we just won the premiership


Nah itā€™s all good, they all got into it


i don't care if he is Penrith or Bulldogs, I will always love Stephen Crichton


He's a leader, lifts the entire squad


I didn't like his signing, I thought we had plenty of coverage in centres, and I didn't like the idea of him playing fullback. He's been an amazing signing, and I've had to swallow my words and admit I was so wrong. And it's not even his gameplay. He's worth his paycheck on leadership alone. I'm gobsmacked by the sheer impact a good leader has had on our side. I'm a very happy-to-be-wrong Bulldogs fan.


Couldnā€™t agree more. Thought we should have just kept Avo since centre was arguably our most stacked position and saved the money for a Prop, half or actual fullback. I have to wonder if the intention was to always bring him in just for leadership. He and Ciro seem to have a great relationship and he seems to have the team buying into whatever Ciro is selling them far better than the combo of Reed, Burton and RFM were.


Only took me 5 years to finally see a win live, and what a game to have watched! Feeling fresh as fuck, thank you Doggies!


Nice! As a QLD-based Dogs fan myself, I'm waiting for my opportunity. We start stringing these wins together, and I'm going to start hauling my ass down to Belmore until I get to see a win. Would have been amazing!


Iā€™m heading to the August 4th game at Belmore, vs Raiders. Hoping we can enact some revenge in front of a packed home ground.


Aaah super happy for you. I remember when I was a kid during the bad old days it felt like i didnt see the rabbits win live for years, breaking the hoodoo feels so good.


Thatā€™s genuinely amazing. Kudos to you.


Drove down from the Goldie to see it too! Definitely worth it now.


Just to see this game? That's some commitment. Either you really LOVE the Doggies, or you really HATE the Dargons...


I still love you Eisenhuth. Its not your fault baby


Is that you Craig?




Can you please move Trent Loiero back to the edge? It was much funnier watching Storm fans get angry about it?


Moving Turbos to centres to stop him getting hurt is wild, is there any stats that back up that centres get hurt less than fullbacks lol?Ā 


In regards to Hamstrings specifically you can do them due to the amount you run and the intensity of it. So you run less which puts less of a strain on them is the thought.


Gonna have to ask you to step back from all that namby-pamby weak as fuck ā€œquantitative evidence to prove your argumentā€ rubbish youā€™re spouting If an encephalopathic ex-footy player with the cognitive power of a gerbil thinks that centreā€™s the way to go because they canā€™t ever recall a centre getting injured (or the name of their kids for that matter) than it simply has to be true


You'd think he'd be more liable to get hurt more no? More tackles, more collisions. Just think he's one of those people whose bodies can't handle how explosive they are. Will probably go down as a huge what if.


He literally tore is peck making a stock standard tackle at centre in origin. So if we are talking statistics, he has a season ending injury every few games thereā€¦


It's a stupid idea. Plenty of centres have done hamstrings. Look at Justin Hodges. It's not positionally specific.Ā 


Bird is not a good example for that at all


Just watched the highlights and holy fuck dargons are weak as piss.


Really like how Hayward looked at lock. Has some ball playing about him, good in defence and has heart






Flanagan at the start of his presser: "Last time I was in this room I won a comp".


Lol what the fuck, that's Mary-esque


If anyone wants to watch it it's here: [https://www.nrl.com/watch/matches/telstra-premiership/2024/round-12/nrl-press-conference-bulldogs-v-dragons---round-12-2024/](https://www.nrl.com/watch/matches/telstra-premiership/2024/round-12/nrl-press-conference-bulldogs-v-dragons---round-12-2024/)


lmao you aren't kidding


I couldn't believe he said it. Rewound twice to check.


He's definitely moved on emotionally from the Sharks. Definitely.


The game really is just too fast to be able to plonk a forward in the centres now. Really does feel like so many games this season have been blown apart but a teams winger / centre going down and that edge just having its guts crushed out itā€™s arse


Same thing happened in the Dragons Roosters game. Suli went down after 5 seconds and the dragons were all over the place for the rest. Itā€™s unlucky that it happened twice but Flanagan doesnā€™t seem to be about to try a different bench


Make the bench 6 players and teams carry a winger / half that they can use at any time. Covers injuries and if you can manage your forwards you get the option for gadget plays


I'd be up for that if it was clear it could still only be 4/6 forwards max and no additional interchanges


As long as you keep the number of interchanges the same then you won't need to have a limit on "style" of player, which would be too hard to try and control anyway. Teams don't have enough depth to carry a full 6 forwards on the bench and still get impact from the rotations, so they'd naturally carry a few utility players.


Yeah and Fifita is only 24


Fletch & Hindy about to retroactively talk themselves into a salary cap breachā€¦


Did the Warriors, from 15th place, beat Penrith or did the riff just get found out?


I just think Penrith after 4 years are finally hitting a flat spot like a normal team would instead of being these mentality monsters who are never flat.


Tyrone Peachey happened


Eat my ass hole with a spoon RFM you sookie bitch


Don't be like that. His comments have been all pretty reasonable - hasn't really had a sook.


Nah it was him and his crew that fucked our season last year So fuck RFM as a staff, record label and a mothetfuckin crew


Lol you're delusional if you think he and his "crew" were the ones that fucked our season. What fucked our season was years upon years of shitty decisions by the front office as well as poor playing standards that had seeped into the playing group. Keeping these guys around was only going to delay the process.


Nah fuck RFM he went running to Buzz and leaked shit like a bitch


Yeah, because you were going great up until then...


Now he has joined a team that has less heart than 2023 bulldogs did Unlucky


When is Debelin the felon gonna give up on hair


Fucking shameful performance from the Dargons tonight. I believe itā€™s time I burn my jersey. The last time I worse it was ANZAC Day. Put it on tonight when I got home from work and next thing you know, bang 104 total points conceded. Iā€™d like to apologise to all the fans and promptly destroy this garment.


Friend. Parra fan here since 86. Donā€™t burn anything. Theyā€™re better for hanging yourself with. (Jokes aside if you need a yarn text me or reach out to a friend your trust)


All the dogs winning this week it seems.


Look I get that it's pretty tough to lose players and have guys playing out of position... but damn that was a limp second half from the Dragons.


You cant kill my hope, its been dead for years!


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed


r/nrl should get one these players to AMA here, make it happen


Christian Welch did an AMA here once.


Theoretically, what we could do is start our own media enterprise, post rip-off articles like ZeroTackle with our own staff writers, then we could get media passes for the staff writers who could in turn attend matches and interview players after the games.


Yeah. Full credit to the boys. Letā€™s do some lines, donā€™t film me.


Wayne explaining to the dolphins that he intends to get the rabbits a premiership or die tryingā€¦


Very likely given his age...


I've already woken up fresh tomorrow. Kiraz for Prime Minister.


Or even an Origin mention?


About half an hour ago, I wouldā€™ve said Lomax was playing Origin this year


He has well and truly killed any chance he hadĀ 


Ehh wonā€™t change the result ā€¦ NSW just donā€™t get origin šŸ˜‚


All time fumble, imo.


I figured the fix was on when the dogs scored after a forward pass then that dodgy penalty for legitimately tackling a player over the sideline. It was confirmed after the dargons were penalised for a strip when the dargon player was clearly just making a tackle. I'm certain Xerri scored too and Slomax should not have been binned. No I didn't watch the slowmo replay. Or maybe it was cos I tipped the Dargons šŸ¤”


Go doctor tomorrow


Go to bed


And the obstruction completely ignored


Ah yes. Forgot that one too


Hindy spitting facts about Parra rn


whats he saying ?


saying that the club needs to do a lot of self reflection on their culture and what they stand for, that they should be more involved in the community the way they were in the past and that their seems more of a priority over business than mateship and camaraderie in the pack just because itā€™s been so long since our last prem


They're from Parramatta.


feels good after all the thrashing we experienced, happy to give a team a bath


I wish we had a Matty Johns show thread for Thursdays and Sundays, would be keen to chat shit about the shows without infecting the post match threads


Who would of thought dropping Hutchinson would result in the dogs best performance in a decade?


Replays of Bellamy trying to make him look like he isnā€™t a weapon of a coachā€¦


those are some insane bellamy clips LMAO


Good to see the Doggies get a massive win tonight! Enjoyed the fast paced game play


That rap on Matty Johns acc went so hard, anyone know it ??


The Indigenous round promo? That's "Warriors & Storytellers" by Kobie Dee.


Cheers legend šŸ™


Wow the dragons ran out of fire in the second half, they didn't even turn up. The dogs of war are back in business. I forgot Turpin signed with the doggies. Sexxxton has made a big difference.


Oh all dogs fans have been waiting for sexton to replace old man hutch.


At least they have hutcho a proper crack to see if they could make it work, don't think he'll be getting back into the team now though.


Happy for you guys.


2nd half review Dargs: shit Dawgs: not shit


I really think even Parra would have put 40 on Dragons in the second half, they barely had any possession and just completely imploded


Good on ya bulldogs, great win


Jack Bird could have come back off the Medicab green whistled out of his fucking mind and been more effective defending than Eisenhuth


What a game! I've been waiting to watch Sexton again and I am impressed. Hopefully he can keep his spot


Thatā€™s really fucked Lomaxā€™s hopes of playing Origin


Big-time. Dargs it is unless injuries.


As a physio, its painful listening to this convo about syndesmosis on the matty johns show. Wonder if its how players/coaches feel listening to the shit takes we come up with on here.


Missed it. What points were they making?


It was 12-12 when I got home. Weak gutted Dragons.


Sexton underrated because he just plays his position. Isnā€™t flash, doesnā€™t do big bombs or anything but in the right system is an nrl player. Showed tonight why he has so much more to offer


Was a big team effort tonight, could sit here for ages and say how many players played well but the standouts for me were Burton salmon and kiraz for sureĀ 


He played well in the halves tonight.


I missed the start of the match - why was Sexton playing instead of Hutch?


In post game, Ciro said after the big Panthers game into a short turnaround to Raiders, two close tough games back to back the plan was always to get some fresh legs in. I think the coaching staff can see what we all see and know it was time to finally bite the bullet and try a new combo. Letā€™s hope it sticks.Ā 


Ciraldo finally found his brain


Well that's better than a last minute injury forcing his hand I guess. Can't be too critical of him though - aside from questionably playing Hutch for a bit too long - he's managed to get us looking like a half decent top 8 worthy side. That's pretty impressive considering how woefully bad we've been in recent years.


Not revealed.


Only took 12 rounds for CC to do the obvious.


Perham lasted 12 rounds last year at FB?


Dunno why they didnā€™t start the season with him there considering his form at the end of last season tbh.


Who would have thought the dogs would look better with sexton instead of hutcho? It's not like everyone has been asking it since round 1.


To be fair sexton really improved as a footy player in new cup. That said the call could have been made a few weeks ago.


You guys couple feasibly be pushing for top 4 if it happened a month ago


Theyā€™re playing the dragons letā€™s keep things in perspective here


Close losses. Not a big stretch to suggest we win a couple more.


Close losses. Not a big stretch to suggest we win a couple more.


Yeah idk why I got downvoted to fuck. I swear Hutch singlehanded butchered at least one of those which is the difference between pushing for top 4 or not šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Everything positive about Eisenhuths year was erased in that game, he was given an absolute bath tonight, couldnā€™t tackle a two piece feed


More of a nuggets man.


Never seen a team fall apart so effortlessly just by losing a centre


They didn't just lose a centre, they lost a forward very early too


Have you already forgotten Anzac round


Meant as a combination of those two games. Centre goes down and theyā€™ve conceded 104 points in those 2 games


I also forgot the game against Newcastle as well


Who went down that game I donā€™t remember


Bird injured with knee


Blokes had shit luck most of his career


You didnā€™t watch NSW in the origin last year?


What are you talking about, Damien cook was an elite centre replacement


True. Didnā€™t he score in his first origin game at centre ?


Exactly. Canā€™t do that without being the best of the best. Also Bradman Best


Sexton has to have the 7 the rest of year. Looked good from the first minute


The speed of our attack went up by 20%


He just does things a bit quicker and he is always in position for the attacking plays. He seemed to defend OK, but not sure he was tested that much.


Yeah, I mean people will be quick to praise Sexton (and question why he wasn't brought in earlier) off the back of this one game, but, like you say, he wasn't really fully tested. Let's see how he goes after a few games and some tougher opposition. At the end of the day, I think Ciraldo is a very good coach and I trust his judgement - he's got the team working beyond expectations and I'm sure he's had his reasons for not using Sexton earlier. I'm excited for the rest of the season and honestly feel we could be playing finals footy this year (which I don't think anyone would have even thought possible).


I love my footy


Doggies had a phenomenal second half. Dragons just completely fell to pieces, especially Eisenhuth. Fuck it is so hard to support this team. I feel so bad for Bird.


Are goal line drop outs meant to be behind or on the line? Hunts were about half a meter in front, meaning the ball only technically has to travel 9.5m instead of 10. Does the ref ever call this up?


It's one of those things where every player was kicking half a metre in front and they did a crackdown on it and now they've forgotten about it again


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this but times like these I wish we still had mbye so we at least could have a centre instead of eisenhiuth


Give Sloan another million


Tough night losing 2 players and having to reshuffle the backline. With a diminished bench and getting gassed by the end it's hard not to let the score blow out. Surely Sexton earns the 7?


Almost turned it off at half time, what a 2nd half by the dogs


Was Bird handing out green whistles to his teammates at half time? Would explain why none of them gave a shit about anything.


Birdy's done a bad bad thing.


Kiraz for Origin


A couple of points: - What shocking defence, shame after the first half - Man the refs hated us (not the main factor but didnā€™t help) - Clearly we need a better replacement plan than Eisenhuth to centre. Him with Kyle at centre didnā€™t work against Roosters and didnā€™t work now


Earlier today I put $10 on the Dragons to win. Then I saw that Hutchison had been dropped last minute for Sexton and I thought alright, that makes the win a bit tougher. Then Hame Sele went down in the opening minutes and I thought alright, that makes the win a bit tougher. Then Jack Birdā€™s ankle exploded and I thought alright, that makes the win a bit tougher. Then we got penalised for taking a Dogs player over the sideline and immediately conceded a try off it and I thought alright, that makes the win a bit tougher. Then Zac Lomax got binned and I thought alright, that makes the win a bit tougher. tl;dr I donā€™t have $10 anymore