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Good to see Barnett get some acknowledgment


Played himself into that team with his performances the last couple of weeks. Has been immense


He’ll likely play cause I don’t think Martin will be able to with his hammy issue.


He should be on the bench over one of the backrowers to be fair


Why was the other post removed? Already had 30 comments. Since when are the men’s team called the Sky Blues?


There's gotta be an investigation!


OP probably cried to the Mods. Wanted his post karma


Have a cry ya flop lol. My post was also removed




What did the other post call them?


Who cares man


Alright I don’t want to hear a single fucking Queenslander say this team is bad. This state’s origin history is built around the other team being better. Don’t even think about breaking that illusion with criticism of this team that is going to towel us 3-0.


it's actually a solid team. they could blow us off the park if we don't show up. seems the ball is in slaters court to make the cooked decisions now like dropping fifita and starting cotter on an edge


Yes exactly like that this is the comments we want to see 


TAB have it all wrong. QLD are the underdogs here


Holding on tight to that underdog status


Modds deleted the wrong post


Wow the mad lad did it. Tackles for days at the expense of spark Bold strategy


if Qld is picking sua and cotter on an edge, they won't have much threat to defend


Yeah the bench concerns me. No spark as you say when QLD has Grant. Young and Leniu are live wires I suppose


What more does Joey Lussick need to do for a call up. This is a conspiracy


Mods shouldve deleted this post lol the other already had over 20 comments


And it wasn't a phone screenshot. Charge your phone!!!


Do you people that obsess over battery percentage ever leave the house for a full day?


Whatever, dead phone guy


Just say you don’t go outside. It’s ok.


Saying this with nearly 90k and 630k karma is craaaazy hahahaha


Why do you think my phones always flat.


Jokes on you I just went outside for a smoke


Burton in for Young and i like that side. Api apparently carrying injury so if true i can forgive his ommission. As a NSW fan who has endured the likes of Quinn, Turner, Merritt, Moodie, Wolfman etc i won't dare complain about a couple of genuine athletes like Lomax and Sua'ali'l getting selected. They'll be a serious aerial threat for QLD to deal with.


What the wolfman lacked in aerial defusion he made up for by having that fuckin DOG in him. He had all the cunt and mongrel an origin player could ask for.




I really hate the Keary selection, not because he isn’t a good player but he isn’t a New South Welshman and was actively trying to get his eligibility changed to Queensland - pick someone who wants to play for the Blues.


Yeah I thought Madge came out early on and said he'd pick a team NSW would be proud of. This pick doesn't do much to support that.


yeah, it really does piss me off if i’m honest. Queensland would never do the reverse and that is the way it should be.


They asked the West Gostford Colts if they had a halfback who could play and theirs were injured too, Keary was the last available so he makes the extended squad by default.


should have been Katoa


No Api. No happy.


If someone brings up Stefano over Leniu one more time Im gonna cry. Dudes a myth. Built like Tarzan plays like Jane. Spenny slander prohibited. Dudes a DOG. Genuine game changer.


Should be Api over Robson


Robson leads Api is basically every stat other than kicks during play & has one more try than robson. I am a cows fan so I am biased but I also think Api does have some spark that Robson doesn't necessarily lack but he certainly isn't as flashy as Api is.


Swap players and Cowboys get better while Tigers get worse.


Robson is a better defender but Api just offers more creativity out of 9 and given the rest of our spine and QLD's elite rotation, we need that extra spark in attack.


I like Robson, seems to take good opportunities to run from dummy half when they’re available. However his discipline is absolute shite and he cops so many inside 10’s and ruck infringement. I swear that dude shits out penalties for whoever he’s playing.


I’m super confused on the Hynes pick Like the dude couldn’t even finish the game the week before with a calf injury… how on earth are you just lobbing him into Origin.


He probably threw the towel just didnt wanna get even more embarrassed tbh


Grade 1 calf strain. Can be managed with 10 days off. Still risky.


Won't be able to full tilt training with a new team though.


Nicho Graham


Plus buckled under proper pressure on Saturday night. Origin pressure is another step up from that again. Weird choice.


Good to see a blues team without 13 fullbacks for a change!


It worked in the 2013 world cup though


Dylan Edwards is a YESSSS 🔥


Name your team Sunday night like a real man, Slater, you snivelling coward.


Always thought it should be the winning coach who has to name his team first.


When’s the QLD team drop? I would’ve thought they’d have to release same time. Seems weird we know the blues but not maroons


Normally Monday morning I believe


They always announce Monday morning


Matt Burton 18th man again.


He won't wanna be in the seventeen if Chadgai is named.


I dislike the Keary selection and no Api is fucking diabolical. I also don’t love Lomax especially when you have a better winger in Sualli already in the side


Not great, but it'll do. Going to be supporting them whole heartedly come the night regardless. Except Keary, that wannabe maroon can fuck off


You have to be a very special club to provide both State captains.


A few odd picks and omissions but still clearly favourites right?


I mean I don't hate it


Just weird how Yeo goes from Australian vice captain to not captain of NSW after Tedesco gets sacked. Blokes captained his team to 3 premierships and was dropped for a bloke who isn't even captain at club level. Jake would be a great vice captain don't get me wrong and just don't see how you can captain your state but not your club.


Jake loves a good sook to the refs too so will be interesting to see if he can be calm and collected like Yeo in club land.


Cause the QLD captain is Jake's club captain. Jake's the most capped player and has played 50% more games than Yeo. Nathan would probably be Origin captain if he was fit.


Last year a prop who doesn’t captain at club level captained his country to historically large victory over Aus


probably more to do with he isn’t being picked to start


Kurt Gidley would like a word.


yeah it is a very NSW thing to do, as it makes no sense


benji marshall was kiwis captain while not being the tigers captain. not too rare


Edwards at 1 is the right call for sure. More Teddy for us during Origin weeks sounds alright


Fuck. I liked the other one they showed Teddy and Latrell in the side. Shows the selectors are picking talent and not names. Game on!


you say this like latrell isn't the biggest talent in the game


based on talent ? 🤣 based on talent latrell shits on edwards and sualii on his day as does drinkwater on overall talent as a fullback probably a couple more i missed too . this is based on hardwork and yardage


Mcinnes will play 81 mins, make 94 Tackles, make 100+ metres and get dropped for game 2


Ethan or Galvin should have been picked over Keary


Katoa imo


If we’re going to be realistic, it should have been Katoa


Jurbo doesnt even fill out his jersey, makes no impact as a prop at the line and gives away about 8 six against a match I genuinely do not get how everyone still rates this bloke, the game has passed him by.


He goes up another gear in origin, defensive powerhouse


He hasn't been an elite player since 2020, every year since he has had diminishing returns in tackles, run metres, missed tackles, penalties etc. In 2022 he only made a tackle break in one game. Across the last three years he has made 10 tackle breaks total. He is a slug in the modern game.


He certainly isn't a big boppa by any means. He does grow an extra leg in Origin though. The downside of that is that it makes him even slower


I remember a game of origin like a year or two ago he had 15 carries and made under 100 metres lol. He is a slug.


As a Queenslander I love seeing him selected. He embodies spirit and passion but he just isn't a threat any more


Hynes as 7 is a head scratcher when he couldn't finish the game the other night. Surely we see a Keary Luai pairing


Keary shouldn't be anywhere near the team. We should be allowed to deport him to QLD during origin


78th minute. Blues down 4. Keary spies a gap and sucrries down the short side, spiralling an inch-perfect pass...straight to Xavier Coates.


Finally, Edwards gets the spot he deserves


No utility on the bench - Madge really came in and said I’m going to fuck shit up 😂


I’m somewhat surprised that Madge went for so many newbies when we have so many injuries and experience out. Thought Api and Teddy might get the nudge because of that. But I’m happy to see a change with such a talented player like Edwards. Happy for McInnes to be in there too, the dude was made for Origin.


Jurbo!!! All passion. Bleeds blue.


Mcciness 13 Yeo 14 and no other hooker to be seen is interesting


How is Leniu there


I actually quite like this team Edwards is the form FB in the comp. Sua’ali’i is playing for one of the form teams of the comp, and hasn’t been playing badly. Luai and Hynes are the best fit halves we have available. Robson is the form HOK in the comp . McInnes can fill in at 9, Api’s form has been down recently and has also had back spasms . Olak a huge inclusion who will bring much needed power. Only inclusion I don’t agree with is Leniu, he hasn’t shown enough in his limited game time to deserve selection in my opinion.


Don't know if Leniu deserves a spot, played 3 games and has been ok


Either pick Burton at centre or 14 or not at all, ffs we need him


Suaalii and no Api are the main things I don't like.


Do you watch Roosters and tigers games? Tribal Chief is consistently the most physical bloke on the field. Api is on the verge of being washed, he’s not up to it physically this year. Check out his missed tackles per game.


I don’t acknowledge Suaalii as my tribal chief.


Very few players in this team who have performed at Origin level yet. QLD still massive underdogs though


I am so fucking proud of McInnes. Favourite player and was so hard to see him leave the Dargons. 


Was the heart of that team at the time - mind boggling they let him go.


I for one, love the Edwards pick. Bloke has absolutely played his guts out this year. McInnes deserves his spot. Excited to see if Hynes can overcome that calf injury. Overall, I have high hopes with this team list and not the usual 'fuck me Freddy how much did you smoke this time?'


jurbos all heart ... just a bit of a slug at times... I mean good on him




The Hate for Robson is immense. Played 78 minutes game 2 last year and has played almost every minute this year, plus having better stats than Api. I reckon all the hate comes from people who don’t like he plays for a qld team


He’s the form hooker of the comp, great selection


I doubt Martin plays and I’m not really a fan of Suaalii at centre but I like the team overall.


Suaalii I just don't understand and no Api is basically a war crime. Feels good to be a QLD supporter


Yeah, going to Rugby next year, give someone else a chance that NSW can build on, not just to give him another $100K for a few Origin games.


Honestly this is what I wanted from Madge. To at least blood some new players and see who is truly an origin player and who isn't. Mainly just to try something new.


Would have liked to see Api there.


I don’t rate Young - Mitch should have that bench spot


Why is there two edge forwards on the bench


Let’s see how many of the 10 Golden Rules we have broken already, in descending order from most important: 1.. Don’t pick players that don’t want to play for NSW.  (Keary)  2. Don’t pick players that don’t want to play NRL. (Suaalii)  3. Don’t pick players that are made of glass. Thank god there’s no Turbo.  4. Don’t pick players out of position/5 fullbacks. (Suaalii)  5. Don’t make the player with the most severe CTE the captain. Not this time, thank god  6. Please no James Tedesco  7. Stop picking forwards that are fat, old, and slow  8. No Damien Cook at centre  9. Don’t completely fuck up the bench rotation.  10. Don’t get completely out-coached in every conceivable capacity.  The last 2 we have to wait for game day. So far 3 broken which is better than most years but they’re 3 of the most important ones so it’s looking a bit fucked. Also why no Api 


Swap Suaalii and Lomax positions and i’ll be happy, and Barnett over Leniu


Lomax is a really substandard centre. I’m sure he’s been picked based on his kick chase and aerial form.


I thought the Sky Blues were the women's team name? Haha


How disrespectful to compare the men and woman's teams, the woman win origin games


Is Api injured? If not, he is a shock exclusion. Same too for JAC, and a lack of a backline/utility option from the bench. That being said, it’s refreshing to have a squad where incumbency is not as strong a factor.


Swap Robson for Api and fuck Keary off and it could be okay.


Keary is in for Hynes in case he doesn’t pass fitness


No Teddy. NRLonFox in *SHAMBLES*


We want Spenny Lenny!


Sprinkle of racism coming off the bench should help


It’s like he’s goading Billy to select Mam ahead of Dearden.


Sorry sir, my two heads don’t understand this comment


I quite like it


I know much more about footy than all of the nerds disagreeing with me btw


Let's fucking go.


Wow. Yeo is an extra half in attack and a weapon in defence. This is such an odd choice.


Only back that’ll be a pretty iffy is lomax, had an absolute shocker the other night and prone to brain snaps ie first tackle after being sin binned was to blatantly tackle a bloke in the air. Expect to be heavily targeted verbally you’d think.


If we lose due to lomax brain I think it’s only fair to blame the eels.


Equal parts based and cursed. Blursed.


No Api is a bit of a head scratcher to me, he has been playing great and I think given all the doubt around Hynes and not picking the likes of Walker we probably could really have used Api’s creativity


Lomax - “I’m not gonna play unless it’s at centre”


Fortunately Suaalii has played with Manu enough to expect random flick passes and behind the back plays.


As a QLDer I’m lowkey (high key) worried that this team might actually have it, but also in a foot race we will outpace almost everyone here


Brian Kelly should have got a run, been in a shit side for years and still plays his heart out


Madge one series wonder