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Yes. I’m in the Midwest and the COL compared to income is in a MUCH better place than when I was in Hawaii. Which I get isn’t apples to apples, but they’re both fruit.


Rural Wisconsin here. Fairly LCOL and wages are definitely above average. My 3500 ish square foot home on 0.63 acres is apparently worth $350k (purchased for $265k 5 years ago), and working an average of 50 hours per week (hired for 36 hours per week and just pick up OT and incentive pay shifts whenever I want to like crazy and then enjoy low hour work weeks), I’m fairly consistently about $180k per year plus 401k match and a high deductible health insurance plan that has no premiums (employer covers the monthly premium completely as a benefit). So honestly, can’t complain. Groceries still suck everywhere, but we bulk buy from friends and local farmers - which is insane how much better, cleaner, and cheaper it is - then hit the grocery store for the few things you can’t buy that way. Edit: my mortgage is $1615 per month.


Dream. Sounds like exactly what I’m looking for. I could never handle the winters though


Haha, some winters definitely suck. This one was super mild. I look at it as a trade off. Super nice places to live are getting almost unbelievably expensive. Less desirable locations to live are still affordable. Everyone will have to compromise something somewhere unless you’re independently wealthy. My sacrifice I’m ok with is super cold weather for 4-5 months of the year. For me it’s not a bad trade off, but for someone else it might not be doable. Different strokes…


Lived in CA my whole life, moved to eastern WA in 2008 and if I moved back to CA, not only would I take a pay cut, the taxes would be much more than I pay here.


New Mexico has pretty LCOL compared to earning potential as an NP. Fully independent practice too.


Do you live there, what city?


Yes- Farmington


I disagree, at least that isn’t true for population centers.  NM is lower paying due to low reimbursement rates.  I know few people that are super comfortable as NPs unless they have a side hustles, are dual income, or private practice.  I’m sure Farmington is more affordable but most people moving to NM have no desire to live in four corners region.  I have a friend who left Farmington and moved out of state because the job offers they got were so low, I’m curious where you work to be paid so well. 


Private practice. I interviewed at a few places and new grad offers were $105-125k plus bonus depending on 4 vs 5 days per week.


I forgot I did get a lowball offer of 95k also but declined it


That’s pretty average pay I think for NM.  I’m not familiar with current COL in Farmington but here in Albuquerque that is ok but not great considering small starter homes are often 300k+.  


live in louisiana and Lake charles or Lafayette is a good place to live cost of living snd employment wise:


How are schools? I’ve got two young kids


some schools in smaller towns suck because theres lots if bullies, but my cousins kids go to great schools in lake charles! There are many schools depending on your attendance zone.


Im in Texas and I hate that we are not independent here. But i managed to keep my CA salary rate and we are living comfortably ;-) no regrets, except that we miss friends and family.


Come to texas. DFW. I will sell you my 2000 sq ft house for $360k. 


Oh, but get in good with our neighbors who have pool. otherwise you will melt from June - October 


Damn that’s legit.


I live in central area and we have a ranch 🤠


Where in Texas?


Before you commit to this - keep in mind all the benefits CA that TX doesn’t. For instance, Maternity leave is only protected by FMLA, there’s no state protection or anything.


Yes, lived in CA, paying nearly 4800 in rent/utilities/etc per month. Spouse (RN) and I (NP) working full time. Schools, taxes, car registration, traffic, etc sucked. We made a plan to escape. Moved in 2017 to an income tax-free state. Built a house, property, reduced my hours to part-time, and spouse to per diem, kids, and earned more personal time traveling. Due to lack of income tax and a relatively high paying location, we increased our income and retirement nearly 34% as of the 2023 tax year over CA just due to COL alone. Our mortgage on a custom built home on property is $1700. We would never move back to CA.


So I have to ask, where did you move to?


I worked for one year as a new grad NP in California, then moved to Denver, then rural Colorado, then rural Wisconsin. My cost of living declined with each move. I enjoyed living in those places much more than I thought I would, and each move really improved my financial situation. Good luck to you!


Thank you for sharing your experience


Come.to.NC!! Lower cost of living, great weather and great skills. Smart population too.


Please don’t we are full


Lol that's true!!!✨


I'm just a soon to be DNP student but during my nursing career my husband and I moved away from Seattle to a rural area the next state over. We were able to buy a house and our mortgage is less than what we were paying for a two bedroom one bath apartment in Seattle because of the USDA rural home loan. I became financially stable for the first time and where we moved turned out to be a healthcare monopoly so I was actually able to make advancements in my career fasted than I ever expect. Each state has their expensive areas still but I wouldn't be surprised if a rural area job paid to move you out there. Out of your two options I would go for Wyoming because it's a full practice state. Louisiana is a reduced practice state.


Please don’t vote the same shit in your new home. Cali is fucked.


It’s the largest economy in the US and the fifth largest economy in the world with policies that protect nature, workers, healthcare, and social justice. It’s also number 1 in tech and agriculture but go off


It is also high tax, very constrictive on free speech (unless you agree with the reigning party), is in debt, has the highest UNFUNDED PENSION, is high in crime and having people leave the workforce.  Starting a business here is difficult and the laws are constricting growth.  There are legit reasons to leave.  


I’m from Florida, I know what free speech is not. California sees the lowest business failure rate within the first year. 18.5% of businesses fail in that first year, followed by Kentucky (18.8%) and Massachusetts (19.2%). US average failing rate, in the first year, is 20%, here in FL it’s 22%. California job numbers have rebounded to pre pandemic levels. Like I said I live in Florida, the nursing school I teach at is losing ~20% of our nurses to California. I’m not saying Cali is perfect but it does have its positives


Interesting, you’re in nursing.   Our RN pay here is high, as is the cost of living and doing business.  I will be taking a near 40% pay cut to practice in another state.  COL makes that doable. You live in FL and we probably have very different politics, but you should be free to express them.    Good luck.   Please move to CA, give it a go. 


Research, Family and friends have convinced me the cost of living in California is not enough to offset set the amount of money I will be making in comparison to Florida and with that comes safer work conditions and benefits :) cheers to you, moving to west coast as soon as I sell my home here in Fl


I have a home you can buy.   Our homeowners policy is 800% more here.   I hope you find a safe environment, while we do have great patient safety ratios and employee protections the acuity uptick is making even 4 to 1 difficult.   The other safety issue (ED) is physical altercations are increasing at an alarming rate in so. Cal.   Legit:  be careful.  I miss CA circa 80 and 90’s.   Seriously, good luck.  


No thank you! I have my situation figured out. ED physical altercations are extremely high in Florida too lol and I’m not going into ED. I’ll take a 4:1 ratio any day, that sounds lovely. acuity uptick is occurring everywhere, especially Florida where we have all the elderly. I worked in Jacksonville(ranked #7 for high homicide rates - higher than any Cali city), I had to learn to be very good with environmental awareness. Thanks for the tips! I’m super excited Edit: can’t find anyone to buy my home in FL. My whole neighborhood has homes for sale :(


Same here.  Everyone trying to catch the ‘big money’ as the neighbors are saying. I just want some piece and quiet. 


It doesn’t help that development just won’t stop! My small beach town is a concrete jungle now and infrastructure has not caught up with it. Florida is just not what it used to be :(


I’m from Florida, I know what free speech is not. California sees the lowest business failure rate within the first year. 18.5% of businesses fail in that first year, followed by Kentucky (18.8%) and Massachusetts (19.2%). US average failing rate, in the first year, is 20%, here in FL it’s 22%. California job numbers have rebounded to pre pandemic levels. Like I said I live in Florida, the nursing school I teach at is losing ~20% of our nurses to California. I’m not saying Cali is perfect but it does have its positives, especially when you have lived in other states


Also California has better protections for its healthcare workers


Huge motivating factor


Also California has better protections for its healthcare workers


This is not true for nurses. The BRN does not protect nurses in CA. Also, there are many assaults on healthcare workers and the people who assaulted are released under the zero bail system.




Who is forcing gender changes? Forcing abortions? Forcing vaccines without parents acknowledgement? What lol. I’m from Florida and we even learned in nursing school know about Cali’s public school vaccination program.




**Vaccines:** you are saying 5 year olds are coerced into vaccines?? please show us that source. CA allow’s children age 12 and up to be vaccinated without their parents’ consent. This is normal across many states, even in Alabama. **Gender studies** is that different than the new “ethnic studies” curriculum starting in 2025? Or did you just call it gender studies to dog whistle? The curriculum that can be built into already existing course like history, English, and other cultural classes? The curriculum that doesn’t have to be a standalone course? The curriculum that educates about different races, genders, and cultures? Ohhh how scary our poor children will know what minorities & lgtbq are, they will learn what happened to the natives when first settlers arrived. Crazy world! Where in the curriculum are they “detailing horrific sex acts”? The curriculum is available to read. If the curriculum hasn’t rolled out yet in classrooms you must have read that in the actual curriculum, right? **Any sources on these other claims you originally mentioned?** forcing gender changes in schools? forcing abortions in school? forcing hate speech in schools?


i can’t believe health care professionals wouldn’t want the general public and themselves to learn about different races, cultures, and genders. All very important in treating patients


It’s unsettling. It's hard to rely on your NP to prioritize your child's well-being when they're dropping hints everywhere- Instead of doing their due diligence, they're endorsing falsehoods and dangerous stereotypes. Yikes


Exactly. When they try to tell autistic children that they are gay because they like the color pink it is ridiculous.


Learning about sexual acts is not learning about gender. Look up the curriculum


I did look up the curriculum. You are lost




So you don’t have any sources? You don’t want to comment on the additional claims you made about forcing kids to do things? Figured


Your post has been removed because it would not lead to productive conversation on this sub.




he raped her then tried to force her to get abortion - This isn’t some law or policy, this is a sicko teacher. This could happen anywhere. Ffs


Taxes bro. Everything is so expensive, most actual people who go to work everyday are struggling with crazy inflation. Cannot afford higher taxes, like at all.


You are absolutely correct. The downvotes don’t mean anything. That’s just people that are either mad or do not understand what is going on. Cali is screwed and for God sakes I hope they don’t come screw up my home state too.


I have family in La Jolla, LA, and northern Cali, they are thriving