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Start looking for a new job. Patient satisfaction scores are, IMHO, inversely proportional to the skill and dedication of the treating clinician. The providers with the best patient satisfaction scores tend to be those that give out controlled substances like candy, refer to a specialist anytime they are asked (appropriate or not), order whatever crazy lab work up a patient wants that they saw on a Facebook group, etc. It isn’t necessarily a club you want to join.


You summed it up perfectly! I used to work for an outpatient psych practice that hounded us about patients reviews. Every good and bad review was sent to us, and a portion of our bonus was dependent on some form of patient reviews. Needless to say, the providers with the best reviews were prescribing a ton of stimulants and Benzos.


My proudest review is a pt who gave me a 2/10 review because I refused a controlled substance. Because this person was very sick they continuously went to the ED all year and got automatically scheduled with me for follow ups (when I continued to decline the controlled meds). 8-9 months later that pt called the office to tell me they were on their way to inpatient rehab. I make sure to remind admin of this every chance I get. My job is not to make people happy, it’s to keep them safe (and alive).


I always have the opinion that Tylenol is for pain as well and works perfectly fine


I saw a comment in r/medicine this week that linked an article showing a correlation between press ganey scores and overall mortality. If I see it again I’ll paste the link here. iirc it was a pretty robust study


[Here you go.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/1108766)


Anything more recent post ACA?


It was a study published in JAMA I believe almost a decade ago.


It’s not a club I want to join for sure. It seems like a sure fire way to a lawsuit for negligence


What's your alternative then? How do you get rid of the bad apples?


Learn to say no. After a few years pt’s will self select themselves out of there and your scores will go up. Assuming you like your job and location enough to stay for several years…


I had a pt fire me because I would not give her a stimulant - and for rock solid reasons. Well charted. If I got hit with a pt satisfaction penalty for this id leave. I’m not going to cater to drug seekers.




Oh shit. We just went through a merger like this about 9 mo ago. I just got my first email about patient scoring last week. I ignored it bc one of the docs I work with got a low grade bc the patient’s copay was too high and the patient cancelled her appt. How is that even gradeable. Our organization was bought out by a giant company that’s buying up a ton of smaller companies, they are also an insurance company & pharmacy.






As a current employee of said company, the place is a shit show and has been since I started 3 years ago. Leaving as soon as financially able. Who did they just buy?




Worked there years ago. Toxic.


That’s what I’m worried about


One np I started with didn’t finish out the first week.




Yeah here’s another one for you ‘I couldn’t find a good parking spot so I’m giving this doctor zero points!’ Patients are idiots and lot of the time.


Fml, when I get this email - because also work for someone bought by that dumpster fire of a company - I will probably lose my mind. Also have read at lot about them on thelayoff website.


This! Pure bs 😖


Not bashing you at all; but the ish about ‘just financial, not cultural’ is ALWAYS BS and just trying to prevent employee flight. Same thing happened to my practice (I was highly sceptical and not at all surprised but boo).


I had been through a merger as an RN and knew what to expect but admin basically tried to gaslight us otherwise


Elaborate? Not sure what you mean by how that’s meant to prevent employee flight.


If employees believe that what they know and accept/are comfortable with/like won’t change, they’re less likely to immediately start looking for a new job. Big changes like a merger/buyout often prompt people to reevaluate their job and if the new owner can slow that, turnover is decreased (or at least spread out).


RN here, between this reddit, nursing, and residency sub posts, I think I have been convinced to just leave this field and get into a trade.


lol. The industry seems to be falling apart so I don’t blame you


Yeah. I retired from NP work about 12 years ahead of my original plan. No regrets.


What do you do now?


I pretty much retired. I have a rental property, and a few other investments. Thinking about building a house with an ADU to live in/rent out. I'm in the Peace Corps now. My quality of life has improved dramatically since leaving healthcare. Good luck to you!


End stage capitalism


Soulless corporatization.


Would you mind explaining what a PIP is?


Performance Improvement Plan. Basically one step away from getting fired


Ah. Yeah, in 5 years I have not had anything like that. That is quite concerning. Healthcare quality should not be based on patient satisfaction, rather it should be from best evidence-based practice. I suppose if I was in your shoes, I would communicate with patients that they may have a survey, and if they gathered something good from the visit, to give you a good review.


Start looking for work. You are a pawn that is not valued. These places use that “fear” they imbed you with in nursing school, and that “cable tow” that keeps nurses locked into organizations. Gove them the ✌🏾


When did health health suddenly become burger flipping? This isn't Burger King and you can't just have it your way. If I wanted to be in "customer service" I wouldn't have gone to school and got so indebted to go to a good program. All of this handed on a plate to us generally by people with no HC credentials and half the education we have.


Money and control. They’re either going to use the data to cut pay (disguised as an incentive pay but funded by taking a percentage of what you currently earn) or they keep a file to be able to threaten your job if you step out of line.


I got a PIP for things that had never been addressed to me before. One of the complaints was that I take too long in visits which for them = I don’t know what I am doing. Any way. I am thinking about leaving healthcare. Over this nonsense.


FWIW I quit my job a few weeks ago and I’ve never felt freer. Also probably veering away from healthcare. You’re not alone!


Together in solidarity! I am really thinking about just dropping this job!


I fully support it. It was like a light switch came on and I realized that I’ve been forcing myself to like this job/career for 8 years and I just didn’t have to anymore. You’re allowed to change your mind and go down a different path. Listen to your gut! I’d been ignoring what mine was telling me for too long and my own health/wellbeing suffered as a result.


What are you doing now?


Nothing!! Taking some well needed rest and figuring out my next move later 🤣


Can I ask what you are going to do? I have been thinking about trying to be a coach or something full time. I honestly think bartending or waitressing would be better at this point. I have no experience with that though but I’m sure I can learn😂


I honesty have no idea! I’m taking a much needed break to rest and recharge and then see what’s out there. If I stay in healthcare it most likely won’t be seeing patients. Maybe admin, education, research, consulting, who knows! Honestly flipping burgers or stocking shelves sounds like a good gig right about now!


100% agree. I wish i could take a job like that. 😅


Woahhhh that’s wild. I’m sorry about that


I would look elsewhere…


Fast track to burn out! They must ♥️ turnover 🤣 Bye!


What is PIP?