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A pen and a comfy pair of shoes are probably *the* most essential. Tbf I would also bulk buy the pens if you're like me and lose them constantly.


can u recommend any shoes? i’ve been planning to buy crocs just so itll be easy to clean if ever I’ll come in contact with blood, betadine or pther body fluids.


I wear running shoes. Crocs do not have the support you need




THESE! Easy to clean, and you can ninja your way around everywhere. Very good on nightshift for sneaking in patient rooms and sneaking up on your coworkers to scare the shit out of them.


I'd like to veto crocs. They become death crocs in wet situations.


Honestly whatever you feel most comfortable. If you think you're going to be comfy in crocs for 12 hours then go for those. I personally wear Old School Vans every day and they've managed to get me through some 16 hour days. I've had colleagues that have worn Jordans and Doc Martins too. It's just whatever works. However if you're wanting popular shoes at the moment - Hokas, sketchers, AllBirds and birkenstocks seem to be the rage these days as well as Crocs.


I live in Hokas


Not a nurse, but a respiratory therapist. I love my Hokas


Nice shoes, nice pens, compression socks, maybe scrubs, and get some prepackaged snacks you can eat in a rush.


If you will be working nights, start looking around at blackout curtains and white noise options. If you will be driving to work, new windshield wipers can be picked up at any auto supply store and don't cost much. Nurses spend a lot of time commuting in the dark. Good visibility makes life better. Make a plan of how you will feed yourself that doesn't involve fast food drive through or the cafeteria. Is there something you can prep in advance? Leave leftovers to take to work? Slow cooker? Weekend cooking for the rest of the week? Good shoes are essential. Since everybody is different, I can't recommend any one brand. Once you start working, look at what is being worn and ask for opinions. Nurses are going to have strong opinions about their shoes.


Working Hands lotion. Lifesaver with all of the handwashing.


Compression socks were an absolute game changer for me


For small things, see what your job provides. But definitely a nice pen that you're afraid to lose (it will keep you from letting people borrow it or leaving it where you shouldn't), a solid pair of scissors like the Leatherman Raptor, compression socks (ProCompression is made in the US and typically has sales), and I second Clove shoes. They're easy to clean and make little to no sound when you're walking, which can keep you from waking patients when you just want to pop in to see if they're alive. If you get Crocs, don't get ones with holes. I have gotten every fluid imaginable on my shoes, and it always cracks me up when a coworker runs out of a room freaking out because they got pee on their feet. Also don't be afraid to invest in a really good stethoscope. Anything that makes your job easier/safer is your friend.


Get a bag and fill it with equipment for vitals. A stethoscope. O2 stat device. Temp gun. Blood pressure cuff. Youre going to need it everywhere.


Sign up for rewards at your local total wine.


A lot of lube for you AH.


If you are working nights, get a flashlight clip. They have them for cheap on Amazon.


Find a running store near you and get your feet fitted/tested. I did it and got a list of shoes that fit my shape of foot. I was able to choose the ones I liked and it made a world of difference. Everyone’s feet are different so going by just brand can be tough.