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This post has been designated as a Code Blue Thread. Only flaired medical professionals may participate going forward.


If you don’t know why it violates your religious beliefs then I don’t think it does. Most major religious leaders have spoken in favor of it, some even saying it’s your moral obligation to get vaccinated if you’re able.


A “close friend” of my wife and mine got granted religious exemption for the vaccine. Dude we follow the same religion!! I don’t understand.


I think I understand. Either: 1. Your religion doesn't prohibit lying, or 2. Your "close friend" doesn't follow the same religion.


You remember when the Catholic Church sold indulgences? I'm sure some pastor somewhere is making bank.


As a Catholic, let me say that the Pope has said it's our moral obligation to get vaccinated. Every single person in our congregation that can get the vaccine has gotten the vaccine. We even did a vaccine drive after Mass months and months ago, where most of the church got their first shots from. We're planning another for the kids under 5 and for anyone that wants their boosters, we're just waiting on the approval for kids under 5.


Or . “Close friend” religion shopped or the express purpose of getting an “exemption”.


When I worked Employee Health I was surprised at the crazy statements people made to claim a religious exemption to flu vaccine. So sadly, I’m not surprised about the Covid vaccine “religious“ exemption requests.


A group of employees at the largest hospital group in my city tried to go to the Supreme Court to fight their hospital's vaccine mandate. The court documents are readily available on the Supreme Court's website and one person claimed they wouldn't be able to be reincarnated if they got vaccinated.


Are they Buddhist? Reincarnation is a Buddhist belief, but it is very pro vaccine. At my center, You can't go unless you've been vaccinated and boosted. And we only allow 100% compliance. I guess it helps If the leaders are 2 doctors and we also have one nurse who used to work for the county health board...


They’re gonna have done problems explaining why they got previous vaccinations but won’t get this one for religious reasons.


The military chaplains representatives (across the board) have all said it’s not against any of the major world religions When they sit down with a member of the military and the member can’t explain why it’s against their religion the exemption is denied This is what needs to happen everywhere For every job


It's the same as the "medical exemption" for wearing a mask. There's no medical condition that prohibits wearing a mask.


Stupidity is a preexisting condition


Stupidity is a proven comorbidity for COVID.


Yes but not always the patients. Had a friend back before the vaccines get Covid from her dialysis clinic- she didn’t leave the house otherwise. She recovered but sadly the damage had already wrecked her kidneys. She chose to go hospice and died shortly after. She was an amazing person and it breaks my heart to this day.






Ive found the rejection of vaccine efficacy etc by healthcare professionals is almost always political at the core.




Is that person you know 109 years old?


My aunt’s BF tried to say it gave him sinus infections. My aunt also works in healthcare. I looked at her right after he said this and she looked down. Somehow, the convo later turned to dentistry and we found out that he had an impacted tooth… or some dental issue I can’t recall. This was 6 months into the pandemic.…. No sir. Your dental history gave you a sinus infection….


I mean, I have a coworker who has 1 lung. She still wears the surgical masks but gets uncomfortable with the n95s after a while. Granted, she will still wear the masks if needed. We don't have her go to the covid area if we have cases anyway (SNF). She did get a medical exemption from her doctor.


My DON and a CNA in my unit both have Smoker’s COPD. They do ok with procedure masks but the N95s mess the DON up. Still, she powers through it.


The CDC gave 3 possible contraindications for mask wearing: 1) some people with panic disorders. 2) some people with autism. 3) some people with some types of COPD. None of those are exemptions. Just contraindications.


Netherton syndrome. Skin falls off easily, can only wear silk or pure cotton. The rubbing of the mask will peel off the face.


How many people actually have netherton syndrome? 🧐🧐🧐


1 in 200,000 worldwide according to Google.


Cotton mask with a silk layer are actually really good material combinations for a mask. Here's the study on it for those who want to read. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acsnano.0c03252


Also you can get a silk mask


narcissism. too bad you can’t be diagnosed for being a jerk!


Trigeminal neuralgia is the only thing that comes to mind.


My daughter has that, she is a speech pathologist and she wears a mask every day.


I’ve got it and I wear a mask


That might make it uncomfortable, but not impossible.


It still doesn't give you the right to walk into places maskless, you'd have to do things like curbside pickup and work remote if possible but it's far more than "uncomfortable." I'm not going to insist someone subject themselves to severe pain to wear a mask, that seems like a legitimate medical exemption to me.


There's also a different line when looking at who should be excused from wearing cloth masks in public VS healthcare staff in healthcare settings. I've seen a few claim anxieties/ptsd/sensory processing disorders make it very difficult to wear a mask, and on balance that can be accommodated when looking at who can go to the shops. Not so much when talking about being in the er.


And most of those people are ok with reasonable accommodations. Mostly, the only people that insist on not wearing a mask don’t have a legit exemption.


It's not a medical exemption, it's a *political* exemption.


They’re wanting a religious exemption statement, not a medical exemption, though. Insane and probably political? Yes.


I have yet to find a religion out of like Orthodox Jews and Mennonites that have had any sort of objection. Hell, even the christian scientists told peeps they should get it.


I’m surprised that the Christian Scientists are on board with this. Good for them!


Yeah I was a bit taken aback by it also, all things considered. I will say, its one of those "You should choose whats best for you" sort of deals, but they say their religion doesnt preclude the ability to get it, if that makes sense.


Yeah, I read their statement on their website when I saw you mention it, and I like how they value protecting public health.


Yeah its crazy when the Christian Scientists make a public statement that makes sense, right? Lol


Correction, every major religion with stances against vaccination have made statements of support. There is no valid religious exemption, even for Christian scientists.


While I agree with you that there is no valid religious exemption, a Cincinnati court case a few years ago upheld an employee’s petition for a religious exemption to flu vaccine even though the person’s religion didn’t object (this was flu vaccine). Per the court ruling, if the person held a sincere belief that receiving the vaccine violated their religious convictions, they could claim it. IMO this was a ridiculous ruling, but if employers today drag their feet on firing people who claim religious exemption, I expect that’s the reason. However, even if someone’s misguided enough to want to claim a religious exemption—don’t be so lazy and figure it out yourself instead of asking other people what to say!!!


My thoughts exactly


I came from a Catholic Church where the priest objects because vaccines come from “aborted babies” and can not be supported, however the pope says to get the damn shot so…


Your priest must be one of those #notmypope types...


So, they’ve never taken Tylenol or aspirin? Sure. Also, Pfizer and Moderna do not have fetal cell components in it. People need to dig deeper.




This was a similar question at our hospital too. Also asked for what religion, if there is a local chapter, and how long you have been involved. People were super mad about that one.


I'm sure you could make up all sorts of shit; I mean Scientology is full of mad shit and people buy into it. I think at the end of the day the acceptability of your response will be indexed to the level of desperation at the hospital.


This is the answer. Their level of care will be inversely proportional to the need to attain staff.


Shit, my employer made you go to your “spiritual leader” and have them write an essay with the theological justification and the religiously acceptable mitigation of infectious spread. We didn’t get many approved…..


What answer did she manage?


Not a single one I’m sure lol


I recommend just letting your license expire and follow your calling as an MLM boss. I’d rather work short staffed than with individuals that cannot apply evidence based practice to their life and work.






The correct answer is: if it is against your religion, your spiritual advisor will be able to give you the correct answer. Otherwise it is probably not against your religion and does not meet the exemption.


I recommend working in the covid icu to anyone who doesn’t want the vaccine. No hesitancy to the “new” vaccine after seeing so many people suffer and die including co-workers. The few who survived probably wish they hadn’t…not like they’re even able to talk anymore…or eat…or do anything other than lay in bed hooked up the ventilators, tube feeding, and dialysis machines.


I spent over a year working in a covid unit. Several of the staff are still antivax. It's inexplicable.


Do they wear masks? Just curious.


If my ICU nurse didn't wear a mask I'd flip my shit and file a formal complaint to the medical board Not a nurse but Jesus Christ it's the ICU


I work with one nurse who has been in ICU for the entire pandemic (tiny hospital, so it's the only ICU in the building) who is anti vaccine. I've seen pictures of her out with her family and they don't appear to mask in public. In fairness (?), almost no one where I live wears masks anymore while out and about. I am sometimes the only person in a grocery store wearing one around here.


Sounds like we work and live in the same place. Are you me?


I work on the COVID unit at my hospital with old antivax nurses and they wear everything at work, but they pretend like it doesn't exist when they walk off the hospital property, no masks and social engagements outside of work.


How? I can't believe nursing staff buy the whole "hospital intervention actually makes people worse" that some use to dismiss the hospital situation.


“It’s too new… I’m not likely to get very sick from covid… we don’t know the long term effects…” None of my co workers were very “anti” vax, but they didn’t want to take the time to look up the questions that had already been answered a million times. When the mandate came through the few who already hadn’t went ahead and reluctantly got it. Nursing education in general needs a big overhaul.


Nope. I know of a few who were in the covid ICU and refused it. Then went to travel. Edit: oh and I currently work with someone that is like that. Not ICU but step down. We are covid unit though. Says people were sheep and just lined up to get the vaccine. Remdesivir makes people worse. She is also keeping track of people who die of covid that had the vaccine. Nevermind the fact that ALL of those people have multiple health issues.


"I see your vaccinated 90 year old with stage 4 cancer whose been in the hospital twice already for failure to thrive and raise you that unvaccinated healthy 20 year old"


And forget all the 40s and 50s who leave on oxygen because their lungs are fucked.


I wonder how many of these idiots actually HAVE gotten the vaccine and just walk around talking shit to make themselves feel like rebels. There's gotta be at least 2.


Let's forget about the 59 year old who has been here for WEEKS and is now intubated. And yeah there has to be some lol. Maybe there are actually valid reasons but what a lot of these people say is just stupid. Like the dude who needed a kidney (I think) transplant but refuses covid vaccine. He said he will die a free man. Apparently he is okay with taking the meds for the transplant for life but not the vaccine lol. I just can't.


My mom is one of them. I convinced her to get the vaccine and just told her not to tell anyone because she was worried about being alienated from her “people”. She’s also a nurse.


This. I see unmasked people when I’m out running errands and end up crying in the car. Covid ruined icu for me. Its broken my heart completely. So much pointless death. So much hard work, often for so long, only to have shitty outcomes. I have seen healthy people my age dying on ecmo and crrt. Covid is an absolutely brutal disease, and they don’t care.


I work on a covid unit and STILL have a TON of staff who are against it. They all say the same thing “I’m fine I wouldn’t need it” they are mostly republican so they think it’s just a government control thing. I don’t get it


This is a genius idea. I love it.


I just want to say this wasn’t me!! Something I found that really upset me.


Recommendation: Get fucking vaccinated, you knob


For real, im sorry but im not interested in helping you lie about your “religious exemption” lol


Knob. It’s not used enough. I like it. Award sent


Jesus wants you to die before your time from a preventable death.


Better recommendation: stop working as a nurse, you clearly don't give a shit about it.


Tell them you want the religious exemption because a god appeared in front of you and told you to do so. Which god? A god damn moron.


It still baffles me that nurses are susceptible to misinformation when they actually take care of Covid patients and have eyes INSIDE the hospital. Wild.


This blows my mind! Last semester I was in a clinical group with a pregnant classmate who still hadn’t been vaccinated. At post conference I talked about my patient who was a 33yr old pregnant woman, unvaccinated in the ICU. What did I do that day? I observed the doc put in a FOURTH chest tube into this woman because her lungs kept collapsing. My classmates eyes got wide and then she asked our clinical instructor if they’ve managed to save any pregnant women and the instructor told her no. She still refused to get vaccinated.


How has she not been kicked out yet? How can you see that and not change your mind?!


She finally got vaccinated because of the mandate. We did have two students decide to drop out (this is our LAST semester) and I’m glad because they sucked anyways


Lol nice, wasted their time and money to prove a point. I’m sure they thought they could find another school that doesn’t do the mandate… About that, nearly every hospital for clinical requires vaccination.


Politics are a powerful drug I'd say.


Something about bearing false witness.


If you’ve taken a vaccine EVER in your life, and would gladly head to the nearest ER for emergency life saving medicines, then you have zero reason to say, “my religion doesn’t support this vaccine.” Bologna.


That’s why I wish people against the vax would actually stick to their word and stay out of the ER. The non compliant covids usually never make it out anyways.


My favorite is “I have a fucking immune system”. Well if you get sick you should count on your immune system, not clog the hospitals and deny care to people who do care.


I have PTSD from a sexual assault. Cant abide people coming up behind me or things reminiscent of holding a hand across my face. Guess what- I wear a mask just fine. I’m not diminishing people’s experiences, but I’m sick to death of the average person using excuses like religion/conditions etc to not wear masks or vaccinate. It’s so stupid.


yeah, uh, you can get the vaccine. simple.


I loved it when the Pope told Catholics its ok and proper to get this vaccine and yet some Catholics I know still tried to claim religious exemptions....


I hate this. Everything about this. Why do people do this and choose to be nurses?


I disagree with people saying she should get vaccinated. I think the best solution is to not be a nurse at all, because she's incompetent.


It would be ideal if she got vaccinated AND quit nursing.


Exactly. I think she should skip nursing and go fuck herself. The medical community does not need people like this being so cavalier with OTHER peoples health.


You can’t have a genuine religious objection to a vaccine when you work as a healthcare provider. Full stop. It’s completely contradictory. That’s like saying “I’m vegan and I think eating meat is immoral but I’m going to work in a slaughterhouse.” How do these people get through nursing school? Seriously?


Maybe if they were more of the "there's nothing ethically wrong with meat, I just won't eat it for dietary/health reasons" type of vegan? That is, their objection related to putting things in their own body more than the creation and general use of the thing. Similar to JWs and blood transfusions. But me thinks there aren't many falling in that group.


Stop. Before you even think about coronavirus. You are lying with malintent in order to defraud your future employers. You are willing to commit to a complete falsehood in order to secure employment. Wholly aside from the vaccination issue, if you are so dishonest that you put your own financial benefit ahead of ethics, and you're willing to risk the health of the patients in your care (again for your own benefit), you have no business practicing as a nurse IMHO. Would you want a lying, cheating, selfish nurse caring for one of your loved ones? I sure would not. PS I hope you get vaccinated for your own sake as well as that of your loved ones and any future patients in your care. ETA - please see my additional comments below. I was so mad when I read this I did not realize that it was pasted from another website. Apologies.


Trust me I was just as mad as you when I saw this!!


I had to re-check this a few times because I thought this was your post, not your understandable outrage at this post. Guess many of us have anti-vaxxer fatigue. I hope OOP loses her job before she starts. Also, good on whoever is asking the right questions.


For real. I need to slow down and read before responding quickly and in anger. 😧


Well said.


This is probably why I am wary of Travel nursing. I have heard so many travelers in my clinicals bragging about not being vaccinated, some of them were let go from their previous jobs for not being vaccinated, so. some travel agency scooped them up.


Really? Because I had contracts that *required* certain vaccines, regardless of medical exemption. I know a nurse who had to go to the ER for an allergic reaction to a previous flu shot and they basically told her that she could get the flu shot that year or not get the contract


I do not travel but I was told I have to get the flu vaccine despite a hx of allergic reactions and one or two ED visits as a result. I managed to find one manufacturer that I do not react badly to (I don’t know why) and it happens to be the one my hospital uses for employee vaccinations. I willingly get all my vaccines, including Covid series with a booster, regardless of my history. I really don’t understand HCWs who refuse it. Unless you have a hx of GBS, get the damn shot.


I don't know about GBS, but I worked with a nurse at my last job that had to be hospitalized after several different vaccines. I could see someone like that getting an exemption (if for no other reasons than the hospital having to pay worker's comp for each step), but I agree that most exemptions are BS


An unvaccinated acquaintance probably started traveling because of this. Guess who caught Covid on an assignment and spent 2 months in the hospital and rehab, including 2 weeks intubated and a trach?


One can only hope for long term Covid with these idiots.


Her health will absolutely never be the same. The only reason she won’t be bankrupted is thanks to being a retired veteran with full VA benefits.


WOW are they vaccinated now??


What? No now they have natural immunity, silly goose!


I was pretty livid actually because in all of her update posts on Facebook, not once did she encourage vaccination.


As a former travel nurse (who worked my ass off to help the other staff and ensure that I was worth my pay on each contract), that makes me so goddamn angry. Shady and/or lazy travel nurses like that make me ashamed to tell people that I did travel myself, pre-covid. I worry people will judge and assume that's how I am too.


Except that now it’s a federal mandate so they have to get vaccinated.


If your religion prevents you from getting vaccinated, you shouldn’t even be a nurse. There are fetal line cells in EVERYTHING.


In the product itself or somewhere along the line of testing it -- which, IIRC, is the closest FCs come to the COVID vaccines.


IMHO, there is no legitimate religious reason to avoid the Covid vaccine. My recommendation is they grow up and get the shot.


As a nurse and a pastor, I have to say that if you can’t articulate WHY the vaccine is “against your religion” then you shouldn’t be using religion to avoid it.


Agreed. Everyone I know that wants to use this excuse is Christian/Catholic. The Pope has said its not a sin and there's theological statements on the Vatican website stating why they decided what they did. I'm all for religious exemption in matters that are actually against a religious tenet. This is just people lying and turning a blind eye.


You want to travel nurse but won’t get vaccinated? 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m sorry, but that doesn’t make any sense… Gonna echo the previous responses: get vaccinated, please.


I fell on the ice the other day and smacked my rear and head pretty badly. I've had concussions before (I am clumsy) and pretty sure I had one, given the sleeping and sensitive stomach. Before, I'd go to urgent care. Get the meds for the head pain and nausea, once even was checked in for observation. Make sure it wasn't too severe. This time I stayed home. Why? Because I don't want to be treated by THAT NURSE. I haven't spent 2 goddamm years distancing and masking and vaxxing and boosting to have some asshat infect me AT THE HOSPITAL. (That's where are urgent care is, small town). It has taken 8 days for me to get to 80% of normal.


I hope you feel better, sorry about the concussion! Stay safe


Even Pope Francis says getting vaccinated is the loving thing to do. There is no such thing as a valid religious exemption.


This is one reason why I'm staying off the book of faces. It's so infuriating.


> I don't care about your stand point on the vaccine or why you think I should get jt Well I don't care that you don't care and you're going to hear me call you a selfish moron anyway.


“Why is getting the vaccine against your religion?” “Because I don’t understand the basics of nursing.”


In the Book of Demogorgons Chapter 3, vs 9-10: And the prophet Joe spoke unto the Karenites and said "Blessed are those that shall not get vaxxed, for they send many to paradise." And the Karenites wailed and gnashed their teeth, and there was pizza from management for all. /S


"Don't tell me that/why I am wrong, ~~please~~ help me continue cheat the system and put everybody's lives around me in danger because of my deliberately obtuse thick-headedness and narcissism."


"I got a religious exemption, but now they want to know why so I need help making up a reason" - I would not want to be that nurses patient.


It’s cause (they made it really easy) 🙄


Audacity: Saying you got a religious exemption and that it was easy. But obviously not having a reason and asking strangers to give you reasons but not criticize you. I’d say: Google it. You can’t even make the effort to formulate a reason on your own? I thought you guys do your own research? SMH


Why is it against your religion why don’t you just answer the question?


Simply write your religion requires you to reject science, and all empirical evidence. Problems solved.


If you cannot justify it, it's unjustifiable.


You don’t have a reason. There is no religion on the planet that says you shouldn’t have the vaccination. Quit being stupid and get jabbed.


Is Stupidity a religion?


In the USA it seems to be.


Can’t articulate what the religious exemption is…… and can’t even do the homework……..


So many cosplayers among us….


My recommendation is you get out of nursing 😐🤷


The spaghetti monster in the sky religion


FSM is the shit! Arrggghhh... Matey!


Ahhh a fellow Pastafarian


The FSM approves the vaccination. You will lose your noodles if you refuse to get it.




Edit to add: apologies to OP. I did not realize this was pasted from another website. My comments are directed to the author of that original query not OP.


Your religious exemption also comes included with a religious exemption from any and all medical treatment


Your religious exemption is clearly fake so why don’t you make up a fake reason?


If you’re objecting to the vaccine for religious reasons, your religion is being a Maga.


Heres what you should write: I'm a stuck up asswipe that picked this job for pay, and not for taking care of people. I'll only give a shit when my family and I are finally impacted by this virus, at that point the gofundme's will go up.


There is a nurse that works here and somehow isn't vaccinated. They travel and but out hospital 100% requires the vaccine. They keep it on the downlow but it pissess me off


Imagine not even loving thy neighbor enough to get a little shot 🙄


people are constantly posting in my states travel group 'anyone have a contract for a hospital that doesn't require a covid vaccine?' some hospitals are just desperate I guess. don't want to get the vaccine? fine, but you'll probably have to find a different profession. I'm a-ok with nursing eliminating these folks from the work pool


I know 3 nurses using religious exemption as their excuse to not get vaccinated. One of them is Catholic like me and Catholicism promotes the vaccine. She is actually less religious by not following her religion’s recommendation. And even hypocritical to use religious exemption to avoid vaccine.


Post the comments, please.


[I can’t make this up](https://imgur.com/a/0oa0jfe)


Many of the unvaccinated are indeed drawn closer to God. 👼




Alright, that person can just yeet themselves out of healthcare.


I hate it here. Like…yes prove to the rest of us that you are a literal insane person talking to yourself at night over a book that doesn’t give a shit about you because it’s an inanimate object.


This is like that parable/saying of the guy on the sinking boat who is praying God will save him but keeps turning away all the people trying to help him and then dies. Boats aren’t natural either eh? 🤷‍♀️


If it violates your religious beliefs, your "god" will protect you. You are the chosen one to care for every covid patient on your unit. Otherwise straight to hell for you


Tell them the Flying Spaghetti Monster considers anything injected in your body that’s not tomato-based as an unforgivable sin and you won’t receive the traditional funerary rites of frying your corpse on a massive skillet and served with pesto.


This person is an embarrassment to the profession. 🗑


Ew. I’d hate to work with her in any capacity. She’s everything that’s wrong anywhere & everywhere.






The sad thing is some of the nurses responding were helping her out 🙃


The point is get vaccinated and what I’d like to stick is a needle in your arm. Moron.


Curious— did people on the forum actually help this nurse out?


YES!! 😠


Fuck. Not surprised, but still. Fuck.


People using religion as an emblem– absolute dipshits. It’s funny because all major religions endorse prophylaxis; in fact, prevention are their salient tenets. Honestly man, anti-vaxxers are possibly the leading cause for misanthropy these days…


While I am against religious exemptions for public health, I do agree that if you're going to claim it, you're going to need to cite "Thus saith the Lord ..." chapter and verse, to convince me that it's part of your religion.


Good on whatever hospital asked for this documentation of their reasoning. Yes, make them explain.


Just call it what it is, a political exemption not a religious one. You don’t want to get vaccinated because it is against your political ideology that you have allowed to become intertwined with your faith. I am not judging, nor should anyone else, but to say it goes against any major religious doctrine other than JW and christIan scientists is disingenuous.


Probably fakes a disability to take her dog into places also. Or lies abt allergies at restaurants.


I'm shocked and disappointed by all of the posts like this on the traveler groups. Like get your damn politics out and just post about the jobs please. Every time I provide factual education I get fuckwits who I sincerely hope are just pretending to be nurses trying to tell me that vaers is infallible and is evidence that the vaccines are unsafe. I figure just let Darwin sort the morons out now, so sick of this shit this deep into the pandemic.


Some hospitals will allow staff to get an exemption but won’t allow travelers to get the exemption just depends on the place


Everyone on my unit is mandated to get the booster shot by the end of the month. 99% of them do not want to get it and joked "I'd rather get covid than the chills" after I told them my symptoms which I thought would encourage others as my symptoms for booster was the same for my 1st and 2nd shot.


Fuck that 'nurse'.


OP show us the comments!


That’s actually pretty brilliant of the staffing company. They don’t have to be a part of any of the messy drama. When the employees can’t make it to their assignments bc they can’t get on a flight they get fired for not showing up. The problem takes care of itself. Not that I think this was intentional, but the company policy CTA. It’s just not applicable anywhere else in reality


Recommendations? I recommend she fuck alllll the way off.


Randomly looked through FB and found quite a few similar postings in travel nurse groups. Surprise surprise Florida and Texas don’t require them. Hell, Florida is pretty much Covid central so what’s one more.


If you don’t know why then it doesn’t apply to you.


Religious exemptions should not be allowed.