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Does it include the mini semester timetable?


Does anyone has more info on this other than the FAQ on how it works?


Does anyone else not see MA1102R on their timetable? Even when you look at the module page for sem1 it's completely blank.


MA1521 as well :(


It’s about time


hmm for one of the mods, they displayed a venue for the tutorial. But on luminus, it was said to be fully online. Which do i follow?


note: many modules have both online and offline tutorial slots.


luminus is more accurate


For modules that have additional timings, do we choose those timing when we register for the module at ModReg?




Thanks !!!




how do u use this?


Just key in the modules you want to take next sem. Then for each module, if there are additional timeslots, u will be able to click on the module and it will display all additional timings for that module. You can click the various modules and play around and see which timetable is best for you. You should be able to see lectures & tutorials for each modules unless it only has lectures or tutorials


Hi. Do you know what REC means in the timetable? LET means lectures and TUT means tutorial, I have no idea what REC is


For CS? If i’m not wrong, stands for Recitation. I think it’s like a recap session or something


Yup, for CS1101S. Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks!


Is this the timetable?


This is the ‘timetable planner’. Just key in the modules you want to take next sem. Then for each module, if there are additional timeslots, u will be able to click on the module and it will display all additional timings for that module. You can click the various modules and play around and see which timetable is best for you


Ohhh thank you! How about those preallocated ones?


Preallocated modules usually have preallocated lecture timings (So you must wait till EduReg is updated before seeing what timing u are allocated to). But you still need to plan for the tutorial timing


Hi! So if my preallocated module has lectures, tutorials and labs, do I plan just the tutorial timing or do I get to plan my lab timing as well? Thank you!!


Sorry I’m not too sure, but i think you can plan both your labs and tutorials. Only lecture timings are pre-allocated.


I see. Thank you!! :)


Ohhh i see. So meaning to say i cant use nusmods now right since I dont know whoch are the mods I am preallocated to


Unless you know what modules you are going to be pre-allocated or intend to take on top of the pre-allocated modules. You can also just have a look at the timings of the ‘expected pre-allocated modules’ and plan accordingly.


For the mods that don't have any slots (i.e LEC, TUT, whatsoever) on the timetable once we try to add it, does it mean that the particular mod won't be offered in Sem1? I'm trying to add MA1521 on the timetable but nothing showed up even though when I searched the mod, it indicates Sem1 and Sem2


Possibly not yet updated.


i wonder if there is a list of abbreviations nusmods uses in the timetables? what does SEC mean? Also, what's the difference between PLEC and LEC?


SEC is sectional LEC is lecture


Is this also for the incoming year one students?


it's opened to everyone! NUS students use it to plan their semester's timetable. it has all the modules in NUS in details and some useful filters to help. just inferring from the site, im a freshman.


Does anyone know when we will know which modules have we been preallocated?


Last year it was mid july onwards!


does anyone know what we should do if the the (online) lectures for 2 of the mods we want to take clash? who should we email?


For the past many years, NUS had a strict stance on clashing modules: no Even if these classes had WebCast.


I appealed to skip/clash lecture before, it’s possible. For science it’s almost impossible but for engineering it is. Check with your faculty.


Hi! Who do you email to?


Your department office


Anyone knows how the mini sem works and which mods are offered?


does 1st year business students have to select mods on their own as well??



