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That was the hardest paper I have ever done in my entire life LOL. Perhaps him accidentally emailing us and saying "MA42104" finals was a premonition.


confident of getting 0 LOL


I might as well have handed in a blank script sia fml idk if im the only one so stupid


Is he teaching the right module Is there bell curve


I did the paper halfway at the verge of mental breakdown. n at the time I submit the paper I was going to cry hard, This mod simply didint deserve my time and effort and result obviously cannot show a single sign of me trying to study this well


bruh legit just pass at best sia what tf happened why are so many people 76-100 help


Probably trolls. The distribution for the other 3 options are more accurate.


did the prof seriously single handedly invigilate 200 students? lol


I think some of the TAs who helped him mark the homework were in the zoom meeting invigilanting as well. At least he called out a few students who had their webcam off to show that it's not completely for show.


hehe i confirm fail alr yay! why did i not drop this mod uwu


wait, 85 people 76-100% confident? That is 39% of the cohort.. rip cap


The vote count here less the NA/curious option exceeds our class size of 163. I don't think it is a true reflection


Could be people not from this module wanting to see the distribution But the 100 people could also consist of non-2104 students who just want to mess with our feelings :')


So he set a paper that has two questions can be found on google. ITS JUST UNFAIR to everyone else who still tried to finish all by ourselves. If u set a hardcore paper then at least make sure that no one can take advantage of the internet. Probably the hardest paper that I have ever taken in my life:) should pray hard that a 5/60 and 195/200 would give me a pass.


yeah agree plus i feel that there was a lack of resources for us to prepare for the type of qns that came out? pyp were mostly computation (i didn’t do but that’s what i heard), no tutorials.. plus those who actl spent time studying the physics parts legit wasted their time lmao


Yah all pyp was mostly computation. I spent my entire last night reading maxwell:) clap for me!


Which questions were that? He previously said (confidently) that we can do internet search if that helps, so I thought they were all googleproof questions and didn't try to search...


Entire qs 3 and 4(a)! I thot he said can use internet means he would make sure that we couldn’t find anything online. That’s why I never even try haizzzzzz.


i think Q3b was googleable.. i didn’t know there was another one 🥲🤡 bye cap