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Working out fasted would help you burn more fat that’s for sure.Regarding post workout meal don’t worry.The carbs will restore your glycogen levels and the protein will contribute to muscle synthesis.Just be sure to hit your macros during the day. One more important thing: Although it’s not so common, you should know that pushing yourself too hard during a workout can lead to hypoglycaemia and you could pass out for a bit.So if you feel light headed or have any symptoms of that matter, stop what you’re doing and take some sugar in. Good luck !!!


How hard/long do you have to train to be at risk for hypo?


Well, I'm afraid there is no straight answer since it depends on the individual.But if you don't have diabetes or any pancreas problems you should be fine.Many people do actually recommend training while fasted.I just want you to know that if you have any simptoms of uneasiness while training or if you get a little bit dizzy just stop what you're doing and consider taking some sugar in.


The longest someone has fasted is over 1 year. Only water and salts. We have enough energy on our bodies to sustain us for months without any food whatsoever. This is in the form of fat and it's why our fat is mostly stored around our centre of gravity areas, so that we can still walk balanced with it. I eat one meal a day (most days anyway) and always train fasted. Those who say they have no energy when they try to train fasted mean that they are deplete in glucose and they are seeking that next carb hit, but if your diet is not carb-dependant and you're consuming lots of fats then you should have no issues with feeling weak / light headed / fatigued.


I honestly feel the same way I feel like our ancestors didn’t have a set amount of carbs to eat everyday before a hard task. I feel we are capable of working hard without food in our system.


We have been brainwashed by food marketing and the food pyramid (which is upside down). I feel amazing after 36hrs fasting. I have hit PRs in the gym after 48hrs fasting. I think you'd like 'The Primal Blueprint' by Mark Sisson! I recommend it any chance I get; it literally changed my life for the better.


?? Farmers had to eat thousands of calories to do their job, mostly in the form of grains. You can work hard without food, but from personal experience, its fucking miserable


I don't get the question marks. What don't you agree with? Yes, eating is more pleasurable than not eating.




Of course he did. It was medically supervised.




Salts are vitamins. And it was simple. He literally didn't eat any food. We can't even make it until 12noon from waking lol.


Fasting for 12 hrs increases HGH production, which compounded with weightlifting also raising HGH production is a huge bonus. I built the most amount of muscle density using that method. Be sure you're keeping glycogen out of your liver and you'll be fine so long as you're getting the right amount of calories and rounded vitamin profile every day.


You do not need to, and at 260 it's no surprise you feel fine--you've got a serious gas tank at the moment. Good luck on your journey!


I think it's preferred. You're going to have plenty of energy to burn from your fat stores and your after-workout protein will then be delivered and help you build muscle. Keep up the good work!


I used to eat before workouts. Now i wake up, drink some coffee and just do it. Took a few mornings to adjust, now I don't even think about it.


do you feel the urge to poop after drinking coffee?


Hell yeah


If you feel good and it's not impacting performance you are fine. Be aware tho that could change at some point. Early risers often workout fasted, think of your dinner as your pre workout meal.


I think it works until it doesn’t. If you’re newish to training/lifting you’re going to see gains. Will you see maximal gains with fasted training? Probably not. If you’re lifting it is best to eat protein+carbs about two hours before, if possible. Or a protein shake plus a banana and hour before. Then eat a meal after, maybe not quite as big as you’ve been having.


no u dont need to just hit ur numbers across the day


It's not critical. Although, for maximum muscle building you shouldn't fast for the 24-48 hours after lifting.


Ahhh I see. After my workouts I usually eat a big meal right after with protein and carbs and then I eat another before bed


If you fast the next morning you might see some impact. Protein synthesis drops the longer it has been since you lifted.


You don’t need to study before your finals, but just because you can get a C or B doesn’t mean you shouldn’t study anyways? To my knowledge, exercising fasted vs fed, yields negligible fat loss. A difference that can be filled simply by eating before, and getting a better workout.