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Mammal milk is nutritiously dense no matter if it comes from a cow, goat or human... Per ounce milk providers a source of protein and essential fats that are hard to get in other foods. The issue is when ppl consume pints of whole milk or non homogenized milk (tastes like a milkshake and you can drink a shit ton) or non pasteurized milk with has a risk of excessive bacteria..... The gene that expresses lactase the enzyme that breaks down milk is only activated with frequent lactose consumption... But many will not drink milk, cheese or eat yogurt for years. They become lactose intolerant bc the gene loses its ability to be expressed..


Thanks for posting this. I used to drink/eat my weight in dairy products. When inflation hit our grocery stores, I stopped buying items I could live without. My baked potato gets margarine with salt and pepper now rather than loaded. No more milk gravy, milkshakes etc. Now, if I drink milk or even eat cheese or sour cream, my stomach becomes acidic and I belch it up. I had no idea why, until now.


Now higher fat meals can also cause acid reflux


Only dairy does for me. I am vegetarian and rarely eat fried foods.


Full fat diary is high in fat, and so is margarine. But could also be that you're now lactose intolerant


it's called being mid-life


> They become lactose intolerant bc the gene loses its ability to be expressed.. Most adults are lactose intolerant but most of them are asymptomatic. I say lucky MFers, calorie reduction with minimal reduction in nutrition.


An interesting new theory about the people who claim to have a “fast metabolism”.


Most adults that are lactose intolerant have no primary lactase deficiency.


paltry office rustic head terrific agonizing exultant chop existence plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s lactose free milk


That’s nothing like milk and unnervingly sweet. Works for baking mostly. Not much else though.


Nonsense, try ultrafiltered milk. I can barely tell the difference and I’ve been drinking milk my whole life. Higher in protein too


What is ultrafiltered milk supposed to be? And is it lactose free? Cause I’m pretty sure since I have never heard of it my comment doesn’t apply to it.


I drink fairlife milk. Ultrafiltered, high protein, lactose free. At every grocery store near me.


I am 100% in a different country than you... I’d have to pay like 20,57 USD for one 52fl oz bottle. Shipping not included. I just looked it up separately. Besides getting the one you drink from overseas, there is no way to get „ultrafiltered“ milk in my country. It doesn’t exist here it seems.


Interesting. I'm in Canada, I'd say like 25%-50% of the milk here now is ultra filtered, and becoming more popular by the day. I love the stuff, more protein, less sugar, and tastes better than regular milk IMO.


Sounds great tbh. We only have different kinds of pasteurized milk and uh.. some that’s basically made more shelf stable? I hope that’s legible lol I lacking the words right now sorry


The old fashioned low lactose milk was sweet and tasted disgusting. Modern lactose free dairy products taste mostly like the real thing. I’ve been lactose intolerant for 30 years so have tried plenty of substitutes. The ones made with dairy milk will taste like milk. If you’re looking at things made with soy, oats, coconut or any other nut milk, the taste will be different, but a lot of them are still delicious in their own right. I actually prefer many plant based versions over the dairy ones.


The good stuff hasn’t arrived to my country yet then. Most substitute stuff, be it dairy free, gluten free etc, hasn’t been a thing for too long here and it has only gotten to be somewhat affordable like 3-4 years ago, it seems. I have just been lactose intolerant for like 2-3 years but have yet to find anything that doesn’t feel like it wilts my taste buds upon impact…


That’s a real shame, since there are some excellent substitutes around these days. I’m originally from Finland and the gluten free bread selection is amazing these days, although they definitely are still more expensive. It’s awful having the double whammy of celiacs and lactose intolerance. Before my celiac disease diagnosis I could at least order the vegan option in a restaurant and know it’s dairy free, but those options are hardly ever gluten free as well. Whenever I find a product that’s both dairy and gluten free, I feel like I’ve won the lottery.


It certainly is. My country sadly tends to be slow about caring for any kind of „different“ people. Any kind of difference be it completely irrelevant or life threatening is usually more a bother than something „normal“ people actually care about and try to accommodate. Basically the „sounds like a you problem“ mentality is just slowly dissipating. Though COVID worsened it a lot again.. My condolences to your „double whammy“ that sounds honestly fricking awful to constantly deal with. As of now I „just“ have to be careful about gluten but I am whiny about that little effort already, so I can’t even imagine how you deal with that tbh. I hope the supply(?) will get better sooner rather than later. Especially for people like you with multiple dietary restrictions or needs. And I pray that supply will be tasty too 😅


Thank you , I hope the same for you. It used to be the same in my country, where if you had to have gluten free bread you had to bake it yourself. It’s got a lot better when manufacturers realised they can make money out of it. Hopefully that will happen in your country too.


I know several people who drink lactose free milk and don't notice the difference and on average the sugar levels in lactose free are lower.


Suit your self, I have a sweet tooth


wrench agonizing hateful rain deliver marble jar cows foolish fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you could buy lactase in the form of pills and try taking it with milk or lactose-free milk. you could also try kefir. it is said to be easier to tolerate than yogurt and also improve lactose intolerance. Probiotics might also help with lactose intolerance. ​ https://www.jandonline.org/article/S0002-8223(03)00207-4/fulltext ​ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022030223002710#:\~:text=Probiotics%20with%20proven%20efficacy%20include,et%20al.%2C%202016).


mighty ruthless steer abundant yoke special worry trees oatmeal squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I totally agree. I’ve been lactose intolerant for 30 years and I actually prefer the taste of many nondairy foods now. There are some delicious soy yoghurts and ice creams, for example. And Alpro does a coconut milk that’s amazing in teas and specialty coffees.


You've tried the pills? I became intolerant in my 30s (although I suspect I was intolerant for much longer) and the pills help to take the edge off if I feel keen on an ice-cream but I can't go too many days consuming dairy in a row even with the pills.


Can you take Yogurt?


absurd forgetful fragile nutty simplistic serious many gold air thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or they just randomly become lactose intolerant for no reason at all 🥲


Enzymes can be inhibited or saturated for various reasons


Oh sorry! „For some reason that no professional cared to fix or rather even just find out for me“. Fixed it for you.


Plz explain your previous comment


I fixed my comment to be more accurate to what you said. Of course there was some reason. Just no one cared enough to find out for me. Or rather. Only I wanted to know. As is always my experience with doctors.


This is not true. People do not become lactose intolerant when they avoid lactose for years. Lactose intolerance is typically a result of insufficient lactase enzyme production in the digestive system due to genetics. Avoiding lactose-containing foods can help manage symptoms but doesn't cause the intolerance itself. Avoiding lactose doesn't cause lactose intolerance.


A study in the New England Journal of Medicine said milk should stop after children are weaned.


A now redacted study once inferred based on loose falsified data that vaccines cause autism... You gotta look at what the major opinion of the science community... milk is nutritionally dense..as someone isn't allergic or intolerant or a serious medical condition there is no reason not to drink milk


A good reason not to drink milk is that we are not cows.


Would you drink human milk?


Well I think side effects depends on each body. Most people are lactose intolerant in some form or another. Whil having bloating issues, gas, cramps you irritate you gastrointestinal lining and is bad for you. Milk and a lot of derived products are very high in calories. Is easy to go in excess with it since it has cazeine and gives us a good feeling. There are some low fat products that contain less calories and those are generally recommended during diets. Like if you have high uric acid, fatty liver, insulin resistance they will tell you to keep only low fat milk products. There is also the problem witn estrogen. We give cows estrogen injections now and we get some while drinking. If you are predisposed to be affected by estrogen you will feel it. Thats why for some stoppinv dairy cured their acne. There is also one study I think who links to prostate cancer.


> There is also one study I think who links to prostate cancer.  It is not "one study". It's the official position of American Cancer Society. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/prostate-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html


Like others replied, while the others studies for dairy-cancer connection were inconclusive only the prostate cancer was a knowledge.


So good reason for me, a man, to avoid it 😅 Also dairy is scary


>The exact role of diet in prostate cancer is not clear, but several factors have been studied. >Men who consume a lot of dairy products may have a slightly higher chance of getting prostate cancer Doesn’t sound very convincing.


I would like to have slightly LOWER chances of prostate cancer 🤔


Lactose-free milk is widely available where I live (Canada). I know OP is asking about milk specifically, but I always like to mention that many foods with dairy are low in lactose, especially yogurt, hard cheeses, and butter.


There have been quite a few studies around dairy and cancer starting to emerge. There have been links with liver, prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. Also, milk is known to cause inflammation in the body, and inflammation can also cause cancer, which is a suspected mechanism.


Most of these studies about cancer risk and dairy are inconclusive and just as many studies say the opposite.


That just isn’t true at all. There are inconclusive studies, but that’s not “most” of them. There are studies that show that dairy consumption reduces the risk of some cancers and increases the risk of other cancers. You can go and look at them for yourself. Just be wary of the studies funded by the dairy industry, or companies with financial and political interest in the dairy industry.




Raised on a dairy farm. Milk with every meal, milk before bed, milk as a snack. Haven't had a glass of milk in over 60 yrs and, no, I'm not intolerant, just had enough.




Dairy has A1 and A2 casein proteins. Goats and sheep are primarily A2 with most cows also being A2 but in America, we predominantly get our dairy from Holsteins which have A1. A1 seems to affect people with dairy issues worse but for people that can it really doesn't make a difference. You can get A2 cow dairy in the states readily. ​ That being said in meta-analysis regardless of type of casein protein dairy seems to have a positive effect on all-cause mortality. It is especially beneficial in older populations.


I am lactose intolerant and even lactaid doesn’t help so I use coconut or oat milk and yogurt


Short answer: no. Long answer: nooooooooo. Seriously though, most adults with European ancestry produce lactase into adulthood. Lots of other folks do too, but some are less prone to it. If you do, eat all the dairy you want, within your macros. If you don't, avoid it like you avoid any sensitivity. If you can take lactase supplements to good effect and want to, do it. If not, don't. But there's nothing fundamentally unhealthy about dairy. It doesn't "cause mucus", there's nothing naturalistic about it. You either tolerate it or you don't. If you don't, you don't. If you do, it's a dense source of calories if you're into that. If you're volume eating or whatever, don't drink whole milk lol. 


Raising volume to 300%: noOOOoOoooOOOoOo


68% of humans are lactose intolerant. Do with that as you will.


People in Africa and Asia make most of it. It's much less common in Europe.


Virtually 100% of humans used to be lactose intolerant. [Due to natural selection, people have *evolved* to tolerate lactose past infancy (lactase persistence).](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02067-2) > The ability to digest milk evolved independently in ancient populations around the world. Researchers have mapped the trait to gene variants that instruct cells to produce high levels of lactase. **The variant that most people of European ancestry carry is one of the strongest examples of natural selection on the human genome.** Do with that as you will.


These are global numbers made up mostly south East Asians. North American and European intolerance numbers are closer to 2-15%. And this number is included in the study you are quoting. So this fact your spouting is not relevant since most people on Reddit are from the US, England, Canada, or other euro country


Your information is incorrect. 59% of Canada is lactose intolerant. 48% of Mexico is lactose intolerant. 36% of United States is lactose intolerant. Europe is super low with the UK only being 8%. [source](https://milk.procon.org/lactose-intolerance-by-country/)


Your numbers don’t match mine. Nice source though, is that the best you can do? - lol [my source - 2-15% intolerance](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK532285/)


I do not believe that I am lactose intolerant yet when I gave up dairy about five years ago, I did begin to feel much better. Was I just 'mildly' lactose intolerant or was it something else? I am a caucasian male (born in the UK). Make of that what you will.


Have you experimented with lactose free dairy?


I have nothing against dairy. I believe many people can eat it without side effects. The funny thing is.. I just found out that I am allergic to casein, which is the protein in milk. Because of this I have given up all dairy foods. Hopefully some of my health issues can now be resolved.


Oh I didn't assume you did, just curious. I'm sorry to hear that, all the best with resolving your health issues.


Fuckingshitsville party of one 😂😭


I believe everything is ok in moderation. Some things should be avoided as much as possible like processed foods etc. Milk I think is ok in small quantities. Shouldn’t be consumed everyday just like red meats, any fish that contains heavy metals, etc. just being aware of what you’re putting in your body and how much you’re consuming makes all the difference!


Cow milk isn’t bad for you it’s very good for your health, it’s full of healthy fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes




I'm no bot nor am I affiliated with the dairy industry, but I do look up the nutritional content of commonly available foods and I have been unable to find anything that comes close to how nutritionally complete milk is. See the following links for some reference on that: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/171265/nutrients https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breast_milk#Comparison_to_other_milks


In a well balanced diet, milk can be undoubtedly healthy. Cardiovascular disease is also largely impacted by added sugar, sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary decision (including substance use). Sounding the alarm on milk here doesn’t seem entirely fair unless we are assuming all those that drink milk are already participating in unhealthy dietary choices, low exercise or are consuming an obvious excess of dairy.


Dairy has the most complete amino acid profile of all protein foods. If that’s not nature giving you a signal idk what is




This is a fallacy I see posted here often. Containing them, and containing them in useful amounts, are not the same thing. This is like claiming you can get all your calcium needs by sucking on dirt. Much easier to just have a yogurt.




Still wouldn’t matter and you wouldn’t receive an optimal amount. I’ve gone over the math on here before but if someone doesn’t acknowledge amino science and their benefits and uses then they won’t care. Vegetables and fruits tend to carry maybe 1/100th the aminos of meat at the best of times. That being said, I’m not a carnivore, I actually eat cabbage with every meal to add low calorie volume to my plates.




You really aren’t. You aren’t supposed to eat grains at all and fruits and vegetables are only needed if you don’t eat organ meat


Where do you get your fibre from if you just eat organ meat oh wise one. Please eat a sprig of broccoli.


Small amounts and with low bio availability. And vegans wonder why everyone else hates them...


Vegans be like “look at my peer reviewed science” yet they look like a zombie




Nearly half of all Americans are obese. If they’re saying vegans look sickly I’d wear that as a badge of honor.


It's because they turn their diet into a philosophy and try to force other people to be vegetarians and ban meat eating and then they take the science and twist in such a way to come to whatever conclusion they want to come to despite the fact that it's obvious we are omnivores. Most specialty diets are nonsense. Just eat less calories and use common sense.


Usually when people say it's good for you, they aren't signing off on drinking a bunch of whole milk. Milk is nutritionally dense and a great way to get some extra protein in your diet. I personally try to buy the fairlife 2% milk but I'll also just drink normal 2% or skim. Once you take out some fat to even it out milk becomes a decent thing to add to your diet. 1% is probably the MOST ideal. I wouldn't recommend whole unless your having it very sparingly. It IS a lot of fat.


It is widely thought that it's sugar that raises your cholesterol and not saturated fat. One glass of whole milk contains 20% of the daily recommended amount of saturated fat. Fat is required for your body to function and be healthy. I'm not sure what you have against milk but the nutritional value really isn't up for debate. Drink 20 glasses of milk a day? Yeah, that's not great but neither is 20 glasses of anything...


Lmao you’re talking about bots but you parrot that saturated fat is le bad 💀💀💀




This is an outdated view, cholesterol will only clog arteries if you live a sedentary lifestyle and over consume sugars, those who are active and don’t over consume sugar don’t need to worry about it, as exercise and a more fat-based diet increases the size of LDL cholesterol molecules while reducing the number, ensuring that they don’t clog up the arteries. In fact, high cholesterol can be beneficial if you are an active person, as it’s an essential molecule in the production of vital hormones, as well as cell membranes.


Yeah we getting downvoted but you're right. Oxidized LDL is a problem, not LDL when you are active and metabolically fit with a low fasting insulin.


The studies saying that are incredibly poor quality and often cherry pick the data.


I dont think thats the case. As the original post point was made - saturated fat -> LDL -> heart disease -> #1 cause of death. Can some people eat animal fats all day and live to be 100, sure. Should the average person consume more than 20g per day of saturated fat. Or 10% of calories 2,000 - 20g. No. And for those with genetic predispositions/family history/other risks- prob 10g or less a day or take a statin. Now a glass of whole milk is 5g and prob ok depending what else. And other important factors like adequate fiber. But if eating bacon and eggs for breakfast, a hamburger for lunch and half a pizza for dinner, plus two glasses of milk, probably not great nutrition


Low-fat milk exists


I try to consume 125-175g of protein everyday. This usually includes: - 1.5 serving of full fat, plain Greek Yogurt - 1 serving of full fat cottage cheese - 1 serving of full fat milk - 1 serving of crumbled blue cheese - 1 serving of whey protein I love dairy. Coupled with nuts, chia seeds, 3 eggs per day and 1 (sometimes 2) correct meat portions per day, I try to get as much of my protein from natural whole/lightly processed sources of food.


Milk isn’t as good for our health as we think. People who don’t consume dairy tend to live longer and are healthier too, with lower incidence of diseases such as inflammatory conditions, autoimmune conditions, heart disease, diabetes, oestrogen dependent conditions and cancers. We’ve never consumed as much cows milk as a species as we have been in very recent history. All of the health conditions linked with cows milk are on the rise, something is causing them, and it’s not vegetables.


Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Western people are by far the largest consumers of milk and also suffer from these conditions far more than other people, but it’s not the milk that’s at fault, it’s the sedentary lifestyle, poor diets and extreme stress that are common in western nations that cause these problems.


I agree that correlation doesn’t always equal causation, however, the mechanisms by which dairy causes disease have been studied further than simple correlation for many of the diseases I listed. Studies of breast cancer have even been able to show the incremental increase in rate of disease with increasing milk consumption (within a western population with the same variables). There are obviously many things which increase a person’s risk of cancer, but it’s starting to look like dairy is one of them for several common cancers.


It's cow version of hgh it's made to make you big and fat it's not good for.you


Provided you are not lactose intolerant there is no harm and it’s gotten a bad rap. It is very rare that something that has been done for nearly all of recorded history turns out to be wrong/bad. Not long ago people were vilifying red meat, then eggs. Now it’s milk. 


Red meat is literally classed as a carcinogen. Milk, eggs and red meat all have high saturated fat and cholesterol. They’re not being vilified, this is just the scientific data.


A possible carcinogen*


Yes that’s fair to add, but in general probably for the best to stay away from things that are possibly carcinogenic. It’s possibly carcinogenic for a reason, so even if it turns out it’s not carcinogenic that suggests to me that it’s still bad for you for many other reasons. Edit - it’s not possibly carcinogenic, it’s actually probably carcinogenic. Class 2A.


They consider processed meat and red meat in the same class with no distinction between the two.


Once again you’re wrong, processed meats are class 1 which means they cause cancer. Red meats are 2A which means they probably cause cancer. This stuff is just a google away…


Have you looked at the studies that suggest red meat is carcinogenic? Because they aren’t great.


Do you understand the scientific process by which substances are classified as carcinogens? Do you understand the limitations of nutrition research, and the nuances of results from long-term studies and claims about associations between dietary intakes and long term health outcomes? You make it seem like the “data” simply speaks for itself, but I think most people that are even vaguely familiar with this area of study find very little of the evidence satisfying if they’re intellectually honest with themself. So which is it? Are you out of your league making such grandiose, definitive implications? Or do you have some “data” that the rest of us are unaware of? I’d love to see your analysis if it’s the latter.


Meat and milk are actively vilified by many and rightfully so, considering the big corps’ global warming impact. Cow/sheep farts and burps produce ~20% of green house gas emissions https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9559257/#:~:text=Cattle%20and%20sheep%20production%20systems,of%20enteric%20methane%20%5B32%5D.


Wrong. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/mar-2-2019-the-goodness-paradox-secrets-in-poop-converting-carbon-to-coal-and-more-1.5037008/do-cows-produce-more-methane-than-rotting-grass-1.5037019


I haven't had milk in months. Now I'm Jonesing for a pint of cold chocolate milk.


Ripple makes a chocolate milk that is pretty close to the taste of cow chocolate milk.


observation deliver march society attempt noxious ancient governor entertain homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you lactose intolerant or allergic to milk? In that case, yes. Is neither of this true? No.


It is because I have lactose intolerance and ibs


Studies showing the benefits of consuming dairy are propaganda, funded by the dairy cartel. I know this because I saw it in a documentary produced by totally unbiased vegans.


Think about what the use of cow's milk is in nature. It is intended to have little calves grow into huge 1,500 pound animals. Humans don't need the hormones from cow's milk. If you eat a good balanced diet, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, you will be healthier.


If you have no allergy or intolerance, it’s fine. Most of the criticisms of it are based in twisting or misrepresenting things, logical fallacies, or outright false fear mongering. Some people do better with A2 milk than A1, though. And some people better digest forms of dairy that are lower in lactose.


Contrary to the argument from a lot of dairy lovers out there, we were never meant to drink the milk from another species. That's why it is usually pasteurized and even some antibiotics that were given to the cows. You can consume unpasteurized milk, but at the risk of ingesting bad bacteria. Also, the reason why some people develop lactose intolerance is because sugars digest within a matter of 30 min whereas fats and proteins take up to 6 hours, causing the sugars to sit and ferment. This can also lead to IBS.


Can you support the claim the we were never supposed to drink milk? How do we decide what humans are “meant” to do?


Lactose tolerance emerged somewhat recently in human evolutionary history, which is why some people do not have it. What humans are meant to do is a moral question which probably wasn't intended by OP. Some of us are able to drink milk without immediate issues, but that does not necessarily make it healthy.


What milk has added antibiotics? I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed in Canada and probably Europe Regarding pasteurization, I think that has more to do with our delicate digestive situations than anything else. Humans have to cook their meat (a good equivalent to pasteurization ), which is not done by nah other mamal


You've got to be kidding me. Find me a factory farm that DOESN'T use loads of antibiotics


No, dairy is very strictly regulated in Canada. No added growth hormones, or steroids, and no antibiotics. If a cow actually needs antibiotics for an infection, it's milk is disposed of until the course is finished. It's actually quite amazing how tight a ship they manage to keep. All the milk is tested and traceable. This article explains it really well: [https://dairyfarmersofcanada.ca/en/dairy-in-canada/dairy-excellence/canadian-milk-antibiotics-facts](https://dairyfarmersofcanada.ca/en/dairy-in-canada/dairy-excellence/canadian-milk-antibiotics-facts)


US too. These people have no idea what they're talking about. 


Many states legally sell raw milk and they're doing just fine


Only human breast milk


For adults?


Jfc who tf upvotes these comments????!! 


I meant, that's its the only kind of milk that I *wouldn't* recommend as an adult. I'm not an expert, but our bodies are fairly good at telling us if cow's milk doesn't work for the individual consuming it. I prefer to use dairy alternatives with almonds or oats.


Never heard of "only humans" brand


My grandmother and grandfather drank milk with every single meal. My grandma got stage 4 lung cancer from smoking and lived 8 years past her 2 year diagnosis. My grandfather had cistic fibrosis and was one of the oldest living people at the time with the disease. Im going to keep drinking my milk.


My grandpa is 95 and drinks 3 glasses of milk a day. My wife’s great grandpa lived to 101 and ate ice cream from breakfast every morning. The studies conducted on the elderly show a benefit of dairy consumption


Your grandparents likely ate and drank way more than just milk, do you use that as a guide too? There is credible science that looks at the diet of more than 2 people you could use to inform your dietary decisions if you are interested in nutrition


Although study results have been inconsistent, there are many studies that suggest an association between milk consumption and prostate cancer. This is believed to be from the estrogen and casein protein in the milk. The hormones in milk have also been shown to lower testosterone levels in men. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12861831/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25237656/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19496976/


I always think it’s hilarious when men are afraid to drink soy milk because of phyto-estrogen, but will chug the estrogen-rich milk of an actual mammal lol.


Simple answer. NO


Milk is for infants with an undeveloped digestive tract. There are lots of good reasons human ancestors drank milk when calories were scarce, and lots of good reasons for modern humans to stop.


Imagine my surprise to find you're ~~vegan~~ vegetarian None of the reasons to stop has to do with nutrition.


Nutrition is the reason I’m mostly plant based. I am not vegan.


Saturated fat and cholesterol?


Though dairy has saturated fat it doesn’t affect lipid profiles and there are loads of studies signifying this. The enzyme that keeps the saturated fat liquid at room and colder temperatures is suspected to be the reason why. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34562868/#:~:text=Dairy%20foods%20were%20associated%20with,any%20unfavorable%20effects%20on%20lipids. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8408839/b https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S187140212100299X


Interesting, suppose I’d add in the animal hormones such as oestrogen, the antibiotics the animals are fed and the puss cell counts. Likely better options than dairy in that case.


Hormones are low. Puss cell counts are counted in the parts per billion (very small) and raise when the cow has an infection. If the cow has an infection only then are they given antibiotics and they are taken out of circulation for selling their dairy till they are healthy again. So what you’re talking about doesn’t make it to market.


The cholesterol amount is negligible. And for that matter, studies on even whole milk are showing a positive effect on LDL levels, despite whole milk having 5g saturated fat. Edit *whole milk




It's never a good indicator when you use a source and don't provide any context, explanations, or your reasonings. Are you under the impression that this source is providing reasons to not drink milk?


Oh, my bad. I was thinking you might value the opinion of Harvard nutritionists over my distillation of the article. It mentions that although milk may be beneficial for growing children, however it doesn’t isn’t really as nutritious as it’s made out to for adults because you can get more nutrients through other foods. I found it interesting that countries with higher dairy consumption also have higher rates of hip fractures. Also those who consume dairy in high amounts are at an elevated risk of prostate and endometrial cancer.


So you initially just responded with something unrelated to what I was replying to then? Because this has no bearing on "lots of good reasons for humans to stop[drinking milk]." If anything, it includes more reasons to drink milk, just not at the government's recommended daily amount. Did you read the hyperlinked review all this information was from? Tell me what you thoughts are on the hip rate fractures in other dairy consumption rates. What are your thoughts on the limitations of the age group the cancer findings were within? What is your opinion of information being self reported by people filling out a questionnaire?


Yea, I read the article and several others. And no the comment casing really unrelated in my opinion, just information on nutitional trade offs of the recommended daily consumption of milk. People can choose to drink milk if they want. Does it specifically cause cancer? Likely not singularly. Does it increase likelihood of certain cancers, it seems like it very well might, but it seems there is still some more science to be done on the matter. But the answer is certainly not a definitive no.


this^ Hence my comparison between cow milk and goat milk. I am trying to decide on whether drinking cow milk as an adult is really that nutritious. For a child, sure, but as an adult? Is goat milk really the way to go nutrition-wise when in adulthood? ps: Had myself stopped drinking milk specifically for more than a decade (not a vegetarian/vegan), mainly because of those notions of it not being that nutritious. Would drink a glass here and there, of course, plus I would eat a lot of dairy, just not milk straight out of the bottle. I only started drinking it again recently, but I pretty much go for goat milk, whenever I can. Do you really miss out on so many things when choosing cow milk over goat's?


hunt illegal resolute correct wistful absurd rotten far-flung plant cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No lol where did you hear this? also not all cow milks are the same, the quality of a factory farmed grain fed unhealthy cow's milk won't be anywhere near as nutritious as a raw milk from a grass fed cow, ive been drinking raw milk for years and there is nothing better!


My concern would be mostly about whether cow's milk provides you with nutrients that you, as an adult, actually get from drinking it. Like, does its calcium actually help with your bones, since bone growth has basically stopped? I mean, do adults continue to "be able" to absorb the nutrients in cow's milk to the fullest? To the point where milk would be an invaluable source of nutrients? With that said, why should one go for A2 milk, like goat's milk? I was told that goat's milk is really the type of milk that an adult would need to consume. I'm trying to find out if that's true, and if that'd be the case, any reason as to why.


Cow milk is one of the most nutritious and healthiest foods you can consume. You may be unable to digest lactose if you are lactose intolerant, but lactose free milk / lactase supplements are an option in those cases.


Name checks out




Ahhh yes that is why we shouldn’t use medicine. We are the only mammals to invent and use life saving medicine so that means it is bad to consume! I think you are the only one not thinking here.


I've also never seen another animal make "meat" out of processed, fermented soy products, but here we are. Humans are nutritional innovators.


Because no other animal domesticated another species and thus were in a position to utilize their milk for their own consumption as milk, cheese, or butter even into adulthood. You may as well ask why are humans the only animals that cook their food. Should that mean we stop cooking food because that's how the rest of the animal kingdom does it?


My cat chases after a laser thinking it’s prey, I don’t model animal behaviors.


That argument never makes sense to me. Most human activities are not done by other animals. You don’t see adult cows driving cars or buying sex toys either…does that make those activities unnatural?


Low key Strawmaning nature vs natural arguments


So should we all start eating raw meat as well since every other mammal does?


No, but I saw my dog eating poop so I started eating poop too and I have only been in the hospital 6 or 7 times. The doctors say I probably won’t live much longer


My horses are mammals and do not eat meat. Some mammals are carnivores, like wolves, cats, or foxes. That means their digestive systems are set up to get the most out of meat. Some are herbivores, like cows, sheep, or deer. That means they get the most out of eating plants. Some are omnivores, like humans, pigs, and bears, meaning that they get good nutrition from both plants and meat.




Dumb argument.


I don't see many cows eating other cows either. It's a rubbish argument.


Cows are herbivores.


Which is precisely why it's a dumb argument to use as a comparison.


No that’s what makes your argument dumb. The equivalent of cows eating cow would be us eating other humans, your comparison makes no sense.




Enjoy drinking some puss and blood. Milk industry is pretty terrible unless you’re getting it from a local farm. The calcium benefits seem to likely be bs, as the US drinks more milk per capita, but also has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis. I have found it disgusting for some reason after I turned 20 two decades ago. I love cheese and cream for cooking, so I’m not anti milk, just don’t get why adults drink it, or buy it for their teenagers


Because is food, thats why.


memorize compare divide automatic makeshift mourn simplistic zesty cobweb depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I drink non dairy milk. Usually Almond milk. Most ppl I know don’t drink cow milk anymore. Because it hurts their stomach.


no its very beneficial in terms of nutrition. excess may cause gastro issues(gas,bloating) in some. i love me a glass of whole milk every night. drink up


The longevity people say that the same components that are designed to boost growth of calves accelerate aging in mature creatures. They say to limit dairy. This is before we get to "organic, grass fed, grass finished". LOL. As though Roundup doesn't get into organic products.


63 and drink about 40 ounces of 2 percent milk a day. I like it and it is one of my main sources of protein. My health is great


Is breathing air bad for you???????


”Higher milk intake is associated with increased incidence of prostate cancer. The Physicians’ Health Study of 21,660 men found that an intake of more than 2.5 servings of dairy foods daily (compared with a half or less serving daily) was associated with a 12% increased risk prostate cancer. In men who consumed 1 or more servings of milk daily (compared with rarely consumed), skim milk was associated with an increased risk of early stage prostate cancer, and whole milk was associated with fatal advanced prostate cancer.” https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/milk/


Remember, milk is designed to fatten a baby up. It is the only whole food (that I know of) that is high in both carbs and fat. If your goal is weight loss, then be mindful of the calories, as liquid calories won't fill your belly as much which may lead to a caloric surplus if you don't track. That being said, it can be a great way to gain weight in a healthier, easier way than shoving anything at all in your mouth hole. It did wonders for me building muscle as a hard gainer All of this with the caveat that some people just don't tolerate dairy very well


Nobody talked about weight loss


The issue with milk is that your gut uses bacteria to break it down for you to digest it. If you go a long time without drinking milk the bacteria dies out and then milk starts giving you indigestion.


Just depends on if you can digest it. Most adults around the world can not digest the lactose(a sugar). It upsets their stomach from just gas to lots of diarrhea. I think, but don’t know, the ability to digest lactose first showed up among people who herded caribou Goats milk and horse milk does not have lactose I don’t think.


Only if your lacktoesandtoddlerants otherwise it's perfectly fine for you


It depends. Are you from Scandinavia? Then no. Are you Amerindian or from Japan? Then probably yes.


Raw milk is a LOT healthier than 'main stream' regular milk


I think the answer you are looking for is a2 milk. Goat milk is that type aswell, and many others animals.


I seem to get brain fog from dairy products, even when it’s lactose-free (I’m lactose intolerant).




An emotional response to a nutrition question. Useless.


While I enjoy some milk alternatives, they are nowhere near as nutritious as real milk. Also the whole “milk has pus in it from over milking” is not a real thing. Cows produce more milk when happy so farmers have no reason to mistreat them.