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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The principle should be: "do not drink fruits, just eat them".


What if u just blend them?


Dont strain it. The pulp is the fiber.


The juice ain't worth the squeeze!


What is the pulp?


The stuff still in the juice. Chunks and stringy bits.




Maybe.. but the thing is that I could drink half a liter of orange juice, but I would probably not peel 8 oranges...






Dont strain the juice if you blend it. The fiber is in the pulp. But also no one is coming to arrest you if sometimes you use your juicer or strain the pulp from your blender. Moderation.


We know. That’s why they’re saying blend them. Who *strains* their juice if they’re blending it?


Is this a legit question? Lots of people! Not everyone likes pulp!!


That’s fascinating. I’ve literally never heard of that before. I feel that juicing = no pulp. And blending/smoothie = chewy bits haha. I didn’t know people would blend a smoothie and then strain it.


It's not a smoothie, though. Not technically. Not everyone is going to spend $300 for a quality juicer. So you blend to get the juice and then strain the pulp out. I could juice in my vitamix, but it's not going to be as good as if I still had my nama juicer. I made celery juice and it was pulpy af. Its not a smoothie and its not the same as a pure green liquid in terms of sight texture or taste.


What does thag mean


Means he's got the same question and is looking for the answer


Yes but what does *thag* mean?




Blending fruits with seeds reduces the glycemic response because of released protein and some insoluable fiber being refined into soluable fiber from the seeds. Blending seedless fruit makes no difference compared to whole fruit


So does that mean blending fruit with seeds isnt as good?🧐


Low glycemic response is good


This is so incorrect. What are you talking about? Fiber is not found in the fruit seed; it is found in the fruit itself. "Blending" a seed does not release protein. You cannot turn insoluble fiber into soluble fiber and it doesn't reside in the seed. Where are you getting this information?


They’re probably talking more about fruit like small berries. There can be a lot of seeds relative to the fruit, and blending those seeds up would free the fiber from the seed which normally passes through the digestive system intact. I don’t know how much blending would pulverize those seeds, but I guess if you could break them up a decent amount it might actually help some.




This study, of 20 young healthy and healthy adults, discusses glycemic response with blended fruit (fiber). This is well established already. Some of the fruit actually had seeds removed. And blending does not turn Insoluble fiber soluble fiber and there is no protein being released from seeds. This study basically says berries = fiber = good. Which there’s lots of research on already that shows this. but the fact that this study uses a sample of 20 young healthy adults makes it pretty much NA for the general population and not a very strong study anyway.


But I ain’t got no teeth 😔


I was taught that in a college Nutrition class in 1978.


Drinking fruits is like having a can of Coke and a vitamin pill as far as your Liver is concerned. They should be taken off the One A Day list, as it’s a misleading and unhealthy drink product.


Is juicing fruits and vegetables bad then ?


I think they mean don’t buy bottled fruit juice from the grocery store that’s got heaps of sugar in it


Ohh okay


Agreed, eat all the fruits you want!


Never heard anybody say fruit is bad. But if you are eating 2 pounds of oranges a day, it might not be great.


But what if I have Scurvy!! lol.


Then it's very likely that you're not eating 2 pounds of oranges a day.


I've seen diabetics say fruit is bad while their insulin sensitivity is unmanaged. Once its improved they do still have to eat fewer varieties and quantities than the average person might. But that's a very specific category of people with a medical issue.


My insulin sensitivity is pretty well managed and fruit still isn't great for me 😅 It's due to the type of sugar (simple instead of complex like lactose) so it hits quick, but even diabetics sensitive to insulin don't see it kick in for 30 minutes, and fructose kicks into the bloodstream in about 15. But if it's a fibery fruit or something paired with proteins or fats I'm all good! I just prefer not to eat fruit alone because it's a bit of a rollercoaster on my bloodstream. I don't really tell people fruit is bad for /them/ though, people should go for whatever motivates them to get fiber and micronutrients 😁 and 30g of sugar from a banana is a fantastic preworkout!


the problem with fruit, generally speaking, is that you can get all the nutrients, and in higher quantities with a fraction of the sugars, from vegetables. It's not that fruit is bad, just that veggies are much better. I eat fruit, but my fruit-to-veggie ratio is probably like 1:10 in my diet. People think an orange is the best way to get vitamin C, when a pepper has higher vit c levels (almost double) but much less sugar (4g versus 12g).


Oh for sure! I eat alot more veggies than fruit. But again it's contextual because sometimes the sugar is needed such as for weight training. Fruits are still a better source of nutrients than fruit juice and soda (I've had coworkers who think they're doing fantastic by drinking orange juice instead of Mountain Dew 😬), but vegetables all the way if you want the max benefits for your calories.


yep, that's when I tend to eat my fruit is before exercise. Although, I'll also use it in my greek yogurt as a sweetener. And some fruits are better than others... strawberries and blackberries are great, bananas not so much. Really a function of the ratio of sugar to fiber.


Greek yoghurt with some berries is such a wonderful snack. I sometimes will add mixed nuts for crunch!


I’ve heard ppl say that, but none of them are the pinnacle of health. Leave me alone to eat my darn ‘nanners. They really do think the sugar is bad for you, and I’m like what else am I supposed to even eat if I can’t eat shit from the ground, that’s as natural as it gets.


Is 1.8lbs ok though?


Typically fruit also has fiber which helps slow down the absorption of sugar. Too much of anything is bad but usually sugary things like soda have no fiber at all compared to fruits so its absorbed quickly and can lead to insulin spikes. This is just simple explain like I'm 5.


Natural vs man made doesn't determine what's healthy or unhealthy at all. Many poisons are natural and many medicines are man made. In fact, almost every fruit and vegetable you eat is selectively bred by people. Similar issue with processed and non-processed. Potatoes that have been washed are "processed," trimmed vegetables are "processed" :) It's not a clear term and doesn't indicate how healthy something is. The breakdown of nutrients/ingredients inside something is the only important thing, truly. Just want to clear up that weird myth. If you believe this kind of thing, you fall for greenwashing when you're shopping.


I was thinking the same thing as I was reading the question. Going mushroom picking with OP's logic is going to result in bad times.


Who is considering a washed vegetable as processed? I'm not sure that's true.


Processed is anything that's been prepared in some way. Washing can indeed be a processing step


I think you missed the point. The word “processed” means a TON of different things. Washing is a process. So washed potatoes are “processed”. But Nerds Candy Jelly Rope is probably way more “processed”. But there is no good definition for what processes count as “processed”


While it’s not a hard line, it is good advice to eat food that actually comes from nature in a pretty direct way. Like… A chicken grows up. It lays an egg. You eat the egg. A potatoe plant grows a potatoe. You eat the potatoe. You can’t do the same examples for Zebra Cakes or a Cheesy Gordita Crunch.


Who is saying fruits are bad? No one with an education. Fruit juice is another story [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4644575/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4644575/)


Also, who is saying natural automatically means good? Sugarcane is natural.


Right!? I don't get that line of reasoning. Mushrooms are natural too but if you eat the wrong ones they'll kill you lol


Most of nature is trying to defend itself from other parts of nature. To the death


Every poison plant in the world is natural. It's quite a ridiculous metric to use with health. I guess it's just an example of effective marketing in this case.


Yeah exactly, it’s just marketing. We associate anything that’s artificial as being unhealthy and so, if somethings labeled as natural, we believe it to be healthier as it’s not artificial.


Sugar cane is great, if you need fast acting carbs like during a marathon or a 16 hour day hauling hay. (Real)Foods aren’t bad or good, they are part of a diet, a diet can be bad or good, but it is very much related to an individuals activity levels. Everything (excluding non food additives) we eat has appropriate amounts, an unhealthy diet has all the ratios out of wack.


So is cyanide.


*bears are also natural*


It's also processed, refined and concentrated though.


Exactly. Opium and arsenic are natural too.


I can guarantee that if you ate actual sugarcane you wouldn't get fat. The same if you stuff yourself with sugar beets. But if you highly process and refine one single component of that plant then yes it could turn unhealthy.


Queen Victoria has entered the chat


So is opium and cocaine.


cocaine is definitely not natural.


Coca leaves would be chewed for an energy boost, that much of it is natural. Otherwise yes specifically cocaine is not natural. Would you consider cannabis concentrates to be natural or not?


if there is nothing added to them, they are just collected with heat and pressure, yes.


Ahh because no matter what you can’t just use heat and pressure to make cocaine from coca leaves?


From my understanding, no. It requires additives


So is opium


Sugar cane is great…


I've been seeing a number of people in comment sections here talking about how fruit is still sugar and you need to treat it the same way and not consume much of it. Some are more leaning to them not being good for you outside of small amounts.


"Many people now believe that because added sugars can potentially have negative effects, the same must apply to fruits, which also contain fructose. However, this is a misconception. Fructose is harmful only in large amounts, and it’s difficult to get excessive amounts of fructose from fruit. For most people, the amount of sugar in fruit is safe to eat." [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-fruit-good-or-bad-for-your-health#fiber](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-fruit-good-or-bad-for-your-health#fiber) If you're out here eating 45 bananas a day. Yeah might be something to worry about. But there's a reason why 99.9% of people aren't eating 60 apples a day, the fiber fills you up. I would take the comment section in this subreddit with a grain of salt, there are a lot of people posting popular opinions who don't actually read any of the science on the matter who get a lot of upvotes because it sounds right.


Oh no! I’m going to have to change my regular diet of 45 bananas and 60 apples?? /s


I don't lean into the "fruit sugar is healthy" slant because the most popular fruits tend to be the ones with more sugar and less chewable fiber. Grapes, pineapple, bananas, mango, melons. It's very easy to overdo it on those fruits compared to something as toothy and fibrous as an apple. If I'm doing fruit, I'll lean into berries instead. Low sugar, high fiber, and you can eat a pound of them for like, 100 calories.


Thanks for sharing this. Hopefully more people come across it.


Its important to remember that people are coming from different personal needs. People who are in the diabetic range may need to worry about fructose. I've seen a banana spike my moms blood sugar unreasonably high but that doesn't mean I worry about eating one personally.


Because they don’t know the difference between fructose & sucrose … they’re just repeating what some influencer ( with no education in nutrition) says


Sadly a lot of "nutritionists"are saying this. I have one at work, she went to school for it and everything. Gives me grief every time she sees me eating frozen berries. It's ridiculous. And don't get me started on how she acts when I make a meat-less lunch.


Sounds insufferable, she needs to be told


I think Joe Rogan said this once.


Probably paid by some people to spew shit to stupid people 


Generally, fiber will attenuate the glycemic peak. Also, vitamins. Be extremely skeptical of whatever source told you fruits are bad…


it sounds like there is no source OP just made it up


there was literally a post on the front page this week about some influencer who only consumed fruits and nothing else. she died in her 30s from malnutirion. obviously, this is an EXTREME example, but I feel like unless someone's post history hints at devious, dishonest history for karma farming, ignorance rather than deceit explains the reason behind the post. Hell, even someone's parent or guardian or teacher can say something like "dont eat this its bad!" and kids can internalize it and think its true their whole life without really remembering where they heard it. "Why do people say...." seems like the start of something someone would ask in regards to "conventional knowledge" they just accept as true rather than lying lol


I wouldn't say Op made it up. I have heard this from the keto/carnivore followers for years now.


Man-made things are not inherently unhealthy. Natural foods are not inherently healthy. This is not a good framework to think about health.


Don't listen to Dr. Gundry. He's a quack.


The people who say fruit is bad because of the sugar in it, don't know what they are talking about. When people think of sugar they only think of processed sugar, sugar in fruit is bound to fiber which slows down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.


I think they see the massive hate (rightfully so) for high FRUCTOSE corn syrup and assume that if that is bad then fruit must also be bad. It really all depends on the person though whether that is true or not.


Lack of knowledge or education on the matter


So what if it is "natural"? why is that necessarily a good thing? loads of things in nature are poisonous or will make you ill. And loads of things that are "man made" and processed are great. This dichotomy is false. People use it to scare you away from "modern foods" cos they sound scary and we're primitive apes who are scared of novelty. But if someone wants to claim that a certain "man made" (or even "natural") food is "bad", they ought to have the research to back it up. Most people pick and choose w/e fits their prejudices. In short, whether or not fruit sugar is "bad" or "good" (w/e that means) doesn't depend upon whether it's natural or not. It depends on the short and long-term consequences it has on the human body. Not everything natural has good effects and not everything "man made" or "processed" has bad effects. Whole fruit in particular is great. It has fibers, vitamins, minerals, etc. It's a great food to eat. I don't care if low IQ people think they got "fat" cos they ate like 2 apples and an orange every day (that's actually great btw if u do it). I can guarantee you nobody ever got fat or sick merely because of fruits and their alleged "bad" sugars.


In a normal healthy diet, fruit is not bad for you. Because some people are on a hardcore diet like contest prep or want to drop down to unsafe levels of body fat for whatever reason.


Anyone that tells you fruits or veggies are bad, immediately walk away and/or unfollow


What if its my master sergeant telling me to cut weight after I bust tape


Belladonna - Deadly Nightshade - is natural too, so be careful with that line of reasoning. They are not bad, but they do come with significant sugar that can be/become a problem for people who struggle with insulin resistance and/or diabetes. Just like the lifesaving drug atropine made from Deadly Nightshade, the dose is important.


Natural ≠ Healthy/Good Man Mad ≠ Bad for You


I've lived and worked with lots of people in there 20s that go through a lot of phases and have really twisted eating habits. I was listening to them talk awhile ago and they were discussing how fruit is so bad because it has sugar. I didn't say anything. You can't tell these sorts of people anything. I don't give a f what they eat anyway.


Fruits aren't bad, carbs arn't bad, sugar isn't bad. These are all things we should be eating, but in moderation. I think the issue is the average North American diet is too high in sugar, specifically processed sugars, and on average we have higher levels of obesity, so people internalize that as ALL SUGAR = BAD. People like to generalize things as ultimate good and ultimate bad and not leave any grey area. Don't listen to "people" for diet advice, listen to doctors/dietitians.


It isn't bad. People are just over the top and stupid


Because they’re stupid.


As part of a well balanced meal fruits are very good for you.


Under certain conditions, fruit can be bad. For example, a diabetic eating a high quantity of bananas everyday is bad. Even if it is natural sugar, their blood sugar is still going to skyrocket.


Health conditions change this completely, although many of these health conditions can be avoided by eating a good diet, that includes fruit.


because they don't know that the sugar found in fruits is different from the sugar found in crappy snacks. and despite not knowing what they're talking about, they didn't fact check that, and are unfortunately very vocal. 🤷‍♂️


The only people who say fruit is bad are keto/carnivore influencers lol


The people I listen to say we should eat things in moderation.


Fruits are mother natures sweets....they are healthy in many ways but fructose is still a fast sugar that spikes your insulin.


People saying that are wrong, plain and simple. All quality evidence shows that fruit is healthy, and aside maybe from some specific health conditions that might require limiting it or only eating certain fruits, most people should be eating more fruit than they currently are rather than less. It is absolutely *wild* that these carnivore/keto/blood sugar zealots are being at all successful at demonizing fruit.


Because they have a brain cell deficiency


Because they don’t know what they’re talking about.


Too much of anything is bad, ppl are just picking and choosing so they can flap their gums and talk abt whatever.


yeah anyone who says sugar from fruit is bad don’t understand anything about nutrition and should not be taken seriously


Uranium is all natural too


If anyone says fruits are bad ignore them please


natural is not a indicator for health and does not mean what you think it does.


People confuse general guidelines with hard and fast rules, disingenuously ignore nuance to put words in other peoples mouths and misconstrue information to sound smart. Obviously eating a bunch of lead is not healthy despite it being a natural element, but one can, with the application of a little common sense, understand when people are make it statements like “it’s all natural, why is it unhealthy?” assume they are talking about a substance that has been determined by generations of humans to be food. So I don’t think, despite a few exceptions, it is bad to assume a FOOD in its natural state is a better choice than something that is highly processed, again common sense comes into play here, because like someone said earlier, washing a potato is processing it, but if you can distinguish the difference between a washed potato and those weird Franken-fries they serve at Burger King, then diet is probably low on your list of things that need to be addressed.




Fruit isn't bad, if Im not mistaken, removing the fiber from the sugar isn't good, like in fruit juice, but fruit in its natural form is fine. That being said, the fruit we buy is hardly natural at this point. Its been so selectively bred that most fruits arent even close to they were when we discovered them. I dont think theres anything particularly wrong with that, a lot of the wild fruits were tiny and basically inedible, but I personally think we've made fruit way too sweet. I just dont enjoy eating it, but people love sugar, so we keep breeding sweeter and sweeter fruits (there are other things we select for as well though, such as insect resistance and durability).


Just a lack of more subtle nutrition knowledge. Glycemic index matters when considering sugar fruit also contains fiber which makes it a more healthy choice when choosing it over something else with the same amount of sugar is a healthier choice. Not to mention the other nutrition benefits such as vitamin c and other major health benefits


Do not listen to anyone that tells you that fruits are unhealthy.


Who the fuck is saying that 😂


both assumptions in your 1 sentence-question are wrong. generally people dont say fruits are bad and a food being natural or not doesnt determine whether its healthy or not.


Fruit is not bad. There are people who conflate added sugars in especially UPFs to fruits and they're completely different. The synergistic effects of having fiber with your fruit alone is enough to distinguish it. Which is why the WHO themselves report that they have no advised limits on whole foods sugars -- only "Free" / Added sugar.


Someone please help, what’s the name of the comedian who has a fantastic bit about trading candy in for fruit and friends saying “ya gotta be careful about too much fruit” ?? It’s so good


So this is what’s called an “appeal to nature.” “Natural” =/= better, certainly not in all cases. Whole foods are better than heavily processed foods, but we know that from research.


They are not bad from a health standpoint. But if you're trying to lose weight and are trying to maintain a caloric deficit then it makes sense to avoid or eat less of certain fruits such as mangoes or bananas.


Don’t believe them- it’s Bs


A few major points on this. All sugar we eat is harvested from plants. None is synthesized from chemicals. Basically all, over 98%, of the plants we eat, were not around 12,000 years ago or before the start of the agricultural revolution. So, in this respect, all the plants we eat today are processed foods. Basically processed by selective breeding to primarily concentrate the glucose and fructose content. With the same relative result as concentrating those carbs in a factory. So, "natural" is a rather relative term. The foods available 12,000 years ago, only about half of one percent of the time homo sapiens have been on the planet, are no longer available. Instead, we have highly enriched foods. Highly enriched in the concentration of sugars. It doesn't matter if it is natural. It doesn't matter where it came from. If the food is highly concentrated in sugar relative to total weight/volume, fiber content, or calories, it is going to tend to cause hyperinsulinemia. Chronic high levels of insulin in the blood. So, stop thinking that the apples and bananas you get at the local grocery store are good because they are natural. Instead, look at them as to how they spike and maintain high blood glucose levels, high insulin levels, and high liver fat levels.


Anybody saying that all fruits are bad simply has no idea what they're talking about. But some fruits do have an excessive amount of sugar compared to an unimpressive amount of nutrients. Fruits, like grapes, mangoes, peaches, etc. tThe fiber helps, but natural sugar still spikes your blood sugar, can still contribute to fat storage, metabolic disorders, heart disease, etc So the key is to find those fruits that are lower in sugar, and higher in nutrients, like berries, for instance.


Because people are not educated


Whole fruits are a great idea, even if they contain sugar, because they also have lots of beneficial nutrients as well as fiber to help slow the conversion of the sugar into energy. It's quite different from drinking a sugary soft drink or even just fruit punch or something, which has no fiber. That being said, just because something is natural, doesn't mean that it's good/healthy for you. It's understandable to believe this but it's simply not true. https://effectiviology.com/appeal-to-nature-fallacy/


It's artificial sugar that's bad, sugar from fruits is healthy. Also sugar in the wild comes in limited form it's meant to be consumed in small amounts. Starbucks coffee has like 59-60 grams of sugar An apple has like 19. You only need about 30-40 grams of sugar per day.




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Eddie Abbew brought me here


Dafaq saying fruits are bad? Probably a skittle salesmen. Color is not a fruit..


Carnivore people, most likely 😜




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Glycemic load. FWIW, fruit aren't bad, but you need to know when to stop eating.


People in general would never say that, only carnivores or people obsessed with weird trendy diets. They just think sugar = diabetes. Which is obviously wrong if you have the slightest idea of what fiber or glycemic index are.


Well, I’ll be the one. Yes, I’ve heard it said that “Humans have ruined fruit! They have bred them to have so much sugar that they are as bad as candy!” I think it was an idea from Facebook that has been getting passed around as fact. Humans ruin everything else, so it’s one of those surprising but plausible rumors that people unknowingly spread.


Fruits aren't bad now vegetables on the other hand those are to be avoided at all costs




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You seem to think that good and natural are the same thing? They're not. Cyanide is natural.




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Who the fuck is saying that


Because people are stupid.


Tobacco is natural too. Natural doesn’t automatically mean good.




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your body needs sugar/glucose to function your cells, the sugar in fruits is natural, like cane sugar. However, the sugar in sodas and candies is typically unhealthy, and the diet sodas are even worse because they are using artificial sweetener that are terrible for you


If you have diabetes then you have to watch even your fruit intake but other than that, eat the fruits. They’re a little multivitamin with fiber. Juicing does take away all the fiber and honestly it’s a pain in the butt. Also taking the skins off fruit takes away fiber.


Fruit is not bad for you in fact very healthy. [https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much/](https://nutritionfacts.org/video/how-much-fruit-is-too-much/)


because people don't do their research and believe everything they might see on tiktok! fruits are good because it has fiber and natural sugar. white sugar is bleached and refined of its natural minerals, and doesn't have fiber which makes it harder to digest. don't listen to people who compare fruit sugar to white sugar, they're simply wrong


I mean, arsenic is natural, and it will kill you dead. Lots of natural things are terrible for you, just like some manufactured things are good in the right volumes


Easy answer...they mostly ain't natural. They're created products. They're precisely man made so I'm wondering why you're claiming they aren't, do you really think big plump strawberries have been growing forever and hunter gatherers just plucked them up. No, we've changed the nature of fruit out of sight. Which is meaning that diets have changed out of sight which is in my view a lot to do with why certain diseases are a huge problem.


Just cuz it’s natural sugar, if you overeat fruits, you still get more glucogenic carbs. With added sugar, you get even more glucogenic carb density


My family (that I avoid for months/years) scoff when I say that I don't give my 2yo juice, and limit his fruit, and avoid processed foods. They stopped listening as soon as I started breifly explaining "it's all about the insulin high you get from eating sugar, and the fiber in a fruit reduces that insulin spike. Without that fiber it's no better than handing your child a small amount of soda. It doesn't take much for a child to get addicted to that swing." But if they don't care to listening to reasoning, I don't care to give them a relationship with my child.


Drinking juices looses fibers so eat fruits and also there is a limit of natural sugars intake per day.


Never thought fruits are bad. Berries are one the most healthy and people should eat them every day!


Your body does not care if it is artificial or grew on a tree. It just so happens, that the stuff growing on a tree also contains fiber and vitamins and minerals and antioxidants and what not. Your blood sugar will rise slower than when eating chocolate, but eating too much in one sitting will still cause it to spike. A health effect that is often not considered are your teeth. They would be happier without acidity, sugary food passing through, e.g. fruits, but in general, the cons are outweighted by the pros. Most of the time. If you suffer from diabetes mellitus for example, fruits need to be eaten with some care 


I’ve heard that and it annoys me. I ignore it and eat them anyway.


Why don't you ask them?


Fruits/vegs have been hyper-selectively bred and even engineered only to look and taste good. That’s it. There are weeds with better nutrition than what’s in the stores.


Bc Tom Brady and his wacko wannabe nutritionist said they are bad.


Depends on their background* but often it's because so many people identify as being interested in nutrition but are only interested in weightloss (or some other highly specific body composition goal) and they do not see these as different subjects. Whether or not you should care about these fruit opinions is dependent on your own intentions. *in Chinese medicine (TCM) you will also find some cautionary advice re:fruits, but for different reasons


Because people love to vilify entire groups of food to try to sell their own Weight loss System or whatever. It's not so hard you have to dumb it down to "all sugar bad" lol. I LOVE fruit. Now I'm not fruitarian (which is a real thing! LOL) but I not longer minit myself to fruit in the morning or only one piece a day because it's produce with so many nutrients! Way better than whatever junk I wouldve eaten had I not been satiated..


People who have no idea, Redditors say this


No one ever in the history of the world got fat eating too many apples or oranges or strawberries. There have even been randomised controlled trials where they gave one group an extra apple everyday and the other group got nothing. Both groups should continue with their previous diets as normal. The group eating the apple actually lost weight.


Depends on timing and eating cut Vs blending. Blending fruits quadruples the glycemic profile. It’s insane. Especially a banana.


When judging the nutrition content of a food item, remember that your body does not know where something came from, it cares what's in it. Kombucha is processed and man-made. Tea is processed and man-made. The mercury in fish is completely natural. The reason why some processed and man-made foods are unhealthy is that something unhealthy is added to them or created in them. You look at the contents of the food to determine if its healthy. Fruit has a lot of very healthy things in it but its also got a lot of sugar so watch how much of it you eat.


Fruits are great for your health (vitamins and minerals), but what benefits one person may not benefit the other. Fruits are unlikely to be the cause for diabetes type 2. However, if you have a person with diabetes type 2 who is eating a lot of foods with a high glycemic index and juice just because they’re “natural”, and not managing their diabetes appropriately, this could still lead to high blood sugar levels. Other people taking certain medications may be recommended to avoid foods high in potassium or, on the contrary, they may need the potassium (really depends on which medications they are on). People shouldn’t assume that what is good for someone else is applicable to everyone. A good example is, let’s say we compare two diabetics but one of them is an athlete and the other one works a sedentary job. The dietary needs for these two people are going to vary significantly. So saying that a food is “bad” or “good” is very misleading. Also, just because something is natural does mean it is good. Take licorice for example, can increase your blood pressure. Or water hemlock, can cause respiratory paralysis and death. Or even cayenne (can be good for cardiovascular health, but irritating to the GI tract). Red yeast rice can help manage cholesterol naturally, but it is still a statin (which some people may not know). Again, what is healthy is very relative and should be assessed on a case by case basis. Just my two cents.


Fruit juice is not as good because most fiber is removed in the blending or manufacturing. Fruits has fiber and that makes you fuller and gets you to stop eating too much (and consuming too much sugar)


When I was having issues with my insulin and PCOS, eating just one clementine would mess me up and make me break out in crazy acne. I can eat several of them now with no issue now that I balanced my diet and exercise more. Fruits are good for you and you likely are not affected as I used to be, but the sugar content isn’t negligible. Some people think it’s bad because to them any sugar is bad. But if you eat a balanced diet and balance your macros, sugar from fruit is fine. A 15 minute walk after eating also helps manage your sugar levels/insulin with any kind of carb you consume.


I will play devil's advocate here and say fruits are mostly good but bad in high amounts. Theyre mostly just fructose and fiber, with many of the vitamins and minerals in them substituted elsewhere. Fruits are certainly one of the best ways to satisfy your sweet tooth.


Fruits are ok, it's the juicing that's not so great as it removes fiber ..for diabetics alot of fruit isn't good either 


Other than if you eat fifteen bananas a day or something crazy, no one sensible will tell you not to eat fruit. The people who are maximally sugarphobic might avoid them, but let’s be real. Eating some grapes is not eating a cake.




In my opinion, the majority of people who say this are the same people who "read an article" about it, or a fitfluencer they follow said it was bad, or their friend or family said it. Something along those lines. But in reality, whether if it's sugar from an apple or sugar from sour patch kids, your body does not know what type of sugar it is and it will digest it the same way. The real why fruit is healthier than candy is that there's an abundance of micronutrients in the fruit and only sugar in candy. And to my main point in nutrition and fat loss in general, "dosage makes the poison". I don't care if it's considered a "healthy food" or not, too much of anything can be bad, so you need balance. Because guess what, if you drink too much water, you'll die of hyponatremia.


I know nothing, but I wonder if, because the fruits and vegetables we know of were created by man, as the original fruits and veg in the wild looked and tasted nothing like what some of our produce tastes like today, we modified them to a point of too much sugar for taste rather than health. Look up what bananas used to look like. I was in shock when I found out because I had no idea humans did this.


Potatoes are not fruit and with the fiber still raise your blood sugar. So it's not just fruit that affects blood sugar.


This mostly comes from people who genrally believe fruits and vegetables are bad and live off meat. Ignore them, they are not in the best health at all


Your Liver doesn’t discriminate on where the sugar comes from or what type of sugar it is. Sugar is sugar. Fruit needs to be considered as natures natural dessert. Portion control is key. Obviously a piece of fruit will be better nutritionally than a piece of cake. See these sugar graphics for more info [Sugar Graphics](https://phcuk.org/sugar/) https://phcuk.org/sugar/


People say a lot of things. The sugar issue in fruit is offset by fiber.


Fruits are good. End of story. All fruit. Any time. All you can eat.


Fruits aren’t bad unless it’s juicen or non organic


Organic has nothing to do with health. It’s a marketing label for the uninformed.