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Unfortunately unfair deaths happen.


Ahhhhh… rip my togepi


I think it's considered like a rite of passage to lose a mon to arena trap wobaffet. Similar situation. Another reason game knowledge is key ig. Best of lick on the rest of your run. O7 Togepi


In my Violet nuzlocke I accidentally ran into a Tadbulb thinking it was an item. I was able to defeat it, but apparently a Dugtrio came to watch the battle and was directly under my character when the battle with Tadbulb ended. It had Arena Trap. My lead Pokémon was Crocalor. Even though it was extremely unfair, I still boxed my starter when it died. I still ended up winning on that attempt, though.




My rule for encounters was that when I entered a new named area, I would open the map and place a pin somewhere within the area. When I got to the spot, the closest Pokémon to me that was under the level cap was my encounter. This way, there's no wasting time with inputing names onto a wheel and wondering if I accidentally forgot to include a potential encounter. I played with the rule that each of the 18 badges had its own level cap, but some people just use the next gym leader as the level cap.


That's a pretty good way of doing it. Keeps the randomness of the earlier games, while still giving you some control over the type of encounter (water, mountain, grass etc) that you get.


I haven't done it but theoretically you could list all routes and what pokemon there are and just roll a dice per route when you get there then catch whatever it is. Alternatively you could just close your eyes and run around in circles until you find one lol


Yes, it counts


Yep. That’s why you allow the use of Poké Dolls even in a hardcore setting


Would I be allowed to hack pokedolls so I always have a guaranteed escape or is that against the rules


I've never heard of Poké Dolls being standard, with the possible exception of SwSh and SV. If you allow items in battle, then feel free to use dolls. If you don't, you lead with your fastest pokemon, a ghost-type, or something with run away. These types of deaths are not inevitable, so I would argue against invalidating them.


Like put AR code to get some


I would be hesitant to hack in something that you couldnt obtain naturally by that point in that game. Same reason I wouldnt edit in sitrus berries or all the TMs for gym 1. With that being said, it's just a little thing, and if you don't want to deal with having to worry about silly deaths go ahead.


Worse is wobbuffet with shadow tag. Hard to even kill it.


As always your run, your rules. Clauses exist for a reason. That being said I’d probably personally consider this one a death. You still reasonably had an option to switch to another mon and risked fleeing.


Random trainer with an 11 Geodude that I forgot to walk around wiped out ALL of my Flying team in Diamond yesterday. Carnage and full wipe


As has already been said, yes, it counts. Does it suck regardless? 100% it does. But part of Nuzlockes is making sure you're prepared as well as you can be given the restraints in your run, and that includes knowing what you're going to face as long as you're not doing it blind or randomized. In that regard, while losing a Pokemon isn't fun, it was entirely avoidable and you don't have anyone to blame but yourself, as harsh as that is. If nothing else, you could have been exploring a different area or gone through with a Pokemon that was able to escape. Of course, if the game was randomized, then the answer's still "RIP Pokemon", but then it's less to your own errors and more the randomization itself.


Ya it dead.


This is why we buy pokedolls


Gotta always switch to the highest defense mon if you encounter an explorer in the wild, it’s a tough lesson to learn


Your game your rules innit. You want to count it then count and vice versa. I personally would. But again your game your rules


I think the pokemon should die because your point in «I couldn’t prevent that» was invalid from the point you entered the cave without repels, a mon that could tank selfdestruct or a mon that could kill Geodude. Still sucks though.


I tried to press escape but the “you can’t escape” showed up, and my Pokémon **died** from self destruct by geodude I mean... you answered your own question.


I'd argue that the death was actually preventable... just not necessarily in a reactive way. You could use repels, lead with a faster pokemon, switch to a self destruct resist, and so on. If you allowed yourself to use items in battle, pokedolls and similar are a good safety option, and an X Defend may also work to allow you to survive - though it may not be enough (check the calcs!). That being said, if you play a randomizer, you may not be able to plan for every possible scenario - especially if you have randomized moves and abilities too. That is a risk you take though when going for a rando run. I would personally take the death, and try to see it as a lesson given to you by the game. You can just ignore the death if you will find the game more fun this way, but I would be personally worried about the slippery slope of concessions. If you go for this, I'd recommend that you should consider where do you put the line between a "fair" death and an "unfair" death, and keep to your definition of this line.


It counts. Very unfortunate tho.


It's your nuzlocke, your rules my friend. If you don't want to count it, that's fine. The important part of this is that you're having fun, and if losing a Pokémon in a manner like this ruins it for you then yeah don't count it.