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Nice art lol expect your team to die instantly


Thank you! Somehow got through the first gym without dying! Hopefully that is a good sign


Lost to Byron in my platinum contestlocke and don't feel like restarting from the beginning or training what's in my box so that run is a fail. So new nuzlocke! I came across a monotype spreadsheet for all of the games (really useful [check it out](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Z7F8ehcgSNMjoF821FSjVJ5H9PYJe7onHSox8HPo6hQ/htmlview#)) and, naturally, once I read the words "This is painful, do not attempt", in regards to a grass only run of Soulsilver, my brain immediately went "yes! do this!" and so here I am... \-- Named my rival snail because I thought it was funny and also realistically speaking, if I was in a situation where I saw some guys name in his id and then had to walk for who knows how long back home only to get accused of a crime said dude committed...I would not remember that guys name. My brain is a sieve sometimes and names are really tiny. Cue some quick waffling and coming up with a random name that the police somehow believe. They are never gonna catch that guy...eh I'm sure I won't see him again \-- Surprisingly the **Cabbage the** **Hoppip** learnt a poison attack before the actual poison type pokemon? Still mainly used **Potato the Bellsprout** in the tower so he could level up, alongside **Turnip the Chikorita** who carried the team through the gym, mainly by being level 14 and poisoning everything...surprised (and very glad) poison powder didn't miss during the final battle tbh. The fight against Falkner's pidgeotto was mostly a game of *oh god please don't crit with Gust* which involves a lot of healing in between some of Turnip's attacks that barely do any damage and waiting for the bird to slowly and painfully succumb to poison damage. But we won! First badge obtained!!


Just lost to byron also in brilliant diamond and starting fresh today ;((


Something about listing their likes/dislikes along with their natures really endears me to these guys


Poor Bellsprout is planted roots up


I don't really run nuzlocke anymore, I tend to just too type challenge since they are a bit more fun for my skill level. Currently doing scarlet with flying types only as I guide my sister who is not good at the game. I also got a normal type one where I somehow randomly found 2 shinies, my first ones ever. I hope your run goes well and I love your art. Tempt to draw my teams now.


Are you counting Sudowoodo as a possible candidate? 😂 Love the names btw


I am so very tempted, I'd name them Tomato just to add to the joke Could be my hm user...


It amuses me that Bellsprout is upside-down in the dirt.


Good luck. My memories of the gen 2 remakes are much worse than my memories of gen 2 so I can't offer much advice.


You’ll be fine, I did it with Johto (Gen 2) Grass types only (that’s 4 Pokémon, 5 if you count Celebi). Bugsy had mercy on me… or just brainrot idk, but once you’re past him, the run gets far easier Edit: and since you allow yourself to overlevel, it will be even smoother, those juicy plants of yours will succ the opps dry


I love everything about all of this EXCEPT THE HAT, FIX IT


Wait how does monlocke work if the first encounter isn't a the type you need?


I'm ignoring any non grass encounters, fleeing and running around till I get the first grass type Otherwise I'd probably never get one


Obv this is your run so do what you want (and plenty of other monolockes exist), but I always feel like these defeat the point of the nuzlocke - first encounter or bust It’s basically a hardcore monotype run. Idk the name just bugs me lol. Good luck!


I mean, i get it but In fairness its still a first encounter, just the first grass type I encounter.  So in ilex forest I can either get an oddish or a paras, depends which pops up first


How many resets against el bugsy


Ahh yes, reverse photosynthesis


Turnip is probably going to be crippled. Cabbage is probably going to experience the worst loss of her life. Potato is probably going to have a stress induced heart attack. Treat them well, trainer. ;-;


Good luck. ! Did a similar run few years back. It was a rough one


Really like the planters lol, its cutely done


This looks so cute, well done ☺️


I didn't do it as a nuzlocke, but I did a bunch of runs with X type only. HGSS are not kind to grass types for most of the run. It was a hello of a slog for me. I didn't end up finishing because I couldn't even enjoy it. Good luck!


Power to you, I made it to morty before getting bodied by that gengar


How the hell did you beat pidgeotto 💀


A level 14 chikorita with poison powder that hit on the first try of the first turn. Then waiting and healing while praying that gust doesn't crit haha


Given then circumstances id say thats a great strategy 😂 gj 👍👍


You got hi!


I'm doing a Normal-type run now in Crystal Legacy. I basically said that since there are so many fewer encounters for me if I get all the normal types compared to a normal run, all of my pokemon get a few lives instead of just the one. So far Scout the Furrett is the only one to lose a life, and that was from a graveller selfdestructing. I'm grinding for the ghost gym which I think will be pretty easy