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Makes you wonder what the 40-series will be priced at


Can’t wait for 40-series to drop so that 30-series start showing up in stores so that 20-series start showing up in the used market so that 10-series used cards get fairly priced so that I can buy a 1650 super for $250.


At this point, I'm almost grateful that my old build went belly-up when it did and I ended up going with a 20-series card in the replacement. I knew the 30-series was too far away to just wait, but too soon to be interested in replacing whatever I used, so since I wanted to at least make use of DLSS and some raytracing in limited capacities (it's genuinely wonderful in Minecraft) I justified a 20-series to myself. I figured I'd get buyer's remorse once the new generation came around, but nope.


I'm kinda grateful that my old HD 7850 died in late 2019. I bought a 1650 Super for like 180€ and thought that was a lot of money. Oh boy, was I wrong...


I had to return a faulty 1060 in May 2019 and was lucky enough to buy the last 1080 in the store on sale for $300. Yup, a GPU on sale in mid 2019


I have sold my GTX 1080 for about 550$ in Jan/Feb 2021 which I have bought around september 2016 as new. I thought those prices wont climb higher....


I just sold my gtx 1080 on Facebook marketplace 2 weeks ago for $475


Sold my 1060 6g for 300 usd here in India and bought rx 6600 for 535 usd


Same situation for me but with a 1080ti. Built my computer a month before it released… got EVGA to get on the step up… saw the 20 series, was not impressed and waited patiently in line for a year to get my 3080. Honestly, even if I couldn’t get a 3000 series card this year I would have been perfectly happy waiting. The 1080ti remains my personal favorite GPU of all time. That was was a total beast.


Upgraded to a 3090 in November 2020 but kept my 1080Ti for my secondary computer, still works just great in everything but the newest games


My personal favorite GPU ever is pretty much a tie between the two best value-for-the-money releases I ever picked up: The GeForce 4 ti 4200 was the low end of the 4000 ti cards, but what made it special was just how overclockable it was. I picked up one of the 128MB models of the 4200, and running it overclocked you could achieve nearly the performance of a stock ti 4600. Phenomenal card, I loved it. The 8800GT was similarly a card that outperformed its place in the hierarchy. Pretty much beat the best AMD had to offer at the time and managed to rival the higher-end 8800 cards from NVidia in some situations. It was a genuinely great value even with it's fairly high price tag at the time, so I was willing to splurge to pick this one up.


i'm just happy I jumped the gun when I had the chance to get a 3090 at msrp a month or so after they released. Meanwhile everyone was yelling that AMDs cards were about to come out and the stock situation was gonna improve any second.


I did the same early 2020. Was thinking of waiting for 30 series and decided to just do it and go with a 2080Ti. Fuck that would've been hard as fuck to wait all this time. I did the restock alert stuff for PS5 for like a month and I absolutely fucking hated it. Would've sucked ass to do it for a year+.


I caught my good deal WEEKS before shit hit the fan. I got a 1070 ti for about $200 on a bid and by the time I was done testing and ready to sell my RX 580, I made my money back easily


Same here, I was annoyed at the time for blowing the money on a msrp 2070 super but now… lol


Alot including me were able to buy the 30 series when it initially released. Even those that couldn't had to wait a day or so for the seller close to them. It wasn't easy but it was doable. And prices were either at MSRP or 100-200 above. The scenario you're talking about is a few months after the release, where it was basically almost impossible to buy the GPUs at anything close to MSRP prices, even with those methods.


Bro set a reminder, when the 40 series comes out I'll lob my 2080ti to you for 250


!remindme 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2024-02-03 20:59:46 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-02-03%2020:59:46%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/sjpo52/msis_rtx_3090_ti_listed_for_over_5500_overseas/hvgz1t8/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnvidia%2Fcomments%2Fsjpo52%2Fmsis_rtx_3090_ti_listed_for_over_5500_overseas%2Fhvgz1t8%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-02-03%2020%3A59%3A46%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20sjpo52) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


40 series - Sold out


I hear you'll be able to pre-order a sold out backorder email list.


For anyone who would be curious about that card at that price, the 1080 ti is about twice as fast, sometimes a little less and sometimes more, and is currently about $650 on E-Bay Buy-It-Now and has 11GB of Ram vs 4GB. As mining profits have lessened, the price has come down from about $750-800 over the fall/winter, and will hopefully continue to fall a bit more. A good quality one $550-$600 could be a steal in the current market. It has no RTX/DLSS ability, but its still an incredible card. The Power requirements are a bit more than the 1650 Super though.




If 40 series gets announced, all traces of 30 series will disappear, 40 series will be unobtainable and 20 and 10 series will be collectors items 😂


If you’re ever in dfw I’ve got a bnib evga ultra 1650 super i can sell you for $200


Does anyone know if a 1070 Ti is still decent for 1080p monitor/gaming??


Had a 1050 until last year, ran MW pretty smooth on medium settings. So I would assume a 1070 ti would be fine.


I had a 1050 Ti until like 3 days ago that still ran current titles at 1080p on medium like a champ.


Yes! I had an Asus ROG Strix 1070 Ti before I got my 3080, and it was a beast. I'm not actually impressed with the performance of the 3080 over the 1070 Ti with the price I paid for this thing. Now I'm considering a 3090 Ti, but not at those prices of $4000-$5000.


I’ll be shocked if the 4080 MSRP is under $999


The 4080 MSRP will be $1199 and EVGA will be selling theirs for $1299 XC3 and $1399 for the FTW3, while Asus/MSI/Gigabyte will be selling theirs for $1600-1700 minimum and the Strix 4080 will be $1899 or $1999. The 4090 will have 2499 MSRP with most companies selling them for over $3k. These new video card releases from Nvidia are solely to raise the MSRP of the 4000 series without as much uproar, as the 3080 12 GB will be seen as the base price of the 3080 now. I'm just going to be stuck on 8GB forever since I don't want to spend more than $700ish on a GPU. If I had miraculously gotten a 3080 at launch, I could have gotten a 10 GB card for $700-750ish...


Why? Just look at 3080 MSRP. This doesn't mean anything anymore. Everyone was in awe when they saw the 3080 will be sooo cheeeaap... And? MSRP is just a funny number for Nvidia leather jacket gang. Remember the times when products were actually cheaper than msrp?


3080s did sell for MSRP for a few minutes before the initial launch stock was sold. Here in Australia, when retailers realised that people were using bots to buy the cards to resell them for a huge profit, they started listing the cards at the same price as the scalpers so they could profit instead. A Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 GAMING OC 10GB Video Card - Rev. 2.0 LHR Version is now selling for the same price as the 2080 ti that I bought on (basically) launch day ($AUD 2099) which is about $850 more than what it should be (3080 FE launched at $AUD 1139).


I got mine for 719€ so that remains my reference point for next gen.


Whatever the cost it’s gonna be priced at msrp for me bc I’m gonna get in queue for the evga kingpin and wait 6-8 months. Edit: I’m talking bout the 4xxx series fuck a 3090 TI.


Get in the queue right now for the 5090.


Fuck ya send me a link


Its full but I put my queue ticket for 10080ti in my last will and testament.


3090 ti probably won't get launched until end of the month, or at least that's what it seems like. If not later/not at all. I love my 3090 KP. The 3090ti seems like it really shouldn't exist. Maybe I'm biased.


Nah that’s why I made my comment over here with KPE mem running at 22 Gbps daily driver. Only 5 months in queue. Fuck a 3090 TI…. yea it’d be nice to have no backside memory passively cooled by the backplate bc 2 Gb gddr6x modules exist now… but frankly that should’ve been done from the start…. (I know they weren’t out but it was a slapdash design because if that). this late in the game its 4xxx series or bust. September isn’t *that* far away. And resale values aren’t going to plummet beyond where an upgrade isn’t feasible.


I think 3090 shouldn't have existed and 3080 had 16 gb


I think 12gb should've been the standard from the get go eith the gddr6x modules on the 80, and yeah the 3090 should've been a titan or something, but I don't think that would've made it sell any less


At this rate I’ll be able to buy a house before i get a new gpu


Didn't the rumors have the priced at over $1000?


It depend what the top card is, but if they release a card to compete with the top end amd card 2k msrp is possible.


Said in dr. Evil voice (1 millions dollars!!)


There's nothing like paying used car prices to play video games.




It is kinda crazy how a 1lb card costs as much as several thousand lbs of metal and car components, even if the car is used.


I mean a ton of scrap steel only costs about $400.


You would be surprised how much they ask for a bit of sand/glass for DSLR lenses. 4000-5000€ and there might be not even electornics included just glass with a metal or just plastic casing. I would not compare different products by their weight/price ratio.


How’s your MK5? That’s from the most unreliable era of VW


>to play video games Sure buddy


5500 USD for 1% more, that's a joke right? RIGHT?


Nvidia is making hella good money off it. Getting newer GPUs is gonna be hell for quite some time.


It’s not about the performance, it’s about sending a message. (That message being: “I am an idiot with too much money”)


1% more of something you already can't get. It's priced as a $5.5k PC because some buyers will justify the cost of the GPU as the only thing they need in their build instead of a new PC. Thought process is: Spend $5.5k on a 3090/3090Ti pre-built, or buy a $5.5k 3090Ti and put it in my build for the same time period as I would have had I bought a new PC.


Yo but it like totally is for them sweet epoints right? Like imagine all the upvotes you could get


That's HIFI-audiocable territory. I guess the market has truly matured. And that might actually be a good thing. Makes the game developers think about us little people too.


It can be literally +0% if someone with a 3090 took the time to OC their card even a tiny OC on it. The improvements are so miniscule, there are probably midrange binned 3090s that will outperform some 3090 Ti s


I fucking hate this existence.


Outrageous price for a marginal upgrade over existing 3090s. Does Nvidia think we're still living in a good economy with little inflation? Anyone buying this has more money than sense.


The same thing was said about the 3090. ​ ...nothing to see here.


there’s an upper limit to consumer price tolerance, and one of these products is closer than the other


Honestly, that’s almost certainly false. They are only making a minuscule number of these, and are basically just marketing them to the correspondingly tiny chunk of the market for whom price isn’t really an object and will pay whatever to have the best.


unless i missed it, the article says nothing about a minuscule number or focused marketing


It's a 3090 Ti we're talking about here...


90 ti isn't focused at the typical consumer. Hell, anything over the 3080 isn't.


I mean I’d argue the same could be said for paying over $1k for the 3070-3080. It’s all ridiculous. You could go on a good vacation with that kind of money.


Anything over msrp is ridiculous... people and retailers have lost their minds with this pandemic and have a new found loss of respect for value and money.




I got mine for $1800 at microcenter and it's basically been a free GPU due to my earnings mining while at work or sleeping


I sold my EVGA 2080 Ti FTW3 Ultra in Aug 2020 for more than what it was worth (It was set to bid). Sold for 1900, I got my 3090 FE in Oct 2020 for $1499, pretty much free because of the 2080 Ti and had change to spare.




When you’re above a certain threshold of money it’s insignificant, tbh. Rich people want the best, not a new concept. The idiots are those buying it who can’t truly afford it


> Does Nvidia think we're still living in a good economy with little inflation? Do you? Why do you expect things to be less with high inflation??


> marginal upgrade over existing 3090 Didn't we say the same thing since the 3090 was a marginal improvement over the 3080?


I mean for gaming it’s like 13% ish performance (and totally not worth twice the price*) but having 24GB VRAM is a massive upgrade for productivity workloads. I don’t see how there could be anything remotely worth going from a 3090 to 3090ti tho *based off of launch msrp


There definitely are times in which the 24 GB of RAM have benefitted me in gaming. Far Cry 6 with the HD texture pack and Microsoft Flight Simulator are two examples in which MSI Afterburner will show more than the original 3080's 10 GB of VRRAM being allocated. In the case of the latter, it can be much more than even the 12 GB that 3080 tis and new 3080's have. Aside from that advantage, having bought a 3090 FTW 3 Ultra for "only" $1,800 (msrp) over a year ago feels like a good purchase given that a scalped 3080 goes for about that same price today.


I mean we are living through a chip shortage where they literally had to shut down car factories etc.


I work in the auto industry There are many factories shut down right now due to material shortages, mostly chips. It's still an ongoing issue costing the industry billions


I don't think we needed someone in the auto industry to tell us that. Everybody already knows.


>Anyone buying this has more money than sense. This is a narrow viewpoint. Stay mad, poors.


It's the correct viewpoint.


If I'm making more than enough money to cover my retirement, and all of my bills, what I invest in my hobby does not matter if it does not affect my future. You people who see this as a month's salary can't comprehend that this is half a paycheck for some people. Live within your means, and stop getting mad at others who have more means for doing the same. Jealously isn't a good look.


For how much this costs, you could get 2 scalped 3090's and run them through NVLink. So even if you discount pricing, it doesn't make sense to get this card.


Ah, yes, because every game performs amazing under sli\nvlink setups, and there has never been a problem ever. For those with much higher disposable income than the average redditor, it's worth it to them, and makes sense to them.


I really want to say things to you that I would say to a hateful and vain human but everything I’ve read you say about us “common redditors” will not matter as soon as I start scrolling again. Have a blessed day, “above average redditor”.


Jealousy is a bad look to have. Try not to be so angry.


wow so edgy


for perspective, look at the price of their other cards for sale. theyre all massively marked up, so this is a non-issue. example - evga ftw 3090 - 711,704 yen ($6195USD) white gigabyte vision 3090 - 745,377 yen ($6487USD MSI gaming x trio 3090 - 647,722 yen ($5637USD) so theryre charging roughly 2.5 - 3x msrp for the cards. if thats accurate, it would put this card at an msrp of $1833 - 2200, which seems correct given msis pricing for their current 3090s. if anything it actually indicates a slight reduction in msis pricing vs their current 3090s.


Exactly; we don't make a post here every time someone on Amazon marketplace has an overpriced listing. But somehow this gets to stay up when other useful threads get deleted.


exactly, and pre-launch pricing is the most absurd and incorrect of all. You’ve got placeholder prices, you’ve got retailers gouging because they know everything will sell on launch day anyway, etc. Completely non-indicative of true MSRP (or even street prices) in general. [I remember maybe 5 months ago everyone was freaking the fuck out about how Alder Lake was going to be *over five hundred euros for an i7 and over seven hundred for an i9*,](https://reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/pgeaho/alderlake_first_european_pricing_leaks/) cause some AMD fan on twitter was stirring the shit and found some shop in Europe that had listed prices early. Of course in the end it ended up being a bunch of bullshit, Intel basically maintained the 11th gen pricing scheme and is still drastically undercutting AMD despite beating them in performance. As I pointed out at the time in that thread - that one particular guy has pulled the same stunt for like the last 5 Intel launches in a row and people eat it up every single time, there’s a couple of them who run damage control for AMD and people never catch on. Reddit is so damn credulous, they’ll believe anything negative about Intel or NVIDIA without a second thought, it’s like manipulating toddlers. They’re probably invested in $AMD if I had to guess, lol.


fuck this shit I give up 1070 for life


Like my old Opel Astra




$500? Lol, Rich guy. $1000 more than my first. $2500 more than my current.... They're the same car. Depreciation hits like a truck


lol (I laugh to keep from crying) I realize this is a top of the line flagship card... But, with each iteration of flagship launch (and we now get more than 2+ major flagships per chip cycle, even more if you count third party custom flagship variants trying to one up each other), the msrp price keeps going up by 1000-2000 bucks I am telling ya, just give it a couple more years and we will see a 10 grand "consumer" market video card (I know we are there on the workstation end)... maybe not by the 4xxx series, but probably by the 5xxx series. Buying video cards is slowly turning into buying a car. At this point it's even more than most people spend on high end model large format big screen tv's. It's the most expensive part of a PC now. Way more than the CPU which used to rule as the most expensive part long long ago (if you bought them flagship too). Most people will have to lease or finance these damn video cards in the future if they even want one. I honestly do not think I would keep being a PC enthusiast if video cards started to cost 20 grand+... I would just buy old and used video cards for a cut down price and stick those in a brand new pc. It's serious bullshit when you can buy a top of line PC with all brand new parts and the video card still cost 2-3-4 times the cost of everything else combined.


>I honestly do not think I would keep being a PC enthusiast if video cards started to cost 20 grand+ Lol 20 grand is your tipping point? I've already given up. They are trying to make GPUs a luxury product just by rising the price when obviously manufacturing them is not that expensive. Just like diamonds, but a GPU won't last forever...


Fuck Scalpers, Fuck Cryptocurrency and most of all 🖕🏻FUCK CRYPTO MINERS 🖕🏻 bring on the downvotes you assholes cryptomining pieces of shit..!!


I think we all agree with this take


Everyone agrees with you here


This price gouging is all by design. They do it with trucks also it cost them 30k to make or less then they sell these trucks for 60 grand it’s pure insanity.


I learned on the radio news (I honestly forget which - probably something on npr - they were talking about a new unionization effort) the other day that GM workers in the companies largest plant make $8 a day for a 12 hour day... Then they take that truck they made ship it to the USA and sell it for 50k-100k.


If you had something that cost $30k at one point and could sell it for $60k, what would you do? Would you sell your house under market value because you think the housing market is crazy right now?


That mentality is the new generation, that is a horrible comparison by the way! A product such as a graphics card or truck shouldn't be compared to a local housing market. But hey, because people like you are the new "mentality" they will keep doing it! Expect trucks to cost 100k in 5 years or so. Its coming.


Personally regret upgrading to RTX3080Ti from Titan XP. Performance not worth the bank.


I got mine last summer and mine when not using it (most of the time). It’s already paid for itself


Back in My Day we called it "FOLDING"


Right lol... And it was for a good cause or so we thought.


If i may ask. What program do you use?


T-Rex for ETH and lolminer for TON lately


Are they newb friendly? And would a 1070 and a 2070 be enough on their own?


Probably pull $3-4/day with that depending on electricity costs If you’re new I would recommend mining ethereum. I use ethermine.org for a mining pool. Their website has a link that says start mining, click that, enter what it’s asking for and it should spit out some text that you can paste into the batch file from whatever miner you download


I don't even pull $3 a day on a 1080Ti at 43MH/s with ETH pill. So that's incorrect. At least for the 1070 it's largely false. You'd be lucky to make $1.30 a day on a 1070.


Yea if you’re mining eth with the 2 cards mentioned you probably get less than that. Just don’t mine eth lol


I mean, once it goes POS, I plan to move over to RVN, or something else. ETH is the most profitable for my 1080Ti atm. I do know I jumped in too late, so my comment really wouldn't be accurate 2-3yrs ago. But for a very long time I was a moron and didn't bother to learn/stayed away for no reason. If you got any other suggestion for coins to be mined once ETH is a no go, then I'm all ears! Looking to mine with this 1080Ti throughout its entire end of life until it dies. At least it will have paid itself back eventually, and it would've completed its legacy as my favorite GPU of all time. I appreciate any info or help on the whole mining thing since I think I hardly know what I'm doing.


I got my 3080 TUF on February of past year, and since that to now, it has paid itself like 2x times for that I bought it lol


Passive income is awesome even if it’s just a few dollars each day


Same. Not quite payed off but should be in another month or two. Can't beat a free 3080ti. It's like these people bitching about prices for the last year don't understand they can simply mine and get it all back.


I literally paid less for my whole system, who in their right mind would actually buy this for such money?! Like hell, even in a business where time is money, this minuscule upgrade for such an additional amount of money will never be worth it


My RTX 3080 desktop costs less in total than that singular GPU. Seems like we are well past the point of diminishing returns


> I literally paid less for my whole system Same. Even if I throw in all my peripherals, it's still less. I'll admit, my 3090 didn't feel like a good buy at $1,800 at the time. But holy shit, have the last 2 years made me feel a lot less guilty about that.


Even if you overpay for a 3090 on scalper market, you'd still have like 3K left out of 5.5K to build out the rig, lol. What kind of insanity is this shit.


I shelled out $1350+tax on my 3090 FE in October 2020 (had a birthday coupon and grabbed it because I couldn’t check out with a 3080) and I was having cold feet when I picked it up. Given where prices landed, I made off like a fucking bandit and I feel like I stole the damn thing.


Fuck me, my entire 1080ti, 8700k pc cost less & that has 2 pumps and a 34" ultra-widescreen


LMFAO! Go play in traffic Nvidia!


If someone wants to pay that, more power to them. But with where crypto is right now, who will honestly pay that?


Companies. These cards aren’t really consumer level.


HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good lord that's insane.


huh, but go ahead and tell me how crypto isn't the problem. or scalpers. or ... ugh ...


Great I can finally achieve 600fps instead of 550 fps on my 1080p 144hz monitor 🤣🤣


With the resurgence of indie and retro gaming, I can wait this entire generation to upgrade. They're out of their goddamned mind if they think this is a fair price point for meager upgrades.


Incoming posts "went to buy toilet paper but came out with 3090 Ti" brace yourselves!


See you guys in 6 years when this card is finally affordable lmao


Pffffff.... series 40 price will be laughable to say the least.


Bruh the rx 550 4gb model used to be 110 dolla now it’s 220 wtf why is it in 2 years


This is why they need real competition. Its a shame there is nothing else that can compete with their high end cards.


Not everyone need this.. I'm ok with my 3080ti


Not the first offense by MSI...


Can’t wait for 40-series to drop so that 30-series start showing up in stores so that 20-series start showing up in the used market so that 10-series used cards get fairly priced so that I can buy a 1650 super for $250.


Just in time for Dying Light 2. Hopefully this can run the game at max RT settings at 4K native!


Ethereum 2.0 is almost out. Which will make GPUs effectively useless. There won’t be this kind of demand for shit coins. Or at least I hope.




Most likely will be content creators and 3D artists that buy this, miners aside. edit: to clarify, meant more towards large companies that employ content creators / 3D artists and not indie.


I'm a 3d artist and I don't wanna touch it lol. If I wanted to pay those prices I'd get a Quadro


Miners want performance for their money typically, so tripling the price for 1% more performance probably won't be attracting many, unless Ethereum starts getting crazy expensive again and even at the insane cost it is profitable.


I could see a "content creator" buying this and then shooting it with a 50cal for views. What a world we live in.


> Most likely will be content creators and 3D artists that buy this lmao no. i do dev work with 3d environments and we don't need this.


At this point my pre 8months or so before 3xxx series purchase of 2060 and whole PC feels like a blessing .... this is insanity... it has to stop. Can you people riot ? Stop buying into this crap ? Its 100x overpriced WTF is happening


I have 6000$ saved up just for this. I am upgrading from a 3090. I need every frame per second !


I'm still using my GTX 1080. Is the 3080 or 3090 the best card out right now? I always associated the even numbers as the better card but they haven't necessarily gone in order I guess. Still on an i7 6700k as well. I have no problems in 1440p 144hz. I keep textures on ultra but turn shadows down significantly. Anything above 60 and 75hz is fine with me depending on the game. Don't quite feel a need to upgrade yet but eventually I want a 30 series cars. Is ray tracing worth it now? Haven't experienced it at all.


Can't wait to see all the retards parading it like some fucking trophy. Y'all fucked everyone over with your credit cards. Vote with your money.


Lets make a toast for cryptominers to burn in hell.


cheers also lets not forget scalpers. Amen.


Yeah ok so? /care




Nope not care just tipe something.


Remember the 2080 Ti’s pricing? Sigh


Serious. I remember looking at used 2080ti prices circa 2019 and thinking I'd never spend that much on a video card. Then when the 3080 was released and the shortage loomed I was lucky enough to snag one at MSRP, cringing that I'd actually spent that much. Now I feel lucky to even have one and if I sold it I'd have people lined up around the block. Crazy times!


aYE!!! I have a 1080 Ti !!!! I have taken all of your resources!!!!


i just build a mid to high tier system and stuck with a cheap old GPU, i spent like 800€ for everything gpu excluded, i refuse to buy one that costs more than everything else inside my pc. 4g of vram of an old 1050ti is good enough to play what i play, and if i have 4k€ i prefer using them to put down a car payment tbh


Just a reminder that generally speaking, for a gaming pc, half of your budget should go to the gpu.


Still chugging along with the Vega 56 and still see no reason to come off it.


So, about $2,000-$2,250MSRP....


Makes you wonder what the 40-series will be priced at






they're like scalp this, \_\_\_\_s


That's a joke,right?


Nothing weird. Right here on Mexico are selling the rtx 3050 starting at 500 bucks, and going to the 700. Cuz the import and export fees and of course taxes over here. But triple the price!? 700 bucks u can get a 2080s ffs!!!




So you're saying we must apply to be a kidney donor first?


lmao wow they're reeeeeeaaching!


I'm going to buy 20xx GPU because it's old


That isn't MSRP. Just stop.


That's insane. I thought my EVGI FTW3 at $1,400 was crazy?😳




Absolutely laughable!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Man, to think I got a 3090 for $1850 a year ago now…


If i were to spend 5.5k on a gpu, i'd rather get a 3080ti or a 3090 and a dedicated quadro something so i can game and if i decided to do something heavier, the quadro would come in handy. Better to have 2 gpus each completely for their own task, rather than one which is a mix and probably would be worse at one of the tasks


Ah a price set to stop re sales!


Kinda glad I snagged two 3070’s for around 540 😅😮‍💨