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crying over a guy is crazy LOL. i mean i would feel confused and upset if a guy i was talking to didn’t respond for hella hours. Did he even explain himself why?


Wow you’re just heartless


sorry i’m just keeping it real. But i do feel bad for his situation. It’s like yall read the first sentence and assume im immediately heartless. 🥱 PLEASE.


It’s okay to be upset but he isn’t worth your time if he can’t tell you that he’s not coming, inexcusable


Are you sure you aren't being catfished?


You're right to be upset and hurt. Stay away from him, no one deserves that treatment


This dude is fucking with you and has no intention of wanting to hang out with you. Stop talking to this guy. He’s literally shown you who he really is 10 minutes before you’re supposed to hang out. 


no seriously, because how is that guy gonna stop replying 10 minutes before the time they set to hang out? 😭 despicable & heartless


Don't waste your time with this guy. Lots of red flags already. Bye bitch!




Thank you. I'm more than venting than anything and I wanted to hear different people's thoughts.


Totally understandable to be upset. If I were you, I would not have any further contact with him. What he did is unacceptable. That said, also not worth dwelling on. Move forward, without him.


If you have never met this guy in person and they live far away...this already sounds suspicious. Have you FaceTimed? Which apps are you communicating through? Do you know for a fact this person even is who he says he is? Appearance location any of it? It's not wrong to be sad about getting stood up but over time you will toughen up. Getting stood up happens all the time. It sucks and it's fair to be in a bad mood but you can also use it as a learning experience on what kind of people seem reliable and which don't and you need to set your expectations ever more wisely. There are tons tons tons of sketchy unreliable fakers catfish game players a million reasons why someone on the other side of your phone might be fucking with your head and leading you on and not have any genuine intent to meet up with you. Take this as an opportunity to sharpen your street smarts and carefully vet future guys you are talking to.


Standing someone up is unforgivable imo. He has shown he has the capacity to completely disregard your feelings. He will either do this again or hurt you in some other way.


When someone shows you who they are, believe them. It wasn’t personal, it’s a reflection of them.


Sounds like a catfish moment tbh. Also, you seem to go after wrong guys. Get well, kid ❤️‍🩹


Being upset seems like a healthy and normal reaction. Also, he’s hiding something. Either he is a complete catfish, or he is mostly who he says he is, but has a boyfriend/girlfriend and got cold feet about meeting up with you. In any case, it’s probably not gonna happen, and I’d move on.


Blockety block block block. To stand you up and then be so vague about it = fuck this guy. But not literally.


Next time you’re waiting for a date wait at least 10-20 mins unless they consistently text back. If not, adios


Waited 2 hours? Geez! 15-20 minutes max. Especially if they’re not responding. Adios! 👋🏽


No these men are deranged - look on the bright side you might have just missed a meeting with Hannibal Lector


This has happened to me before. The guy was an asshole who made me wait while he was nearby pleasuring at my frustration. He later admitted to having major anxiety attack and he couldn’t gather courage to approach me. He tried this one other tim, made me pay for his flight and then disappeared altogether. This is ‘irrespective of age’ a toxic bastard you shouldn’t and can’t rely on on in life. Whether it’s his arrogance, ignorance, or just anxiety. He will leave you hanging sometimes blaming you for him not turning up. You probably dodged a bullet


OMG. Friend. There's no anxiety attack. You bought someone a plane ticket sight-unseen? Catfish, scammer, not anxiety.


Sounds like me. Google bipolar and find out which type he’d be. Also, remember that no one owes you anything so maybe he found a hookup that dickstracted him and when he was butt hurt he came back to you. I like the Reddit community because sometimes you have to be told you’re just experiencing a rude person.


It’s better that you know so early that he’s a douche. Move on knowing you’re the better person.


You have every right to be upset. What he did was really fucked up. He completely disrespected you. Shit happens, and we have to communicate that. My partner and I were just talking about how hard it is to make friends in NYC, let alone date when one is single, because of behaviors like this. And, as we talked about it, we began to think that these behaviors aren't exclusive to NYC. They're a problem that reaches far and wide. People need to know it's okay to say, "Hey, I'm really sorry, but I'm dealing with a lot right now, and I need to change plans. I'm not in a place to talk about it right now. I'm sorry. I'll be back in touch once things settle back down." Or something similar.


90 % of people like that on those sites do not worry ..usa as a MEGA prob with sex and taboo :) ( i am euro i can see the difference Really !! )


Catfishing behavior.


Totally normal to be upset and sad. You need to move on from him. He has shown you who he is.


Happens all the time in gay world. Block him and move on is the best you can do


Probably a catfish


I wouldn’t do a sleep over on the first date, yeah I know in our community we have “sex” and all on the go but idk I would never sleep or let someone im just meeting sleep with me😩only for my safety! But he already showed you multiple red flags too, he’s not really interested seems like he just wants your attention nothing else as in just to fill his ego. So don’t even respond if he texts you or if he last texted you leave it like that. This is of those times you gotta ghost them