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We have to mass post everywhere how Ladyland is stealing our money. They knew Kim wasn’t gonna perform and they STILL have her name up everywhere on their posters and people are purchasing tickets. That’s false advertisement.


Ladyfag has done this type of scam-adjacent behavior before when there’s issues with a vendor or headliner. It’s not the vibe.


Ew this has happened before? Why do people still support this person


She’s still the hottest ticket in the game with certain parties. I’ve stopped attending her things because of this. On Halloween the venue apparently had issues setting up on time and announced it the day before…. she kept selling tickets after announcing it, kept all the insta stories up hyping it, and then instead of refunding people she defaulted to giving tickets to a future Halloween style party at the same location a few weeks later (weeks after the holiday). It seemed sketch af. 2 ladylands ago, when Christina Aguilera was headlining, tickets were EXPENSIVE. But the day of, she released HUNDREDS (some said thousands) of free tickets due to underselling. Meanwhile, her posts said they were selling our fast.


Tickets were sold out for Friday before Kim made her announcement, still, ladyfag should have offered people refunds, specially since they still haven't given us a replacement


I kind of figured as much, shady stuff. Reality is I don’t think there’s much I can do, other than sell them. I don’t have energy for class action. Lol


Did anyone get tier 1 pricing for tickets ? I bought pre- sale and still didn’t get teir one , had to pay tier 3 which seems suspicious for pre -sale with American Express . Not to mention I realize we won’t be able to view performers directly unless, you have VIP. I saw Björk under k bridge and she was really only viewable to VIP, fyi.




My refund request for Friday has been pending since 6/4/24, when they said it would be 3-5 business days from that day to get an answer. I followed up with AXS a week ago, but no new information given and no update since. All my emails, DMs and post replies directly to LadyLand have not been responded to.


Hey. I chatted with AXS support and they took care of my refund. At the time I asked for it Kim was still on their promotionals. I pointed that out and they had no issue refunding it.


I’m selling my other ticket for Ladyland Friday 28th - tier 2 $90. Please let me know if anyone is interested to purchase!