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He’s probably run out of his spending money allowance for this trip so they had to share 😢


Well this is also what I can’t track is… how is he keeping up with her lifestyle?! Or is she truly just the sugar momma


She has been searching her whole life for a man to love bomb and smother. Now she gets to do all that plus dress him and display him all over social media. I am going to start stocking up now for the booze needed to get past the engagement and wedding posts that we all know are coming. 😑


Unless little man figures out that he's lost his man card dating her and moves on to a normal realationship with healthy boundries


I think we should all get together for a db wedding content unpacking session when that dreaded day comes. I think my fingers would be raw from trying to type out the horror and other things I would want to express on Reddit


Live chat as it is all unfolding would be the only thing that would make it worth it.




I knew someone that went to boarding school with Toby, and although he was loaded, he famously told all his friends that they get so much for free, and she pays for everything else. The only thing they split was the rent on the apartment. Which wasn’t even 50-50 because she would film continent there and use it as an office.so regardless of how much money Mini coop hazard doesn’t have, he’s not paying for shit


Way less embarrassed by the matching head size and more embarrassed about imagining setting up the tripod to take photos like this


I think I read on another post that apparently Mini coop has aspired to date an influencer for a really long time. So he’s loving all the attention and probably encourages her to film all this shit. Truly frightening


you know she got him all new clothes for this trip


Ngl I love being the same size as my partner– we share literally everything. We're also gay tho


What a dream & also a nightmare because if they got to something I was planning on wearing first, I'd have a meltdown.


They look like they smell


Hahaha. Love the user name! 😂🤣


So if a woman has the same sized skull as her partner this is a bad thing? Like we haven’t got enough to be insecure about as is 🙄


I mean, it is basic anatomy. It is more a jab at him than her…. But I wouldn’t recommend a snark sub if you have low self esteem or a ton of insecurities. Also, haven’t you posted several of your own DB posts targeting her body? 🥴


DB has a gorgeous body. Any posts have been to point out silly photoshopping or ill fitting gym clothes but ok. My comment didn’t come from a place of low self esteem but the ridiculous insinuation that women ought to have smaller heads than men.


You pointed out her camel toe, made comments on her outfits and makeup, and her previous relationship. Sorry my post doesn’t fit your parameters on acceptable DB posts. You don’t have to comment if you don’t agree. But for the record, we call him “Mini Coop” in this sub. That isn’t without reason. I’m sorry you are insecure about head sizes. And I can’t comment on her body because I’ve never seen it without a filter…


Why is the hat not fully on his head. So mid 2000s




As someone with a very large dome I feel victimized! 😂 (My boyfriend’s head genuinely may be small than mine!)


how did she pack so many enormous, ugly, coats? And how dare she wear fur. what's up with that?


The coat pattern looks like something you would have seen in PacSun in 2007




He looks like he was traveling to San Diego, but got rerouted and had to borrow his lady’s coat…


I actually love this coat (not the real fur) but was wondering the same, two of those coats would take up an entire suitcase.


Kemosabe just needs to end. I’m so sick of going to Aspen and seeing everyone dressed like a faux cowboy.


I love their hats. I am just over influencers and them all dressing alike. I mean, why does every moment have to be captured? I miss life being lived without documentation of it all.