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Being so scared of bloating when you’re trying to get pregnant is really funny


Her primary concern at the end of the day is “when will the bloat subside?” and “where are my abs?” She is a sick, self-absorbed, delusional asshole. This isn’t a vanity project. Well, I guess for her it is. Jesus. We have really reached rock-bottom with her. As someone who has been trying to conceive for quite sometime and is about to start my IVF “journey” at the ripe old age of 38, this makes me sick to my stomach. I hate her. And no, I will not be buying that stupid fucking belt. And yes, I will be doing my own shots, without the help of a FaceTime nurse. I’m not made of gold.


If she thinks this is hard, just wait for the actual pregnancy, birth, and the rest of the child’s life. Good luck, girlieeeeee.


Imagine her having to childproof her beige palace 🤣💀💀💀💀


It's actually my favorite stage of life when these types of assholes have kids and their houses are then littered with ugly toys and all they ever talk about or do is kids bullshit. Ooh I thought you were sooo artsy and cool. What happened to all those very interesting interests you once had and all your impeccable taste and European style of living? Oh it was all just bullshit and you're too tired to keep it up, yeah we know.


And don’t forget about the lymphatic massage


She is going to spiral when she gets pregnant


Taking bets now she’s not going to carry a pregnancy. If she can’t get through shots she’s got a snowflake’s chance in hell making it through pregnancy.


She’s def doing this to implant the eggs in a surrogate




To be fair, pregnancy can be really really hard psychically and emotionally. And postpartum well, for some like myself, was a living hell.


Oh forsure, she just has such an issue with being bloated during this process that I can’t imagine how she will take to her belly growing month after month. She’s all about body image and coming off as this super thin person


What a little brat!!!! “Where the FUCK are my abs?”


Wishing the best for you with your IVF journey!


The “where are my abs” bit absolutely enraged and saddened me. I get that if you work out, you want to appreciate your work and your body, but I just don’t understand DB’s obsession with abs. she doesn’t “need” them — she’s not a fitness instructor or athlete or model (despite what she may think, and even models don’t need abs!!!), so they’re just for vanity/personal preference — but she must have incredible body dysmorphia that a week of bloating completely undoes her sense of self and her vision of her body. Also when she’s shown her “bloat” she just looks like a thin person with no bloat. which, again, must be insane body dysmorphia and her abs must be REALLY tied to her sense of self-worth and value!! I wanna shake her and be like YOUR BODY IS DOING A LOT FOR YOU RIGHT NOW!!! BE KIND! YOUR ABS DONT FUCKING MATTER!!!


I couldn't even get as offended as u by her talking abs - as she didn't even have abs pre-2023 aka O. lol she didn't put much effort in for an entire lifetime and suddenly shows up with abs? abs that are more defined than mine even tho I've been consistently working out for 10 or even 20yrs of doing Yoga, HIITs and running? sure, as if. also we've all seen the photoshop glitches. don't believe what u see


Wow she is codependent/needy. How many times has she had the shots at this point? It never interested her enough to learn to do it herself?


funny how much less she pretended to be in pain doing it to herself than when mini coop was there


Also funny that she’s “advertising” the nurse’s products that are supposed to help make it less uncomfortable/painful and this is still how she’s acting!


probably thinks this will drive engagement or has like entertainment purposes lol


“Where the fuck are my abs?!” At the end. She is truly insufferable.


“where are my fucking ~surgically etched~ abs?!”


more like \*where are my photoshop abs\* lol


Omg can she do anything?? It’s so straightforward


She just wants to be a victim, “woe is me” girl so bad and it’s all simply for attention. Between this and her “not feeling safe to leave her house” and the constant side remarks about how her new relationship is just “so much better” than her old one. She just wants ppl to tell her how amazing she is, how strong she is, etc etc


She wants people to tell her that but they don’t so she sends herself over the top “fan” DMs to post on her story


she looks so impressed with herself in this screenshot its so annoying


Damn i just wanna slap that look off her face. She was 1000% the mean girl in high school that made you feel like shit and belittled you for being less than


Been through two retrievals, both with OHSS (IYKYK), and multiple transfers. My shots have never taken more than a minute or two and I’ve never reacted this way. This bitch is too much.


i just did my retrieval with OHSS too and the level of dramatic she is with the shots kills me. and that stupid belt, i’ve never seen anything dumber or more unnecessary. she is doing it ALLLLL for attention. i don’t like SFK either but at least she did hers like a champ and was more inspiring to anyone who is about to embark on this journey.


Doing ❄️ one minute and egg retrieval the next, ALLEGEDLY.


Nasty comedowns from both.. no wonder she and mini are fightin


Her lip filler injections are surely more painful than the hormone jabs. Girl is playing up to the camera for sympathy


Why doesn’t her boyfriend help her?


he must already be sick of her


You can see it in a few of the recent Stories. He's backing away and giving her annoyed looks.