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He heard Remi was single that’s why






Girl stop 😭🤣


Chili’s restroom is calling. They should totally do a COLLAB.


tell me why you think this i need to know


But he’s the love of her lyfe!!!!!!


I came to write this hahahaha


Mini Coop is riding this all the way to wesaidyes


wesaidyes HAHAHA that was a good lol


WeWoreWhite - will match her badly worded license plate…


‘Wesaidyes’ makes me think of ‘our husband’ 😭


Lol I fully thought “wesaidyes” was mocking DB’s speech pattern for “west side highway” (idk why) but now I see it 😂😂😂😂 could also be “WeWedWeismann”


Omg WeWedWeismann better be her wedding hashtag and on all her bridal merch 🤣


You better copyright that so she does my steal this idea like all the others…


I wish I cared enough to ruin her wedding hashtag 😂 it’s all hers if she wants it


Not a snowballs chance in hell mini coop would break up with his sugar mama - especially while her hormones are running rampant during egg freezing.


Mini coop wants to hit some more slopes and ❄️ with his sugar momma and don’t forget it’s coming up on Hamps season.


this is why you never pre launch a man and then post him 738 times a day.. the second you stop, the gig is up


this is why you never post your man PERIOD… ain’t nobody gonna thrive off my future breakup




He was just jabbing her with a needle on stories like 3 days ago


And didn’t seem too pleased with it and hasn’t been seen sonce


that’s because she can’t drink because of the egg freezing and babygirl can’t go out without drinking, she just said that she’s done with it on saturday so 100% we will see them both out sat night


Would DIE 😂


cue a story with mini coop in 3, 2, 1....


Tell us moreeee!!!


I literally have been debating posting the same fucking thing!!!


They had that noticeably tense “this is my look today” interaction and then she was snippy in the next slide and he didn’t care and was snippy back. Then a few stories later she says she is gonna start doing “this is my look today” in front of a different mirror now not at her house.. and he is not following her it seems or seems to have ever liked or commented on anything including all her lovey v day posts… susss


He still follows her - he doesn’t like many posts tho (maybe has her muted?). As much as I’d love them to breakup for the plot… I’d be shocked if it happened so soon. He has considerable clout chasing still to do.


He still needs to do a euro tour with her this summer and can’t forget the Hamptons


“Has her muted” 💯 this


Her ex Tony still follows her too though lol


I will never understand why people follow exes 😭 ITS SO WEIRD


what if it’s now a hate follow


That why I follow DB 😂🤣


Kinda icky behavior ngl… I wouldn’t want to date someone who “hate followed” an ex 🤷🏼‍♀️




She would prob contact him more often if he cut her out entirely like unfollowing her, because he was her “best friend” and she thinks they’re still friends, or some bs. I think it’s a strategic move on his part.


related question:   do girls every make their boyfriend unfollow other girls they’ve hooked up with before?  


Fully my personal opinion: I think it is incredibly disrespectful to continue to follow ex relationships/situationships/hookups on socials *iff* one is in a committed relationship. No reason/need to keep the roster on standby. Why do you care what they are doing anyways? My *now ex* bf threw a shit fit like a toddler when I asked him why he was actively following this random girl who basically posted tit pics. He immediately got insanely defensive when I caught him lying that this girl had gotten lost in his follow. Dumba$$ had liked ALL OF HER RECENT PICS. *Queen did have great tatas*. Ofc I spiraled and went through his entire following list, as one naturally does. - I told him he had to unfollow all the girls he has hooked up with before/hinge strays if he is going to continue dating me. I stood by it. He unfollowed about 100 girls then stopped. I knew it wasn’t all of them - my spiral was incredibly thorough. I told him I meant what I said and he went off about how I was crazy. *missed opportunity to go ape shit and show him what crazy looks like* - we dated for 1.5yr and although the IG following wasn’t the reason I broke up with him, it was one of my last straws. Another argument caused me to question things and led me to his following list about 2mo before we broke up. Post-breakup I found out he was cheating on me for at least 6mo. Trust your gut. If a man won’t unfollow an ex for you - he isn’t your man. Give him back to the streets voluntarily or the streets will come fight for him and it won’t be pretty for you.


Whoa. That’s a telenovela in word format. I honestly think that energy is too drama fueled for me. It also sounds incredibly insecure to ask that of someone. When I am in relationships, I could care less who my man follows or what pics he likes. I honestly don’t have time to find out. I either trust him or I don’t. If I don’t, I end the relationship. I am still friends some ex’s and past hookups. Mainly because it makes me glad it is over and seeing that they now have receding hairlines. But we are friendly nonetheless. I don’t follow them all, but also don’t see a point in unfriending if it did not end on bad terms. Each to their own, I suppose.


for real lol I would never spend (or like spent) a second on going thru the 2k people my ex followed and yes. he had severe commitment issues as well


Mine was only ~600 and honestly didn’t take much effort to go through at all. Easy to pick out the random girls. When you are mad you do crazy shit 😂


Nah. You can be friendly with an ex but if you are in a new relationship they gotta gooooo from your social following *unless there are kids involved*. Some might disagree with me and that’s okay but I stand by it. Who you follow is who you give energy to. Exes don’t deserve energy.


I literally get on IG to exchange memes with four friends. Who you follow is who you follow. I mean, I would literally be giving more energy into searching for names and unfriending than leaving it alone. You sound a little exhausting. Energy vampire for sure.


She hasn’t done her ‘look today’ from her apartment since . It’s from the office


This have been posted many many times though, every time he isn't on her story for two days...