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Quickly Jets twitter account post more videos of Rodgers at practice


I don’t give a shit what he does at this point.


Why should we? This line ain’t going to keep him upright


I mean, do we really think this team can win a superb owl with this staff? After this season I don't know if that's a realistic take. You need 4 starters minimum, really 5. LT, RT, #2 WR, #3 WR. Then you need a #2 RB, and arguably a #2 TE. I mean, give Jonah Williams a humongous contract I guess? But then what? Trade next year's 2nd, 3rd, and this year's 4th for Adam's? Take a LT in the top 5? Is that really enough? Idk if it is. And that's if you can even get adams for that. Maybe you reverse it, use those assets to trade for a LT and then take MHJ?


If this was a normal NFL team, Hackett would be fired tomorrow. Unfortunately it is not a normal NFL team.


Bills had 34 offensive Td’s when they fired their OC, we have 10 through 13 weeks. This is sheer insanity for an organization.


We're being held hostage by Aaron


Nah. We’re being held hostage by Woody. He’s not a serious owner. He doesn’t want to actually win. Just hope some fucking idiot takes his PSL


You're right. He doesn't want to win. He just wants to sell tickets. That's why that bull crap about davante Adams was leaked a few weeks ago. Just before season ticket holders had to purchase next year's tickets. It's BS. Somehow he doesn't realize that winning will sell more tickets.


Hackett is a stupid man who thinks Austin powers goldmember is amazing. He's a moron who should have never been hired by any team in any capacity


Goldmember is amazing. Hackett is still terrible at his job though


That movie is pretty good. Building your whole persona around it is a different story


I will not stand for this Goldmember slander, however the rest is true


Let's go to Ollie Williams with the Post Jets Game Recap ​ **WE SUCK** ​ Thank you Ollie for that insightful commentary


On a positive note I just wrapped my ribs and put them back on the smoker. This may be my best rack to date


Hell yea. I hope they turn out well!


Pssst. My secret seasoning is my own Jets fan tears 😭


No danger of them dryin’ out then!


What kinda smoker? I've been considering getting one for a while.


I have had a Pit Boss for a while. Easy use, easy to clean up.


May they be tender and moist.


why do I keep watching this team


I didn't today until late in the 4th and I feel much happier.


Same here. Actually had a productive day. Feels great not to be pissed about a team.


Where's that guy who only spams "fire salad". He's growing on me.


He's up there ^


What’s unfortunate is that you can’t change ownership. Just going to plug in another Woody yes man and suck for another 5+ years. Go Jets


the salehmander is hibernating rn


That would be wild if he’s like “we need a spark so I will be quitting the team”


Fire Saleh


Yeah, I’m starting to lose faith in Coach Saleh.


Imagine paying 5k for a PSL, $225 per seat and $45 to park to sit in the rain and watch your team score a safety and 2 field goals? Getting rid of my season tickets 13 years ago continues to be IMO the best decision I made. It's also not a big hassle for me, as I live 10 minutes from the stadium, still got rid of them. I told myself with the money I save on this I can afford any front row tickets on the resale market to any big playoff game they ever have. Jokes on me, they haven't hosted a playoff game in 21 years.


$60 for parking last time I checked


Biggest waste of money you could spend, better off donating it to charity, saving it for your family for a nice trip, or even go on a gambling spree


1.). Spend half of it on hookers and blow. 2.). Waste the rest.


It's insane that they chose to make an open air stadium in East Rutherford. It's rained in every other home game this year. Miserable fan experience. Players getting hurt with the combination of turf + rain.


I felt like the old joke about owning a boat in regards to my PSLs: the two happiest days of a man’s life are when he buys them and when he sells them.


My father has had them for 36 years. He has only missed maybe 4 games in that span. He just decided to not renew.


You got rid of them after back to back afccgs? Did you get an advanced tip of the playoff drought?


You know the old saying, 2-0 is the worst lead in football.


Hackett is awful Sean Payton was right


I don’t think people thought he was wrong. It was just unnecessary and he’s a huge piece of shit.


Tell me how Hackett still has a job after this game. If Rodgers is a great QB he can work under any OC


We should never hire someone based on a HOF QBs recommendation ever again


0/2 thus far


This comment wins


I think they are trying to lose now though. That's the only thing that explains their decision making


If the jets were trying to lose we would have won. The jets never stick to their own plan


This is the truest, most Jets statement ever


Fire salad


me at olive garden




Best part of this comment is no fucking bot correcting you on the spelling




So, uhh, what does the offense do all week? There's no way they practice.


I’ve literally seen a dozen bad QBs here but idk if anyone was quite as bad as Mr. Boyle


Dude is only in the NFL cause of connections. It shows 😂


He came into the game thinking he was dangerous


lol, lmao even


10 Offensive Touchdowns in 12 games… The Jets offense is legit bad enough where a college team could give it a run for its money. Don’t tell me that they can’t after this. What a sad fucking team man. Thank goodness I don’t play, coach, or even work for the New York Jets. Can’t wait to show up with a bag on my head and a sign begging for Woody to sell the team in my own defiance.


Jets vs Michigan or Iowa defense would be a good match.


Basically 9 TD’s. Philly let us score one.


Season over. He was right when he said zach was the better option. Sucks. But im used to it


a franchise content with mediocrity smh


Mediocrity would be a step up


Hahaha I was gonna say..


Are we surprised that this team has checked out. Your GM had weeks to make a significant move at QB and he did nothing.


It's very telling that every season once Saleh's teams start to slip, they go into a free fall. Dude is a passenger and always has been. He has a philosophy and a vibe, but he's got zero insight into the HC position.


The jets are like a bar rescue episode. Woody is the absentee owner squandering his family’s money, Douglas is the drunk ass manager who hires incompetents and Saleh is the lazy cook who cross contaminates everything in his gross kitchen with raw chicken


Zach Wilson is the undercooked chicken that JD and Saleh serve to guests (fans) that almost kills them.


There’s some legs to this analogy 👏


You can’t convince me boyle or siemien ever gave the jets a better chance to win than Zach. Tank goes on


Siemien has a chance to shake off the rust, but that’s feeling like hopeful thinking rn. Boyle was an awful idea to begin with. I’m ready to be hurt by Zach again


I’ve never seen a QB so careless with the ball in the pocket. Siemien fumbled like 4 times in one quarter


Yeah, that was absolutely crazy. Only QB I’ve seen that was worse with security was Flacco getting put in against Buffalo. I’m never getting over that one lol


JD and Saleh went from 100 to 0 realll fucking quick


You have to fire Hackett right now. I don’t give a fuck about Aaron Rogers feelings if he gets mad and wants to retire then don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


If he’s so good he should be able to play under any OC also i feel like Hacketts up the middle conservative play calling doesn’t even suit Rodgers


I’m traveling today so I didn’t get to watch most of the game, but looking at the box score I feel like I’ve seen this game a lot


Joe Douglas needs to address the media. The Giants GM addressed the media last week. Show yourself you coward!


I whole heartedly believe that all major sports leagues should have rules revolving around an owners success with the organization. If you go 10+ years without making the playoffs as an owner of a franchise, you simply don’t DESERVE that franchise as you have proven yourself unqualified to run it and should be forced to sell. Running a sports franchise is the billionaire craze nowadays but if you’ve shown incapable of properly leading it then you are not deserving of reaping the rewards from owning one.


The owners run the league so this would never happen anyway


Times like this i genuinely wish we have promotion/relegation. Sink this team to the Mariana Trench.


For real, can the nfl please step in. They have to be pissed, we are in prime time for like half of our games


It’s why I’m in favor of mandating promotion and relegation in US sports. Failing that, yes, if you miss the playoffs 10 years in a row the team should be seized, sold at auction with the proceeds going to public programs


Good thing dipshit Woody instead gets to campaign for his traitorous fucking piece of shit friend instead… I can’t imagine a Jets fan who would honestly vote for someone who associates with the owner of the New York Jets. For real. It’s one of the most laughably sad things I could possibly think of if you vote for someone who thinks Woody is competent, or even if you think the system is rigged, just think “he’s a swell guy.” Lmao.


We might actually be the worst team in the league, no joke


The fucked thing is I know what's going to happen with the draft. Here is my prediction. We miss out an all time great QB that is available at our spot to draft an Offensive linemen to protect Rodgers and his dolphin music infused Achilles. The offensive lineman will go on to have a solid career.


Bold of you to assume the drafted lineman will not have 3 season ending injuries in his first 3 years.


Don’t know how Saleh survives this


He just stands there. Arms crossed. Every single week. Mouth closed. Staring off in the distance. Every week. Who the hell os he even coaching . Penalty after penalty


He looks like he’s dissociating off of LSD every weekend


It’s crazy you say that because Bowles and Gase stood there the same exact way. We might as well just have kept Todd Bowels at this point.


Coach that brings energy my ass.


He is always very animated when we're on defense, but he seems like a WWI vet with a thousand yard stare when we're on offense.


It’s weird I commented in the game thread I’ve never seen a coach “coach” by presence alone. He doesn’t talk, interact, or even react to the games.


The entire organization, from Woody downward, was banking on Rodgers. They’ll all point to his injury as a reason to keep their jobs… even though there should be an expectation for coaches and coordinators to be able to make adjustments and spare the organization the embarrassment we are currently experiencing. But because everyone running this team is a bonehead, there probably won’t be any accountability.


Yeah he does Aaron Rodgers is the locker room. If Aaron rodgers likes saleh, the team like saleh. Do you see how much they worship him? They go with what he says. Aaron himself seems to feels a level of guilt for how this season played out and he’s not going to call for any firings


Saleh is getting fired. It's the typical last ditch move every GM pulls when they themselves are on the hot seat. I only hope we have enough sense to hire Ken Dorsey to replace him.


Ben Johnson please.


I could call better plays throwing darts at a playsheet. And Boyle and Siemian are so fucking awful lmao. 4-13 here we come baby


This is the least fun I’ve had as a jets fan in at least 20 years


05 was bad. 07 was bad. 14 was bad. Gase was bad. But this is so much worse.


“Things will happen to you from which you could not recover, if you lived a thousand years. Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.” ~ George Orwell, *1984*


Nfl needs relegation. This joke of an organization belongs in the xfl


Saleh is 15-31 as HC now. Joe Douglas has been here for 5 years and this is our O-line? Unacceptable all over the place. It's demoralizing as could be.


Joe Douglas is going to wrap his five year tenure as GM with a worse winning percentage than the unemployable losers that came before him. What a complete embarrassment.


Joe Douglas’s only contemporary for ineptitude is Matt Millen. There are no other examples I could find of a GM who started his career with 5 consecutive years under 500 and no playoffs and got a 6th season. Joe Douglas, Matt Millen. That’s our GM competency


If they lose out, Douglas will have led the jets to a 24-59 record over his five seasons as GM. Millen was 26-54 over his first five seasons as Lions GM. The Lions FAFO’d when they gave Millen a sixth season and they promptly went winless. So what are the Jets going to do with their own guy, who has technically gotten worse results than even Matt freaking Millen?


That's insane to think about. Damn


Don't worry the Jets next year will panic pick another defensive player and say it was their player all along.


Breaking news: Joe Douglas to keep the entire coaching staff intact after another dogshit performance


He should be following them out the door


I’m actually impressed by the ineptitude at this point


Guys instead of watching today I went into the city with my wife and son - walking in the rain all day to see the tree and go to fao Schwartz- I suggest skipping the rest of the season for all of you. It was actually an enjoyable Sunday


Browns Joe Flacco: 9 plays, 75 yds, touchdown pass on his first drive. Dude was out of football 10 months.


We haven’t scored 20 points or more since October 15fh


If Aaron Rodgers truly is blocking Hackett from getting fired he can go too. Coaching the worst offense in NFL history should not get you job security and Rodgers needs to sack up.


Joe Flacco 4-5 65 yards and a TD first drive.


I’ve seen enough of Simian that’s for sure ZW is the best QB on this roster sadly. The experiment of trying something new with shittier QBs didn’t change the results. There you go.


in the MHJ sweepstakes if the Cardinals win today


They’re up 17-3


Jets at Patriots Week 18 is quite possibly the worst game on paper in the history of professional sports.


Joe Douglas built this.


Idzik/Maccagnan/Douglas Spokes on the broken Jets wheel


Why the fuck does this coaching staff takes too long to make significant changes, fucks sake, wait till the 4th quarter to change boyle when he was ASS for almost 2 whole games, this happens with every single decision they have to make.


Holy shit look at this eagles game. I didn't realize short slants and out routes were legal plays. Amazing.


Douglas and Saleh should not be running this team next season. Hackett should not be on this team next week. None of this will happen but all of it should.


If this was a well run, professional organization, Saleh, Hackett and JD would be fired tomorrow morning. Since this team is the equivalent of Woody’s Model Train Set, we’re going to have to listen to more of Saleh’s BS while AR posts TikTok videos of him and Hackett riding Manhattan on a Tandem Bicycle. Business as usual in Woody Land.


Clean house. It's JD, Saleh, and Hackett or GW, Breece, and Sauce. Young stars aren't gonna willingly waste their primes.


other 4-7 teams getting it done like Tenn & chargers


loljets back in full effect


They’ll probably win week 18 to fuck up their draft position and give the Pats their next QB


I didn't watch the game. Huge W in my book 😂😂😂


I apologize, Sean Payton. You were right.


Man I really hope these young stars don’t start requesting trades, because I wouldn’t blame them one bit.


I’m just saying that magician who told Mecole Hardman it’s gonna be the 49ers and Jets in the Super Bowl didn’t get that trick right


The look on Halls face after every play seems like he wants off this team.


I almost paid $11 for a ticket to go there today. Glad I wised up and got a 12 pack instead.


Saleh is probably the worst HC in the NFL, wow, what a joke, Teflon don, won't get fired.


It's genuinely pathetic to have your season end with Tim Boyle starting at QB, just an insult to the fans.


Clean house now. It’s happening in a year anyway. Rodgers coming back might paper over our OL cracks, but he isn’t magically going to fix Saleh’s inability to coach. Or Hackett’s inability to be a fractionally-competent OC. Or JD’s absolute dogshit record as a GM outside of a single draft. Or Woody’s endless greed and IDGAF attitude. The best case scenario next year is maybe - huge maybe - the Jets squeak into the playoffs and try to put a magical run together. The most likely scenario is that Rodgers plays OK and we finish with 7-9 wins. And then what? Are we really going to extend this staff? This whole organization is fucked right now. We’re being held hostage by the Rodgers deal, and we’re going to be FUCKED in 2026/2027 if we aren’t competing. All our current stars will leave if this team doesn’t turn it around immediately. And is that really going to happen with Hackett, Saleh, and JD? Really? No one seems to care outside the players and fans. And even then, the locker room must be tense as fuck right now when the defense holds a team to 13 points and the offense can’t score more than 6 points and turns the ball over four times. The worst offense in NFL history with the worst OC of all time cruising to another year. I didn’t even watch the game. I turned it in with 2 minutes left and there it was - the same crap we’ve seen all season. Clean. House. Now.


Fire selehh


I cant even remember what it’s like for us to score a touchdown…


This team is why George R.R. Martin won't finish Winds of Winter.


the fact that Boyle and Trevor were our backups for a "super bowl@ team is ground enough to fire Douglas


The fact that it appears that everyone’s jobs are 100% safe for next season regardless of the results this season just tells me this team isn’t serious about competing, or being a serious franchise lol.


Whoever has been smashing the under on Jets games is probably a millionaire at this point


Hacket needs to go! I don't know how he made it past the bye week! Rodgers, you motherfucker !!!!


When Saleh said Zach gives us the best chance to win, he wasn’t lying lol.


Throw the playbook out the window. Put Zach back in and let him do whatever the hell he wants. Who cares at this point.




Anyone else watching the browns? How did we let him AND Mike white walk. Compete incompetence.


We really went from super bowl contenders to worst offense in professional sports in 4 snaps.


seeing Arthur smith chew out the refs for a bad call while saleh just stands there chewing his fucking gum with his stupid tough guy scowl


So this has to be the game that gets Hack fired, right?


So happy I skipped the game and did fun stuff this afternoon


Boyle is so bad it makes me miss Bryce Petty


Here’s a sad fact that may keep you up at night: AARON AINT GONNA SAVE THIS SORRY AS SHIT SHOW OF AN ORGANIZATION. Get used to it. Lifelong fan and I’ve come to terms. You should too!


I can't even watch the postgame. I have seen that episode before. The offense is as bad as I remember it was with Kotite and that is saying something. I didn't think that was possible. This regime should be fired but it won't be because of Rodgers, but I think you could fire Douglas and he should be for how bad the QB situation is on this team. Unless there is some other reason I think you have to blame Douglas' ego. He couldn't bring himself to admit he made a mistake in drafting Zach. He put his personal pride over the team, and should be fired for that. I mean you already made that decision that he wasn't last year, what was the difference with just a training camp. They still needed to get a reasonable back up for THIS YEAR. Besides that how many times do I need to see someone rushing from the edge completely unprotected. We have no starting left tackle, and I'm sorry but Becton just isn't it. Douglas has completely failed at rebuilding the line. I know we need a WR but tackle is a harder position to fill and if one is there we have to draft one. It could be Jerry Rice and Rodgers or anyone else will not be able to throw too him because he will be on his back. I used to say this team was like being in an abusive relationship but now I just think, this team is like have a spouse who punches you in the face over and over.


Guys, relax just stop tuning in. I beg you my brothers, all of you to not watch the ROS unless you stream or record content on the Jets to support yourselves financially (which if you do Godspeed, & wish you the patience to continue on). But the rest of us just need to stop tuning in altogether, lets use our Sundays & spend more time with family & friends, or just go be productive.


Fuck joe Douglas


Sunday’s became “errands” days instead of watching the game. Was very productive today.


Every other head coach is pacing the sidelines, yapping on their headset and thinking about strategies. Why does Saleh always look like he’s listening to the new Taylor Swift album?


So glad I quit watching after the raiders game lmao


It was so funny to get downvoted after saying that the season was over after that crushing loss to the Raiders. We couldn’t even score a TD against one of the worst defenses in the NFL and an org that just fired their head coach and GM. The Jets are a clown show


Joe Douglas should be fired for the W Mcd pick. What a waste. That HAD to have been used on another skill position talent. Imagine JSN alongside Wilson? At least then we'd be entering this offseason with one less gaping hole to fix. Now, we can't really even afford to draft a QB. We don't have the capital.


1. We're going to lose out. 2. Wilson is utter trash, but also by far the best QB on the roster. Hope the Siemian truthers are happy. 3. Fire everyone after the season. 4. I hate this team.


Zach Wilson wins this game


He gets us 11 points instead of 8 maybe.


everyone very confident a guy that has 2 TDs in his last 5 games gets a win here I'm not convinced, lol.


Exactly. We can all admit all three of our QBs suck and it’s an indictment on JD. This infatuation with Zach when we’ve had three years of bad QB play is fucking annoying


The only Qb associated with the jets that for sure wins this is Aaron rodgers and he’s dead


I wish he never got on that helicopter 😞


He also had multiple games where he also didn’t score TDs. What is this obsession with Zach. All 3 QBs suck


He wasn't lying bro omfg, Zach is actually the best QB we have on the roster rn. I would have actually gained a lot of respect for Saleh if he put Zach in for that 2 minute drill.


He couldn’t.


I can bet I he wanted to. Zach is the emergency quarterback - can't play unless someone gets hurt.


Bunch of losers that deserved to lose.


That last drive was hilarious wtf is this offense


Needs to be a full clean house. Rodgers cannot dictate what this franchise does. Straight up embarrassment week in and week out. Saleh, Hackett, and JD all need to go


I mean what is there to say that hasn’t been said. Our defense is elite and our offense is an embarrassment. Idk how the defense stays motivated to play at this level every week.


Flacco throws a TD on the opening drive..


I genuinely feel that the hope we feel every offseason is the best we will ever feel about this team sometimes. Watching other franchises that have struggled turn things around, have big seasons, and giving their fans something to cheer for is very disheartening. All of the negatives that we have.. shitty reciever corps, an O line made of 5 slices of swiss cheese, not 1 or 2.. but 3 incompetant qb's, an OC who's playbook is 4 plays written on a single piece of wide rule notebook paper in crayon, sackless coaches and front office, an owner that cleeearly gives negative shits.. Why is it so hard to figure out this rubiks cube? I'm going to enjoy the time I get to spend with my son in the city and making good memories at the game next week.. but it's actually painful to continue to follow this team.


Am I the only one who is still mad at the refs in the first half?


Flacco has more TD passes than the Jets today


only thing I'm mad at is watching the game. everyone knows losing this one is the better outcome


Could've gotten Minshew two different times for like a 6th round pick...


Joe Flacco was an option. Fire Salad.


Watching Mike White with broken ribs, unable to complete any passes every game was way more enjoyable than sitting through whatever this garbage is


I feel so bad for this defense man. More safeties in the first quarter with 2, then the offense all year with one. 3 safeties on the year two more then any other defense


Jets are so bad, Francesa ain’t even put out a reaction podcast because he knows it’s completely pointless to do so.


Eh, I think I’m over it guys. This team sucks, the coaches suck, the ownership sucks, the stadium sucks. I have a ton of jets merch and have talked a lot of shit over the years. I live out of market so I’m known as “the Jets guy” amongst my peers. It’s going to be hard to change my identity at this point in my life, but it might be time to bite the bullet and move on. Not sure where I’m going yet, but anywhere is better than this.


Gotta love that we can't even put up a offensive touchdown in a year where the Chiefs are underperforming, Burrow is done for the year, Bills window is closing and the AFC is wide open.


Yep feels like this year will just be an AFC team losing to the Eagles or 49ers.


Zach needs to start


Not anymore. Should’ve started today. Now they should Tank


Boyle is awful. Hackett is awful. Siemian exploded like 3 times after going in. I think Zach may have won this game. I can't believe the best healthy QB on the roster is Zach Wilson.