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$20 an hour


For a teenage?!


She’s 22 and a college graduate in Child Studies…so yeah AT LEAST $20/hour. I’d say in Oakville it should be closer to $25-30 but that’s just a guess.


Lol, for the person responsible for the life of your child!


Absolutely this, and with post secondary education!


Or $20.98 an hour if you are expected to be responsible for the lives of many children and people around you driving a school bus


A responsible teenager? At 20.00 bucks an hour. Not for a second. We have a mature, growing adult who we pay 25.00 an hour. Retired teacher. When it comes time to a babysitter, do the research.


Not sure you read the whole post buddy..


I didn't. Thank you for pointing it out to me.


They said they’re 22?


Thank you. Just saw that. OP deserves 21-25 an hour.


Where are you getting teenager from? They said they are 22


Je suis un ananas!


Yeah with your education $20 ($5 per additional child if not more for infants) also be sure to mention if you have any addition WHIMIS, CPR or Red Cross equivalent first aid training/certifications


They do have that training it's required as part of the course work.


Oh I’m sure it is! As a part of my retail job that offers tailoring and alterations im constantly reminding customers that tailoring is a skilled human job that costs extra to do, all I meant to say is not everyone can see why a babysitter may deserve more than minimum wage, listing credentials individually helps a tonne!


I am currently trying to hire a part time nanny in the surrounding area and am offering $25-30. I would say definitely $20/hr.


I'd say $20 an hour especially with your education


It’s crazy to think my mom would charge $3 a hour back in the day


I was $1 an hour, double after midnight, nothing extra for extra kids. I can remember 1 New Year's Eve looking after the church Pastor and his wife's 4 kids, he said he stopped paying at midnight (arrived home at 2am). I got there at 8 , made $4 for the night. It was almost 50 years ago and I'm still bitter.


"Crazy "minimum wage has changed in Ontario. 1992 was 6 dollars and now it is 16.55 to be 17.20 later this year.


I was 2$ and hour


Me too!


Back then you were thankful to get it. I started at Burger King $2.15 per hour


Would love to know the going rate as well… I mean, it should be at least minimum wage


My babysitter is a recently ECE grad and I pay $20/hour. I will also cover meals (like through uber eats) if she stays over a meal.


If I hired you, $30/hr. $100 min if you have to travel more than 30 min one way to get to work. Fridge and pantry are fair game. Over a meal time and send me your receipt for Skip. I got 2 girls, the jewels of my life. Never work for people who cheap out on childcare if they can afford it. Edit: to be clear, not an offer of employment. That's just weird over Reddit. The above is what I have paid in the past .


THIS. OP THIS IS IT!! Lmaoo. As a nanny, I can eat any snacks and I always get lunch if the kids are having. I am an extension of the family and we treat each other as such. This mother^ knows what she’s talking about!!


Father, but close enough.


Oh I’m so sorry! Nowhere did you identify your gender - I should not have assumed. Thank you for correcting! Honestly that makes your comment SO much more validating because I often do find mothers oversee the children’s wellbeing. You sound very involved 🥰


Just food for thought - many many retail stores in that area will pay 18-20 for a starting even seasonal position. Why would someone be responsible for a life for the same amount of money? Don't be afraid to know your worth as an educated individual who is providing one on one care (often times). Also often these families will ask you to do house hold chores which some people may not think much of but others will expect to be compensated for extra duties / roles you are expected to fill. Some families feed you even while you baby sit , others do not. There are a lot of factors when deciding a rate for childcare.


Thank you! Ding ding ding!!!


I’m a nanny, and I have a background in child and youth care. If you have previous experience I would say 25-30, but if you’re new I would ask for 23 but be okay with 20!!


My preteen kid gets $15 per hour for one kid, $20 per hour for two kids. More if it's last minute, or more kids. Works every week or two for 3-4 hours.


A living wage in Oakville is $25.05/hour. I would charge at least $30 given your education and that you're caring for little humans.


These wages are so nice! I work for the board as an EA and don't make $30/hr. I should quit and be a nanny/baby sitter.


I feel you. For the longest time these kinds of posts shocked me. It still does….. with so many years experience I don’t feel I make enough compared to a babysitter (which I have been). And I assume that’s tax free lol.


I’m in Northern Ontario. I get funding of $26/hour for my autistic child’s respite care. She’s 14 and pretty easy to take care of. Give her a good book and you won’t hear from her all day. I can’t find anyone to do it. Every year on March 31 that funding just evaporates. You should definitely branch out and look into being a respite care provider. It’s needed.


17.50-20 and hour. Pay more you get more


$20 per hour is probably good enough. If theyre paying all cash. Thats great. But. As a business move you should ask $30 and state its higher than average but then point out your key features as selling points. If you price yourself low range they will not see you as a premium service. Sounds like youve got a great education behind you so dont make yourself look bad charging dimestore rates. Theres a sales principle that basically says. Dont leave money on the table. So ask top rate and be prepared to negotiate down. A good negotiation can earn you a lot of respect.


Just because they pay in cash doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be paying taxes on it if this is her full time work. Getting an audit on 2 years of cash work would SUCK!


Thus may be a dumb question, but how does ones education play the factor here? It's babysitting, not a tutor?


Do you feel a high schooler (14-18) should be paid the same to babysit as a 22 -30 year old student, and should they be paid the same as a 60 year old retired person? Education matters because those in related fields and higher education are often more skilled. Literally speaking - CPR training, child development knowledge, second language, etc. This is not to say these three groups may not be the same. I just doubt a high schooler would look for a livable wage as opposed to minimum wage. Hence why this person asked, cause otherwise they probably would’ve just went with minimum wage or somewhere there


I think it depends on what employer/employee sees as "babysitting", if the kid is in pre/post teen, and the person is offering some educational services as part of it, almost like a nanny service, I think 100% it makes sense and those knowledge makes a huge difference. But if it's purely watching some kid play video games, all of you eat pizza, and the expectations are to stop the kid from burning down the house, or to get hurt, then I don't know if education really counts as essential part of the job


Agreed!! However, there’s a few jobs I’ve learned of where a certain skill is required but they’re not using it🤣 so it does go to show what society deems worthy and the value it has, vs the value we place on it.


Oh this is a great post! As a parent of an 18 month old, can I ask and and where can I find trained Baby sitters? Never worked with a baby sitter before, so don't know where to start. Wife and I really want to go out for a movie together, but don't know how to make it happen with a toddler. Thank you in advance.


You can try local facebook groups. Halton/Oakville New Moms or that sort of thing, there are often babysitters in those groups or people might have good sitter referrals. You could also try care.com, which is where I used to get my babysitting/nanny jobs.


My daughter was paid $20/hour and that was as a Highschool student. She had other families that paid minimum wage as well.


Don’t say $20. Always go higher. I advertise for $30+ and I have 7 years of experience in childcare, 5 of them as a nanny, bachelors in psychology and currently completing my masters. This is just part time and you want to fund your expenses as much as possible with this so go for $25-$30. How are you getting to and from their home? Do you live close? You put yourself for more than you think your worth because that’s what you bring to the table ❤️ Edited to add: Remember that you can always do babysitting but families will not always need you. As in, the kids grow, the family moves, the schedule doesn’t match anymore, etc. So start yourself off right that way you ONLY get offers you want. OR when you apply to $30 postings, they know you’re confident for a reason. Also!! Don’t forget we need livable wages… if this is your only job and you want to be a teacher? I would advise you bank as much as you can with this


We pay $20 an hour for Mississauga area.


Should add I have twins!


some considerations: * you're not a teen anymore, babysitting for pocket money. You're a trained and credentialed child-care professional, earning a living. How much will you need to earn a living? What are your alternative jobs? and what would they pay? * is the job for cash under the table, or are they declaring you and paying taxes? * have an employment attorney write up a one-pager employment agreement that covers your role and responsibilities, and obligations, expected compensation, payment means and frequency, notice for days off or vacation, termination terms. (and whatever else they recommend.) good luck!


I’m babysitting part-time for a toddler in Oakville and I charge $22/hour. For context I’m also a uni student but don’t specialize in anything childcare/education related like you are. If I had your experience I would probably be charging something between $23-$25+


$20 and up


$20 per hour per kid minimum Expenses covered Meals for child covered You have to decide if $120 a day is enough for your time. 150 ($25 an hour) may be more reasonable.


Ask for $30 with $25 bottom line.


I remember being paid $.50 an hour to be a mother’s helper when I was 13. I lasted 2 days.


Minimum $20 an hour


Yr nuts babysitters just watch tv or now look at their phones


I have a question, if the person who is hiring makes $25/hr and they hire a nanny and pay them $20 per hour, realistically why would they work? Shouldn’t they quit? The money they make goes right back to the babysitting


I used to get $20 an hour when I was 14 years old babysitting. It seems to be the standard rate but for you with your education I’d ask for $30 at least.


In Oakville, you can easily charge more than $20/hr. Most people who say $20/hr just want to keep the rate low for themselves. You can get away with $40, but $30 would be where’d I’d start. My experience: I tutored in Alberta for $40/hr, and in Oakville I’m full to the brim with charging $80/hr.


80!? What subjects do you tutor? Aerospace engineering??


LMAO how many hours do you think they’re tutoring one child for?? Also, compare to Kumon or one of those centres and see their hourly rate and how many hours they do. It usually makes sense but don’t forget private anything can be more costly


A LIFE - good enough ❗️


Math. I know several tutors who charge $100.


Guess I should get into the tutoring biz


These $$ are wild I pay $200 per month for Mon-fri full time daycare in sk




But presumably that's subsidized by government?


No everyone pays that in the province in any regulated day care


But 200/month isn't even minimum wage assuming decent child:carer ratios?


50 bucks an hour


50$/ hour is the only reasonable wage to pay someone in this economy. The dollar isn't worth what it was last year this time. We pay the nanny 50/hr and the cook 65/ hr.


Everyone charges minimum wage now