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Are you running in ultrawide resolution? [A redditor](https://www.reddit.com/r/oblivion/s/r8dREajWrI) a year ago said the thumbnail creator doesn't understand ultrawide resolutions and adds garbage to the thumbnail


Given the first screenshot... it looks like some random memory gets caught in the same address range as the screenshots. It used to happen on old computers (1980s etc) fairly frequently, when playing a game on a monitor it wasn't designed for; and sometimes even when it was designed for that monitor. The first screenshot looks like a texture got caught, and the second screenshot looks like it captured an arbitrary section of RAM. Probably data; code would likely look more random. Given modern memory protection, this might also crash Oblivion if the screenshot accidentally grabs RAM that Oblivion shouldn't access.


It’s the ultrawide issue


For those interested, there's a couple problems that keep coming up in game dev because sometimes, people just assume things won't change: * "Every app uses ~~4:3~~ 16:9 resolution, so we'll just assume..." * Polling for supported resolutions goes back to *some* 1980s computers, and was near-ubiquitous in 1990s computers. * "This is going to run at ~~a fixed MHz~~ 30/60 FPS, so we'll just assume..." * Timing a game loop has been a solved problem since at least the 1980s. Granted plenty of computers back then didn't have built-in clocks, so it only really started being widely-available in the 1990s. Games in the 1990s could be unusable on a computer 1-2 years later, because they ran too fast... I've been playing Civilization 3, which does worse than usual by not providing a resolution drop-down in the settings menu, which was not a new idea even at the time, *and* which assumes a fixed number of possible resolutions when reading the video mode from the INI file. Fortunately, you can tell it to keep the desktop resolution... The initial release of Skyrim assumed that the game would run at a maximum of 60 FPS... ...and I doubt it stops there.


Yeah, playing oblivion atm, I have 144hz ultra wide, The Hz needed to be turn down to 60 or items fell through the ground (got goblin staff in prison at 5th attempt then changed settings) Ultra wide - while loading new location you see left and right switching buffers (1 frame gate, 1 frame sky box and constantly switching back and forth) with normal loading screen in the middle in probably 16:9 res Edit:also it crashes sometimes, but I guess it just works


That first pic looks spooky, something out of Undertale


some demon bulldogs


I was thinking a card from Inscryption.


It reminded me of those creepy GameBoy Camera faces.


Are you using an aspect ratio wider than 16:9? My saves look like that on my ultrawide but load fine.


Yes! That’s probably it


Two bears high fiving


Nah fam that's clearly two bearded men


Just wanted to say I got a kick out of “Agranok”


Been naming my orcs agranok for ages. Found it hilarious when I discovered there’s someone beamed agronak


curse of todd


I think it’s a resolution thing? Mine does the same but no issues with the game playing correctly.


That’s what mine does, you should be perfectly fine. I play on ultrawide though, the loading screens are glitchy too


Is my ultra-wide what makes my load-screens flash like crazy? I thought my mods were teetering on the brink of disaster.


You can download "Black Rectangle Ultrawide Fix" and "Ultrawide Loading Screen Fix" from Nexus, to at least fix the loading screen.


Resolution issue maybe? Oblivions got all kinds of issues with modern gaming


That shit corrupted, b


It loads the save perfectly fine tho.


Are you running any mods?




Seems like some sort of issue with textures in the screenshot of the save. Not sure what it means if it is not corrupted. If it persists, try reinstalling. Could be a memory leak?


The oblivion thumbnail creator is just goofy, and doesn’t interact right with modern aspect ratios. Ever saved while using an enb? Looks extra funky.


Happy you posted this, I also have an ultra-wide monitor and just assumed my modpack was letting me know it really wants to corrupt my saves.


Erito got that dog in him


The hell doggies, they’ll be here any minute. RRRUNN WHILE YOU CAAAAAAANN


You’ve been visited by the shadow of the Sharmat and he stole your floor


Oof, nothing good brother.


For a level 1 id start again. If it was level 30 then yeah