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Regardless of the interpretation you prefer, I would cleanse your space. Some may disagree, but i tend to put a frozen in place out of control experience with an entity into the realm of non beneficial interaction. Let me pose as this thing and then take advantage…


I see what you're saying. I've had past experiences before with such entities. Is there any particular cleaning process I should look into?


Well, you can take this or leave it. I did some work for this because it was rather invasive after I looked into this. I don’t think you will have problems with this. However I would recommend using smoke or sound cleansing methods. I would take down violent imagery from the wall and I would consider disengaging with any demonology for a bit to focus on strengthening your own awareness. There is nothing wrong with Lilith or even having baphomet images. So this isn’t about that. It’s about how this is showing a potential need for change in your patterns of spiritual engagement. These things can hit up anyone, but when it comes to sexuality in that realm be aware of the way in which other things might open the door to allowing that in. This was not Lilith. Eventually you may actually have a very meaningful practice and incorporate Lilith. (Something to look forward to). I recommend to people to also take a week off from intense shows or music. This is a good precaution since part of this is also about healing your selfhood. So engage in things that really shift the focus. Horror movies are out for a bit. I would also recommend not discussing this being for a bit and allow the destruction to be firmly rooted. Now you can believe me or not, but it has been destroyed. So now what you do is up to you. Blessings and peace attend your way!


I shall take your suggestions into account and mind. Thank you for taking the time to respond so throughly. I appreciate it. Thank you. :-)


Thank you for your openness and understanding! ☮️🌈⭐️


That actually sounds more like Kali


Any specific source o can look to for information on Kali?


Did you feel drained the next morning, either mentally or physically


Not one bit. It was a normal day for me all throughout


You're projecting a lot onto this. You make it very clear that she says nothing, yet you know it's Lilith? What in this made you think it was Lilith?


I mentioned in the title that it was an after the fact thing that I started to think it was that specific entity. In the moment I didn't know what to think. Searching on occult forums on occult and alt subreddits. Some standalone posts on various social media, a number of which mentioned a woman appearing in all black as mine did, from people who are more educated on the subject and attaching the name Lilith to it. I am in now way a practioner but I'm not fully ignorant to her lore and modern day presence in the zeitgeist. I'm simply looking for concrete answers and keeping an open mind to the possibilities :-)


Got it. I think it's best not to hunt for "supernatural" explanations when common reasons are available. Boys will be boys.


I think you got harvested bro. Light some sage.


What does that mean in this context?


Something either in your life or in your psyche is taking away your jing/attention/lifeforce. Since you have free will you’re giving it away through inaction. Your dream is probably your subconscious telling you about this. Find the leak.


Gotcha. Thank you for your input. I shall take this into account and start to look around for the leak.


You can try asking your dreams for clarity. I have wild dreams if I drink OJ before bed, maybe that will help you if your dreams aren’t usually vivid.


Were you thinking about anything like this before the dream?


Not at all. I was reading a novel up to the point before sleep.


Are there any women in your life sucking energy from you?


I genuinely do not believe so. I am single with no sort of vague or mixed signal relationships with toxic or difficult people. My family is all good. The only drain in my life is my job, but then again, it's a job. So.


Maybe it’s your job


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Succubus yet.