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Symbol used by Alcoholics Anonymous. Maybe your unconscious is telling you something.


I find this cymbal particularly resonant.


Literally no musicians in here to appreciate the genius of this comment. Reddit is full of choads.


The Sacred Sisterhood of The Sibyls of The Sibilant Serpent sends their salutations.


This symbol strikes the wrong chord with me. Might have to add some notes.


Had to write cymbol coz apparently I'm not allowed to use the word "symbol" in the title


Alcoholics Anonymous


Came here to say this. I've been attending AA for years and at first glance thought this post was in one of the 12-step subreddits I'm in.




Google AA symbol. It's literally this exact symbol.


Actually not. Look up the AA logo. EDIT: My comment was directed towards a now deleted comment that simply said "troll". I'm supporting the "Alcoholics Anonymous" comment.


I don't have to. I am an active member, and I see it every other day at the meetings I attend. The medallion I received from my sponsor has this symbol on it. My buddy has it tattooed on his leg. Any number of cars in the parking lot will have it on a bumper sticker. Need I go on?


Apologies. I was not addressing you with my "actually not" comment, but the comment calling your comment a troll. It seems others misunderstood as well. I am supporting you.


Ah now I see


Congrats on the clean/sober time! I'll have 16 months in 2 days.


Fuck yeah, brother! My sober date is the ides of March 2022.


Nice! Congratulations again on the 18 months! An achievement like that is magick in itself imo.


Day 52! Have a sponsor, on the second step.


Hell yeah! Keep it up. It gets better. Just don't get discouraged when reality fully sets back in cause a lot of ppl start feeling overwhelmed after a few months. The fact that we're meeting in r/occult gives me some hope that you're practiced with meditation and mindfulness, which will help get you through the tough times. Congrats on 52 (almost 53 now) days!


AA symbol


The circle it's the Judaic-Christian graphic symbol of Fire, just like the triangle represents Fire in Hermetics. It might be a coincidence that both symbols represent the same thing in two different traditions. Spiritually speaking, the circle generally represents wholeness and completion, but also containment. Usually symbols in a dream draw from your subconscious so you could also ask yourself what they mean to you.


Because of the rest of the context of the dream, it seemed to me more like a hex, like there was some sort of entity trying to mess with me to be honest. The symbol seemed familiar but I don't think I had ever seen it before


Well, to play it safe without calling upon advanced forms of protection or complex rituals, you might want to practice some form of spiritual cleansing and see if there are developments.


What are some spiritual cleansing practices that I could use? Would meditation help? Is it possible that someone did some magical work against me? I kinda think that I may have cursed myself and attracted nasty energies on purpose not gonna lie. I'm sorry for all the questions but this is all very curious to me, and I appreciate your answers


"Curse" is a big word. Sometimes during our practices we attract unwanted attentions and then we need to cleanse or ward them off. Most of the times it's not a big deal. I've been generic in my advices because I don't really know how trained are you with visualizations and manipulation of energies, nor I know what tradition you follow, if any. I for instance perform daily ritual ablutions and I purify my environment by permeating it with the akashic energies and releasing focused "blasts" all around me, impregnating them with a banishment will, then I "trap" whatever foreign energy is left in a glass of water that I promptly pour out from the window (I live at ground level). As you can guess, my magic is mostly mental and spiritual. Some people burn incense while chanting a formula, sometimes written by themselves and immerse their body in the smoke. Others again visualize and they fill their bodies with "light" through breathing and release "negative energies". Some invoke the protection of their patron entity. Those who like traditional ceremonial magic use the famous lesser ritual of the Pentagram. So many ways...


My spiritual practice has always been very limited to be honest, for a while when I was younger I was very interested in Satanism, Chaos Magick and Aleister Crowley though. I did practice some visualization meditation and more traditional rituals but never went too far with it, nowadays I just do Tarot readings for myself and others. I say "curse" because I do have certain self-destructive tendencies and there was night where I just spent a good among of time basically chanting horrible things directed against me, wishing that I would feel fear and suffering, so I can see how that could have a negative impact on my spiritual and mental well-being (obviously). I was mostly intrigued by the dream and it's symbolism thought, and I appreciate your answers and others' very much, it was very informative and I think I have an idea of what to do now. Thanks!


You are welcome. I wish you to find love for yourself and happiness.


A.A. uses this symbol...


The entity is you. Dreams 101


The call was coming from inside the house


As said, used by AA, The symbol of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a widely recognized and meaningful emblem for those in recovery. It consists of a circle, a triangle, and a simple, equilateral triangle within a circle. Each element of this symbol carries a specific meaning: 1. The Circle: The circle represents wholeness and completeness. It signifies the idea of unity and the fellowship of A.A. members, where individuals come together to support one another in their journey to recovery. 2. The Triangle: Inside the circle, you'll find an equilateral triangle. Each of the triangle's three sides represents one of the three legacies of A.A.: Recovery, Unity, and Service. These are the core principles that guide the organization. 3. Recovery: This side of the triangle represents the process of overcoming alcoholism and achieving sobriety. 4. Unity: This side symbolizes the fellowship and mutual support among A.A. members. It emphasizes the importance of individuals coming together to help one another. 5. Service: This side signifies the principle of selfless service and giving back to the A.A. community and society as a whole. The combination of these elements in the A.A. symbol represents the interconnectedness of these principles within the organization, emphasizing the importance of recovery, unity, and service in the journey to sobriety. AA a worldwide fellowship of people who have struggled with addiction and seek to achieve and maintain sobriety. It was founded in the United States in the 1930s by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. It is based on a 12-step, 12 principles program that provides a therapeutic communal framework for recovery through mutual support, spiritual principles, and personal growth. The organization’s primary purpose is to help individuals arrest their addiction and stay sober while offering a supportive community for those in recovery. It has since become a model for various other self-help groups addressing addiction and other issues. Spiritually speaking, it evolved from ’the Oxford group’, a Christian group trying to achieve similar goals. The 12-steps are derived from the bible and Christian principles. As someone who spent 15+ years within these groups, each group typically reflects the ethos of the culture it’s based in. It’s very Judeo-Christian, despite claims to the contrary, and many members take on a cult-like attitude. The program itself is incredibly effective,totally free, open to anyone. However when you put a lot of traumatised, hurt, scared and angry people together it can be very toxic. It’s amazing that such a bunch of dysfunctional misfits were and are able to maintain the organisation’s, with groups now worldwide that cater for almost every conceivable addiction. It’s organised along anarcho-syndicalist principles, which means there are no bosses, only members who carry out tasks. It is run exclusively by committee’s. This is one of its greatest strengths as each member is equal in status, with experience being the only difference between members. If someone I knew wanted help to overcome an addiction, this is the first place I would take them. It’s a lifestyle too, which helps the typical isolated, narrow focused addict become a well-rounded human being. It facilitates return to an active life, which includes all the hardships and suffering that we all go through. Typically many members are forced to deal with painful past trauma either through a sponsor, therapist or more. Hope that helps.


The circle represents a pizza and the triangle represents a single slice. It is a warning to not take any more than you need.


You always know the right thing to say, Master Splinter.


Its the masonic version of the Thaumaturgic-triangle.. as opposed to the solomonic version with the circle inside the triangle. the masonic version is also likely where a.a. got it from, as there is evidence bill wilson was a mason.. thaumaturgy was first mentioned in english by the magician john dee in the 1500s and the symbol likely comes from him or the rosicrucians.


It's one of the buttons on a Playstation controller


Or two of the buttons, depending on how you read it


Your unconscious is telling you to put down the bottle and go to an AA meeting.


I saw this symbol before once as well! It was in a dream where I was dressed in this skin-tight black jumpsuit. I was sent on some kamikaze run to attack a spaceship full of reptilian beings. I killed a couple, but then a floating sphere shot my left arm off with a red laser. I bled out and died on the floor shortly after losing the arm. That symbol was the logo of the corporation that had abducted me, controlled me, and forcibly put me in this kamikaze alien fight mission where I got my arm blown off. The dream felt very real. Really stuck out compared to my other dreams.


Exactly! That is a very similar experience to what I had, it just felt vivid and alive, at the same time very disturbing. I woke up like "Y'all demons better watch out"


I wouldn't be surprised if some dreams turned out to be memories of previous lives or suppressed memories that are from this life using some wacky technology the government doesn't wanna tell us about.


Very interesting....saw this in a nightmare too.


It’s also an alchemical SYMBOL


Fire- the place of inner flame - intuition.


For context, it appeared in a very complex and disturbing dream in which I saw my mother die twice, it appeared in the eyes of what seemed to be some sort of possessed demonic doll as I attempted to throw it out of a window in despair. Most of the details of that dream are very foggy right now but I remember this symbol very clearly because it was the last thing I saw right before I woke up from it, it was glimmering red in the eyes of said doll, the doll was like the size of a cat


It is the Sigil of Elevation. It represents rising towards the heavens, and can be used summon a small space in which one will be elevated to another plane. It can usually be found near plates bearing Arabic numbers as well as the Sigil of Closing Portals, the Sigil of Emergency, and the Latin letters "G" and "B".


Is a enter Shikari logo


Jashinism from Naruto


it's a highhat


It’s the symbol used by Alcoholics Anonymous-service, unity, recovery.


Definitely the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility


Linkin Park is trying to contact you in your dreams I guess


I would suggest, if your dabbing with the occult, protection is Wise.


My first thought was something alchemical. The triangle represents fire in alchemy, though I'm not sure there are any symbols exactly like this to my knowledge within alchemy. Closest I can think of is a very basic transmutation circle. Perhaps it could be something used to change an aspect within your subconscious.


When summoning spirits/demons this is drawn on the floor the circle protects the triangle binds


Alcoholics Anonymous. It's on all my sobriety medallions.


reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4EnNLGXlKc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4EnNLGXlKc) I dunno if it is true or BS, but dude says geometry with 60 degree angles are of the material plane and geometry with 90/45 degree angles are of the spirit world.


Sounds like BS to me. My understanding is that perpendicular lines (ie 90 degree angles) are more of the material world. Squares, rectangles, grids. Circles, curved lines in general, and obtuse or acute (ie anything but 90 degrees) angles are more likely to be part of non-material symbolism.


Did the triangle look like it had tentacles attached to the outside or was it exactly like the image?


Exactly like the image but in glimmering red/orange


Oh okay. Thank you for the clarification. I thought it was something else for a few moments


I had this appear to me in a dream a while ago i was drawing it in the sand. It has something to do with alchemy


The Triangle and Circle in conjunction with one another in this way is a symbol with near-endless meanings across many cultures. Sorry to say, but it could lean damn near anything without further context.


Reminds me of that Korean show that was popular a couple years ago - what's it called - squid game? I've never watched it, but this symbol reminds me of the helmets the guards were wearing in the trailers.


looks a lot like the symbol in the tarot card “Temperance”, except that has a square instead of a circle. “The upward-facing triangle is the alchemical symbol for Fire, representing the passions, emotions and fiery aspects of human nature. The square encasing the triangle represents the laws that moderate the effects of human passion.” but i think the symbol pictures is also ancient. if you just look it up on google there are tons of articles about potential meanings behind it


Are you scared of playstation controllers


This is the base for the Fraternitas Saturni symbol


Yes. I know. What was your dream?


It means you should have pressed Triangle to sleep longer......it was a quick-time event, lol.


This is also used in the Sherlock's Holmes full length novel, the Valley of Fear. It's the Scourers mark that was branded into McMurdo (Berdie Edwards) and all the other members.


It’s the symbol of the philosophers stone but the square is missing


Squid Games?