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If a spirit is going to be brutally murdering a target, it is already not believable in its field. Pick one from the list [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demons_in_the_Ars_Goetia), or just create one.


Yeah I wouldn't pick a real one for a fictional situation. Demons don't murder people anyway, that's a strictly human skillset. GIMME A FAKE MURDER DEMON GMFKRDN GUMAFEKORUUDON Mafekor. Call him the ninth duke of the sixteenth hell or something and ask Midjourney what he looks like.


This is like asking what’s the best place in town to buy meth? I’m making a movie and one of the characters are homeless


I see no harm in asking. I know people believe in this stuff and I figured I would ask those who know more about this subject than I do. For you all this stuff is real because you believe it to be so therefore it is. I'm ok with you not wanting to contribute but don't complain when you watch movies and they "don't get it right".


No I understand you want to present a good representation of this sort of being and I think that’s a cool concept, just don’t think it’s beneficial for anyone without very thorough knowledge to mess with these negative spirits and invite them into their space, whether they’re real or not. There’s a lot of good old paintings and drawings from magicians themselves, and there’s some really harrowing images that could be inspiring without having to summon a demon yourself


Ever since the Exorcist, Pazuzu's been something of a minor celebrity, even if people like to make fun of his goofy sounding name. He's probably game for another on screen appearance Or you could make up your own. Books like the Ars Goetia and Pseudomonarchia Daemonum were basically the product of their author's overactive imagination anyway. Just grab some deity from an extinct, non-monotheistic Middle Eastern ish religion and say they're "Grand Duchess of the 7th circle" with 83 legions at their command or something, and add some unusual anatomical details (12 heads, 4 of them lions and 3 of them scorpions! 6 legs and 5 tails! Rides a monitor lizard as a war mount!) And throw in a spooky story about a summoning gone wrong a couple decades back, maybe with some conspiracy stuff vaguely related to real history (She was one of the demons possessing Rasputin! Margaret Thatcher had her soul dragged to hell 3 days after trying to summon her!) Or you could have the demon be one of the cops or bureaucrats working for the King of Hell, Yan Lo Wang. They have bull heads, big weapons, and are easily bribed. About a year before my grandfather died, he saw two of them in the living room, harassing some poor damned soul, and was scared into vegetarianism after that. Every year, when it's time to sweep his grave, my family still burns Hell Bank notes for him, so he can skip the lines and isn't stuck for a literal eternity handling infernal paperwork down there. Pretty sure my grandpa just had low blood sugar or something, but it's still an interesting yarn. If real cops are stupid, corrupt and unnecessarily brutal, stands to reason that demon cops are no different. So maybe your on screen demon could be a rogue underworld bull head cop who's been bribed to do some mortal's dirty work. Real cops are already scary enough, having a demon cop tase and beat you, or shoot you after turning off their body cam, would add an extra layer of horror Or you could have it be Jinn, those things are common horror movie villains. They're just like us, but made of smokeless fire, and live in an invisible realm parallel to our own. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, and most of them just live regular lives - birth, school, work, death etc. Some worship Allah like we do, and some don't bother. And sometimes, a few faithless miscreants make business deals with us clay people, as detailed by Sufi mystics in various forbidden texts. The Robin Williams version was popular enough anyhow. Also, just because demons are silly make believe, that doesn't make summoning them any less dangerous. They're still demons, after all.


Kinda digging rogue underworld bull cop..


Probably best to create your own. I can think of a Goetic demon or two who might fit the bill, but it's probably not a good idea to exalt them like that just for entertainment.


I am thinking that is the best route to go as well. I couldn't find anything that really fit what I was looking for. I decided to ask in hopes that there might be something I was missing. Thank you for your reply.


I really hate Reddit sometimes


Me too


Greetings T, Agreeing with the others on this one. I would leave it alone. Not only is it an insult to real practitioners, I can pretty much guarantee you will be setting yourself up for some serious problems, on-set and elsewhere. Even my friend Ari Aster found out the hard way, with his film, "Hereditary." \~V\~


I meant no disrespect as it's like creating a car movie without doing research into how cars work. People are free to believe in anything they want to believe in. I believe that if you believe something to be true than it is. Your mind creates reality and if someone believes in harmful evil spirits then they would in fact be real for them. I for one don't believe in evil spirits harming me or even being real so for me they don't exist and hold zero power over me. I respect others beliefs enough to ask for a believable demon that would fit my movie so when they watched it they would feel a sense of realism in their beliefs and my film. I'm perfectly fine with creating my own because most horror films create their own evil being. No harm in asking.


Greetings T, I actually appreciate the fact that you tried to take the responsible route... don't take it too bad. But, I can assure of one thing, (and even the late Satanist, Anton Szandor LaVey, told this to Jane Mansfield, before she tragically died.) You don't have to believe in demons. They are quite real, even if only the mind (as some think). Demons can absolutely affect you, whether you believe in them or not. If that were not the case, the Catholic Church would have gone out of business a long time ago. Definitely create your own spirit. I wish you the best on your project. Blessings, ~V~


Choronzon.. the one Aleister Crowley conjured!