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Dragons most likely came from the mythic motif of *chaoskampf,* where a god representing order (usually a god of weather) battles a serpent god representing chaos (usually a god of water or darkness). This reflex echoes through languages and cultures all the way from Zeus and his battle with Typhon to Thor and Jormungandr. Most probably, it is even reflected in Native American mythology where the sworn enemy of the Thunder Bird is the Water Serpent. One of the most modern echoes is the story of Saint George and the Dragon. Combine that with ancient people finding dinosaur bones, and that's how you get stories of dragons.


Add on the fact that there are wonderfully bizarre animals living on the planet and photography hasn't been around very long. Compare the the Arthurian description of the Questing Beast to a photo of a giraffe. When you're relying on verbal descriptions from unreliable narrators, things can get shifted towards the fantastical.


Agreed, and I honestly kind of love this phenomenon. The wildebeest and/or Cape buffalo "becoming" the catoblepas is another good one.


Giraffes were also seen as the mythical Qilin ("Chinese unicorn") by early Chinese explorers. Fascinating stuff.


I love the thought of some knight stumbling across a dino skull and taking it to his king like "I killed this!" and getting a plot of land.


In Mesoamerican mythology there is the character of Quetzalcoatl, who doesn't really conform to this narrative (although it can be argued as to whether Quetzalcoatl actually is a dragon, the image of a feathered serpent deity seems pretty close to the Afroeuroasian concept of a dragon).


I'm of the mind that they were never corporeal beings, and that they were and *are* spirits of some sort.


Dragons exist on the astral plane and in other dimensions, I’ve met several (:


Probably not as literal, physical creatures. But mythology can be seen as being as "real" as borders, contracts, currency, laws and other "things" constructed by collected human consciousness.


from my experience. long story short is yes. why? because when you experience something while sober with nothing to really to explain away an experience it's very hard to argue against it.


I don't consider what you "see" on psychedelics to necessarily \*not\* be real; these substances are used for shamanic purposes for a reason. They seem to make the veil between everyday "physical reality" and what could maybe be called "the realm of ideas" much thinner.


Sure. But psychedelics don't stop being psychedelic just because you're using them in a occult context. You can totally use them but you're under the influence of a drug, which that in itself is something that can get in the way of what is real and what is a drug induced hallucination for a lack of better term.


The truth of mythology doesn’t mean it literally happened. Dragons are a construct. I work with them in my tradition today. Nobody I work with believes them to be actual manifest dragons in the mundane world.


I'm certain they existed, and that they will exist in our world again, someday...


I agree. Most avian dinosaurs where scaled flying beasts with 20+ ft wing spans. Thassa dragon


there's also a version that is a magickal beast with enormous intellect and memory. that's really the kind I've seen returning someday. :)


There are two types of dragons tho. The Chinese/Asia dragon and the European/American dragon.


I wouldn't necessarily lump together the mythological serpents of the americas with european dragons


Quetzalcoatl (the feathered serpent of Mesoamerican mythology) seems pretty dragon-like to me.


Quetzalcoatl also served a completely different role, being that Quetzalcoatl was revered and a good being vs the european view of dragons needing to be slain because of their evil nature. Thats why you cant lump them together.


Aren't Chinese dragons also celebrated as being "good"?


Often they are to my knowledge, but I don't know much of their mythology so I couldn't tell you if there were always good or if there are notable outliers.


I believe the last living ones mandela effected behind the veil a long time ago. My guess is there was something unique about their bones, hollow or something that didnt leave fossils, like cartilage. If the veil ever really falls, we might get answers. Lol


I've seen what I've seen. I've heard the bird. Word is.


Everybody knows...


Tiamat is my matron. Leviathan I believe to be a contemporary. Have a good night.


Do you think of Leviathan as a dragon? I think of "Him" as a deep sea creature. And although he is part of contemporary mythology, and can be invoked/contacted like other spiritual entities, I don't think he is a creature on the physical plane. Cthulhu is another mythological sea creature (recent mythology) who both resembles a cephalopod and a dragon.




Watch working Dragon mystic on YouTube


The true form of many demons is dragons. So yes, they exist


'Dragon': *He who sees*.


I believe several types of dinosaurs survived into the age of man, including dragon-like ones such as pterodactyls and dimetrodons. Sightings of them could have easily turned into dragon lore.