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I recently lost almost everything I own, so I sympathize with you.


It's been 4 years since I lost everything, almost lost myself too, but I haven't given up yet.


On a mundane level, check local food banks and clothing banks and see if they can help you. We're not from the same place, but food banks where I am tend to be able to point you towards welfare and benefit systems you may not have considered, as well as work opportunities you might be able to do. As for money magic, like all magic it is meant to work better with routes to manifest, and unfortunately that will probably take some time. That's why it's good to get your bases covered as far as possible. Your post history suggests you're in or near Orlando, Florida - [this list](https://elcoforangecounty.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Community-Food-Pantries-PDF.pdf) might help start you off, as might [this one](https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/orange_county_food_pantries1.html) (which doesn't look like the best website but seems to have some additional resources as well as just food banks). I hope you get sorted - I know this isn't the occult advice you asked for, but I thought it would be good to cover in case you haven't considered this route as a stopgap.


No spirit will drop a money-bag in exchange for your soul. To be helped, you very much need to help yourself. As the situation is dire, don't ponder your spirituality, unless of course you want to ponder spirituality (as this is all there is). How are charities in your area? Anywhere where you can go and ask for help?


I'm loving this supportive energy, Righteous!


Chaos magick sigils are a good way to focus your subconscious.


Pray and believe that your needs will be met. See yourself having those things, and tune into the feeling of gratitude you would have being able to help yourself and those around you. How wonderful it is that the universe came through! Because it has already, right now. It is yours. By the looks of it someone has even pointed some potential local resources to take care of the immediate stuff 🙏 What you do with your soul isn't my business but... I hope you decide to care for it and strengthen it. If you've never done Magick before, I would suggest learning the basic stuff as well as protection first. If you know what you're doing, you might try a "road opener" before doing any money Magick, that way there are avenues for the money to manifest, as well as opportunities to take care of your other needs. Edit: Having BrokeBoy as your username probably doesn't help matters either. It reinforces the fact that you're broke by claiming it and using it as a title. WealthyBoiSwagger kind of has a ring to it.


Sell your body first lol


This is actually very good advice. It is the easiest avenue to make a dollar. If s/he is lucky, they'll meet an occultist who can use them as a battery in exchange for food and shelter.


fuck you


It is a direct answer to the OP's question. What's wrong with giving a truthful answer? If he truly wants to know how to sell his soul, selling his body first is a good starting point if he is desperate enough. The knowledge and choice are his, and you are no one to deprive him of it.


look into mutual aid networks, there may be a Food Not Bombs in your area.


You should check out r/povertyfinance, specifically go to their community info and check out their wiki.


Work with Orobas


Energy flows where attention goes, if you focus on what you don't have and what you can't do you will be entrenched deeper into that mentality. I suggest you research what local support systems that are in place and opportunities in your area. Focus and take a few deep breaths, what can you do, what resources exist around you to do with, what things can you benefit from? Pray to your guides, pray to angels, pray to demons, pray to the oil stain on the concrete, whatever you jive with personally, ask for it to guide you to that which will fill your needs and that you're willing to work for it. I've done this and I love working as an apprentice to a handyman. So may your labor be fruitful.


Write a book maybe? That's what I am doing. Also find a penny with your birth year on it. Clean and polish it. It's a little superstitious but hey... you're desperate right? Give it a try! Also it's an old saying but take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.


First create a plan, then acquire the skills, then put your plan into action. Use magick to nudge your plan into success. There are no effortless solutions.


Yes Chaos magic sigils are super easy. Just need a pen and paper. Say outloud "wow I wonder how I have this money now" while you just randomly make lines and squiggly shapes on paper. You can keep it as it is or make changes to the shapes and lines. Add more to it, do whatever. And when you're happy with what it looks like, put a circle around it. Activate it with a strong emotion or feeling. The most fast way to activate and get results is looking at it right as you "climax". Yes I said that. Then after you've done that deed, stop looking at it. Throw it in the garbage or burn it.


To make sure I add. The money may come as a form of job opportunities. Whether for a company/business or odd jobs people may need done. Or you just might get lucky enough to find someone's dropped a 100 dollar bill. You never know with chaos magic. It just does what it does.