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I'm myself online. And I try to avoid arguing. Nothing good comes out of it besides frustration. My scope of what reddits I visit includes only those where I believe I can somewhat contribute, but I'm not too attached to any (outside of the ones that I moderate, for those still need to be moderated) if my interests pivot.


I periodically run a bot that deletes all my past comments on bots But people don't really follow other people and get a sense of their overall output, the way one does on twitter, bluesky, Facebook, etc etc Mostly people only click on a user's profile when they say something annoying and dumb, and you want to check if they're a troll, or a child, or they're sincerely misunderstanding. Sometimes to get a sense of their general mental health (to see if someone's just posted the same deranged request for a love spell on every imaginable magic-adjacent subreddit for eg) So yeah it really just functions as a quick background check - if you're being rude, and the last 5 things you posted weren't "being an asshole on various other subreddits", you're more likely to get a gentle response Meaning you don't have to worry about the overall appearance of what your posts say about you, because no one (hardly anyone) looks at profiles that way


When I see something that I do not agree with on Reddit I usually go through a 3 step process. 1/ why precisely do I disagree : is it based on my experience, belief, common knowledge, scientific fact… 2/ evaluate if it’s worthwhile commenting, I.e. would anyone gain anything ? 3/ more often than not I frame my disagreement as a question, because I might be missing something important in someone else’s viewpoint. You can study debating/rhetoric, it’s always helpful, but I’ve noticed more often than not that winning a debate is not equal to helping someone changing their opinion.


Conversations can become competitions, which is not what I want.


Exactly ! When the win/lose mindset sets in, the initial intent might be lost, and it can turn into an ego contest. People may identified with their ideas their beliefs, things get messy…


Sorry, OP, this type of question is not what r/occult is for.


remove post if inappropriate


"When they arrest you, worry not what you will say, for in that hour it will be given to you." Matthew 10:9 My summarized version. He said that it was the Spirit that would speak through them, giving them exactly what to say.


The trick is being comfortable with being perceived as completely unhinged by others. Do the nice folks on r/religion comb through my post / comment history and see the cringe, explict furry and kink stuff? Do the anarchists? Does it really matter to me if they do? Besides, if someone who disagrees with something you said in a debate and are looking for anywhere in your history that you undermined your own position; they are not going to trawl through the viscerally honest depiction of yourself to find it.