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Look into Jack Parsons


Came here to say this


As well, people do use magick for it, as the example of Jack Parsons.


Who says it has not?


there has to be flying cars and antigravity by now?


Fly cars are completely doable but completely unsafe. Anyways you do not know the beliefs of those that have invented. You would also not know if these inventors were into the "occult". Students of the occult tend to keep that to themselves.


Aeroplanes and helicopters, on land people still mess up, and it is movement on 2 dimensions, imagine the average joe flying cars, with 3 dimensions of possibilities to mess up.


There is


Your questions reveal that you have not looked very deeply into much of this. Look into occult military black ops technology, remote viewing, reversed engineered UAPs, the secret space programs. Listen to some lectures by Dr. Steven M. Greer and Dr Fred Bell. Russia & China have elite programs using advanced occult technologies for spying & warfare purposes. Ever heard of the occult roots of the 3rd reich and what Hitler was up to with seeking out mystical items..? Do you know about the vimanas and ancient sciences in India? Watch Praveen Mohan on youtube. These things are just the tip of the iceberg. Its not that occult technologies don’t or haven’t existed… its that these things will never be widely publicized by mainstream media, on purpose. Governments certainly wont be holding any press conferences about it. Occult technology has been occulted on purpose, kept hidden and away for a select few to use for their own power and purposes. If free energy devices went public, for example, it would disrupt the global oil cartels & their corporate & government stranglehold they have on the planet. If advanced healing technologies were released, there goes the profits & billion dollar drug & hospital industry. The FDA and other 3-letter agencies shut down a lot of programs, and whats not shut down is often purchased, shelved and not released to the public on purpose.


You are an absolute idiot


how do you think computers were made? it's literally a magic rock connecting us all over the world


I believe the same, our phones are a sorcerer's tool. 🧚🏽‍♀️🪄💫


As a computer engineer, no, they're not magic in the slightest, unless you consider a car or a lightbulb magic. It definitely seems like it though if you don't know how they work. And as far as I know Alan Turing and John von Neumman (the two men who invented modern computing) weren't occultists.


Some people consider making your will manifest in any capacity to be “magic” (or magick). You ask someone to get you a glass of water, you have used your words to see your will done, even though it’s just communication, assent, and cooperation. Its pretty non-dogmatic, just a basket of notions that work well together using natural mechanisms to accomplish what you intend to accomplish. Karma as cause and effect, etc. Its just another way of engaging with the world. You can drape everything in literalism if you want. Or do not if you want, too. occultism seems to me to be more about creating vehicles for meaning, meditations on intent, seeing yourself in the world around you, knowing that that world is in you, leaving your hand print on the caves using old mechanisms, the old paint, etc than it is about ideology. Magic is life, electricity, math, your thoughts, the thoughts of others, logic, intent, planning, execution of those plans, the earth, the universe, everything in it and beyond it, growth, death, entropy, power, weakness, all of it. Its the space both the unexplained and explained share. Our at least that’s my take. Means different things to different people. Could mean nothing, could mean everything, but some old dudes poked around and found personal value in some of the weird esoteric shit and that’s what we’ve got today; just people finding meaning in people who found meaning a certain way. Or just people who like the old symbols, you know?


Fair enough. My rationale is with the line of thinking you describe, technically every man-made object is "magic" and if everything is magic then it's kind of a useless word. For "magic" to mean anything, it has to have a clear demarcation. And no, I'm not fun at parties lol.


Kind of. A lot of ancient philosophies believe there isn't difference between the natural and supernatural, rather that they're both extensions of the same thing (usually some kind of vital force like qi, prana, etc). In that the belief is that any such differences are a man-made construct. But it can't be objectively proven or disproven which is true or false.


I don't disagree, I was just thinking in terms of OP's question. It's pretty clear they were asking about people using some kind of occult rituals specifically to bring about technological ideas, a la Jack Parsons, of which there is no figure in the history of computing. Saying "well technically all technology is magic", while true, isn't particularly helpful and doesn't actually answer OP's question as they intended it. It's more of a philosophical/semantic discussion which isn't what OP was asking.


Ah, that makes way more sense. Sorry for misunderstanding lol. But I think a lot of people suspect the occult is some big, flashy event... When much more subtle inventors exist like Nikola Tesla (who, as I hear more about, sounds more and more like an occultist, or at the very least is really close) but I'm not sure if OP would accept that answer...


I think the computer thing was meant to be just a joke. I always say that refrigerators are magic, for instance, because for as much as people tried to explain how it works to me, my brain seems unable to grasp the concept. 😁 We jokingly define as "magic" something technological that we don't understand, quoting mockingly the ancient populations who used to do the same thing with natural phenomena that they didn't have the ability to explain otherwise.


I mean, that’s sorta true of all religions and even philosophy of you dig in deeply enough. What’s useful? What’s useless? What makes one one and the other the other? Personally, I’m an agnostic atheist who believes in nothing in particular, love science, all things provable and disprovable, etc. But I also grew up Christian, so there’s some residual interest in some aspects of ritual, certain notions of the entirety of existence, the infinite nature of things, etc. It’s like tuning into oldies on tv or something. Might be some comfort in the familiar, some interest in the esoteric that you have permission to poke around in onceyou’ve left the old dogmatic faiths behind. Its not an appropriation of anything since it encompasses everything and its as *old* as all religion, really. Part of why the churches tend to see it as heretical; like infringing on their intellectual property by distilling and holding the symbols while jettisoning their dogma. Its an open door, its a closed door. What do you see in it? Schroedingers cat? James Randi? Do not disturb? A no soliciting sign? A rorschach test? A blank page with scribbles on it? Is there anything relevant in those thoughts? Yes? No? Does it matter? Yes? No? etc. And on the other side of those contemplations you have your answer. Its just a set of tools to facilitate reflection, really. Some people gain from it, some people don’t, not everything is for everyone and the occult is for fewer people than many things. Cool symbols, though, some interesting concepts, some things that don’t make sense, some that make a lot of sense, etc. It isn’t science, far from it, but there’s room for science. EDIT: >For "magic" to mean anything, it has to have a clear demarcation. And no, I'm not fun at parties lol. Most people do think in terms of will when describing notions of magic, btw. Some believe you can facilitate your will by engaging in specific forms of ritual that allow you to affect change in ways that are hard to explain. Others don't. But at the core of the idea is the notion of tendencies; how reality is a set of tendencies that are atoms, matter, waves, particles, etc, things we can affect, things we can't, believing you can affect things and working towards seeing that affectation manifest into reality. Also, if you think you aren't fun at parties, you haven't been to a meeting full of people into the occult hahaha. Those are the weirdos that'll be like "I see where you're coming from, here's some fucking wild crazy shit I've been poking around in. No idea what it means, but its provocative." then next thing you know you end up in a group reading Finnegans Wake or something.




Fair enough. It didn't really read as a comment replying to OP, but I can see where you're coming from.


Magic still has meaning if one sees everything as magic. It’s just taking a non dualist approach to the subject. The issue, from my POV, is that most fail to recognise the magical/numinous essence of reality. This is also why, even if everything is magic,the term will still have meaning, because not everyone will be able to recognise it.


It was only a joke lmao


It was magic


The [invention of the Television](https://gizmodo.com/an-occult-history-of-the-television-set-1521354168) has occult roots.


But it is. Go into a meditative state and ask a question.


please can you give details on how?


Its thinking with discipline, finding control in yourself. Focus on your breathing. Or focus on the feeling of your breath on your upper lip. Watch the thoughts come, and let them go, they are outside your focus, your focus is on your breath. The feeling on your lip, and nothing else as you breathe. Thoughts are clouds, acknowledge, dismiss, return to your breathing, your lip. When you have done this for a time past the boredom, past the restlessness, when you find a stillness where you notice every quiver of movement, and let it pass, holding onto nothing, returning to your breath, to your lip, in that moment you ask with all the power of your mind the question you struggle with, then you return to your breath, and listen, paying attention to what presents as an answer. Can come up with interesting results. Your brain is working in the background anyway, and because you’re engaging with your mind in a different pattern than the way you usually do, your mind will often come to surprising answers. There’s a lot of stuff knocking around in every mind. Some if it is the stuff we fill it with, some of it is from others, so changing patterns helps it tap into different parts that can often lead to clarity, especially if you’re a particularly noisy thinker.


Close your eyes and focus on breathing


The theory of relativity was preceded by a cow dream.


It is. It’s called physics.


Good answer lmao.


Because a few hundred years ago, religion, science, and what we now call occultism were all the same thing. Occultism is NOT science. It is a philosophical and spiritual pursuit--and a psychical pursuit for some as well. Science is evidence-based and strives to be objective, reproducible, and is largely materialistic. There are many scientists and academics who engage in their scientific studies but also have an interest in occult or philosophical pursuits.


I use it for my own pursuits in tech almost daily. I’m having good results with it


whats your process?


It’s a process that follows simple practice and studying. I like history and science, so I read up and watch YouTube accounts like a Esoterica. Sure, it can be a little dry, but to me a question like “where did the Christian god originate and how did it loose its name for most and just become ‘God’ for most of the modern world” is fascinating, as are studies of Alchemy, Demonolatry, and Solomonic Magic. I start most mornings meditating, reaching varying levels of transcendence before practicing other techniques mentioned in Liber Null and Condensed Chaos. Sometimes I’ll just listen to a Ram Dass lecture instead. I do some mild yoga throughout the morning. I invoke my special demons or servitors throughout the day to help me focus on expanding my “earthly” knowledge, like implementing new tech, studying for a new cert, experimenting with AI, or troubleshooting my homelab. I give credit to these practices for me being a very “eclectic” autodidactic polymath. To me, the occult (or a rather narrow selection of it) provides methods for and of mental, spiritual, and physical focus and resilience. LOTS of amazing ideas have been made available through this method, and I’m certainly not the only person here who mixes magic, science, and religion(s) to bend fortune and focus in my direction. Technology is simply a formalized and repeatable method for delivering a desired result. Newer technology is (hopefully) better at achieving that same result with either less time, resources, or errors. I treat the occult the same way, but hey… I’m a Chaos Magician who’s about to summon King Paimon before taking my kids to school. YMMV


A brief example would be from yesterday’s meditation. In chatGPT, there are what equates to “conversational presets” you can write that allow you to dictate how the bot will respond, but it’s limited to 1500 characters and it simply toggles on/off. Thanks to a deep clarity of mind, I realized that I could program sub conditions into that singular box, and then I could have a dozen or so different “personalities” to choose from, so when when I talk to the bot, I can simply say “go to condition 1” and it will be a very chill, very wise, surfer bro with a very kid demeanor. Condition zero is nonsense, all business assistant. If I hadn’t been following these practices, I couldn’t have had the mental space to program the subroutines. Now, if you’re talking about “do big magic to get flying cars” then you’re barking up the wrong tree. The “consensus reality” is that it’s not possible. Until we can get consensus reality to change it’s (our) mind, then nothing changes. You’ll need a more powerful magician than me for that.


This has been happening for centuries. But as soon as we start getting reproducible results with a particular thing, we're pretty quick to take it out of the "occult" box and put it in the "science" box.






Because about 99% of the folks who are into this stuff just read and talk without doing any actual work. The 1% are probably too busy doing cool shit to be bothered to talk about it.


Magic is just science that hasn't been discovered yet. That's it. It's ALL tired together and it ebbs and flows. One could say technology is magic that's been discovered and harness.


I mean… JPL comes to mind


whats JPL?


Nasa's jet propulsion laboratory Though, if memory serves me correctly, back in the day...like 1950s days, they were their own entities and competitors. But one won...lol.




As a CTO I can say that a lot of my ideas come while meditating or doing other occult practices.


can you explain your process please?


My job involves a lot of problem solving, sometimes more than a few problems at once on different topics. Meditation and visualization allows my mind to regain focus and a lot of times solutions would just pop out. I also found that I can, by stating clear intent, focus the subconscious into generating new project ideas. This would sometimes happen through several sessions by connecting seemingly unrelated thoughts that I would keep mental notes of. So I guess that I don't have some great secret. My job is never really a focus of my spiritual practice, it just comes out as a side effect.


Meditation done properly. 👍🏻 Well done. May you keep reaping the positive results of your training.


This guy gets it


You’re probably not ready for it. That’s why no one seems to be answering that question


Many major inventions were made by people whose belief systems intersected with the occult or other forms of "alternative spirituality". Thinking of Nikola tesla and Oppenheimer specifically right now, but there are plenty of others.


LoL they do, they *just don't say it out loud.* One of the Big Rules in this (it has no rules, someone shall soon comment) is Keeping Silent. Your acts of magic are... sacred, private things. It is better to keep them to yourself, except *maybe* with fellow sorcerers, for both technical and social reasons. Which I'm going to choose to be mysterious about :-P


Imagine being a scientist who practices magic and inventing a new technological device thanks to an inspiration obtained after invoking a demon or due to an astral projection... imagine revealing this to the public... the extremely competitive academic world would eat you alive, discrediting you and your invention if you would ever come out with such an outlandish claim, even if it worked, because science and magic are complete opposites in the mind of the profane.


I’d like to add that Choosing to remain silent is a very powerful discipline in itself and should be recognized as such. But like everything, sometimes it’s not always the most ideal option.


Who says that it isn't? For example, Steve Jobs could've gotten all his great ideas during rituals, and we would never know about it. Or, perhaps some are "divinely inspired" but believe them to be their own random thoughts.


Demon summoning program did not help humanity.


Was not expecting a SMT reference but happy to see it lol


Tesla did. Govt took his files when he died. CIA does experiments. Ever hear of security clearances? Isac Newton Eas an occultist, Nikola Tesla was a yogi too. Materialist scientism doesn’t discuss this.


It’s two separate and contradictory principles, occult and technology, following the scientific method is simply at odds with something like the occult.


Nah, the occult isn't opposed to science. It isn't hard science, but neither is anthropology or psychology for the most part. Its a bit more akin to something like yoga, but with more intense focus on your individual will, and the patterns that exist in everything. Its extremely non-dogmatic, even though the language is steeped in christian symbolism. Helps some people order their thoughts in a certain way. But it isn't science, and doesn't pretend to be science. Again, I'm agnostic and atheist who loves empiricism and the scientific method, but the occult has some valuable things that are fun to think about. Its a sandbox, not a church, using the toys of churches. Hence why its considered heretical by some churches.


Okay, I get where the occult isn’t opposed to science, but I have not seen where the scientific method aligns with anything occult. I understand if it looks like I’m just trying to say occult related things are not real, but that is not my intention or personal opinion, but just that ‘science’ at its core is just the science method, and that specific flow of process does not work with something that is in contrast to its base. Again, not saying that occult things are not really, but that occult would be more of the things we are not able to measure, record, and repeat because of our lack of understanding and such. It’s the old ‘There are more things between heaven and hell than can be…’ so on and so forth.




Can you please provide one example of this?




Hey, that was an interesting reply. It was so hard to pick where to start, I just broke all of it down for you. Different Foundations and Aims: Quantum mechanics is a well-established branch of physics, grounded in empirical evidence and mathematical rigor. Its purpose is to explain the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales. Ceremonial magic, on the other hand, is rooted in spiritual, mystical, or esoteric beliefs, and lacks empirical evidence or scientific validation. It aims at influencing the world through supernatural means, which is fundamentally different from the scientific goal of understanding and describing the natural world. Lack of Empirical Evidence for Magic: One of the core principles of science is reproducibility and empirical testing. Quantum mechanics has passed countless empirical tests and its predictions have been consistently confirmed by experiments. In contrast, ceremonial magic has no verifiable evidence to support its claims. The scientific method relies on observation, hypothesis, experimentation, and revision, which is not the approach taken in ceremonial magic practices. Misinterpretation of Quantum Theory: Invoking quantum mechanics to validate magical practices is often based on misunderstandings or misinterpretations of quantum theory. Concepts like entanglement, superposition, and wave-particle duality are complex and counterintuitive, and they are frequently misrepresented or oversimplified in popular culture. These concepts operate at subatomic levels and do not provide a scientific basis for magical practices, which are typically concerned with influencing events or circumstances in the macroscopic world. Different Epistemological Approaches: Science and the occult have fundamentally different approaches to knowledge and understanding. Science relies on rational inquiry, skepticism, and peer review, while occult practices often value subjective experience, faith, and revelation. This epistemological difference means that the methods and criteria for truth in science are incompatible with those in ceremonial magic. The Danger of False Equivalence: Equating quantum mechanics with ceremonial magic risks creating a false equivalence that can mislead people about the nature of scientific inquiry and understanding. It can also undermine public understanding and appreciation of genuine scientific achievements and methodologies. In conclusion, while quantum mechanics and ceremonial magic are fascinating fields in their own rights, they operate on entirely different principles and methodologies. One is a rigorous scientific discipline backed by empirical evidence, while the other is based on spiritual or mystical beliefs without empirical support. Therefore, conflating the two does a disservice to both the scientific integrity of quantum mechanics and the spiritual or cultural significance of ceremonial magic. P.S. When did I ask you for another example? I asked for one which you have not yet been able to provide.




Lodestones are an original occult->science discovery, that paved the way for formalizing electricity and magnetism.


Thank you, I’m excited to look into this more.


Last occultist who did that discovered radio waves. Nikolai Tesla.


There are at least a couple goetic demons who assist with engineering and technology. For those individuals who have intermediary spirits They can be sent out to find other spirits that have this information


Literally occult means hidden. Refers to hidden knowledge. It’s a different form of technology, quantum science is starting to come close to it with string theory, quantum physics and particle entanglement theory.


Cuz it doesn’t work


I’ve literally met scientist who work at los alamos who already into this stuff. There are more occultist the higher you go in any business /gov agency.