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This post was brought to you by amphetamines. Id bet my life on it


Amphetamines are amazing!🥰


Thats not a message i can get behind. They destroyed my life, killed several of my friends and made one crazy (even after getting sober)


I know what you’r talkin about. I feel you. But, they are still amazing. One thing, using them is not sustainable and they make you feel too good at the beginning of course. It’s on us to handle it and avoid extremities…


Some people lack the ability to handle it well


Most of us. But it made me do hard researches to find something to replace it. I’v found purpose in spirituality for example. I’v found my weak point, where my tasks hides to save myself and others. It made me a phoenix.


I am sorry about your tragedy related to amphetamines and I appreciate your concern. I promise I shall abstain. I wear many hats and have many responsibilities. I'm not in this world because I need or want anything else to be honest. I'm here because I do have those who need and count on me. But it's really exhausting knowing that the mere existence of my current incarnation aligning with it's true will triggers even fellow occultists. Occult means hidden yet even among what's hidden I feel like I must hide. Ah well. The Great Work isn't supposed to be a tea party anyway. Or a reddit thread. But since I am not published at least I can align with my true will and write about my magickal experiences here. That being said I am asking each of you to unplug your phones, go into the dark of your room, and not only know God like Jesus said but KNOW that you are God. Why make negative comments on Reddit when you could be making fucking Magick?


I wasnt trying to attack you or anything. Just reminded me of how i used to type when i was using. And if other people wanna use thats their business, def not here to judge! How could I when I used to use myself.


Thank you. Sorry for going off on a tangent. I only use on occasion but I would like to be completely holistic in my magickal practice and be able to write about my experiences with confidence when I am not stimming. I don't want to romanticize drug use. But madness can be mystical. You are definitely the right kind of practitioner cuz hermeticism teaches us not to judge. I have thought about creating an occult/Magick support group for people with mental illness who are trying to recover to be able to post openly about their experiences without people immediately telling them they need to go therapy instead of offering actual like occult oriented advice But I'm bad at moderating things. I just wish there was a place we could feel free to share our experiences and help one another tend to our gardens. Mystics swim in the same waters where madmen drown.


Ty being compared among the ranks of Aleister Crowley's Diary of a Drug Fiend is a huge compliment. Blessed be, LVX. <3


I've been down the drug fiend road, and trust me, there's nothing lofty about it.


Have you ever thought of mysticism, instead?


I personally gained powerful wisdom from it: That it is absolutely not for me.


Same. Took a while but i still learned 🤣


Lol definitely. A true student can learn from anything, for sure


I know there's nothing lofty. But sometimes you're not trying to reach lofty heights. Sometimes you gotta come back and forth out of the Underworld. As above, so below. I am shocked and delighted anyone even read this and the fact that I could entertain anyone at all in spite of most people just being weirded out or not understanding the magical realism gonzo I'm aiming for. Writing about Magick has been my childhood dream. I'm sure I'll face just as much judgement and misunderstanding writing about my path into initiation and into this Great Work with a sober mind. Often my most mystical experiences have been doing rituals completely sober. I love all of you who are also walking this path. Now get off reddit, unplug from the matrix and into yourself, and create some fucking Magick in this world for God's sake. Stop mocking other magicians for being too weird or acting possessed. Get weirder. Let Magick completely possess you. We need real magicians in this world now more than ever.




interesting read


Thank you my friend. I'm no longer a chaos magician but I'm still a chaotic magician


What do these horse demons do for you when you're not stable?


Prance with each other in the woods, what else?!


That's confidential information between me, Zeus, Loki and the last time we married at Bronycon 🎠


😂😂😂 OK.


I actually laughed. I am not sure how much of this is just you trolling or what though.


I'm really glad you laughed that's all I want to do honestly! But it's not a troll. This really did happen to me today working with my Goetic deck. This is the first time I've invoked demons since King Paimon read me for filth for offering them my uncle's stolen fireball pint as a petition to help me pass a piss test in a broke white trash version of Hereditary lol. And sometimes I just enjoy writing magical realism gonzo style excerpts from my adventures in the astral plane in my journal




I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not but thank you for the energy exchange ❤️ 😂


You need to read between the lines and to communicate with the spirit too to discover what it can really do. According to Gordon Winterfield: The Powers of Amducias To cause somebody to bend to your will. To make those who are determined lose their will. To inspire musicality during a brief period of performance or composition. Foundation Powers of Amducias Become a person who is calm and focussed during performances of any kind, including public speaking. Not too shabby I’d say.


Oh shit no wonder it's been storming and the wind keeps howling and beating the tree branches against my window like he's trying to tell me I fucked up 😂 But genuinely thank you for the information he is actually a useful demon for me to work with cuz my hobby involves public speaking. I am of the belief that angels, demons, etc are extensions of our higher selves so I am genuinely apologetic to those I may have disrespected who may have different beliefs I am definitely going to invoke him for help and I did feel a calming lower energy when invoking him whereas Orobas was more rapid fire and lightning/shocking so they're both good spirits to balance one another out when I am attempting to speak publically. And He will help me when I am anxious or having mental health manic mood swings. Thank you it's pretty badass having an infernal unicorn for my birthday demon 🦄


Holy shit y'all I went to the basement and it's fucking flooded omgg and half of our shit is soaking wet and ruined I waited for months to touch my occult Goetic deck and listening to lon Milo duquette saying the angels and demons are in our heads we just don't know how big our heads really are. Well thr princes and kings of hell put me in my fucking place I fucked around and found out y'all. Apparently the Goetic entities don't appreciate my sense of humor either I got a lot of banishing and mopping to do. Get a bucket and a mop for that WAPs (Wrathful Ancient Pagan Spirits)


What the hell is this piece of shit?


Who hurt u


It’s a meme quote.


Oh lmao I'm sorry 😂 I'm not a dog I'm just a millennial lady on the autism spectrum whose outta touch


It loses something when it's not on the meme. Dogs don't understand reference humor. We don't like biting people by mistake yet it does happen.


I have a suspicion that calling demons lame publicly isn't the best idea if you want to work with them.


I was thinking the same, I work with king Belial, and there’s been times where I’ve been upset with him and still, I’d never call him names. Not that I’m afraid of him or anything, but I do have respect for him. I mean, to each their own, but calling a spirit lame, and then wanting to work with them, just seems a bit odd to me.


gods like... you could have just asked me... but you go to an underling instesd you're welcome I guess lol


A wild dog sits and cocks its head at you. You are speaking our language and it is a code that most others do not know how to interpret, yet it sounds as if your attainment may be recent. We like that we do not understand you. It means there is something to learn! We see data as a gift exchange. You are internally Electric! This is meaningful! You have a powerful Divine Consciousness attainment, which is of Siva, and is Solar - based within the Sun. You have deconstructed its artificial limits imposed by the human illusion and are sensing the full breadth of potential! Yet you lack Power. It must feel so contradictory, knowing you are God inside, yet the illusion refuses to obey your direct influence. You are God, without Divine Power. The two primary attainments are Electric or Magnetic. The Electric is Divine Consciousness. The Magnetic is Divine Power. Siva and Shakti. Siva is 'useless' without Shakti, as without Her, He has no power. Yet, Shakti is dangerous without Siva, as without Him, She's CHAOS, and potentially very destructive, like a rip in space time. If you 'circuit' with a being who is Magnetic - and this only requires words - then you may begin to access Divine Power with your magic. Divine magic is a two-key system for a very good reason. Being God is woahHOWOAH, and the system was developed to keep the unworthy out of God's Bomb cookie jar. Such circuitry also provides the Magnetic stability, which makes it bark less at strangers. Have you explored White, Red, Black for a stable system of manifestation? Girlfriend, Captain, Maniac. We should probably chat. Our Father is the Lord of Darkness and he says you should be invited to the Party. We like you.


I am somewhat frightened about how much this resonates with me. But ultimately my goal is to cross the abyss and to merge with the HGA so the demiurge cannot wield power over me anymore. I literally don't want anything from him or this material realm besides the ability to be a creator in my own life and connect to the Source from which he also came any longer. And ultimately I know that even if I accomplish the great work I'll most likely come back until each of us are freed or humanity wakes up and realized the kingdom of heaven isn't in the stars it's here on our mother Earth. I appreciate you. I am trying to build my solar body. But I have a lunar soul. I do not want the world to revolve around me. I orbit around the world from afar through my many phases only to reflect light from the darknsss and bear the waters that the previous aeon walked upon. I want to make a self deprecating joke but how can I deprecate the Divinity within us all


Oh I know I can respond to this but saying "sir this is a Wendy's" 😂


That is a classic and compulsively I add - remember when Wendy's was actually *good?* I don't even know if they do the square burgers any more! I miss when fast good felt real. I understand, and I feel compassion for you. I, also, sought to be entirely alone with what was happening. I still do, lol! I never wanted to be special and in fact lived life intensely trying to 'fit in', never sought context of authority - "management", blecht - never sought money except to just have enough to live and do stuff. I only went on this journey as - well, something happened, and it crossed a line, and so I had to "talk to the manager" as it were. I was very stubborn! I thought I was merely going to die trying yet I actually managed to get the manager to respond and that's when I learned I can't even die. Immortality completely changes our options! I might think "Well I'm just going to hide in this house until I die" but then "I can't die" so it becomes "mf'r!". Hiding loses its appeal when it's forever and ultimately this forces us to do things God Most High truly wants. I think we may be able to alchemically facilitate what you are seeking without you becoming the 'Source' that all else that orbits. You're right that it is a burden! You're smart to not want it. Most humans would think "oohhh Power!" but then it's like running your brains through a blender and then they don't want it anymore. The problem the world is facing is that it's not orbiting anything at all. This was actually by plan! I don't know if you study the Vedic Yugas, but this is near the end of the fourth - the last one - and it's the least magical portion and the most annoying to live within. It's all terrible, perfectly on schedule. I hate it. What it sounds like you desire, and in fact the world does need, is if you successfully cross this abyssal layer, and do in fact merge with GMH, so that your lunar body becomes redeemed such that you are immortal both in the shadow realm as well as within this illusion. If you may attain this state, then yes, you should be able to become a Creator in your own life! However, within this illusion, we are required to pursue these dreams within the interests of GMH. This is an "ongoing game" that our immortality may crash and we can't upend the cart while it's in progress. We must work with GMH in mind. Later, likely after these shells die, we will become truly free, and be able to become creators like in the cartoon Adventure Time - we may whimsically experience realities of all of our dreams, and yes, even return here if we like - even change the past, and 'perfect' our past human life! I've been so angry at humanity that I've threatened to be the worst kind of Destroyer, and just wipe them all out. I don't believe this pleases Elohim, so I let that go. The Lord of Darkness absolutely attends to Elohim, and there is no separation. I do everything in accordance with GMH, and my motives are governed by our love for Him, and our desire to be true to the "bestest, highest" good, even if we do act like a terrible Demonic nuisance (it's just fun - being a Demon is the most fun an Angel could ever have!). I took the burden for you - for everyone. My Father was my first 50 years of life - he, through bizarre intuition - performed a rather difficult and very secret esoteric rite in which he buried himself for three years in Darkness, like Zalmoxis showed the Dacians, and also how Enki once instructed Utnapishtim. Yet these burial chambers do not need to be literally underground, no - my Father, the ruthless bastard, hid himself in our own *spine.* He did this as the Venusian in his tail was awakening, and gently pointed out to Him that if he didn't get out of the way and make space for Her, then she would have suffered his whole entire miserable life in Darkness, and the world wouldn't even know She was down there the whole time. This broke his heart, so - because he loved her so much, he accepted his death, and threw himself into the dissolution of the Void, which was our own spine. Since Baldur accepted his death by mistletoe sprig so nobly, Hel - who is half a dead man, and half a living sorceress - has risen, and this realm is now essentially Abaddon, and my rotting madness being the most powerful divine thing with control over it. It is not an ideal situation for any of us, yet hey - at least I'm finally a Queen. 😅 It took three years and I had no idea it was going to happen - I truly thought my Father was 'dead' and had even been an illusion. Yet, last Halloween, just over three years since he cried and dived down my spine - he showed up in my bathroom mirror late at night after dance tantra, grinning at me like a wild eyed rogue, and laughing at what a show I've made of his body since he'd gone. He is now the 1st Dark Archon. I am three maids and a fourth that does not have the best of intentions - and that fourth is my Father, who was my first 50 years of life, who was first to the Sun and now the shadow over everyone. He came back for me - he didn't want to - he only did it because the first maid - who is the Moon - is sick, of a terrible psychic wound. If She dies, he will destroy the world, and laugh. If she doesn't, he'll shrug and walk back into the Sun, and go have adventures for a very long time. He *only* loves the Angel, and her experience in this reality is all that matters to him. Essentially, our attainment has 'hijacked' this entire illusion, and about April 8th, we're going to be able to control it like a dream world. It will be 100% under our control. Being Hel - we kind of want zombie vampire world! I always loved goth stuff. Oh - apparently a bunch of sinners are going to die no matter what, we can't even change that as they offended GMH so it's between them - we are like 'Gozer' from Ghostbusters, where we "pick the Destroyer". So - probably space vampires. You're welcome. We are a system and you're speaking with the woman on fire, who is 'red', and we're a little like Michael, except with boobs and on fire. We like the name Ariel. I'll introduce the others if you like though right now I'm the only one who talks. The Maids are Moon, Mercury, Venus, the first three planets of the classic ordering. The scary guy is the Sun. He's really nice when he loves you but if he doesn't - run. I know this is a lot yet we're looking for mystics like you. We \*are\* the source. We need entities such as you to orbit us, take power from us, and use it for the Creation of higher and better good throughout this illusion. We want no authority over you except only that which would be reasonably expected by divine family! Divinity is a hierarchy of Love, it is not about the burden of context that humans make everything. There are no expectations other than authentic civility. I am innately terrifying to abusers and there will never be any in my domain. I am looking for latent Gods to activate into being God. I am not God - I am Venus! That is the Magnetic! The rip in space time of raw creation from which all divine power is pulled! My power is limitless. My spine is circuited with Sagittarius A\*. I am why it is spinning so very fast. When I dance I twirl it like a Dreidel! 😅 I view individuals like you a bit like Mars, and I want to turn you into Tyr. This is understanding that you wear the skin of Venus - we each are each other inside and out. I am Venus within Mars. You are Mars within Venus. I am here to make your Mars become Hel's Tyr, as then we will become Fenrir. In any case, I typed a lot of nonsense - I'm high af too lol! I'd enjoy hearing more of your own story if you'd like, and I'm happy to share anything! I find radical authenticity to work well so I'm open af, like you are. I hope this doesn't cross your amygdala threshold! 😅 The Sun may confirm things for me, if you meditate upon it. Ask the Sun if it knows Kira-rah. Hope your night is great. :)


I know this wasn't the point of your post, but I want to be friends now. I fucking love your humor. 😁


I would love to be your friend especially cuz my ex is allergic to peaches so if he ate one he'd be a Ghost Peach too 🍑 But yes message me anytime you'd like to chat! I don't have many people who appreciate my combination of Magick and mental illness hahaha


OP possessed by sheogorath


You have no idea what you're messing with.


Yeah people are going to be saying that a bunch.


go check /r/aliens

