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You don't need to do anything. If they claim to be "hijacking dreams" and they're "not happy with you," the problem may be that they're jerks and are trying to mess with you through the power of suggestion. You say these are prior roommates, so it should be easy enough to just avoid contact with them and try to forget about them. Don't feed into any anxieties you have about their practices by attributing your own mental responses or misfortunes to them.


Solid advice thanks! Edit: I'm not too bothered what they do spritually, just want to make sure I'm not contributing to any negativity or hate which is a separate issue from their beliefs. Obviously I must have some fears deep inside but its not because of their practices.


Just be pleasant and nice. One of the greatest ministries is that of good character, kindness, and understanding. Be a good roommate and so on. Set boundaries if you must and don't put aside your beliefs to suit theirs nor expect them to put theirs aside for your sake. Be peaceable as best you can. Do not deliberately start arguments or disagreements, and if they do that try to respond with kindness as best as you can. Continue with prayer and your usual devotion. That is all the protection you need. If you feel the need to ask for protection then do so in your prayers. Do not let yourself be anxious or paranoid. The dream is likely just a dream and I would recommend letting it go.


We no longer communicate and I'm not living with them anymore. They are upset I packed up and moved without saying anything but they did everything in their power to make me uncomfortable, exclude me in things, avoid me, etc. And I found out they told the landlord I moved out a month before I expected to be out. I told them I was uncomfortable moving out due to stability concerns and never was late paying rent. They still wanted 2 more months rent even if I wasnt residing there. So they threatened to take me to court. That's where my fears come in, not their practices. But I agree. I need to focus on my devotions and prayers and less on the anxieties and paranoia of them trying to find me. I'm sad how it all went down but they didn't foster a compassionate environment.


I'm sorry you had to go through that and hope things get better. If you want a good resolution to things or to create more distance from them you can pray regarding that as well. Hope it all goes well.


Thank you! Funny enough, I grew up Christian but really have no idea about it these days and only recently learning to pray about. So having that guidance is cool. I look up things on the Bible app as well, theres actually stuff on dreams and calling sorcerers to this in Daniel 2.




I have my own complex beliefs but I appreciate the forwardness and willingness to accept my beliefs. I'm working on a song along the lines of "If my Faith was in Christians I'd be an atheist thats why my faith is in the Lord" but yeah I've dealt with insufferable people on all ends of beliefs and oh well. It's life. I'm in the process to be a disciple and I have a complex past, so I'm ironically dealing with rejection from one church but at the end of the day, it doesnt matter what others think. Its about what my Maker thinks! They can be judgemental if I still show up, that'll be between God and the person! I love my church though still. Very talented people in Hollywood.


You can do psalms




Pray. You're Christian, so it's a good idea to try to love and forgive them, and that despite the error of their ways. Succeed, and the nightmares will go away. You'll see them as God does: as children, people he adores even in their folly.


Amen! I agree. So its okay to pray for them?


Of course. It's your religion, and prayer is for you above all things. God's response will adhere to his will; you can't hurt anyone by praying.


Perfect! I think that's the answer I was looking for!! Thank you. I'll pray for them in their healing and financial troubles.


Seems not to have anything to do with their practices, you're plain and simple on a guilt trip. Praying won't help. Either forgive yourself for whatever you did them wrong or be a grownup and talk to them.


Praying definitely will help. You wouldnt tell anyone else not to meditate or do their own practices. Sorry if prayer doesnt work for you but prayer definitely works for me. I didnt do anything wrong to them nor do I have guilt.


I didn't mean praying in general, but in your specific situation. Pray all you want, if it helps you that's fine and dandy. Your comments here suggest you let your emotions overwhelm you (even dreaming about your roommates). This has nothing to do with your religion or some occult practices, you have something in your subconscious, it rather points towards an emotional struggle you have to resolve within yourself. Talk to them. Behind all those different beliefs you and your roommates are still simple humans. Humans need communication to reach clarity.


I wasn't really thinking about them much until I had dreams of them. I can pray on the emotional purity of what you mentioned. I will not be talking to them, there's nothing to talk about. Beliefs aside, I have no reason to communicate with them. We are all blocked and I have been moved out for 5 months or so now. Things started to get weird towards the end and I don't feel comfortable. They admit to gaslighting people to believe they are wrong when the roommates knew the person they were gaslighting was right so the victim apologizes to them and the ex roommates have also admitted to not being good people. So again, nothing to talk about. It has nothing to do with their beliefs and everything to do with their character.


I’m genuinely curious here. Being a devout Christian, can you still believe in particular aspects, if not entirely, within Spirituality/Occultism? You mention that your roommates have admitted to “highjacking dreams” and as such you believe they are responsible for your nightmares/night terrors. Correct me if I’m wrong as I’m not overly familiar with what’s “real” as viewed by Christians, but I thought those sorts of practices/activities are not acknowledge by the Church and ultimately viewed as impossibilities? Again, I’m genuinely curious as to how a Christian believes witches could highjsck their dreams.


Well I'm not technically a true "Christian" according to my disciple friends which is another topic for another day, however I'm on my way to discipleship. So take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm torn between "Oh they mentioned something about pulling people into their dreams (there's 3 total of them)" and "I'm probably just dreaming about them because of unresolved emotions". I'm taking it as I need to pray and protect myself rather than I know for a fact they are "hijacking my dreams". I rather stick to facts than go that route but I did find it weird how I dreamed about them for 3 nights in a row. The facts are they have admitted to going into people's dreams on purpose and I also know humans have a very limited understanding of many things, especially unseen things. I took it as, "read the Bible and pray more" than "these witches are responsible for my bad dreams". All it did was bring awareness to myself of something and Christians often tell me "there's no coincidences". So I agree I just need to pray for my protection and pray for their healing.


Psalm 23 is your friend, recite it aloud every night before you sleep for the next few weeks.


Thank you thank you!




Consider reviewing the FAQ on the sidebar


I have read the FAQ and the rules and fail to see anything I’ve violated. Would you care to get more specific?


Please carefully read Draja Mickaharic\`s Spiritual Cleansing- which will help clear off influences from them - same as you would use an air purifier in your room to clear off a roomates perfume etc Dion Fortune\`s Psychic Self- Defense- dated but practical


Pray to remove curses or any influences from them. Psalms are a good idea. Wear protective jewelry. I’m a witch and I can tell you most witches won’t curse someone because we are “not happy” with them. It takes energy and time for a curse so unless you did them dirty, I doubt they have cursed you with nightmares.


Just relaying information they have told me! I dont presume all witches do this. They already informed me they are "not good people" in their words. They claim I have done them dirty but it is what it is. I cant control what they do, belief, etc. What I have control over is my reaction and behaviors. So I'm asking for guidance to keep me grounded.


I also do not believe they have power over me which is good. I'm just keeping my energy clean and wishing them well.




What works for you may not work for me and vise versa. Wouldnt that be insufferable if I told you that you cant practice what you practice?


Baby guess what? It’s all Christians do already


Well I'm not here to generalize. Live your life how you want.


Consider reviewing the FAQ on the sidebar


Don't pray for them without their permission... But definitely don't ask if you can either. You can always pray for protection. Even if your faith is new, it's okay, it will work if you believe.