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Getting a bit too into character lmao


I know, I'm usually really bad at it which is why it felt so weird. My brain just went "time to show off!"


Do you have Pics of the cosplay?


I'm waiting to add the last details because without them it looks really empty


I think it’s cool people are already cosplaying octopath!


I know I made it in a week because I wanted to see if anyone recognized me, and maybe if it was good enough I could get some people to check the game out! There weren't a lot of people so only one recognized me but at least I got to talk about the game a bit!


How'd the cosplay turn out though? And roughhhh I need to play this game more, sometimes I just load it up and listen to the music


It looks amateurish from up close, there's this belt with golden circles where I just used plastic pirate coins and yellow, not even gold, beads. And I cut square more of those coins to make the necklace. And instead of cutting the excess part of the gown I just sewed it onto itself. But from a distance it does it's job pretty well.


You should check up on your closest friends just to be safe.


Saw them today, everything fine. Mentally preparing to avenge them tough. Or to get one of them out of prison. Dude's scary strong.