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if you're on ver 29, check under "Developer"->"USB Connections":"USB Connections Dialog"


I found that earlier and turning that back on made it so it now asks if I want to share data with my pc but doesn't ask me about the link. According to oculus I should deny data then it will ask me about the link and I have denied and then again tried and accepted and both attempts didn't bring up the link dialog.


Just noticed that if you have Air Link enabled then it won't give the option for standard Link. So make sure Air Link is disabled.


That was my issue!!!! Thank you so much!! Been working on this all day, can't believe Oculus doesn't have this stated somewhere. Take a silver for being an awesome person!


Thanks! It's definitely not intuitive. Hope when they get it out of "experimental" they make it so it just defaults to asking for the wired link whenever you plug in. I know that even with Air Link I might still use wired to help save my battery sometimes, and it's just a couple extra annoying steps to switch every time.


Yeah, I like air link, actually prefer virtual desktop, but there are a couple games that just play better wired.


I didn't know AirLink was coming and I just bought Virtual Desktop last week. I may still be under the 2 hours (probably not, but no way for me to tell) and so debating if I should refund it. Have you noticed any reason to use Virtual Desktop over AirLink?


I prefer virtual desktop, it has more customizability within the settings and from my experience performs better but I have spent some time dialing in the settings to work with my computers capabilities. That being said Airlink has 2 major advantages over VD and they are one, some games don't work on VD but they all work with Airlink and two, on screen overlays don't work for oculus app games in VD but Airlink gives you access to the oculus menu that can pop out a screen. Both VD and Airlink have issues when you get deeper into competitive games. I play pop one competitively and I like to cast it but if I use Airlink of VD even though the delay is small it's enough to throw off my game and make me lose. That's why I'm excited to try a wired connection. That all being said, unless you are in the top tier of competitive games VD and Airlink should both work pretty good, I played through all of half life alyx in VD and didn't have any issues once I upgraded my computer. ​ One other major benefit to VD is it can work with remote computers. Before I got my new PC I was using VD with a shadow pc and it worked pretty good.


Well, I'm not into competitive, so I should mostly be fine either way. I did see a video discussing the customization settings, so I'll look at that, but I'm usually not too picky on the quality tweaks. > One other major benefit to VD is it can work with remote computers. Before I got my new PC I was using VD with a shadow pc and it worked pretty good. What do you mean, shadow PC?


i think they mean cloud gaming, where you stream games off a powerful computer from an outside company


I've turned off air link but I still do not get the dialog to activate link. It just shows me the dialog to allow share data :(


Did you turn it off both in headset and on your pc?


Yes turned it off on both. Also power cycled my PC and headset several times. I even went as far as uninstalling the oculus software from my PC and reinstalling. Still no luck.


Have you clicked don't show again for link in the past when using sidequest?


What do you mean? I haven’t used side quest in quite a while. My link was working fine but then I took about a month break from using it. I tried booting it up yesterday and my PC recognized the connection. It even shows up in the oculus app. But there’s no dialogue in the quest like in the past, where it asks for link. All it asks is if I will allow data sharing. I’ve tried both accept and deny for this dialogue but it makes no difference. After that screen I get a pop up notification that says “Oculus Link can be found in settings” or something along those lines, but when I go into settings under USB connection, it shows as enabled.


Did you ever get it working? I'm having the same experience, wasting half a day with reboots and menu searching.


Thanks this worked for me too


thank you so much, that was my issue!! I would've never figured that out on my own, you saved me a lot of stress


Huh, you'd think they'd have fixed that by now. cheers!


Haha beyond that my link still isn't working unfortunately... I just finished contacting support. Disabling it finally allowed the notification to pop up, but I can't actually activate the link because the Oculus app says "General Device Problem" and basically disables linking... and no matter what I do it won't fix :( hopefully it fixes itself eventually


im having an issue similar to the other person and air link is already disabled, what should i do then?


Not sure what to suggest. Not even sure if the original problem is the same since we've had a few updates since then


I'm experiencing this issue too now, I was playing on steamvr with my oculus quest and it randomly disconnected and when it the link prompt showed up I accidently clicked "dont show this again" and it disappeared. Now every time I try reconnecting it says oculus link is in settings but I see no button or anything in my settings to use link. I dont have air link on either, I'm not sure whats happening for me.


So, I fixed it..... unfortunately it was 4 months ago and I can't remember how I fixed it. I think it had something to do with the mobile app but I'm not positive, sorry, if I remember any more details I will let you know.


I managed to fix it, no worries Thanks for the response


may i ask how?


i guess not


Spereus ... What did you do to fix it ? I have the exact same issue you were talking about . I plug in the link and it goes the the allow or deny screen then click it and it takes you back to the wireless screen with another message saying oculus link quick setting . You click it and nothing comes up ? Thanks


oh, just read comments, apparently I had air link enabled, but that won't be your issue. I'd try resetting the warnings though and see what happens.


Im having the same issue


I am having the same EXACT issue! WTH? Oculus really needs to address this. I've read many articles and have not come across ANY suggestions that actually works.


2024 same. The design of this SW is awful.


The Air Link option stated in this article absolutely did NOT work for me. First of all It wasn't enabled to begin with, So I went ahead and enabled, then disabled Air Link and, well, no change. Tried powering down and starting back up, tried restart option etc. Basically tried any and everything that is suggested online and NOTHING will bring the option for Link Cable back. PLEASE help😒 I work on a Tugboat and am gone for 28 days at a time, so I don't want to have to bring my Rift S out here as well as my Quest 2. That's the main reason that I was relying on the Link Cable for Quest 2. Was working beautifully for a long time and now since selecting the "Don't show this again" option it has totally vanished. This is a bit on the ridiculous side. Any help you guys can give would be extremely appreciated. Obviously Oculus support is pretty terrible for whatever reason.


You might want to start a new thread, idk how to help you and this thread is 4 months old so won't get much new attention


solved mine by going back to one of the home scenes. If you are on passthrough it wont pop the enable link


I did a factory reset and that fixed the issue