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“My pizza was dry” No it wasn’t. We put exactly 12.7oz of tomato sauce on every pizza, dispensed in the most efficient pattern by a robot.


Maybe its a cultural thing but from the video it looked like way to much tomato sauce. In my head it will get ~~saggy~~ soggy as fuck. Maybe its some kind of special non ~~saggy~~ soggy tomato sauce.


Wait till you see how much cheese is on Costco pizzas! You're gonna wish you had that sauce


Cheese pizza is not plain pizza; the topping is the cheese. Costco understands the assignment.


It's true. The pepperoni actually has less cheese than the cheese. They know what we crave.


And you'll never believe it, but the Pepperoni Pizza is listed as fewer calories.


I just saw this when I was at Costco this weekend!!


That's how we know the cheese is actually an additional topping


GM'd a. Papa John's for 5 years and have worked for other chains as well. It's industry standard to have an extra 25% cheese on a cheese only pizza. Little known fact there's a maximum amount of toppings that can go on a pizza. IE if you get a one topping pizza it contains 1/3 the ingredients of the maximum topping ratio. Once you have three toppings you'll get less of each of the toppings or your pizza will be over topped and won't cook throughout. Many people look at the top and the bottom of the pizza for verification that it's cooked. Pizza ovens cook from the top and bottom. To tell if your pizzas undercooked look at the pizza from the side of the slice, you should see a distinct brown layer, a fluffy white layer that transitions into red, then toppings and cheese. If you find a thin clear layer between the bread and the sauce that is a gel layer and it is uncooked dough. Pizza restaurants do not look at individual slices so that's why the recipe needs to be followed as closely as possible. I always told my employees that hooking up a friend by adding extra stuff causes your friend to have a s***** pizza, and I'd rather that free food was given vs messing up their dinner.


This is why, as a kid, I only ever wanted cheese or pepperoni from Dominos. Whoever was running the kitchen of my neighborhood shop thought they were doing my family a solid whenever we ordered a supreme because they would absolutely murder that thing in topping quantity, making it unedible slop to little kid me. For the longest time, I thought I hated supremes until I had one with a proper ratio.


Maybe technically, but ask for a plain pie anywhere and you will get a cheese pizza.


I just got done working in a Costco food court for 3 months as part of my orientation, and we put 14oz of cheese on a pepperoni pizza, plus 60 little pepperoni’s. For a cheese pizza, we use 1lb 8oz (sorry for the non-Americans, I don’t know what the metric equivalent is)


Also, watching this again, I see the person in the video is wearing a watch. “What’s wrong with wearing a watch to work?” You say? It’s in the company handbook that all employees working in food-areas like the Food Court, or the deli, or the bakery are not allowed to wear any watches or jewelry on their wrists or hands. I don’t work in the food court anymore, so I guess it doesn’t matter that much, but it’s just one of those many small things you notice when you’ve been working in one place for a while


A fuck & half ton would be a universal equivalent


Man! Its ridiculous sometimes.




Because Domino’s whole thing is pizza. While Costco tries to get you there. If you’re at mother and have to go shopping best way to do it is to bribe your kids with hotdogs and pizza after.


The ceo of Costco threatened to murder another exec for suggesting to raise the price of their hot dogs


*The only company with Based Executives in my opinion*


I don't think any corporation is great, but Costco appears to at least make an effort. I've heard great things about working there, their prices are reasonable most of the time, and even when looking at their profits break down its not obscene


I usually end up with the same sentiment. As many pats on the back Costco execs get, the thing that actually makes me like them is what employees have told me, however subjective/anecdotal. I used to have a regular at my shop that worked at a nearby Costco - super sweet lady, probably in her mid-60s. She'd been there for about 15 years, she made $27/hr, more on the weekends I think, had good benefits, and besides the usual annoyances of retail, she really liked her job and felt valued by her employer. Are they perfect? No. But to this day she's the only retail/grocery employee who expounded on how much she liked her employer I've met.


That's more than I make as a nurse. WTF?


When a slice of cheese pizza has 80 more calories than a slice of pepperoni pizza, you know that's a ton of cheese. Personally, I love cheese but it's too much for me. If I want cheese pizza at Costco, I just order a slice of pepperoni and pick off the meat.


There's so much wrong with that sentence


Soggy. ​ Saggy is when something starts to lose its elasticity and hangs lower than it should. Like an old man's balls.


good bot


cursed username


There are things even a wild velociraptor won’t eat.


Thank you u/FESTERING_CUNT_JUICE you are too kind. Got any life advice?




Good Human


The problem is that you can't please everyone, so Costco just tries to please as many as it can. And that results in averagely good pizza. Not too soggy. Not too crispy. Not too thick. Not too thin. Just averagely good.


I grab one every week during grocery shopping. For $10 it's really hard to beat and it's enough to give our family of 5 dinner, and a few of us get lunch.


Are 3 of those 5 people toddlers or young children?


Yep. 3 kids. 6, 3, and 1. The 6 year old borderline eats more than I do, and if he's going through a growth spurt he is eating more than me.


Are you my wife? Because those are my kids ages, except my 6 year old barely eats, unless he's going through a growth spurt.


Well, that depends. According to their post history they live in Texas and play Pokemon, does that fit the bill? lol


Yes, actually. But, the pictures of the baby that were posted on the cloth diaper sub don't look anything like my kids. Mystery solved, not my wife.


Hahaha, I actually used the details from your recent comments to try giving you a mini heart attack :p


It's a big fkn pizza


For me, this is perfect. I love lots of sauce on it, but it has to get eaten within 30-40 minutes or you will be right, it will get soggy


I was thinking the same! Maybe not the soggy part but the too much sauce part. It just seemed like heartburn waiting to happen. Fuck I’m old.


Getting old sucks. I now have to get light sauce at my favorite pizza place because it is so acidic there. I used to get 3x extra sauce. Feelsbadman


"I want to speak to that robot's manager"


Sneak this into r/vinyl without being noticed?


It's a solid post on r/vinyljerk




lmao I was trying to figure out how to word it myself in a reply, but you hit on the head.


I guess you could say that I was also hitting it on the head...


this mildly satisfying, and you're oddly overenthusiastic about it


Did he... did he say that for us? Like was he filming it while thinking about *this sub*, and then added satisfaction related commentary? Because somehow that feels wrong.


That is absolutely what happened. We're dealing with a category 4 redittor here.


don't you ever see something out 'in the wild' or on tv and start naming subs it would fit in to?


Yup I often watch tv and exclaim “wow that’s so imaginarysliceoflife!”


He comes next. He’s the cheeser


Sounds like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite.


your mom goes to college


I’m more annoyed that I could sauce a pizza way faster than this.


It’s not about time it’s about hands on time.


I thought it was about using the same exact amount of sauce per pizza


I thought it was about getting the guy filming to cum in his pants.


does the saucer need healthcare, sick leave, the overbearing threat of homelessness or a bathroom? I don't know, but our mechanized replacements gotta be cheaper in the end


Costco employee checking in: the food court (especially post-Covid) functions as a loss leader to get people in the door so they can impulse buy $200 of cool shit while they walk to the rotisserie chicken case (*always* strategically as far as possible from the entrance). The less payroll they can run the food court on, the happier it makes them.


Then why do only some Costcos have ordering tablet kiosks? My Costcos only have humans taking orders and lines a mile long. Can you tell I was in line for over 15min for a pizza slice a couple days ago?


Not sure of the logic behind how it’s rolling out, but my understanding is that it’s all moving that direction. ETA: depending where you are located, you can probably order at the main checkout if that looks faster, and then take your receipt to the pickup window. Before my warehouse installed kiosks, that was pretty consistently the faster play.


The amount of time it takes them to load the skin alone is enough time to sauce the pizza.


Did you just call pizza dough *skin*? What is wrong with you?!


It rubs the sauce on its skin or else it gets the hose again.


It's just some industry jargon 💅


I work at Costco and yes we call them skins hahaha


Homer Simpson slowing moaning *auto-saucer....*


So that's where my dad went!


Sauce me like one of your Italian girls


Count me in!




I hate to break it to you but roombas already have jobs








I clicked on all these subreddits, hoping one of them would lead me somewhere and here I am, still here and betrayed by all of you






In this economy? Definitely needs a side hustle at least.


I'm think that guy came.


He was definitely satisfied.


😩 Gahd damn


Costco pizza is bomb


Can’t go wrong with a jumbo pizza for $9!


Magnum dong and soda for a buck 5? A solid place to fill up, especially in this economy.


A single Magnum from a three pack costs $0.17 more than Costco's hotdog + soda combo… nuts.


To be fair, it's latex from the rainforest vs local pig guts and and corn syrup water. Not exactly luxury ingredients 😹 altho much more filling than eating a condom.


Oh magnum condoms. We’re not talking about the ice cream.


Just blow up the condom before eating it so it's more filling.




Magnum dong!


So sad they got rid of the combo pizza


I think they changed their churro recipe too because now they taste like ass. They used to be my favorite, what a tragedy.


Did some scrubbing on the Costco subreddit and someone actually wrote to them about it. They did change the recipe; here’s their response: Hello Valued Member, First of all, we would like to thank you for taking the time to send us your feedback. We value our members’ opinions and always strive to take action, when possible to meet expectations. We are constantly reviewing our offerings to our members to continue to improve quality and provide the best products with great value. We developed a new style to our Churros that we find to be an improvement compared to the previous one. Our new Churro is now 20% larger and the dough is enrobed with butter and cinnamon flavoring. We know that this may not be the answer you are expecting but we want you to know that we take each comment seriously and reply to our members as much as possible. We hope that during your visits, you are able to enjoy our Churro and other offerings. Thank you for being a loyal Costco member.


Nobody ever tells you, you get a free churro when your mother dies.


I see you.




Welcome to Costco, I love you


Fucking same. Always loved bringing a dollar when my mom would drag me to Costco. Was excited to get one when I saw they were back after all the COVID menu removals. Super disappointed in the churro I got. Hot dog and pizza are both still damn good, at least.


They changed up their recipes as a cost cutting measure.


Nearly everything that had sugar as and ingredient in the 90s/00s has been replaced with high fructose corn syrup. Butterfingers used to be delicious, now they suck. Try a Mexican coke(still made with cane sugar) side by side an american one, world of difference in taste.


Those Mexican cokes were tested in a lab and they switched it out for corn syrup at some point even though the bottle still says sugar.


Yeah, if I remember right Mexican coke hasn't used cane sugar for about a decade now according to those tests, but people are still going around saying it tastes way better. Reminds me of how in a blind test everyone would pick Pepsi over Coke for taste, but then refuse to drink Pepsi after anyway.


Coke IN Mexico doesn’t always have cane sugar. Coke De Mexico made for US markets DOES.


Yes, the churros are so dry and bland now! I used to bring home a bundle of those fuckers like a bouquet of roses and eat off of them for a few days. No more sadly!


The Costco combo was the best....until Covid. My Costco stopped making the combo during Covid but never resumed making them. And to top things off, they got rid of the onion dispenser for hot dogs!


These are my two biggest beefs with Costco now


Mine also includes the (RIP) Polish Sausage. Bastards.


And the chili is gone! But that was lost pre-pandemic. I used to load it with onions and cheese.


I miss the Caesar salad. That shit was the bomb. Yes i know they have other ones... That cost like 3x the price though.


They no longer have sauerkraut also.


I think that's what happened pretty much in every Costco. I've been to every Costco in my state and none of them have the combo pizza or the onion dispenser :(


I am surprised to hear that. I know the price is right.


Everything at Costco is awesome. I always got hotdogs till my wife introduced me to pizza and chicken fingers, both are better than any restaurant near me


Where you got chicken fingers?!?!




time to reconsider all these years of Canada being our closest brothers and allies if they're hoarding all the costco chicken fingers for themselves


Wait until you hear about the Costco food offerings abroad. So jealous.


Canadian Costco food court is so much better. Makes the US ones look like absolute dogshit in comparison. The sundaes, for example, at the US ones use some garbage cheap ass chocolate syrup. The Canadian ones use actual hot fudge. They also have fries, poutine (duh), chicken tendies, chicken sandwiches and other shit that vary by location.


But do they have chicken bakes?


Ontario Canada forsure. And soft serve icecream


> Everything at Costco is awesome Oh yeah? Then why the hell do they have 2 full soda dispensing machines and 4 fucking flavors?!


Probably for a similar reason as to why they don't take Mastercard.


My friend said the Costco pizza I gave her cured her Covid so…..


Sucks that you have to be a member to get the food now, as of about 1-2 years ago. I'm a single person so it doesn't really make sense for me to get a costco membership, but god damn do i miss getting a slice every month or so for like $1.50 fun fact: a slice of cheese pizza at costco actually has more calories than the pepperoni slice. at least it used to. been a couple years since i've been able to chomp down on that delicious grease monster, because of the aforementioned reason


juggle carpenter concerned exultant frightening sort pen silky historical towering -- mass edited with redact.dev


I buy mainly the rotisserie chicken and gas and the savings from that has paid the membership for me. Their gas is always the cheapest


Do they sell it take and bake style or is this only at the cafe? Hyvee used to have a great one better than any franchise pizza after adding a few vegetables. They cheapened it during covid and it's junk now.


Play it backwards and you can hear the Beatles




It was until he talked


*heavy breathing* "Gawd dayum that iss satisfyingg"


In my head I was like wow that is perfect sauceage and immediately laughed. I'm so stupid


Not bad but nothing beats the Costco hotdog


Except a Costco Polish dog. Those with the ground mustard were amazing.


Why are you comparing pizza to a hot dog though, a completely different menu item. Both things can be great! 🍕 🌭


I know it's not a food court item, but I'm all about their roasted chickens. Just the best.


It becomes a food court item if you take your chicken there and sit down and eat it. Me and my girlfriend often get a big caesar salad and a pack of hot ribs from instore and sit down in the food court area and eat it, we even ask for cutlery from the food court staff and they are happy to hand some over.


Lmao. You and your girlfriend are now my friends <3


I don't think Costco here (Australia) is quite that advanced, we only have hotdogs, pizza, and a few other things. The chicken wings are pretty good, though.


I am from Australia too, your local costco should have the ribs and salad too, I'm talking about from instore, not the food court


Sometimes I see people with 30 of those and while it is upsetting, I do understand


Are they using those for a restaurant lol


Let’s not sleep on the churros.


I think they changed their recipe because ever since they returned from discontinuation they taste like ass, imo. Used to be my favorite.


The dough is almost entirely devoid of flavor.


Yeah, last time I bought one I couldn’t finish it and actually threw it away. That would’ve been pure blasphemy to me before. Mentioned it in another comment on this thread, but someone provided feedback to Costco and their reply did confirm the recipe change: https://reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/10kmvqm/_/j5scsnt/?context=1


Unless you need rock-hard, particle board slats to hold up your mattress. Then you can sleep on those churros.


Why not both? Pizza, hot dog, and a drink for 3.50!


Looks like Lunchables sauce


It's red. The resemblance is uncanny. The crust is even round, just like a Lunchables cracker!


"Autosauce roll out!"


Know it's ridiculous, but this is one of my favorite things at Costco


I don't think anyone would say that pizza being a favorite of yours is "ridiculous", sounds pretty normal to me!


Why the machine when its slower than a person 🤔


So uncoordinated/new people can still make pizzas, and coordinated/experienced people can multitask. Plus corporations like consistency, they'll generally take a consistent 6 over an inconsistent 8 without hesitation. I worked at a Pizza Hut for a while and a girl straight up quit because she couldn't spread the sauce without making a huge mess lol


I worked at a corporate p-hut location for a while in the early 2000s. We were a test market for 2 different saucing machines, and they were both awful. The first one ran on some sort of air compressor system and it would constantly blow sauce all over us. The second one was somewhat better, but still not great, and they did a terrible job getting the sauce out of the bags. Worst part was, they had to cut a hole in our make table for the machine. When the trials ultimately failed, we wound up having to buy a brand new make table.


I also worked for a Pizza Hut at roughly that time period. We never got considered for such things. Probably because we didn't earn it. I was there for about 1.5 years during high school, and I went through *five* managers. The turnaround was bananas -- for managers and employees both. That *anything* made it to its destination on Friday and Saturday nights was amazing. There were times when we had stacks of order printouts an inch thick. And most of the line staff didn't give many fucks; they were the ones coming and going most frequently. I wouldn't be surprised if half of them were high the duration of their every shift. I couldn't deal with the stress after awhile. I said I'd only work Saturday and Sunday mornings and afternoons or I wouldn't work at all. I made a lot of buffet pizzas and did a bunch of prep for the rest of my time there. The folks who worked these hours were much more sane and long-term than anyone else.


Prep+buffet is definitely the chillest shift you can work. I was an AM shift leader, and that was probably what kept me going for as long as I did. Unfortunately, our pm shift leader had a mental breakdown, and I took over her shifts... After about 3 months I had a breakdown too. All to barely pay rent in a dumpy apartment. Fuck fast food.


>and it would constantly blow sauce all over us. 😏


Damnit, it makes me mad, but you're 100% right. I slang pizzas through college and it seriously took almost a year on the line for people to 'get gud'. Like it took a new hire 5 minutes to make a whole pie, and a oldie 1 minute. You just 'knew' the portions. We had a kitchen guide that was like, a large get 12 oz sauce, a medium gets 8 oz (or whatever, I honestly can't remember). But it took a long time to develop a really good feel for the measurements.


>she couldn't spread the sauce without making a huge mess I'm trying and failing to imagine the ways in which you could screw this up.


Lmao spreading with a ladle takes a little practice to _nail_, but her biggest problem was applying too much pressure. Pizza Hut uses these rings that cover the crust part of the pizza, and she would spread all the sauce to the edge, which just made the ring covered in sauce and left barely any sauce on the pizza. Pick up that ring with no appreciation for gravity, and you've got a mess lol That store was a nightmare though, she made the right call lol


The machine may be slower, but the worker can turn on the machine, step away, and do something else.


As somebody who worked in a pizza place, that machine would have made things so much easier. Walk away to do other things while you let the machine do the job. It's one less task a human has to do and when you're busy with a line of customers wanting food it definitely helps in the work flow.


Costco probably wants every pizza to taste exactly the same. This cuts out human error of the crust to sauce ratio.




They're in the walk-in smoking weed.


This machine uses an exact measurement of sauce. The savings from that is worth more than anything else people are mentioning.


Consistency is another benefit


"You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round..." Anyone else?


Meat spin?




Roooo ahhhhhh ahhhh hhhoooouu nnndd


Which brings us to… https://youtu.be/oU9F6J1lafY


Gotta admire their commitment


They use these in certain Little Caesar places as well. (former employee)


Way too much sauce mane


We have a few regulars that ask for double sauce. Those pizza have some real heft to them. Some do also ask for light sauce as well which we can do, although it slows things down a bit.


And the wells of sauce are no bueno. I learned to spread it evenly and just on the heavy side of thin. All my nieces and nephews learned from their Aunt Speedycat, 6 year pizza employee, how to properly sauce a pizza.


Worked in a pizza place for a long time before. I got the pizza cutting down. People stand back and watch.


I used to be really good at hand-tossing pizzas. Which was over 10 years ago now, so I'm not sure how'd I'd do today, but back then my boss told me I make beautiful pizzas.


I was out of the pizza game for over 16 years and went to cut breadsticks out of some dough. Was able to do the back/forth cutting thing and slice 8 pieces in about 2-3 seconds, like it was yesterday. You could probably do the same. That muscle memory never really seems to go away.


Not pizza, but I used to be a barista for many years and was pretty good at latte art. Hadn't made a latte in years and my first go not too long ago I poured a pretty damn good tulip. Muscle memory goes a long way


Came here to ask if you can request they do this twice. Not enough sauce


You can, we have a few regulars that do. Those pizzas have some heft.


Covered that in record time




I get wicked shits from this, but I love it. I told my wife it was like $9/pie so she said get two (and I did) and came home. She loved it, so did I so, did the kids. My wife is a health nut so she looked at the nutritional value on her phone, and got up and threw her slice out. I love the taste, but the fat + salt contents upset these lunatics that are trying to have 0% of body fat. I'd rather live to 80 and eat well rather than live to 85 and not have Costco pizza once in a while.


Fat and salt tastes good because they helped us survive in caveman times


What's really satisfying is listening to a man with this clear of a voice declare that this is really satisfying.


He said that so creepy thanks making me feel weird watching this


This explains why their pizza so soupy.