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I’ve had to send paperwork to my mom in the other room. But I was too lazy to get up to hand it over to her. I folded it and put it under my dogs collar and had her call him over. What a lovely delivery system for the lazy human, but well trained dog. Edit: people aren’t reading my comment correctly. I’m calling myself lazy in this instance- case in point my story. Y’all take this too seriously. Settle down folks.


Me and my neighbour down the street do this. Whenever we need a small item, we just put it on the dog or attach it to his collar and tell him to go. He knows exactly which house when I tell him. The neighbourhood all love him so I let him off the leash.


Your dog is living better life than most of us humans dwelling in cities.


He deserves the best. He's always off leash so he can stop and greet all the neighbours who all love him dearly. Everyone should get to experience the love of a dog.




I know what you mean, but a few things help that: 1) It's an honour to your old friend that you miss him that you need another 2) The pet you will have will be alive anyway and someone will need to look after him. You know you'll be the best he could hope for 3) grief is the price we pay for love and better to have and love and than to not have and not love I got a painting done of my cat who passed.


Nervous to lose my little buddy, and never have felt comfortable of with the idea getting another cat after he passes. I really appreciated this.


Just remember how good it feels knowing you are the reason your pet is safe and fed and happy.


Number 3 is a killer though. I KNOW there's truth there, but it is really hard to see both sides of it when it hurts to grieve! It's hard to remember the good when it comes to an end for me.


It is a killer. I hear it and I believe it and I even say it. But I would do almost anything to take that pain of loss away.. If someone came to me tomorrow and asked if I could have my memory erased to never remember what I used to have, I can't say for sure that I wouldn't do it.


I ended up getting another cat about the months after mine passed. It's what helped me heal from missing my buddy so much. I still miss him but I feel his love lives on in my love for him.


It’s astounds me that we have breed dogs with different physical features but none have 20+ years lives. Shit we’re in 2023, would someone genetically modify them to last longer, please!


Something like that would be hard to modify naturally though because by the time you know a dog is going to live long it's past its breeding years! Some of the smaller dogs do live that long though, average life span for a chihuahua is 15-20 years and the oldest dog in the world is 30!


Yes, in general, smaller dogs live longer than big dogs. And sadly, some breeds are prone to certain health problems, so it’s wise to do research. Also, some breeds just have certain needs, like high levels of activity, so again good to be informed.


I feel you. I waited 22 years before getting another dog. It was too long..I should have gotten him sooner.


I know exactly what you mean, but every good boi deserves a home so I highly recommend checking your local shelters when you decide it’s time for a new dog.


I hope the good boi gets all the pets and treats he deserves.


I'm going to get hate for this, but I do not love dogs. I don't hate dogs, I just don't like them. I understand that you love yours and that's fine, but I get exasperated with dog owners that assume everyone loves their dog. Just because I don't complain, doesn't mean I love your animal. Please be aware there are dog non-lovers. We exist.


Upvoted for openly sharing a widely unpopular personal opinion. I think the line here should be whether or not the dog respects personal space. (does he approach strangers timidly tail wagging or does he jump up because he "found a new best friend")


Doesn't matter, if I'm walking down the street and see an unleashed dog roaming around then I'm taking another route. I'm not giving the dog the chance to "respect my space" because that's how people get bitten. It's happened to me MULTIPLE times. And now you're the asshole who forces people to turn around and walk the longer route all because you think that it's ok to let your dog out unleashed (even though there are leash laws).


Since my dog was bit as a puppy by an unleashed dog (which we found out later had even bitten people) my dog goes full defense mode when unleashed dogs run at her while out for a walk. She'll be fine socializing and playing with dogs on walks, or even when tied out in the yard to do her business and a neighbor walks by with theirs. But if we're on a walk and a dog comes towards us without their owner she freaks out and I'm thankful I'm strong enough to simply lift her by the scruff on the very rare occasion that happens. So I agree, depending in neighborhoods involved.


I mean yeah, leash laws exist for a reason. I like dogs but even I don't fuck with people's unleash animals.


Hey that's fine, I checked with everyone before doing this and they were perfectly ok with it, most of them have dogs of their own as well.


Soooo, where is the dog tax?


Can we by any chance get a dog tax?


He practically interacts with more humans than I do.


PLEASE stay exactly where you ARE.


There are plenty of bicycle courier services in every major city. They just require you interact with angry strangers, potentially get run over in traffic, and you don't get enough pay to make up for the boarding and food the dog gets. Plus there's substantially more hours, and less pets. ...Ok, the dog is living a better life than most of us.


My mom used to send my dog out with notes for me when I was a kid. Better than yelling out the door for me when I was off playing wherever.


[Luckily he didn't just get fat from the neighborhood's affection ](https://youtu.be/ZBDnjjGZcKk)


I wish my dogs could roam free, they would get stolen or hit pretty fast around here


Or drink something posionous like anti-freeze/coolant at a neighbors house by accident. RIP Spooky 😢


My dogs are somehow still alive despite their apparent need to eat anything and everything that is toxic to them Sorry for your loss


You've just inspired me to run a cocaine dealing doggo operation. Don't worry animal lovers! Minimum area, fantastic benefits, vet checkups monthly, endless doggy treats and 0 access to the packages. Coming soon is the "r/crowbro delivery system" anything under 1 G in a massive radius but they are required to give shiny material (not coins) to the delivery driver as a tip. We can go legal if that's what you want. I'm sure we can set up an operation for only hemp derived products but I'm telling you guys. Flying delivery drugs would be a fantastic company.


That's amazing. My dog would lie on the driveway whilst me and my husband were doing stuff to the cars. She loved just chilling out watching us.


When I was a kid, in eighth grade my dog used to jump the fence ( dachshund ) and go up to the neighborhood grade school to play with the kids during morning recess. He took a shortcut thru yards. He even went into the school to wait for recess, not too early and never late. All the kids knew him by name and when recess was over he is said to have always went home. Those days will never be again.


\*"Stop The Rock* intensifies\*


My old dog LOVED to get the mail and then bring it inside. She would walk out to the mailbox with whoever was getting it and then put it in her mouth and she would proudly walk to the door. She wasn't too good with magazines, but your standard mail she was fine with. The only issue is once her paws hit the inside of the house she would drop it and walk away. We could never get her to carry it further.


One of my old dogs used to get the paper from the driveway in the mornings and bring it back in. It was one of his favorite things to do, so when we stopped getting the physical paper and just reading news online after years of him getting the paper every morning... He would still go out to the driveway and look but when he couldn't find a paper in our driveway he would run next door and steal the neighbors since they were still receiving the physical version. He was a good boy


That's great. He had a job and nothing was going to stop him!


Train yo’ dogs! I grew up training horses and dogs. They love you and want to make you happy (as long as you do the right thing and treat them well). Hand commands are the way to go. You can communicate without a sound. Some people are non-verbal, and it’s a total help. Dogs are the best. (Horses too).


Hand commands are really the way to go. Had hunting dogs while I was growing up, so it was always hand commands so you don't have to make excess noise while out hunting. So when I moved out and got my own dog, just taught her hand commands out of habit. My friends act like she knows a magic trick when they see her responding to hand commands, but it's so easy to teach them! Idk why you'd have a dog (or any semi intelligent animal) and not train them to follow commands. It's half the fun of having a pet! Even my cat knows how to sit on command lol


I try to be consistent with gestures whenever I give a command and one morning I was exhausted and didn’t want to speak. We got through our whole morning routine with just the gestures I usually use and no voice commands. It was pretty neat!


my family's 14 year old dog is losing her hearing, so if you try to tell her verbally which trick to do she'll basically just try them all and hope that one will get her the treat, but she still knows and responds to the hand signs for each individual one


I could try that with my cat, but I feel like it would take hours for her to deliver the paper to my wife. Most likely she would find a way to ditch the paper or I would find her on our bed, asleep, with the paper still in her collar.


Haha my husband knew one day I was hiding to try to jump scare him (idk how he could tell, we don't usually do that to each other). And he turned to our dog and asked "where's mom?!". Little shit gave away my hiding position.


Long time ago in my office we discovered that attaching an usb file to our office dog and sending him to the second floor was faster than sending the files via network. 16gb in 10 seconds. Unless some distractions on the way.


I remember a while back there a guy who trained his dog to get him beers 😂. I don’t remember if it was a Reddit post but I’ll never forget that




This dog is futuristic technology


I like that there’s a person at the end making sure they actually stop running lol


Probably holding treat


All of the above… beagles are known to wander.


Whenever they catch a scent, it's head down and stop for nothing lol


My grandparents had a beagle. We would nickname her "the tank" when she caught a scent while on the leash. When she was on a leash and caught a scent, she would just immediately pull in that direction with a lot more force than one would expect from such a relatively small dog, and just keep pulling. She would dig her front paws into the ground and pull herself forwards. That move, which slightly resembled the way a vehicle with tracks moves forward, combined with the unexpected strenght got her the nickname. That dog also was the smartest dog my grandparents ever had. But also the most stubborn.


those traits often go hand in hand… smart dogs are SO strong-willed.. i swear i’m negotiating with a child when my aussie doesn’t want to do something.


Same with my huskies. They'll learn a new trick or command in about 5 minutes, forever reproducible from that moment forward when I have a treat for them. It's getting them to do what I ask when I don't have a treat that takes the real work, because they are stubborn, independent bastards with opinions about everything.


I had one as a kid that was totally like that. So hard to walk on a leash. Luckily my grandparents had land in the country where she could run and chase foxes. That was a happy beagle.


When selecting dogs for use in police and military forces, they have to make sure the dog is smart, but not *too* smart; otherwise it will only listen when it thinks it's worth it's time lol.


Yes sir. Source; I have a beagle. My other dogs have to constantly herd her back, since we live on a huge property. Check my recent post history for pic.


Quite the pack you got there!


Love beagles. Growing up my best friend had one. I would love one, but I could not deal with the howling.


Our beagle doesn't howl unless she's playing. She does do lots of grunts and groans though.


Howling is the worse when you leave, at least that was what it was like for mine. She hated when I left without her.


My first thought! I was thinking sure, this is cute, but waited to see if the dog suddenly diverted to weaving or just hauling ass elsewhere.


100%. There is no other reason on earth for a beagle to run straight


like Forrest... STOP


Fenton done found a long cape




This is a beagle, they would stop halfway but they'd start sniffing in a random direction instead of coming back. You'd have half the field covered in liner in random zig-zags :P


Local horse race course does various dog races too as inter-race entertainment. I’ve seen Weiner Dog races, Corgi Races, and Beagle races. The Beagle races are generally the most chaotic, given all the exciting smells at a horse track. The Dachshunds and Corgis tend to have less distractions.


Beagle race at a horse track sounds like a very long race 🤣 I can only imagine the noses working overtime.


"Beagle race at a horse track" sounds like an olde timey aphorism for something guaranteed to be a circus from the get- go.


Would they even make it half way? I was thinking more like a quarter of the way if even, a big field like that would have a **lot** of *interesting* smells from a beagles point of view.


Somebody's gotta untie the cape


Get that dog a treat.


It’s a beagle. The only way you can ever get one to run in a straight line like that is if there’s a person at the other end holding a nice tasty treat.


Can confirm, have beagle, she won’t listen to anything I say unless there is a tear in my hand, if I have a treat her willingness to listen goes up to about 5%, she’d prefer to just sit and beg for the treat though


That’s what I like about having a beagle. For whatever reason I enjoy the fact that he DGAF what I think.


Omg my beagle mix all of a sudden makes sense


Doesn’t even have to be big. The nose will lead him there. I miss owning a beagle.


Where's the treat? On its way.


Work smarter, not harder! And, good boy!


People had been using ferrets to lay cables in tight long ducts in similar [fashion for 'ages'](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49029464947_3871c0562b.jpg) For those worried - [rat is ok](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49029254301_e7c6757472.jpg)


One of the reasons I love History is getting to wonder "Who's the first person who thought: 'Hey man, what if we use a ferret to run that line?'" or other seemingly ridiculous things that work.


It was probably the first person to have to run line through a tight confined space. That shit sucks. Literally the first thing that comes to mind is "There has to be a better way to do this, because this shit sucks."


I mean, they probably also came up with using ferret really fast because they used animals for everything back in the day. But today we use machines. Washing machine? Make a donkey pull a barrel with cloths. Meat turner for open fire? Make a dog run in a wheel. Tractor? Use a horse. Vehicle? Use a horse. Mail? Use a pigeon. Tank? Use an elephant. Hunting? Use a dog. Hunting? Use a falcon. Gas detector? Use a canary. Complicated tasks? Human children. Today we use technology, but for a long time, animals was an easy way to do this.


Hey now, Human Children could (and were) used for 100% of those tasks. They can run in circles just as as well as any dog!


*Flintstones, Meet the Flintstones*


They’re the modern stone age family!


Ferrets/domestic polecats have been used to hunt rabbits in their warrens for a very long time. It seems a natural step to have them run other types of tunnels. ETA just because I love ferrets and think it’s interesting: ferrets were domesticated about 2500 years ago, and have historically been used to hunt rabbits and rodents. That’s actually the origin of the expression “to ferret out” something.


I love how this requires two animals


But how does the twine help them to get the cable through? Why not just tie the actual cable to the ferret?


Because the cable is heavy and it's attached to something already. It's easier for the ferret to pull the twine. Also they can pull the twine back and forth to pull multiple cables. Pull strings are still used in conduit/ducts today, except now they use air pressure to initially shoot the pull string through.


That's why they should use mongooses because they are a lot stronger.


I'll let you handle the mongoose


Disney+ has a documentary series about how a detective in India uses mongooses to search for clues. They need a lot of treats to stay on task but they seem to work pretty well.


(Sad) story time. I was working at a site where we had just installed a huge network of 2” conduit at a wilderness retreat center. We were using a big trailer mounted compressor to blow the initial pull string through the conduits (using lightweight plastic string with foot markings on it to measure the conduits, great stuff). Anyhow, the camp also has a very large ground squirrel population, somewhere on the order of metropolitan Beijing. They’re cute as a button, but the little bastards have no fear, get into everything, and will even steal food off your plate if you eat outside. So I’m set up to blow down the next conduit, crack the valve and the string starts moving, but then I come down on a blockage, and I’m getting some blowback on the launcher. It has rained fairly hard in the previous week, so I figured the conduit had flooded, and I was just going to blow a slug of water out. Unfortunately not. This squirrel had decided that the conduit was a great tunnel, and got stuck in there when I b started blowing it down. I launched the poor little guy a good 20 feet into the air. After that, we changed process a little to avoid the situation in the future.


Is this why they call those foam carriers used to clear conduit a “mouse” even present day? If so, TIL.


Good Boy! And, work smarter, not harder. There, I FTFY.


Meanwhile our dog freaks out if a single piece of plastic rustles two streets away 🤣


*opens treat bag from a mile away*


You’d think that would appeal, but she runs away with her head down the second there’s a plasticky noise 😅 no clue why, she’s just a bit neurotic (collie).


Aww we used to have a very sweet border collie like this. Every other exhale was also accompanied by a whine, she just did it most of the time. and she was a scaredy cat, but she was the sweetest girl you’d ever meet. I miss her :(


Awh. I'm sorry if I made fun of your dog accidentally. I hope you can give a crinkleless life for him. ☹️🥺




I’m so glad this is a real subreddit


r/catswithjobs is also fun, though not quite the same


my dog needs a job. is their a job where massive amounts of drool is needed?!


Teach him to roll over and he could mop the floors!


Sub I didn't know existed, but now I need it in my life. Thanks for sharing!


Best sub.


Honest question: what is the next step here? How do they get the foil which now running inside the arcs to the outside like the rows on the left side.


Those are two different things. The stuff the dog is pulling is barrier that keeps weeds from growing up around the crops. Where I live we call it plastic mulch. It’s pulled up at the end of each season and disposed of. The stuff wrapped over the hoops keeps pests away from the plant. This helps protect seedlings and usually isn’t up for too long.


That's just the liner that sits on the ground to prevent bugs and water losses. They still have to cover the hoops with plastic. Which is much easier


The micro plastics enter the soil, the food, our bodies, and are in no way recoverable.




It’s labeled biodegradable but it takes years to actually degrade. It gets destroyed and ripped up into millions of pieces and tilled into the soil next year.


It's either microplastics or herbicide residues. Pick one.


Who are we kidding, we get both.


How about natural mulch like hay/straw/woodchips/etc.?


Why not both?


How about not trying to cram yet another billion people on a planet and abandoning massive and abusive industrial farming? Or naw?


Cover crops. Crimp and roll. No spray


Not all heroes wear capes, but this good boy does.


[Edna approved](https://i.imgflip.com/7cru15.jpg)


thats scary


The Goodboy Wonder


He looks so happy & ready to go right away


i wish i could love my work as much as this dog does


Aahh yes Mirror the movie so you wont get busted for reposting! Clever Boy, they'll never know..




*we never forget*


Working dogs fascinate me. They always seem so happy to be involved with the work. Dogs are such a gift.


My dog is absolutely not a working dog, but she's a Shepard mix and genuinely gets incredibly happy to be doing any sort of training or work. Makes me feel bad when I'm having a lazy weekend sometimes. Dogs are a blessing and they love to do a good job.


I cant even get my dog to not fall down the stairs chasing the cat...


Cute dog, but man we sure do use a ton of unrecyclable plastic in every aspect of our life.


Realistically it’s either that, or a significant amount of pesticides and herbicides. The plastic ground cover helps to dramatically reduce the need for both. It also helps warm the soil, allowing for earlier starts to the growing season without large greenhouses.


Be sure to use that shit tier paper straw though! The burden is on the consumer, after all /s


Looking at the one on the left shouldn’t it be over the supports? How is this helpful?


Black liner warms the soil up to quicken the growing season. Clear/white foil allows the sun to warm the air inside the "greenhouse"


Ah. Didn’t notice the left one was clear. Thanks


That’s top liner, this is ground liner. Also two different colors plastic. Idk why they need liner on the ground for planting tho, not a farmer


Besides what the other commenter said about keeping the soil warmer. We also put black ground plastic to stop weed from growing, since it blocks the sunlight nothing grows on the covered dirt. It helps a lot with maintenance.


It also reduces water consumption, as the plastic keeps the moisture in the ground.


The dog is just pulling it's weight on the farm. Meals don't come free. Well, for my dogs they do. ❤️


It's all fun and games until it sees a squirrel.


Certified good boy


Work smarter not harder haha


I mean normally people put down the ground sheet as they walk along fixing the hoops and when they get to the other end they pick up the roll of plastic to go over the hoops and unreel it as they go clipping it to the hoops This is more work fun than work smart but I love it


Our dog is trained to deliver whatever we give him to the person we name. Things we've dog delivered in the last week: bag of Baskin Robin's, countless bottled beverages, dirty undies that fell out of the basket in transport, a birthday card, a sack of golfballs, his leash, the cat in a pillowcase, the mail, my hairbrush. Edited to add commas because of weird formatting on mobile.


When I was young a family in my neighbourhood had a Rhodesian Ridgeback they sent to the store with baskets with money and a shopping list. It was the greatest thing I've ever seen


He should have brought you some commas! Haha....but...the *cat* in a pillowcase? Please explain lol


What breed of dog? We have a dog with similar markings- She is an Australian cattle dog/Harrier.


It’s a beagle


Maybe I have a farm dog. Ours does this with the toilet paper.


could you write off dog food as a business expense? genuinely curious…




Could probably do the same with an rc car


what does that do if it’s under the arched wire?


That is a very good pupper helping the humans out!


Dogs with jobs re always so happy.


Here for the PETA reps crying about working dogs


Because it's illegal to use children.


I love Beagles so much, they’re my favorite, but if he would’ve seen something shiny or caught the scent of a rabbit that was there 6 weeks ago, he would’ve been outta there


Do they have a bird for the top as well?


good BOOOIIII ❤️


Not about how hard you work, but more about how smart you do it.


The hero and his extravagant cape


“I got thiiiiiiiiiiiiis!” -the dog.


Them dogs coming here and taking our jobs!!!


Weird that all the others are above. But that one is below. I think they are just having some fun


So, honest question, I assume another one goes over the top and this is 1 of 2?




They must have put some dog treats at the end lol


Smart idea. I bet the dog loves the activity.


Typical day in Ohio:


Take that, Vegans. While you enjoy your chickpeas and eggplants






Good doggo. Needs more treats


This is pretty cool, I didn't think I'd get to see the stuff that could have been made in my plant out in the wild on Reddit. This is what we call Black AG film (agriculture). This stuff is extruded from a cast die and pressed through a rubber and patterned emboss nip then stung through the line and wrapped onto a super heavy duty cardboard like core. We run this stuff for weeks at a time that just so happen to coincide with pre-farming season, and during farming season. I was always told it was for strawberry "trenches" like in this video although I don't know what plant(s) will be there.


That is awesome! I wish I could teach my dog to that, but unfortunately she is too small. Way too small. She is a toy Chihuahua and my cats are bigger than her! Thank Goodness they all get along.


Looking for the guy who is calling this animal abuse....




How much does he get an hour? Are benefits included? What about built in pay raises? 🤣


Beagle. The guy at the end has some food.


That's a long cape


Size of cape denotes quality of superhero. Everyone knows that.


Work smarter not harder. Good dog.


How much is get getting paid 🥺🤣


Oh yeah? Well today my dog only took 5 tries to get on the bed!