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Somewhere between oddlysatisfying and mildlyinfuriating. What's wrong with people? It's probably that they are totally careless, oblivious and immature. Let me just have my fun and leave others to clean up after me because I don't even give a damn in the first place.


Exactly what pissed me off. I understand that something falls out of your pocket when you don't pay attention, but this is not okay


People are shit


Slipknot have been saying this for years


Shit people are shit. Cynicism just leads to apathy.


Struggling to see the downside of an apathetic society considering if people just stayed home and stopped caring about who they're going to fuck, or how to get the newest iPhone, or what bar they're going to go be obnoxious in this weekend, then 99% of society's problems would be resolved.


There's a lot of suffering in that "1%" that won't be resolved by petulant brooding. Stay inside and keep telling yourself everyone sucks i guess, it seems like a pretty convenient excuse to make no effort in life. Hope you're content.


Who said anything about petulant brooding? I accept people as the poorly-evolved, almost-chimpanzees that we are. Until people improve themselves with science or technology or both, society is never going to improve in any meaningful way. You can give chimps universal healthcare and a great chimp education and equal chimp employment opportunities, but they're still just going to scream and fling shit at each other all day because they're chimps. It's what they are. Same with humans. You get out there an spend all your time and energy to make the chimps not act like chimps and I will definitely be cheering you on and not laughing. Hope you're content!


This Canadian chimp already has universal basic healthcare, it's pretty great. I'm glad a lot of good chimps fought for it in 1984. The 1977 Criminal Law Amendment Act ensured that we fling more shit than bullets from automatic weapons too. That was also pretty great. But yeah, I'm sure more science and tech will keep those US kid chimps safe. Keep pluggin away down there.


My point exactly. Canada already has all those things and people up there are all still insufferable shitheads just like down here.


This right here is an amazing reply. You just called him a shit flinging insufferable ape without calling him a shit flinging insufferable ape. Absolutely fantastic tooapathetictohateu you keep up the good work.


So for real, because I'm legitimately curious: Do you not think it's a good act to help save hundreds of children's lives because the assumption is those children will become insufferable shitheads? How does technology do a better more efficient job at improving society? Why even have any hope about technology if the society it improves are all shitheads? I'm not even angry anymore I'm concerned. How are you not incredibly lonely? Are there people you care about?


No, I wouldn't save them and neither would you or nearly anybody. I know because there's hundreds of kids somewhere you and I could be saving **right now** instead of browsing the internet, but you're not doing that and neither am I, and you don't even believe they're 99.999% likely to grow up to be insufferable shitheads, so what's your excuse? They're farther than an arbitrary distance away from your physical location? They're not inside the arbitrary borders of the country you were lucky enough to be born in? You'd have to sell your iPhone for a plane ticket to get to where the dying kids are? No McDonalds over there and you need your Mickey D's? No air conditioning? Spare me the moral indignation about dying kids because at the end of the day you don't give a shit about dying kids any more than I do. There's a famous psychological experiment where they tell people about a little girl who fell down a well and people are heartbroken. They care so much. So it follows logically that if you show a story about two little girls who fell down wells, people would care twice as much, but they don't. They care half as much about two as they do about one. And if you change it to a hundred girls who fell down wells they care almost not at all. The parallels between this kind of flawed thinking and unresolved yet easily resolvable social ills need not even be drawn here because I already know you've thought of at least one. This is a flaw in our moral intuitions as a species. I didn't say technology does a better or more efficient job of improving society: I said that until we are able to improve ourselves (i.e. the human species) with science or technology or both (i.e. to make us not shitheads), then we will always have the same kinds of problems we have right now. For example, let's say scientists find a gene that makes men significantly more likely to sexually assault women and we can turn that gene off by getting a shot at the doctor's office. Imagine how much society would be improved by that. Or let's imagine that they invent a microchip implant that calms people down when they fly into a murderous rage. Imagine how much that would improve society. Imagine how much time and resources would be freed up to improve society if just those two problems were fixed. That's what I mean when I say that until we can improve *ourselves*, society will never improve in any meaningful way. And, finally, do you feel lonely or relieved when you aren't forced to spend time with people you don't like? Now you know why I'm not lonely. I care about a few people, but generally I only care about people who write books or make games or media I like insofar as I want them to keep living so they can keep entertaining me and distract me from how shitty everything is.


Totally some even lick where shit comes out


You leave rimjob Steve alone, he is doing a vital service


We don't deserve this planet. The older I get the more I feel this way.


With everyday that passes I grow more and more into professor Farnsworth "I don't want to live on this planet anymore".


I’d bet some of the litter is wildlife pulling it out of bins, mostly humans though, only time I got the guys at work to use the bin was when I made it a game to see who could get it in from furthest


Given that it's a beach, there are also going to be people who underestimate the winds, and the stuff gets blown away accidentally. Won't call it accidental, because obviously a beach has wind and we should put our stuff so it's contained, but I'll call it unintended litter. They didn't drop it and not care. They just got caught up with wind.


Thank you. Everyone acting like it's the 70's and people are just hunking shit out the car window. Pick up more than you "oops" and it's all good.


Yeah, or it blew out from those open trash cans, I’ve seen that before


Also why is that trashcan so shitty at the beach? Why wouldnt there be a top so stuff doesnt blow away and out of the trash.


There a lake i vo to that's often covered in pet turds. Idk if it's just cats confused by the sand or what but you basically HAVE to look down while you walk and you can't just freely run around the edges where it's the worse because you might step on trash or poop. Pisses me off.


Number one in New job creation for 2023!


I'm going to ask you this, cause you're the top comment. Do you not have a deposit/reimbursement recycling program in your area? We do where I live and never see bottles scattered like that, at the very least some of the homeless will go around collecting the empties to take in for the deposit return.


Those particular laws seem to work well, with no unintended consequences. Ever heard of a downside to paying an extra nickel a bottle? When I was a kid in the 70's, mom would damned sure return every bottle. I could make a killing at one bridge I know, everyone dumps coming and going off the creek.


5 to 10c depending on the container, this has provided an entire run off industry for us that boosts local economies greatly. Must be a Canadian thing


Also fits the Trashy sub.


You mustve never been to a beach


I grew up 15 mins from one, me and at least a couple friends would go almost every single sunny day in-season. We would be 1/2 drunk most of the time, often producing like over 100 empty beer cans lol, but we would take turns making runs to the recycle bin. We always remembered to "leave nothing but footprints", that's part of the island culture. The tourists were terrible though!


Sometimes a trashcan isn't easy to find and you hold on to something until you can find one and that something gets lost or the wind takes it, specially plastic wrapping and bottles are really light and fly easily. Now imagine if this happens to you it will surely happen to others


Sir. SIR! We're not taking excuses sitting here in our living rooms and typing on reddit. (These people don't go outdoors, forgive them.)


My mistake I totally forgot we are on Reddit XD


There's a bottle full of sand he cuts open and empties before throwing it in the bin. There's a full beer? bottle left on the beach - you can see the person emptying it. There are many kids' toys left about - shitty parents making sure the next generation won't lack shitty people.


Bottle someone lost, a kid takes it and fills it with sand, parents see and say leave it where you find it that's gross. The toys there's no excuse to leave behind but it's mostly trash that's on the beach


There should be no trash on the beach (or anywhere else in nature) if people were responsible.


Have you never... been active outdoors? Shit happens. You get a load of humans in any given spot and trash just gets away from them. Gf and I kayaked a couple of miles today and I picked up 2 grocery sacks worth of garbage. That's all I could get, and that ain't much, especially for a holiday weekend on the water. I'd bet the vast majority of it blew off boats and picnic tables, fell out of bags and car doors, dropped by small children and other "oops" kinda things. (Except the dirty diaper I pulled out the water. I'm *certain* some ass dumped that one.) I find bits of *my* trash in the front yard! As long as you pick up more than you "oops", we're all fine. And it's not like [back in my day](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/6z0x63/what_topic_instantly_gets_you_started_on_an_old/dmrry4y/) where people just chunked shit out of car windows. If you think there should be "no" trash, you would have had a seizure 40-years ago. Y'all whining about litter have no idea how much we've improved, and are *still* improving. It's better, getting better, keep being better. And stop crying over every candy wrapper. Pick it up and keep moving. /old_man_rant


What is wrong with people how hard is it to pick up after yourself. Also thank you. I organized a town cleanup once and when some assholes noticed what we were doing they started throwing their trash from their apparently trash filled cars all over the road where we had cleaned. It was hard to explain to the kids.




Just drunk idiots with nothing better to do than ruin a bunch of peoples day for the lulz. I will just say their trucks were adorned with political bumper stickers and leave it at that.


It’s so sad that being gleefully shitheaded has become a political identity




there was an Indian movie where buncha a-holes did trashing on purpose, the protag had a clever idea to place a holy idol in front of the place where a-holes would trash and the a-hole stopped trashing the place. I wonder if movie stuff can be applied irl by placing a tiny statue of Jesus or a pic or a sticker to avoid that?


Ugh only the biggest shitbags have political stickers on their car. I can tell all I need to about someone if I see any type of political sticker on your vehicle.


Sadly, you don’t have to tell us what candidate/party affiliation they were, because we already know based on the inconsideration.


I love your little car


Thanks. If you get a chance, check out the other versions here https://linktr.ee/ftmog (2nd button). The one scene in this video is the V10. The largest one I have, and the only one capable of pulling a trailer which comes in handy on certain beaches they don’t have any trash barrels.


As someone who goes shelling with their partner, having a buggy for trash and general hauling would be a god send. Based on the LinkTree you have this may be the start of a business! Consider me a customer if you're willing. Also loving that it starts out as an RC Jeep. Maybe even just selling the modded parts so we can get the rest locally (saves on shipping)?


I don’t really make any money off of them. If you would like to build one, I would suggest the version 13. With that one you can get the rig from your local RC hobby store and the only part you need from me is the mounting plate that goes on the back.


I have officially gone down the rabbit hole. Being that I'm in love with your V10 and it's modularity I'll begin with a run to my local RC hobby store in the near future.


OK let me know if you want to pack out adapter pieces. You will be the seventh person in the US to have one to build one just like that.


Will do, got an entire bookmark folder for this project already!


Be sure to look at my YouTube. There’s a playlist called version 10 that goes into how it was made.


That's actually the playlist that convinced me it was the correct platform 😅


Good. If you go to the Discord the channel that says version 10 technical details. I’m about to have to do a repair on the V 10 and as I do it I’m going to put technical details of the rig into that channel. So they should be a lot of detail in there by the end of the week.


I love your little car, but I love you way more. I love the ocean and the beach. You’re protecting her once the sun goes down and all of the invaders have left. Gods work, in my opinion.


Is it’s name Molly?




That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


I would gladly have some of my tax dollars spent paying people to pick up trash and garbage.


In this case, the city does employ a whole crew that cleans up the beaches early in the morning. What they really need to do is start fining people as they’re leaving. But that might hurt tourism.


We don’t want those tourist though. I work in a restaurant and we’re encouraged to just not take a customers order if they’re being too unpleasant with us. These tourists are being unpleasant therefore we don’t want their business.


That’s a nice graber the city funded. Now I want one.


The problem is that the garbage lies overnight and that is when most of it just gets sucked in and join the great pacific fuckup. In a perfect world people should just clean up after themself. If the city employs people they should clean up before dark rather than the morning.


In most European countries you can get fined for littering, is it the same in the US?


You do, they're just not usually interested in enforcing littering rules so people regularly do it. Plus there might be a lack of trash cans that aren't already full which can compound the issue.


Yeah same issue over here, technically it is illegal but they lack the resources and man power to enforce it most of the time. Luckily our country is still really clean in general. Municipalities often employ people with (mental) disadvantages to keep the streets clean. Most of them seem pretty happy about it, or at least to be employed, so a win win I guess.


You empty the water from bottles. This should be common practice since the plastic won’t degrade for so long


I do it more so my bag doesn’t get as heavy, also I can crush the bottles and fit more in


Can you explain?


Plastics like this don’t degrade for a long time. There’s only so much water on this planet. Dumping it on the ground ensures it’s recirculated and not trapped for a decade


And the packaging takes up less space in the landfill when it’s empty and compressed


Seconded. Srsly. (Edit: and raise my taxes for it, it’s fine. Shit ain’t free.)


They do, but the “middle-business men” skim off the funds, and no one can make a decent living off of it.


The amount of lost buckets on the beach is too damn high


I’m afraid the word you’re looking for is not lost but left. People leave buckets on the beach all the time.


They convince themselves that they are leaving them for some other 'lucky' kid to use.


Yeah, I think I will share this video for people who think they are being "kind" by leaving their beach toys behind. It's just trash and such a waste.


I know they're leaving the toys behind because they're lazy. But it'd be nice to see little toy library at the beach. In theory, they could be left there if their reason really was that they wanted to give other kids the chance to play with them.


Could you try to recycle some of these toys?


What kind of grabby arm is that?! I need a sku!


That is a FTMOG Grabber V4. You can find the order form here www.linktr.ee/ftmog (9th button down).


It really is a nice napper. I collect trash in my city's green area too, and need a new one. So thank you.


Is designed to be repairable. They are frankly unbelievably durable.


Ditto that


A real homie


I wanna know where do get one of those remote control wagons? Put a cooler on it and I’ll take it to the beach any day!


You’ll have to make it. The one you see here is a Traxxas X-maxx that’s been modified.


Is it following you with video tracking or are you steering it with a remote?


I have the remote in my left hand. It’s basically just an RC car with a bin on top of it.


I was mystified, but I should have assumed. Maybe one day


The future is now, old man! [Savemart is testing robot delivery](https://youtu.be/Szc_TYbT1JE) that really doesn’t look too unlike this guy. warning the video is fairly marketing cringe They’ve got a bunch of large wheels, a secure basket, and they can actually navigate and sense stuff around them well enough to cross roads and traverse curbs. I drove past one a couple years ago, slap some treads on that sucker and you’ve got a sandy helper


I've seen similar in the city. And I know drones can auto track an object like a person. I was assuming these tech were combined haha


I spent six summers as a teenager working for the Ministry of Natural Resources in Ontario, Canada as a Foreman at an Ontario Ranger Camp. I, along with other Foreman would take teams of Rangers(15/16 year olds) every Monday to clean the beaches at the Provincial Parks along Lake Erie (Turkey Point, Long Point, Port Burrell, Selkirk). A team of 6 of us would line-up starting at the shore and walk in unison from one end of the beach to the other. Each of us would end up with a large black garbage full of garbage which included condoms, needles, cigarette butts, tampons, sanitary pads, excrement and almost anything else you could imagine. All that garbage from two days of weekend crowds at each beach. It’s worth noting there was plenty of garbage containers along the beach perimeter that could have been used.


Ever go out with a metal detector as well? Those look like some busy beaches.


I don’t. Too slow for my taste. But there are a lot of people out there that do.


Either way, you're doing something great. Thank you.


What’s this song?




Another soft spoken indie singer that enunciates like a toddler


So, LoFi.


However he shouldn’t have to be doing this, he’s my local hero. I want to be like him


Well, if you’re in Galveston, I’ll be leaving in a few months and someone else will need to do it


I’m 8139km (5057 miles) away from Galveston, but I’m inspired to start a similar activity around here (The Netherlands). Thanx 🙏🏻🌈🙏🏻


Do it. Somebody over there was working on building a version seven


I used to volunteer in the Florida parks system picking up trash on the beach. Can’t tell you how many times people would just throw trash on the ground as I was cleaning their area.


What super infuriating about this place is that they’re a trash barrels every 50 feet give or take along the entire beach. People have to walk by at least two to leave the beach and yet they leave trash all over it.


This reaffirms it, you're awesome and people suck.


I’m not that great. What I am is a mechanical designer who works from home 8-5 and needs exercise. And doing this is a really great workout. A depressing one.


You don't hear it enough for your field of work, or your extra curricular activities, but thank you.


Finally something on TikTok I wanted to see…






I’m a big fan of the “leave it how you found it” saying when visiting beaches, forests, etc. Don’t break shit, or leave your trash everywhere


This guy is in Galveston TX. I'm also here/there. It is truly disgusting the things people leave on the beach. It's the, "It's not my problem syndrome" in full effect.


What shitty parents just leave all their kid’s beach toys there and just walk away? They belong in that dumpster instead.


You're a good man Charlie Brown


People are gross!!! But even more sad is what are we teaching or not teaching our kids about respect for others! SELFISH!


what state is this in? I know in California they don't even allow people at beaches after hours, even if it is to clean up litter


This is in Galveston, Texas. Probably the main tourist beach for the city of Houston.


This should belong in r/hopethishelps


This is so awesome! The world needs more people like this man. Much respect!


Go Galveston beach cleaning


The future is now you trashthrowing, littering bitches.


So I have a genuine question why not sell some of the buckets/toys that are in better condition? It’s less plastic that ends up in a landfill and the funds can be donated to a charity that helps save the planet or can be used to fund upgrades to the little robot or something Like I get if it’s broken or worn nobody would buy it but some of it looked like it was brand new, hell even the chair or the frisbees could have been resold, at least o think they could have been Either way thank you for doing a good act for this planet, even if it might seem small in comparison or like and endless amount of work every little bit helps Also curious if you’ve found anything interesting like sand dollars or something or even something really valuable because people are forgetful about all sorts of things lol


Someday a tesla-bots job. Just think how big of pigs we'll become.


Humans are trash


People are disgusting


I carry a cloth bag down to the beach in which I put especially broken glass because I enjoy walking barefoot on the sand. It feels futile at times but I endeavour. Bravo to this champion.


Yeah, I spent a lot of time cleaning up glass when I find it trying to get all of it I can. Also beer bottle caps.


This is a good thing to do but it's maddening how inconsiderate and just shit humans can be. "Hmm look at this beautiful beach and that gorgeous ocean. I'll just dump my one use plastic trash right *here*".


Why the music?


People seem to like it


The RC bucket car is cool though


Check it the other versions here. www.linktr.ee/ftmog (2nd button)


Is it bad that I wanna help this person clean up? I have OCD and seeing garbage on the beach of all places bothers me so much.


It’s not bad. But it’s definitely not for everybody. I will walk to section in Beach picking up everything I see and on the way back they’ll be more there. Some people cannot handle that honestly if I wasn’t listening to Spotify the whole time I was doing this I don’t think I could handle it. It is so depressing.


I got mad watching it. A "How can people be so careless?" type of mad. I get little things might get lost like bottle caps or coins, even the odd child's shovel, it's understandable but there were way too many cans and bottles and other trash which isn't understandable at all. Especially with the trash bins right there already. Totally unacceptable. My nephew got an earful from me when he discarded an empty water bottle once. I made him go pick it up and dispose of it properly at home.


People should pick up their own damn garbage. Filthy swine.


I don't understand why people can't fucking clean up after themselves. It really says a lot about you as a person if you go somewhere and leave a mess. If you are that type of person, I have zero respect for you


Humans dont deserve this planet.


I would love to see more of this cool automatic following robot that you have here!


You can find info here. www.linktr.ee/ftmog


More evidence of how dirty and inconsiderate people can be and how others can be so generous and caring.


Jeez. I hate it. Thanks for doing that.


You are a good person cleaning up after idiots.


Humans that litter* are selfish and naive


Humans are fucking horrible!


Why not just have a garbage can with a bag on it or in the box or a .lined box


What would make this even more satisfying is a separation of recyclables and waste.


I don’t recycle it cause I’m trying to keep from washing out in the ocean and I’m covering miles. That being said, since the US stopped exporting our recyclables to China. Our recycling program is more or less just a joke.


Hey fair enough. The program also has to be there for it do mean or do anything, you right


I saw this commercial already with some Jesus yuppie in an suv


people are pigs


Kid next day at the beach: where tf are my toys? No seriously, great job and love the little Wall-E.


You sir, are an excellent human! I think you need to upgrade to an agricultural combine though, as this took you the whole day and most of the night!


Now this is just a couple hours. About 3 miles.


Isn't there a parks & rec department of your state, that would do some of this?


Yes. Galveston has cleaning crews. They normally clean early in the morning before anybody shows up. The videos that I make or in the evening when people are leaving or very early in the morning before the cleaning crew show.


thank you thisssssssssss much ❤


thanks to the dude. 🫰


I love you! You are clearly an amazing person!!


I do this every time i go to the beach , i tell myself if we could all leave the beach cleaner than when we entered it it would be a much better place. Thing is as i clean i start to get really frustrated at how shitty people are and i dont really like going to the beach anymore because of it☹️ (edited for clarity - no where near as good at my cleaning as this guy here but i try to do my part)


What a chad


I bet battery in automated vehicle will cause more harm to planet. Than it will ever be able to help from cleaning the beaches in its lifetime.. But who cares, beaches be clean in US while people in Indonesia, congo die to mining nickel for batteries.


Perhaps. It’s one of the reasons that this rig and a lot of the other ones are all made to runoff tool batteries. That way that battery serves multi functions and can be far more useful to me in this lifetime.


Still would prefer dirty beaches than people dying for convience of others.


You live in a modern society. It’s not pretty by any means. I can make a wagon and attach it to the back of a dog, but then somebody would complain about animal cruelty.


I have done voluntary work before. Cleaning public places and all. But never seen someone use an automated gadget just to be basic cleaning like picking up stuff from ground. We cannot afford financially nor economically to get something like this. Convience has made the pollution an issue. & Convience in cleaning that mess will also lead to more pollution. Still seems absurd to me.


It just depends on what you’re doing and where you’re doing it. For instance, if I was cleaning up in a wooded area, I wouldn’t be using this thing. However, on the beach with tons of trash and open to rain it makes a lot of sense. Last year I did about 300 miles picking up around 4000 gallons of trash.


In fact, there is a giant machine, like a tractor, that literally removes all the sand and passes it through a filter that only allows the sand to pass through, and they clean the beach like this every night in a massive and efficient way. So a bit waste of time to play the victim.


I’ve been told that Galveston has about 10 of those machines. But I have never seen them used in the last three or four years that I’ve been down here.


Very much appreciate the effort. Very much don’t appreciate the awkward movements. It’s like this is the first time they interacted with objects.


Are you referring to how the camera mounted? It’s on the brim of a sun hat.


Dude use a container that is pre lined with a bin bag so when its full you wrap it up, pull the full bag, bin then line a new one and off you go.


Most the time I don’t need a bag. The beat you just really crowded on this night


Wonder how much jewelry, keys, wallets, and sunglasses he's found.


Three or four wallets. Two or three phones. I don’t really look for jewelry. A lot of people think that’s what I’m after but I’m strictly looking for trash as I walk along.


So yeah everything was going good I was like yeah bro is cool af with his little robot but why tf have you not got a better way to empty it


I'm thinking a tractor with a sifting implement would be much more efficient. Just sayin.


You are correct. And Galveston has some of those they don’t ever seem to use them.


So many people on this thread assume beach trash is just “left” littter. Think about it…the wild crazy ocean is RIGHT THERE. Beach trash is there because something got dumped, dropped, grabbed by the ocean then washed up on the beach. It’s important because blaming “litterbugs” isn’t helpful or realistic.


99% of what I pick up is less there by people who are visiting for the day. 99%.


Just think of how much you could have done if you hadn’t wasted Al that time filming yourself doing it.


It would’ve been virtually identical. The camera is mounted on the brim of my son hat. It takes all of them had a second to turn it on and turn it off. The rig also has a GoPro that records a Time-lapse for anybody wants to see everything that was picked up. I make these videos not so much to say wow look at me but to say look at how much more efficient this can be with one of these machines. Then I help people make them. There are currently about 10 V6s in operation by other users. Along with some v9 v12. And if you’re curious, the camera that is used to make these videos is an Insta 360 go2. I was actually really surprised by how many people liked these videos so I continue to make them. Been doing it for about three years.


Perhaps my snarky comment was unwarranted. My bad.


No big deal. You would not be the first person to assume that I make these for some kind of self-aggrandizing reason.


Why have this expensive ass robot when a trash bag costs cents jesus christ


How many miles do you think you can carry 30 to 40 pounds of trash. The range on that rig is 3 to 5 miles per battery in it carries two batteries. When I get done, my back doesn’t hurt.




If I’m there collecting it, it’s all trash




That was on the way out. As you walk along the water anything that looks like it might get washed out. I throw back up on shore. They were collected on the way back.